ironmemes were a mistake edition
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ironmemes were a mistake edition
>>> What is /v/scape? >> Wikis Main Website Steam Group Pastebin for OP Staff
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wait no, this
Pikol frogged my mom, now he's MY dad!
*snibs* :-DD
The Mountain seems like a pretty cool guy when you get to know him
[Spoiler]id suck his dick if he wants me to too lol, not even homo[/spoiler]
id suck anyones dick no homo
please come back
stop being gay
Hey guys Ovid here, I decided not to quit anymore. Life without /v/scape is so empty.
You guys are my REAL friends. Even if you're all just bullies to me, I understand. It's okay. We can still be friends.
Metal Gear Solid: the Twin Ovids
ded thred for ded gem.
Also buying highwayman mask and cavaliers.
what if i started today without having ever played runescape
I would tell you to start and try and read the wiki
You'll be fine
Anyone know what Ovid's boipussi smells like? Asking as a joke haha
you might get memed if you ask stupid questions
do it, that's the chad way, only nerd ad betas payed this before. Come and fuck them up
sell me that pess plz
ign ill sell it 550 a piece
selling pess 750 ea
>buying anything
Hah, buying things? Don't be silly I am an IRONMAN
wtf how did you get that many pess that quickly? did you just play 24 hours?
gibs me dat pess
I'm convinced she's fucking botting, came out of nowhere to suddenly get 99 agility in 2 weeks and now has 34k pess
He convinced you to more than just botting apparently
It's not impossible, but that lvl of autism leads me to believe it's an oldfag on a meme alt. Or a botter
What is the most cancer quest in the game and why is it sheep herder?
already done it lmao.
questlets btfo
He's literally posted screenshots and video of him using screen markers to help his bot click the right places. Pretty ridiculous he isn't banned yet tbqh, I guess the mods just don't care about botting anymore
>this retard again
a bot does not need fucking screenmarkers to know where to click because it is able to click the object directly
yeah good alibi val
Watch that to understand how bots actually click instead of trying to come up with dumb shit
They're just letting him waste even more time before banning the account. Typical mod behaviour
where have all the good men gone and
where are all the gods
the baldspeak...lmao
old but gold
Always do the opposite of what Adult Swim says
v-visage soon
since i'm about to max melee stats, is it worth it to range wyverns or should i just move to magic on metal dragons
The one that uploaded the marker video was Ben Arson, FYI
I sure hope you're collecting bones after all these
Go get 200m pray for a discount
What's your melee setup – torags and berserker helm?
ring of placebo since i like clues
yeah, should be some nice prayer xp once i'm done
What kind of drops have you been getting from them so far? Anything useful or is it just bones & trash?
mith/addy/rune bolts
a decent ammount of watermelon seeds
blood/soul runes
some ok cash since they drop earth battlestaves pretty often
a memestack of 11 granite legs
Post your fave chat backgrounds.
>2h weapon
Might come join you later this evening
Surely you didn't think I meant the hammers too
Garden of tranquility because it gets rid of several
beautiful statues from various cities in /v/scape.
I mean you suggested zerker helm so I can only assume you're retarded.
im retarded why is it bad
why arent you retards playing baka this shit sucks xD
where did he mention a 2h weapon
It requires two hands to wield torag's hammers. Yes I know it's technically not a 2h weap. Don't be a smart ass
where did he mention using torag's hammers
Nowhere, he's just a retard that assumed "torags" meant hammers rather the obvious armor chest+legs combo
>What's your melee setup – torags and berserker helm?
It really shouldn't be hard to know what was meant by this.
Alright, this was what I figured. So is just a brainlet
>collecting bones
What did he mean by this?
It's to save face by making an even more outrageous comment than his retarded torag hammers thing so people stop bullying his dumb ass about it
I don't think you really need to waste barrows on skele wyverns. I just run this and always get a full inv quick.
wait so it botting allowed or not? admin pls reply
as long as you pm one of the mods so they know youre doing it its alright
|/\/\|Pickles: Yeah sure bro hmu when you start.
wew lad
What is that body and legs? t. retard
initiate armour
slylar being a bad boy
Doings: Herb runs
im hearing the opposite
ur mum
nothing as of now
best tranny
reminder this is the new baldbeast alt
Guess who
fuck off juice,
juice! i can recognize my abuser from anywhere
is the haruhi manga good ?
A dumb faggot. Tatsuro Yamashita is godtier though so I'll give you a pass