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Doc edition
previous thread >Detailed map of Erangel with loot highlighted
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1st for getting to top 10 is hard
First for fog map best map
Stay low ground and shoot the plebs taking the hills like its a normal game
first for this webm
Above is just (You) fishing
nuh uh
>needs AHK to help him with pressing two buttons at the same time
Do you guys use discord?
Anyone here from the eu?
yeah I use panjob discord server to team up. Don't remember if that required an invite or not.
I don't even use a macro for PUBG though it is most useful for work. just saying you have free options if you want to.
pcgamer com/pubg-exec-contemplating-further-action-over-fortnite-battle-royale-similarities/
Does this mean the creator's of the battle royale manga get to sue Bluehole?
>haven't had a fog map in the past two days of playing
every map should have similar chance to be picked..
battle royale is the term to designate a battle that only one get out alive or something like that.
also, in the manga/movie the zones are squares, the guns are given since the beggining of the game and the starting point is fixed.
This game feels so jerky, like aiming is a pain and movement feels kind of like from the Riddick games. it might take a while for me to get used to
just keep in mind that everyone move as janky as you and have the same aimimg problems. when you get the hang of things you gonna see that the game is actually enjoyable.
Can you cook frags?
>guy next to me
>manage to grab Uzi and all the ammo
>reload animation finishes
>game doesn't register that I've fucking reloaded for about 5 seconds
>die to a nigger with a machete
Getting sick of this shitty gook netcode.
Oh thanks user. I learned something today.
>Three circles in a row popping at the fuck ass opposite end of my positions
This shit need to end
what you think you got your pan for
>halo grenades
You're not allowed to say the N word bro.
Yes, press R after pulling the pin to let go of the priming lever and begin cooking
>overwatch dyke
is there a way to change ADS to hold?
theres an option on the config file but theres none on the gameplay inside the game. you cna change there if you want but beware that the "focus" fire(actual hold) will bind to toggle so if you missclick you gonna have a bad time walking slowly and not knowing whats happening.
is focus fire the hold breath/zoom in?
you know when you hold the right mouse button and your character kinda get the weapon a little higher, the reticle closes a bit and you walk slowly? yeah, that becomes toggle and after changing it your first fights will be shitty but after that ADS on hold is so much better
Oh that's fine. I play on FPP servers mainly
well if you do change on the config and get into a reaction fight you gonna see how fucked your brain will get.
first time i was like "ok tap to ADS... why am i walking slowly wtf ok i cna ADS wtf is going on am i bugged ot what shit shit swap weapong get me out of this SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE"
shit was so cash money
is bluehole too incompetent for a simple feature like ADS?
yes. to make things worst this is the best game of the kind at the moment.
a fucking shooter where ADS is toggle and theres a stupid "focus" mode that is never used in any situation but is there on the place of the ADS and if you swap it keeps there just to troll you.
This again? What the fuck is happening. I need the context of this.
Well. I got the second place in FPP and holy fucking shit FPP is slow and boring AF.
oh really? damn that sucks. good thing that theres another mode that is action packed for you to play.
It's more fun driving around looking for poor souls to run over. Fuck the circle.
No need to be so salty bby
k just played a game and it immediately fucked me.
>tfw killing the guy that's shit talking everyone to go to school
I just got this game, any pointers to not suck dingdong?
The most important thing to remember is that the bullet is fired from the end of the gun's barrel, not from the middle of your screen like most other games. You will have much better success if you take a couple steps back from walls or windows if you have a longer gun like a sniper rifle or shotgun because the game will act as if the gun is being pressed against the wall, even if your crosshair right over the enemy.
also third person is for fags
dont be afraid to fight. people will say to hide and shit, but in a 1v1 situation hiding will do nothing. get confortable with weapons, try shots and try to outsmart/outshoot enemies when they spot you.
basically, drop school like a retard to bruteforce your way into combat and after that drop mili/big cities to fix that knowledge. after all this shitfest, play as you like.
nothing worst than getting #2 because you wiff 30 bullets and the nigga puts only 2 on your head.
does anyone have a spare beanie for me?
willing to trade other cosmetic shit for it of course, although i dont have anything rare other than a floral shirt
steamid: neckstabber
if you see a building with a white radar thingy on top (looks like a white ball with holes in it), its the best building for loot in the game
No such ID.
>me and friend have reshade
>game wont launch because of it and have to uninstall
>2 other friends have reshade too but theirs work fine
fukken magic
sometimes just deleting the files and putting them back in works fine
>people complain about FPS problems on "good" computers
>gtx980, 4790k, 16gb ram and SSD
>100+ fps going through fields
>50-60 on spawn island when I look at a large group of people
I don't know what all the fuss is about...
Isn't that thing like 13 fuckin cents? Just buy one.
I've got the same specs as you do, and it's just annoying when you have 144hz monitor
Its the same for me when I try to use MSI Afterburner or any other programs to monitor CPU/GPU temps. Sometimes it works sometimes it stops the files and sometimes it just outright crashes. Spaghetti code at its finest.
I use a BenQ 144hz monitor...
So then you should know how annoying it is to drop below 144
>level 2 vest
>PLAYER killed you with a Crossbow
Not a headshot
Just a normal bodyshot?
dropping from 100+ to 60 is very distracting
Is the UMP still a better VSS? sub-sonic 9mm Groza when?
Bullets and arrows are different things user. Wear chainmail and plate next time.
Thank you for reminding me that crossbow bolts penetrate AR500 steel plate better than a .50. Can you recommed a specific fabric for the padding underneath? You see, I have a sensitive skin.
Why do japs like this shitty game?
>wearing a helmet
>get knocked with 1 bullet by an AKM
Crossbow bolts and bullets are very different in the way they behave when they hit kevlar or ceramic plates. I don't know the exact math, but bullet proof armor doesn't do much to stop arrows as much as steel plates does much to stop bullets.
Asians will play literally anything. If you look at MMOs that should otherwise be dead, you'll see they're being propped up entirely by asians - games like Planetside 2 and even Spiral Knights.
Currently not even the most powerful crossbow on the market can penetrate an ar 500 plate, it doesn't come even close to that. Even relatively few layers of kevlar can stop a powerful crossbow bolt
nice webm senpai
it should take 2 xbow body shots to kill lvl 2 armor
Well shit I'm fucking retarded then I guess.
Yes that's why i was wondering how that happened.. Maybe somebody shot me with a silenced weapon at the same time?
Not knowing some niche thing really doesn't make you retarded.
>faggot devs afraid of cartoony F2P mess
I hope someone gets kicked in the chest into a glass sheet for this
or maybe he did hit you in the head but the fucked up servers and broken game combined to give the wrong death message
Could be. I don't think the damage hit points counter works perfectly either because i've seen some bullshit damage numbers often
>other team knocks out my teammate
>kills him instantly rather than giving me a chance to fight back and revive him
>live only to execute their teammate in the same fashion so everyone loses
>giving the enemy a chance instead of executing them ISIS style
hey is the price of bloody(shirt) and black(shirt) gonna go up in price?
what about the Twitch gear?
I'm really warming up to based pump shotty over my usual silenced ump setup
shit just feels so good and has way better range than you'd expect
Is there any way to see the names of people you recently killed? I just 1v3'd some chumps and one of them had twitchtv??????? as his name and I can't remember what it was
I want to go watch his vod of me fucking them up
Twitch gear will rise.
Shirts will likely go down.
dunno about them still, anons told me THIS happened because of connection issues but if i had an auto at least more woulda registered
dunno but it looks like you cant get the black or bloody shirt from crates anymore
yeah noticed those shirts are only on sale on the market and you cant get them from crates now, so why would they drop in price?
>been ignoring cars in favor of legs for 300 hrs
>decided to just drive a dacia around in the white for 15 min because burnt out from dying in stupid ways
>comfy as hell because nobody shoots at cars in solo, make it to top10 just doing figure 8s in the last field
More cars when
I want a comfy golf car that goes uphill very well
>tfw C-H-A-D
went from 1000hrs in US to the first time in SA? Very impressed...
Whatever nerds, Stacy was blowing the entire match (30 minute blowjob and I still didn't cum)
when did the name CHAD's connotation change?
I feel like a chad when I fuck multiple girls in one day and finish it off with kicking someone's ass...
Not doing well in a vidya game
BTW i got my ass kicked last time...
I cant cum from BJ's no more, deff not while gamin
>leave again
>chad drop school and die
>get into firefight
>hold tight angle waiting for him to peek
>the first pixel of his head appears
>getting your ass kicked in videogames
>playing video games at all
I have chad friends that play GTA and shit
t. chad friend knower
fuck you kid
come to my general and talk shit about planetside and we'll see who is tough