/wowg/craft of worlds world of warcraft general thread

Triggered Edition

WoW Token Price:

Blood of Sargeras to gold:
US: rodent.io/blood-money
EU: rodent.io/blood-money-eu/

Invasion schedule:


>he plays a retribution paladin

>he still plays the game

>join +10
>dps with vers stat sticks

>Just cleared ICC on 3 characters
>Just realized I did it on 25 man normal

What should the /wowg/ Moon Guard guild name be?

no but the community is, no one cares about pvp but the small portion that pushes for glad

>want belt tmog from 10man norm to finish set
>only have 1 lockout per raid now for some dumb fucking reason and will never do 10man norm cause want invincible

Adventurer's Outpost, just like the old days. ;_;

Maybe your server is just dead? I still see people advertising for partners and dueling around town on mine. Or maybe we're talking about a difference of quantity.