previous thread: >READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
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Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules:
DPS calculator and weapon build planner:
DPS calculator and build planner No.2:
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CURRENT UPDATE: Chains of Harrow (Update 21.7.0)
/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one:
/wfg/ - Warframe General
>don't even put up a link in the old thread
Nice work, limboshitter
Don't go slow
Don't go gay either
first for operators
It's not gay if I'm doing the fucking, now posts cute Nezhas.
is my rhino shield supposed to die in less than a second?
First for Uncle Ruk brigade.
It was archived by the time I had created the thread, maybe you should have made one sooner instead of leaving it to me:^)
>tfw some cunt tries to get a Body Count mod out of me for 10p
>start up dark sector survival
>wait for a rando to join
>5 seconds later get notification that someone's joined
>eh whatever
>twitch prime
Hey kiddo, wanna buy some purple mods?
Stop. You're making me wanna fug operators.
This is what I wanted. Warframes with their own lives and taters as bloodbags.
How does it feel to get cucked out of your overly rigid headcanon by plot?
guys is fanged fusillade good or is it a reddit meme?
Let's be honest. No one uses Hind. But I'll buy that from you for 5p
>Got banned from chat for saying jewro ki'keer
I didn't know DE were a bunch of sjws
Instead of me counter-offering something absurd like 50p just to raise the price, I'll just save us some time and counter at 20p
>didn't know DE were a bunch of sjws
where have you been these last years you fucking anime
I'll let you know as soon as Warframe has plot.
I want to make them fug
The chatbot has a list of unacceptable words and auto-bans people for saying them.
Do you guys prefer to go for 'simple' color schemes, or ones with a lot of variety?
like there's still some work left to do
They're fucking canadian, of course they're going to ban you for anything even mildly funny
I follow three color rule most of the time but I'm more inclined to go for simple over variety.
Someone complimented my Mirage and I was like "tater it's literally just all whites with one black".
I wonder if the bot still autokicks if someone writes RIOT
But who in their right mind would pay 20p for a HIND riven? Who would use HIND? A madman. And a madman offers 8p
Work with me, user! Let's cut the jew shit and settle on 18p
Anyone else want to die every time PS4 prices reflect some meme that's already patched or dead on the PC version because everybody is too dumb to realize it and all the sellers are either those people or trying to exploit them to get rid of their buyer's remorse?
just tried - it did not
but meemmmoriiies~
you new-age channers are really easy to point out
no one likes you old man
Been here since 08, kiddo.
Oberoni Oberoni
Keep your hands of my baloni
Do not touch my macaroni
Whilst i whack to miss Bitonni am I the only one who calls the focus pickup "the macaroni"?
Warframe does have plot
The best kind of plot
Plot of thot
No dice. I'd be crazier than a madman if I bought a HIND riven for more than 9p.
I'll do 10p, post your IGN you dirty, dirty jew
So I'm doing the second dream quest and this conculyst asshole pops up and apparently adapts to my damage. How the fuck do I beat him?
n-not enymore!
Keep shooting it until it dies. Use different elements on your guns or if you have excalibur just blind and swish-swish them in conjunction to the above, depending on your mods
shoot the cyber demon until it dies
> I fought it while not knowing about that and just used all the ammo in my tigris and sicarus before having to finish off the last 5% with galatine. Thank fuck for Rhino
Also later on you get access to a laser that resets its resistances and also does a lot of damage at that point in your progression
use chroma and shoot it once
yeah I doubt it, trolling has gotten so fucking lazy
>Been saving up for Christmas purchases and my IRL wallet's hurting from assorted expenses.
>75% off plat purchase for the first time in a year.
Whenever I see this picture I'm hit by the smell of old man, boiled cabbage, and milk breath.
More like [de]layed, which means Chroma will be safe for a bit longer.
I watched through the whole prime time and couldn't find this supposed delay in poe anywhere
What you you people usually set your ping filters to? The with the default 300 I'm getting poorfags that stutter every 2 seconds and try to defend their dial-up.
why do people think chroma is a little girl
we know damn it!
Melee weapons that need a nerf for being too cheesy:
1. Memerax
2. Zenistar
3. Galatine Prime
waifufags too insecure to enjoy playing as a male (boy) frame.
host framerate also affects connections so the ping filter doesn't mean shit if you connect to some first world child using gran'ma's old inspirion.
Rule 63, buddy.
That's BACKSTORY you fucking tater-tot.
> t. steve
A better question would be why do people think Chroma is a dragon even as a little girl when Chroma is a knight wearing the skin of a dragon...
Let me guess, This Post is a Forum-Shitter? LOL
yeah but why chroma specifically
I've never seen Nidus or Vauban draw as girls
Veeky Forums is dead
Maybe nobody likes them enough to draw as girls
Post your Baro predictions
>tfw you use every decoration spot in your grand hall
Because there is no [De]lay
People wanting something to bitch about as usual, like /v/ wanting another TORtanic.
Primed Continuity. That jew better drop it.
the ffxv dlc looks great
Chroma is a girl under that dragon
Nothing new, all repeats, because all devtime has been on Plains of Slidealong.
Not weapons, but DE should flatout delete Covert Lethality from the game.
Primed ammo drum
Prisma furis
tater suit
I'm absolutly hating these pets not doing what I want when I want it. Kavat and Kubrow snacks fucking WHEN??? MAYBE that way I can rush their skills more often so they get their job done.
Dex sybaris or Sybaris prime?
>further stealth nerf
not today, satan
As long as invisibility remains in the state it is, there never will be stealth gameplay.
I miss the Octavia dance parties in the relays /wfg/
Does warframe market not have rivens or something? I see veiled but that's it. If so, what a waste.
>drop Sawtooth Clip and put a Madurai on my Braton P so I can fit in Split Chamber first time putting forma on anything
>damage doubles when it was already one-shotting level 35 grunts
I-Is this what endgame feels like?
Stealth Needs a Total Rework so I can have my MGS feel in stealth mode
You're on the road to DAMAGE lad.
Well it's not happening because all it is - is people spamming their music and it's an annoying clusterfuck
Besides, 90% of the people here are too dimwitted to figure out how to use the mandachord anyways
>myeh I can't make my favorite, shit-tier pop culture songs, and it's too hard to come up with my own stuff myehhhhhhhhhhhh
>myeh I can't make my favorite, shit-tier pop culture songs, and it's too hard to come up with my own stuff myehhhhhhhhhhhh
Don't you mean
>I need to be 1000% efficient for buff-grabbing, better go with
Invis just means the enemy instantly knows exactly where you are at all times but they won't shoot, attempting to stealth normally means that a random big-boy bombard shuffling around like he shat his suit can instantly spot 10o standing 20 feet above him from 500 yards away because another soldier farted in your direction.
>just shredded an Arctic Capture target in half a magazine in one of the first mission on Pluto
Yeah I think I'll be fine for now, I was starting to get worried about getting through these missions after having a bit of trouble toward the end of Neptune
>tfw I have all the Tigris Prime parts but not the blueprint
I have three radiant relics waiting to opened, I hope that shit drops. I can't truly go to damageland until then
Not when you're in the relay, no
>only octavias i've seen recently were red and black edgelords
>mallet is just one note so there's no real need to try and memorize their beat
>get to laugh at them when they get hit by a nullifier or ancient
It's a mixed feeling