Previous thread FAQ:
>Where do I look up tanks?
>How do I find people to platoon with?
Ask in the Veeky Forums channel
>Want to do clan stuff?
Previous thread FAQ:
>Where do I look up tanks?
>How do I find people to platoon with?
Ask in the Veeky Forums channel
>Want to do clan stuff?
Question to start off the discussion.
What's the one tank you will *always* put a round into regardless of circumstance, even if shooting a different tank might be advantageous?
>all these whiners saying a WH40k tank in WoT will kill WoT
Those monkeys in Asia server said anime tanks would kill the server and yet there's no significant change in population, they're even selling it again.
Historicity and realism players don't seem to understand that WW2 tank fans is a niche audience and WG needs to reach out to a wider target, WH40k will achieve that.
>Historicity and realism players don't seem to understand that WW2 tank fans is a niche audience and WG needs to reach out to a wider target, WH40k will achieve that.
I would agree with you but I have a feeling you're one of those very people who was whining when anime tanks were released.
Whats with the survey? Is ISU-152 getting it's BL-10 back?
I still don't get it, and I'm still not trying to meme. What's the appeal?
For WoT? It's a fun time sink. It's also a money sink but if I didn't my money on WoT I'd spend it on pot, so I'd say Im better off.
>take year off of tanks
>come back
>plsgo is dead and replaced by an even shittier clan
T67 because most of them are sealclubbers.
Hellcat when I'm playing arty because they almost always get oneshotted.
I never played LT above tier 4 in my life.
Is burger line worth starting if I want to learn playing LT? Is Chaffee fun
most lights are shit now but the burger line has a few ligit good tanks in it, t71 and t49 mainly
before the light tank rework i would have said that american lights are the easiest to play but now the french light line takes this place when seen as a whole
the only really good tank in that line is the 13 90 but the rest are all decent atleast, the chink line is pretty solid aswell
what makes french and chinese lights easier to play compared to americans is mostly that they have better camo to work with
Were there any hackers attempts to made WoT into a stand-alone single player game?
Like, all the tanks in one tree are unlocked and you play with and against bots with different levels of artificial intelligence.
Would you play that game?
Not that I know of
Play LTTB, it's fun in a T-50-2 kinda way
>Would you play that game?
Yes, please.
oh shit I'm sorry
>Would you play that game?
No, I wouldn't. And what would be the point, anyway? You can already play the game (kinda) like that on the test server.
because online communities are cancer?
>Were there any hackers attempts to made WoT into a stand-alone single player game?
Yea it's called the console version, as said in the last thread.
>single player game?
>against bots with different levels of artificial intelligence
You're playing it
O-I and O-I XP for making low tier grinds miserable when first introduced. Matter of fact I will prioritise Jap heavies whatever tier for being ugly monstrosities that breed retards. Also Skorpions for being cunty little invisible faggots that shoot metal cocks up my tank's tail pipe.
World of Tanks is a shit game, stop playing it.
People keep playing it only because they spent shit ton of money buying 50€ virtual tanks. The same applies for other F2P games.
For me its a few things:
1. The grind towards tanks that all have their unique play style
2. That glorious feeling of penetrating tanks and watching their health shave off
3. Good sound design
4. Nice models
5. Runs on a toaster
6. A sense of progression by learning new tactics, map positions etc.
7. Derping a full health tank back to the garage
8. Unlocking a new tank and discovering its a hidden gem
The only downside is that its all an illusion and the game is rigged to hell and back. You have games where you can basically aim in the opposite direction of your enemies whilst driving full speed and ammo rack some poor dude at the other side of the map. Other games even the most well aimed shots donk into the ground or bonce off light tanks whilst the enemy team mows you down in 5 minutes. Also ridiculous match making where teams end up with a greater health pool than yours.
it's fun with friends
The biggest problem I see with the game is that once you reach Tier 8+ tanks you get heck a lot slowed down in your progression unless you buy premium. I enjoyed this game a lot from tier 5 and 7. But once you unlock tier 8 tanks it just hell to grind forever unless you saved a ton of free XP.
Play some tier VI light tanks of whatever nation you think is cool. Just make sure to have sixth sense and you can have some really enjoyable games and can even swing a lot of games in your team's favour. Also you can really exploit your view range and camo at that tier.
There is a lot of outdated information on playing lights out there though. Passive scouting is basically dead. High tier scouting is basically playing under powered mediums. That said, they can be loads of fun and you can troll the hell out of people by being a cheeky little mosquito.
>the game is rigged to hell and back
t. deep red
Yeah, I wouldn't bother going past tier 7 with a standard account unless you have a lot of time to burn and can put up with the frustration of next to no progression. I do think its worth buying some gold to just buy premium for over the weekend when you know you can hammer out a few hours whilst getting drunk. Also tier 8 is no longer enjoyable and tier 9 and 10 pisses away your silver. I rather play a bunch of novelty vehicles in the mid tiers these days.
Perhaps you should do some research
>matchmaking is rigged
Question for you guys. Is tier VIII match making currently broken or is it just people whining about sucking in their premiums? All the WoT youtubers have been putting out videos on it. Just a cash grab for the current outrage flavour of the month or genuine?
perhaps you should learn to read
The problem with tier 8 matchmaking is it's popularity, the more popular a tier is the more likely for players in that tier to get in a battle as bottom tier. The reason why tier 8 is so popular is because it's the highest players can go to play relatively good games without losing a good chunk of their credits. That and WG keeps churning out new tier 8 premiums so the tier just gets more and more overcrowded.
When playing tier 8 during ranked battles, I meet tier 10s far less, so the solution would be to remove tier 10s from the random battle pool, clearly.
Personally I don't mind being bottom tier, I get lots of games where I end up as top exp earning player because I shit up top tier players in bottom tier tanks.
>Tier 11 with APCR as standard ammo
this is probably one of the hardest tanks to ace in the game, took me 46 games with an average dpg of 2500 to finally ace this tank.
i have a feeling this is the new type since they sure as fuck arent going to be selling it again.
>they sure as fuck arent going to be selling it again
just wait for that christmas special :^)
the type will be sold again before they sell the defender
the type will be sold again when the new patch hits and it gets buffed
does it get pref MM?
>this is probably one of the hardest tanks to ace in the game
not really, over 1,5k base exp for an ace is pretty common for tier 8 tanks
it took me over 1,7k base exp to get my first ace in the patriot and when swedish tanks were released udes and emil 1 needed just as much for an ace
weebs killed this general
Kyūdō reporting in.
>repair bill 20k
>same tank
>repair bill 22k
>over 3,000 DPM on new Caernarvon with only credit upgrades
Yeah but it's a lot slower
Lads, the buffed shitbarn is just mental. How is this allowed?
What changed?
idk it hasn't felt all that much slower to me and from the stats it doesn't look like it's lost much
though my perception may come from having it more pimped out on the test
Mobility and Hp were increased and also it got more ammo
What the fuck is the Edelweiss doing in WoT?
>a lot slower
Literally lost like 0.3 hp/t.
I'm plying the Chinese tier V t-34. If most of the team goes to one side, do I come along or try to hold a defensive position somewhere somehow?
E 25s and arty are always my #1 targets
Casemate TDs with meme armor are also priority targets because teammates are usually too braindead to damage them
>Chloe Camilla
Patrician taste, user
Where have you been?
WoWS. I've left WoT for good a year and a half ago. I was just checking out the general for good old times' sake.
>tfw CW with NOFUN earned me an IS-5
>tfw we made a swastika with them to make fun of NA's Veeky Forums clan
>tfw I've lost all the screens
I must admit, being in that clan was fun, but the game was so frustrating that I had to quit it before losing my sanity.
>solo against 8 tanks + one arty
>top tier in the WZ11114, already have 3 kills
>in perfect position with our cap right in my face
>arty safe, hull protected by wreckage, all enemies spotted in front
>they are slow so I can reload safely without having to worry about getting rushed
>I'm one-shot but is so is almost everybody else
>start to go to town
>kill a Tortoise, a Panther II and a T30
>can already taste the kolabanovs and pools medal
>O-Ho nails his 15cm HE right in my face
How do I get good.
Who do I watch?
Slip phantom
NOFUN died, NOPAN is the new hotness
strvs, e25s and t67s because if they escape and go unspotted they're gonna make your life hell
>repair 25k
There are approximations on the official forums, and some user made charts, but no official data since they can change it out of nowhere to "play" with the game economy if a tank is "too profitable" without being a premium, since those cost nothing to repair compared to their non premium counterparts.
And that user made charts are based on the stock-empty tanks, if you add stabilizer and such it increase the price up to 5k
The last thing that adds to the price is how many modules you had damaged or if you go for a swim.
he doesnt even play wot tho
>is a one shot
>gets one shot
>gets mad
i dont think he was serious
I have some spare gold and i was thinking about getting that t6 premium swedish med. But from everything i've seen on yt it doesn't seem like a good investment. What's your opinion guys?
It's pretty good and unique, I'd say its probably worth it if you like autoloaders but it doesn't make great credits and doesn't train a useful crew which is why most people would invest in a premium
what other premium tanks do you have?
guard, t34 and jagdtiger 88. I wanted it because it looks fun. Also i wanted to have a tank that i can fool around @ tier 6.
I like mine, the gun works well, quick reload, pretty fun. the hull is paper and the modules are weak as fuck though
Is there a worse vehicle for its class and tier than this motherfucker up here? I got way excited to finally sell my Bert and grind the CGC but now I can feel my Bert rolling in his grave. The backwards driving thing and the extremwly low arc I can handle, but it doesn't even make up for it with any compelling strengths (weak af alpha, average accuracy, etc.)
>ponyfucker emblem
further proof that only a denenerate would actively enjoy the Crusader SP
that's the clan of the russian guy from wot-news who leaked all the HD models
at least you didn't spend real world money on this piece of garbage
what would you say is the most iconic map in the game?
I think its mines.
>playing arty
It used to be pretty good before the arty nerfs. But the nerfs hit the British tier 7-9 arty hard since they essentially lost the ability to do damage completely in exchange for a small buff to accuracy which was almost completely useless on account of being accurate compared to the typical SPG anyway.
It's probably going to be extremely painful to reach the conquerorGC now, I'm just thankful I only had a few games left when the changes came.
Dragon Ridge
only reason they removed it is because craptops had problems with frames due to details
just tells about targeted audience
is this game even salvageable at this point?
I haven't played in over a year
i really miss that map, it was really unique in how open it actually was due to the rice fields.
I got that one too. How did they determine the Academy or is it random?
the MM change made it alot less frustrating, speaking as someone who also came back after a year break tier 8 (despite being supposedly broken) is alot more enjoyable.
last year i was getting put into full tier 10 games with my tier 8's and now its a 5/5/5 breakdown at worst.
it's not even 5/5/5, it's 3/5/7 or 5/10 with only 9s and 8s
I've been away longer, for like year and a half, or even more. What has changed?
Friend tells me there are 30v30 battles now, and I might reinstall. But he also told me that playerrates have plummeted? Back when I was still playing, the EU servers had about 7000 players even at the lowest hours, and 150 to 200 000 on peak hours. But apparently that's not the case anymore? Or at least my friend claimed that searching for matches takes longer now. He even went on to claim that the game won't log you in during weekends, or at least doesn't give priority queues, if premium time isn't activated? Not sure if he's pulling my leg with the last claim tho...
that's a load of hot horseshit about the premium account
there's 30v30 battles but only at tier 10 and they're rare and not that good, EU server is still thriving in population, NA and SEA are slowly dying but still active enough to play at 4 am
the last year or two were quite bad for the game but the people in charge for that period are gone and things seem to be going in an upward direction, right now the devs seem to be focusing on a total rebalance of most tanks, every patch is seeing lines get buffed to match the power crept meta and tier 10s are frequently getting replaced with new ones
it's actually way more retarded having 3 top tiers since they reak havoc on everyone if it's a good player, less competition overall and if you're in a good tier 10 tank then forget about fun for the enemy or potentially you in the tier 8
yeah i sure was competitive last year when i was put in a 12 tier 10 per team match in my tier 8.
surely not the reason i quit (skycancer too)
Rebalancing of tanks sounds good, but how can the 30v30 battles be "rare"? I imagined that they would be a gamemode on itself, so you'd pick it from the tab and queue for it specifically?
Anyway. I guess I'm still hoping that some company made a more streamlined and action-packed version, with maybe mechs instead of tanks. I've been mainly playing Overwatch for the past year and a half, because of its faster gameplay, but now that's getting boring too...
it actually did the opposite since you a guaranteed to be low tier in 9 out of 10 games, almost half the games being 2 tiers lower
it's the ultimate money milking matchmaking and everybody who didn't quit now is either too retarded to see that or a gaming addict
they're like encounter or assault battles, you tick the option and have a chance to get them in your tier 10s in the random battle queue, I'm not sure what its like on EU but on NA there just aren't enough people playing tier 10 to get them reliably