Fighting Games General /fgg/
Laura needs mad buffs
MOBAs are for casual shitters
Brick you're on International Drive
You can do shitty Mini Golf or an Escape game with Redblade or see some half-dead Alligators or go on the big Ferris Wheel or Go Karts
>How your game turns out when you love your customers rather than hate them like Disney Marvel does
Jojofags deserve the gas chamber they are the furfag of this generation
Is there anyone good at Marvel who plays Dr. Strange with VODs?
I want to cop some tech.
how 2 use power stone?
Jenny is best Marvel sniff
No, add MY girl to Marvel!
The new characters added to Pokken have so much more depth and technicality than the original cast. I hope they can keep improving.
xth for jubei please let me suck your pulsating cock
Why is Raven considered top tier in the latest version of Xrd Rev 2?
She's not even thick.
epic my kappa bro
Marvel managed to live for three days, not even LI Joe on the lowest rank is finding any matches on the fucking PS4
Your girls have all been in Marvel already.
Good sniffs
projectile oki rape into projectile oki rape
free oki
Add me to Dball so I can fuck the hot busty women
A-anyone want to help a nigga out?
>so le thiccccc xDDD
nobody cares about your fanservice goob
MvC2 has the worst soundtrack in the history of fighting games and nostalgia is the only reason anyone is giving that schizophrenic mess a pass
Yeah, I want her back.
i wanna take you for a ride
It's funnier now I know you're a literal faggot lmaoooo
MvCI Morrigan.
i want to take jubei for a ride
You have to like Take You For a Ride though, at least. You're not a faggot, are you, user?
What the fuck? I was told Xturd looked good.
Obviously you would never notice how bad that looks in game but still
how can i filter out canadians in jive matchmaking
Fuck off Valle
Is shit
When is Brick playing?
Too bad. She's out and never coming back.
It's not uncommon for people to dislike the soundtrack. I just really like jazz and I'm tired of dumbass metal/teenage tier rock.
he went 0-1, disqualified himself and is on his flight home already
You don't even know which one was me.
>its schizophrenic because each track is unique rather than all following the generic mcu theme like the disgusting ui does
Florida is literally nothing. How about you move to an important state.
This is just sad.
>Fighting Layer literally has SFxT style gems
>no one cares
>MVCI has stones which add extra layers and depth to matchups
>everyone treats it like SFxT gems
>MvC2 has the worst soundtrack in the history of fighting games
remember menat? no one is playing her
how do we make people play menat?
because one is called "gems" and one is called "GOUGI"
if mvci should teach you anything, it's that cosmetics, presentation, and graphics are the single most important thing to make or break a game
I can't fucking wait to main the shit out of winter soldier and black widow!
It applies to all three.
it's pretty much 100% confirmed that marvel fucked up the release for this game. it would have come out in 2018 if not for marvel.
He doesn't need to
I'm in Orlando though and we have a thriving fighting game community. Smash too.
Wrong, it has the 「GOUGI」 system
The problem with SFxT was that you had to buy them
this is sick
Bridget reveal at arc revo when?
You mean best iteration yet.
the dumb motherfucker pushes you to the corner from midscreen with a block string
Nah, Capcom's music from that era was really good. Never played MvC2.
second song is pure sex, btw
I don't watch marvel movies
can someone explain what winter soldier can do that makes him unique. he seems like a puncher and gun shooter. we have those already.
will baddragon ever make a jubei dildo?
post more beautiful black women
the problem with sfxt was that it was fucking horrendous
is there porn of jubei
They can't take it.
needs this
>I can't fucking wait to pay for a Hollywood advertisement!
What's your year of birth?
Now that the dust has settled, what's the verdict on the gayfurry? And does anyone good play him?
All the posers who said "new waifu" are nowhere to be seen.
it was ok after the patch but everyone kind of gave up on it by then
This is the worst song in all fighting games
Harada was coked out of his fucking mind when approved of this shit
The people that think the SF3/MVC2 soundtracks are bad also think the SFV soundtrack is good. Choice your replies wisely and you won't waste your time arguing with someone who's filled their ears with Ono's coagulated piss and cum.
When I was playing T7 the first two weeks it was out, this song wasn't that bad because my brain had turned off enough and it kicked in when you wanted the match to end anyway so it was fitting.
>Rev 2 sucks
>SFV sucks
>INJ2 sucks
>MVCI is fun but already dead
>T7 is dying
Is it over bros? Are fighting games dying again from oversaturation?
cool theme song
back off jubei is mine
There's some jap pros still trying to make him work but the veredict is that he's hot steamy garbage.
SF3 soundtracks are literally the greatest fighting game soundtracks. Full stop. No question.
yes it's dead now fuck off
capcom owns dante they dont need designer approval for anything
>can't fist fly fist
>fireballs can be deflected
Only thing I know is I can't Chris G my way to free wins. Still searching for a partner for my Dante.
There's blazblue
This is probably my favorite of Morrigan's supers. I always wonder why they never bring it back, it's so fucking cool.
I fucking love her as a character but she doesn't suit my style at all. I might still try to pick her up though.
SFV legitimately has a pretty good soundtrack though.
i think all 3 of those soundtracks + tekkens are good and that mvci's is shit
what now?
What would happen if Magneto had Moonlight Sonata as his theme?
Add my boy to SuperJive.
That is the only outright bad track in the OST. I remember that I legit thought my DVD was scratched or had some sort of problem when I first played it because it sounded like it was just looping the same shit all the time.
It's a great soundtrack, but doesn't fit at all a fight between super heroes.
Same. I also hate that you can't move the missiles in her super anymore in mvci.
You have my attention
Apparently they do since they don't know how to model him.
what did you mean by the pictures you included to your posts?