Fighting Games General /fgg/
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tekken is an europe game
Baiken's baikens!
reminder if you don't support mahvel you're NOT a member of the FGC
put Cummy in mvci
How long until MvC:I has GG/SG tier numbers?
If Zeku was going to be announced this weekend Capcom would have changed their twitter avatar already.
When will they be announced for cross tag?
If they haven't by tomorrow I'll stop believing.
>casual party masher is more popular than a fighting game
wow what's next smash vs street fighter sales numbers?
they changed to menats banner 2 hours before reveal
Jack-o's jack-os are better.
You got Jubei once. And only once.
Are the Asia servers for MvCi up yet? Can't find opponents or lobbies.
kekken has more depth than both of those combined (just like player numbers)
>Are the Asia servers for MvCi up yet?
>tfw REAL high IQ fighting games are dead
pc? check your connection
the other two are still fair game
Yeah, PC. Connection is fine, no 3rd party or background applications running or downloading. Been trying for about 10 minutes now.
lmao fucking pokken has more depth than that kusoge
Where do you live?
are there really 3 majors this weekend?
What could kokopuffs have done here?
where do i get a cat lollipop
>MvCI was a flo-
Not so fast, vappa goober shill
i had to restart the router and it worked. but i've seen other people had problems with steam and online
Wait for Total Biscuit's lets look at.
>kappa shills kusoge instead of games that would actually save the FGC
sfv? yeah I agree
2 majors and 2 huge invitationals.
6 tournaments all up.
depends on whether you consider ceotaku a major
MvCI just needs Maximilian to shill it more. Motherfucker ends up carrying the game on Twitch almost all by himself. It's the perfect plan.
Southeast Asia. Malaysia.
how isnt sirlins life ruined by something like that?
doesnt look like it would pay the rent for a month.
>2 huge invitationals
I assume TGS is one, what's the other one?
It happened yesterday, the canada one.
You think killer instinct on steam will have similar numbers to MvCI? Lower? Higher Higher dropoff?
If it happened yesterday then it's not in the weekend.
probably selling his organs right as we speak
he's jewish, he'll find a way
Imagine if MVCI wasn't even in the development pipe and instead they added 30 new characters and 16 stages to SFV instead. MVCI was a mistake.
Who are the Jewish characters in marvel?
>david (((((((sirlin))))))
>being mean to Sir Loin
thats mean
How will SFV players rationalize this?
lot of scrubs asking to get 10-0d
Is Menat good for a beginner?
he's f*cking based
She succs.
who are the moistiests characters in sf besides Cammy and Chun-li?
I want KI and MvCI to both get lots of play, so knowing my luck they will both bomb
>brick will be losing his virginity to an american hooker
aris is enjoying it too
brick is scared to leave the hotel m8
Casual games sell more. Compare SFV to Dota 2
Don't bring my baby xv2 into this, she ain't done nothin.
someone send him a hooker
we know his hotel
Why do people like Chun?
She's the most boring SF
Send him an overweight black lady.(male)
I agree, fuck Chun Li.
>dota is more casual than sfv
personally i like the spaceghostâ„¢ original painting in the background
remember at EGX last year when Broski got KING JAED
Brick will win the tournament then buy himself a hooker and have her cosplay ciel with the winnings.
When are you buying a hooker and make her (him) cosplay Bridget?
we say we like chunli cause we all wanna impress her jailbait gf Cummy
How is Dota casual?
I think his weeb state of mind will overpower his Italian heritage and he will avoid any black girls.
No that's Cammy.
doturds please
Do americans see italians as latino too?
Why is Claw not charge in SFV?
no one would care
He's more likely to cover MvCI since he actually played it but considering how much shit he gets every time he shows his fighting game ability it's not too likely in his current condition
No, they're seen as "above" latinos, similar to how the Spanish are seen in Spanish vs Mexicans which is hilarious since Italians are scum
Are brazillian girls, latinas?
He doesnt have a girls voice
You need to study lots of dumb shit to understand what's going on in there m8. That's not casual and that's why I keep out of the MOBA craze.
when's brick on stream?
You have 4 moves and an auto attack for each character with one map. The "depth" comes from character and item selection, but everything is so meta and role based there is only a handful of real viable options. Combat itself is shallow as all fucking hell and their fix to make fights no as predetermined from the start has made it even grosser than X-factor or Danger Time combined.
lets take a look at the sales for mvci pc
on dear
>capcuks faces right now
only if they are retarded
t. 56%
because charge is residentsleeper and Jive is all about commandgrabs pogchamp
I would care
surprisingly accurate
How to get the stink of cigarettes out of my room?
Rate my team
Iron Man/Frank
stop smoking
But I don't smoke.
its a game where characters have four buttons and you get to blame your teammates for losing.
its casual by design.
fuck, it started as a shitty funmap in WC3.
I thought it was porn.
There's no good amazonian girl porn.
nah they're brasileiras