Final Fantasy General DCXLIX - /ffg/

>General Info on Final Fantasy
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>FF Lost Stranger


XV manga released in Japan
Episode Ignis to be released in December; Trailer:
Brotherhood episodes:
Final Fantasy XV Multiplayer Out 10/31
A New Empire - Alexis Ren in "Join the Adventure":
New XV Universe trailer:

PS4 release date scheduled for Jan 30 2018, Pre-Orders available now.
Latest Trailer:

>King's Knight
Available now, check your app store for details.

>Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Game Mechanics PDF:
Upcoming Banners List:
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>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
How to JP:
Friend Codes:

>MOBIUS Final Fantasy
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>Other game information


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remove the BE info

shit's dead

Isn't JP still up tho?

>they ise Star Ocean battle music in the raid fights
>it's shit
You have to try pretty hard to pick a bad Star Ocean battle theme, but I guess if anyone can do it it's Alim.

I only have enough dark orbs to R3 one of the Ninja skills for Edge USB. Should I do the one that gives blinks or does more damage if I have blinks? What's the best way to farm major dark orbs?

So I looked up the Star Ocean mobage on Youtube and saw a bunch of banners for swimsuit and wedding dress waifus.
I'd like to see BE try to make a wedding version of a character with those garbage sprites.

Someone repost the fest banners image

so what sort of compensation do you think Gumi's gonna give?

100 Lapis? 40 NRG? Maybe 30k Gil?

They really both need to be honed, but go for Raging Waters first if you really need it. Torment FFX is the one to farm for dark orbs in global until new dailies arrive

Gotchu senpai

Hi, is Dissidia NT worth pre-ordering ?

The thing is I want to pre-order it, but I'm worried about a few things:

>Is the netcode going to be as bad as the beta's netcode ?

The beta had online/connection issues.

>Is Tabata in charge of Dissidia NT ?

>Will CoD, Golbez, Gilgamesh, Tifa, Laguna and Prishe return ?

>Lastly, there will be 1v1 battles in story mode and multiplayer modes, right ?

FFT is shit

>Gumi in charge of security
>Staff plugging their personal fucking phones into work computers

Threadly reminder that Vayne Solidor did nothing wrong.

Try gamefaqs, shitter

Free old man to everyone.

But seriously, i think we might get a 4/5* Ex ticket or a 10+1 ticket and energy, not Eneergy pots, just "pure" energy.

He couldn't save BE from HACKMAN

>Is Tabata in charge of Dissidia NT ?
>Will CoD, Golbez, Gilgamesh, Tifa, Laguna and Prishe return ?
>Lastly, there will be 1v1 battles in story mode and multiplayer modes, right ?

>Staff plugging their personal fucking phones into work computers
I do that all the time.
Out of all the things to nitpick about Gumi you do that? Are you that butthurt or plain stupid?
calm, fucking down, kid

>Hi, is Dissidia NT worth pre-ordering ?

>Is the netcode going to be as bad as the beta's netcode ?
I don't work for SE.

>Is Tabata in charge of Dissidia NT ?

>Will CoD, Golbez, Gilgamesh, Tifa, Laguna and Prishe return ?
Probably, eventually. CoD and Golbez will definitely be coming back, and earlier than the others.

>Lastly, there will be 1v1 battles in story mode and multiplayer modes, right ?
Dunno. Honestly 1v1s would fucking suck based on how this version plays.

>Is Tabata in charge of Dissidia NT ?

How is that wrong? So far nothing particularly bad has happened, I'll take 5k lapis in exchange for a day of play any day.

t. retard who doesn't work in development. It's a huge security issue, mongoloids plugging in shit from home is the cause of half the fucking security issues we deal with, and it's people like you who result in outages.

>Is Tabata in charge of Dissidia NT ?
Have you been living under a fucking rock and missed all the manlet jokes, Yams?
Why are you so retarded?

>Tfw I'll have enough for three rolls
>Tyro's usb is a must have but I have 4 dupes on that banner
Life isn't fair.

Fuck you I like this track.

calm down, nerd

Yeah... I didn't expect to pull this edge USB and I certainly didn't expect both skills to require MDO as a main component, and I see that you really need both. At least there's an orbfest coming real soon

>Why are you calling these people out for doing something retarded! I also do this retarded thing!
>This is why it's retarded
>lmao nerd
Back to gaia with you.

Awww did poor little shitposter get his fee fees hurry?

JP's fine, global's the only one taking it up the ass.


Are you sure it is a private phone though and not something they have to test shit on proper hardware?

Oh wait, we already know they test jack shit.

>same butthurt college dropout who things he works in security playing the reverse trapcard
>muh tinfoil theory, phones haxxxoring the servers :(
no really, calm down, kid

Remind me how exactly terrible XIII was? It definitely was terrible because i keep forgetting it even exists

>WAAAAH I can't be wrong
>N-nerd! C-calm down! k-kid!!!

Devops actually, nobody has an internal security team these days unless they deal specifically in hosting or they're handling incredibly sensitive data.
>baseless college dropout accusation out of nowhere, most likely projecting

I liked the graphics, coming from XII on the PS2 was a huge improvement. I don't remember anything from the story either

It was 80% a hallway. The battles were basic and had little or no strategy involved. You had no control over other party members other than changing whether the AI tanks/dps/supports with them. I'd take any ff spin off over it.

>try to catch a pub raid
>nothing, most of the time
>open one, after gaining enough stamina
>full in seconds

Every. Single. Time.

Best character in the series, prove me wrong.
Protip: you can't

someone hit a nerve

Yup. Raiding right now.

Honestly getting 5k lapis in exchange for not being able to play for a day is a pretty sweet tradeoff. I'd take that.

is there a tier list for ffrk 5/6 star relics?

Is it True there is some rumors going around that Gumi recieved some info about a possible threat eariler this week? Could explain why we didnt get info on this week's banner

2/10 troll

Altema gives them letter grades, if you want to go look them up.

>with no further argument, resorts to just posting "lol triggered"
Weakest shitposts of 2017 desu

Got Edge's USB from the LD, how do I properly use it? I just know that you need the ninja abilities from his event.

>believing you get to keep the 5k lapis
>believing it's going to take only 24h to sort this mess

I unironically like Lightning, but she's got nothing on my boy.

Now that's just plain wrong, was JUST posted.

>FFBE doesn't even give a maintenance notice anymore
>just a connection error

FFBE GL closure notice imminent lads, it's over.

>still handling (You)s after playing the holier than thou and reverse troll card
calm down, triggered kid

>15 dupes in the 6* lucky

I'm liking my chances.

I like this costume better than the default one but it looks so plain.

Honestly if the game dies I might be happy. We will be free from this hell and I can demand amazon refund coins spent on it.

It would be the perfect opportunity to bail.

It is back to maintainance note now.

What can I say, I'm an optimist. Doesn't really matter to me anyway.

Where did Bartz's shit normal Dissidia design come from, anyway? I know he had another alt that was his Amano design, so I figured it wasn't that.

We have our star ocean raid going on.

proved you wrong

What are his chances of being in Dissidia?


That's the point, but I see where you're coming from. A little bit more flair wouldn't have hurt it but I like it how it is.

Different Amano art. He looks like this in most of the Amano art, the stripy one is referencing just one picture IIRC.

>Different Amano art
>they ruined TWO Bartz costumes with Amano garbage

I'd hope a fair chance considering how popular he is.

If the roster ever gets as big as they want it to get (it won't), it could happen.

If that fuccboi gets in before Seifer I'll hang myself.

thanks, pretty interesting, are those ratings generally considered accurate?

Is that a promise?

It'd be more likely for XV to get a second or third rep before 8 get its 4th.
Assuming they add all the old characters reps before making new ones.

I haven't taken a look at all of the relics in quite some time, but it seemed to be more or less correct.

Screw these hacker!

I totally get a lot of us are angry or frustrated... And we should be. I just think that anger should be pointed toward the hackers rather than Gumi.

These people have taken something we all love hostage and are holding it for ransom. While Gumi isnt always the best, they are a victim too right now.

I totally agree that they should communicate more and keep us updated, but it still isnt entirely their fault this is happening.

Im just saying these jerks have taken something we all care about and they are the ones to be angry with. If you are going to contact gumi/anybody ffbe related... Maybe try to show support or be kind, I'm sure today hasnt been great for the people working there.

Just pay the 300 BTC

Bigger then Galufs.

Which is of higher volume and quality?
>Tifa's tifas
>Lulu's lulus

100 lapis and 10 minicactuars
>based hackers
5000 lapis

You poor saps that didn't pull on the healer lucky draw

I hope that 25 mythril soothes you when you're unable to do the Crystal Tower because you only have one or two healers

use water abilities

Tifa's tifas

Fuck my life

It'll be Aranea desu

When I get back from work today I'll give you this big spreadsheet on how to do it

Basically with an entrust battery he and Shadow are by far the biggest DPS in the game right now. But you need hones, and lots of em.

Lulu is too old but tifa is too loose

Volume: Tifa
Quality: Lulu.

Tifa being more physical means they bounce around more and gonna saggy eventually due lack of support while Lulu keeps her in place by simply not moving as much.

You got a USB and it's not Y'sh's USB. What are you complaining about

fuck you

I pulled. 1/11 dupe Penelo BSB
>tons of Lulu USB pulls today
>tons of Deuce BSB pulls yesterday
Getting sick and tired of being the odd man out tbdesu

I got cucked didnt I? At least its not a Tiny Bee right?

why is that bad?

Are you dense? Do you think that anyone who shipped the healer lucky only has one or two healers? Did you even think before making your post?

What would her moveset be?
She doesn't really do anything except Slash, Jump, and Thrust.

Kinda. It's not bad, it's just mediocre.

Jesus Christ I would trade with you in a heartbeat.

it isn't a reddit meme relic

Tifa is more physical but she also has a a taut sports bra to keep everything well-supported whereas Lulu has pretty much nothing other than her dress that loosely hugs them at best and offers no support so I don't know about that user.

What'd you get?

DKC BSB and Garland BSB. I love Sabin and VI, don't have anything for him, and I really don't need more dark relics not to mention those two are pretty shitty when it comes to dark.

>the battle theme for Last Hunter in Mobius isn't Last Hunter
It's not that I mind too much since the song they chose is good, but this one seems like a no-brainer.

who else /blessed/ here?