Best murderfu! :3
League of legends general /lolg/
if you are below gold you should feel bad
xth for breast metal waifu
Shit, I'd probably feel bad even if I was in or above Gold
Which champion's hand would you hold?
Samus Skin for Sivir and Chozo Skin for Azir when
xth for i'm in love
I'm platinum and I feel very bad.
Jinx is cuddly and cute
It's 2017 and you are STILL playing league of legends!
Tell me, Why? Have you gotten better? Do you still have fun playing?
When are we gonna get more anime refference skins? Like something for Jojo, LWA, KlK, SnK, SAO, etc.?
Welcome to being Riot'd where Riot nerfs everything about you first before nerfing the thing that made you OP in the first place (in this case Armor Pen) and then you're forced to take drastic measures just to be meta then Riot finally nerfs the thing that broke your champion and doesn't compensation buff your champion.
Rate your main's skins
Pentakill > ArcIight > Classic > Undertaker
Kid deserves some love.
Annie's, i wish i had a daughter.
tried this last thread, no gets. 4 or 7 decides which esport team icon bundle I get and pretend to be a fanboy for
Warring Kingdoms = Soldier: 76 = Base = Gravelord > Galactic
They're all honestly good but thats just my preference.
Gimme a sentai skin line for Shen, Zed, Akali, Kenen, Kayn, Syndra and/or Jhin.
The Super Galaxy one fucking sucks and the champion choices for it have been fucking awful so far.
t. Gold V 0 LP
Championship > Battle Bunny > Dawnbringer > Dragonblade > Redeemed > Crimson Elite > Arcade
I feel like there is another Riven skin im forgetting
>Low elo
>Picking an adc out of bot lane
Do we rate the chromas too?
Don't really have a main
Jax: Pax > Angler > Nemesis > Jaximus > the rest
Tryndamere: Highland > Sultan > the rest
Gangplank: They're all equally great except for Minuteman and Sailor which are equally shit
>Me, beta fag
>Have always been a lucky cunt born with good looks and social personality
>Move to a new country for college
>Alright interesting
>Decent-ish looking girls all around
>First party at local club
>Meet this fucking amazing 12/10 looking babe
>Dance with her all night
>She's into it
>Later on get her number facebook written down with a smiley on it
>Ask her out for some drinks we meet up chat some more
>Come home later
>Absentmindedly check her facebook
>In a relationship with some cunt for 3 years
How're my chances looking lolg?
I like Program more than classic.
Black FC> Blue FC > Slayer> SG > Classic > Mafia > Purple FC > Classic > Red FC > Green Chroma > The Other Chromas
I'm fucking done depending on random retards to win just so I can play champs that I like. What's a good hard carry champion that isn't some squishy faggot shit like Yi?
is red mercy an idiot?
>blah blah blah q cant crit her ult heals and extends shes now way more assassin like
how? this seems to me like top lane bruiser vayne with tri force and shit
>you should expect to see bloodthirster bork rush on vayne
in the grevious wounds meta? lul
xth for Cute Ashe
>I'm fucking done depending on random retards
Then you're done with League.
>Be me, Hot girl
>Have always been a lucky girl born with good looks and social personality
>Been in college for a while
>Every guy I try to make friends with just wants to fuck me
>Besides my boyfriend I can never find genuine male friends
>Go to a party one night
>Meet this 4/10 looking guy who seems nice enough
>Possibly gay
>Dance with him and have some genuine fun
>Give him my number with a smiley
>Go home and tell my boyfriend about how I finally found a guy best friend
>He invites me to go drinking with him
>After talking realize he's definitely gay
>Go home and tell my 9/10 chad boyfriend all about the night
>He fucks me senseless
>Lay in bed and relax on my phone after the rough dicking
>Check my new friends facebook
>He's not gay
How're my chances looking lolg?
how's your ranked going?
post your champs/masteries and rate people
guess my elo
>Be me, Hot girl
That's not how you spell ugly thot.
See nice try but her boyfriend's couple thousand miles away.
Best girl.
Best hands.
Best wife.
I want to brutally murder trespassers with Kled! Then cuddle and kiss.
So who's getting the victorious skin this season?
I got my money on rumble!!!
Much better now that my macro isn't dogshit.
Dark Star > Winter Wonder > Sewn Chaos > TPA > Heartseeker > Bladecraft > Gothic
Where is Classic?
For me it goes
>Dawnbringer > Dragonblade > Championship > Redeemed > Classic > Arcade > Battle Bunny > Arcade
Its gonna be Lee sin, now fuck off
Real answers.
Arctic Ops > Dark Star > Swiftbolt > Arclight > Blight Crystal > Classic > Heartseeker
Classic > Future Unreleased and Unnanounced skin > Sir
Thunderlord > Classic
>Reach Gold for the first time
>First Victorious skin I will get is fucking Lee Sin
I hate this game
Who fucks up jax? I'm tired of this faggot counter strike leaping on me
hmmm didn't think about that. Probably I would put it before crimson elite
>Try playing Azir
>really enjoy his aesthetics and kit
>cant get over" SHURIMA" every other fucking line
jfc what a catch22 champ
Classic > Skt1 > Urf > Deepsea > River Spirit > Koi
At least it's not maokai or some champion you will never care about in a million years
>hating on heartseeker
>LITTERALLY best varus skin
>actually using edgy shit like arctic ops and dark star
How do you guys know/think this? Lee has always had an impact for years what has changed?
You need not follow
But you MUST witness
>No Pentakill Kled where he has a guitar and starts shredding during his ult
Lee Sin is easily my most hated champion in the game and I actually play Maokai quite a bit.
lets give a round of applause for riddler
you are LITERALLY the best shen player worldwide
Black FC my nigga
God, I hope not. I think its really dumb
Pentakill Sion, on the other hand would be perfect
at this point i'm ready to throw my money at whatever kled skin riot release that isn't Sir
>take a yordle
>make him a small human person
disgusting, this is why i hate corki.
The image for the theme song of Worlds has Ashe and Lee Sin on it. Ashe is getting the Championship skin so Lee is a pretty good guess since he was once again pretty dominate this season.
Some image with championship ashe and regular lee sin is there too for some reason.
can you get golden championship ashe chroma without owning championship ashe or did riot go full jew as always?
draw your main or favorite champ in ms paint
post results
Sorry senpai I like it when skins stay more true to the champion's theme, it feels weird to be running around as cupid hearing Varus say stuff like "I'M ON BORROWED TIME" and "I AM FORSAKEN"
>elo hell isn't real
constantly get
>vayne jungle (because nobody traded with him)
>draven top
>Xin Zaos going 4/14
>Yasuo mains
>Riven mains
and this is like 7 games out of 10. Tell me how it isn't real.
you can probably earn it without buying the skin
but won't be able to use it
soo the latter
pax>mighty>classic>angler>>temple>>>everything else
any skin that gives jax a real weapon bugs me
If I'm playing Rakan do I really need AP blues and Quints? I currently use MRes blues and movement quints for the extra survival but the AP would really help earlygame.
stop bullying lee sin
if you died to lee sin, you got outplayed
>not dodging shit games
it's real m8 good luck next season
ap is really good on rakan, he's got massive ap ratios
>literally mops the floor with you
>Take the Star Guardian quiz
>Get Ezreal
Imagine ranked is like pushing a car.
Your buddies cant push the car for shit, one is tripping over his shoelaces, one is breaking his knuckles trying to push with a closed fist, and the other is attempting to eat the tire.
You can complain that the car isn't getting pushed because you are surrounded by retards, but if you aren't at the point where you can push the car all by yourself, you shouldn't be trying to push the car because it wont go far.
Go hit the weights practice and come back and push that car by yourself.
why does this picture make me feel wholesome
>"Imagine if I had a REAL weapon"
>owns a bo
>owns a mace
>owns a club with nail spikes in it
>owns a halberd
>[Posted from Internet Explorer]
Cpt. Teemo on duty.
The thing that really breaks that skin for me is the lack of a new ultimate theme and Skaarl's overall look. Also hearing a knight say Kled's redneck ass lines is just too stupid
This game is horrible! I'm playing the beta right now and it is just an awful, awful game.
Here's the main problem:
The game just degenerates into a cat and mouse game of trying to bait the enemy to come near one of your turrets so the turret can nuke the bejesus out of your foe.
Make the turrets be towers instead. Towers do no damage. Then its about defending your towers instead of playing cat and mouse.
Whoever you have designing this game suuuucks.
Good luck
they're made of foam
>friend sends me quiz
>take it
>"im probably gonna get ahri"
>get ahri
I honestly would love a hillbilly Kled skin, wearing overalls and a foam hat and shit.
Actually, I would love anything, I am just so thirsty and desperate for a new Kled skin.
should i take flat or scaling ap blues?
>implying it's not all four friends actively pushing the car towards you from the other side, one guy occasionally feeling bad and helping you push, and another guy getting tired so he sits in the street for 10 mins then comes back to the other guys calling eachother faggots
I've never seen a "which character" quiz that wasn't blatantly obvious.
No one cares about the craft.
I've never played a ranked game
maybe it's because you're a thot, um, thotie?
Those retards are actually pushing back in the opposite direction I'm trying to push
>get Syndra
not bad, not bad at all
flat, especially if you gonna play aggressively
Did people forget how champ select works? What kind of comp is Nid, Zed, Gnar, Jinx, Lulu? Not having a frontline means you automatically lose, why are these retards allowed to play? Why did they all speak French on NA? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z