/dg/ - Destiny General
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>nerf a dogshit weapon
They'll actually do it too.
I did the same thing late last night user. We're just trying to get a fresh thread up bois, forget to update stuff.
I need a Heavy Exotic HC so I can run 3 Hand Cannons. Give me a reason to wear my lucky pants.
5th for pc. 31 days left tick tock
So this is my first Destiny game.
I've beaten the raid and done all the adventures / story missions.
What do I do now?
do it on two more characters
hmmm may just return the game then since I got it this week and can get a full refund
>2 man dogs
Fucking hell
Complain about lack of content.
Grind for max level
Grind for max level on cool looking gear
Prep for Faction Rally / Prestige Raid / Whatever comes next
>Xur selling shit I already have
Wait for osiris dlc in October, gear up more characters, grind toward power level cap, wait for prestige mode raid, wait for faction rally
Seems like Xur is wherever the Flashpoint is.
>Constantly coming up with new ideas and systems for the game that could be a shitload of fun and offer that replayability everyone's looking for
>Know it won't ever happen, not even going to bother typing them up like I do for smaller games because Bungie has their own ideas and doesn't give a fuck what we think.
Anyone else in a constant state of frustrated sadness over this?
thanks captain obvious
Destiny is wasted potential - the game
>Retards that rush Public Events before people can make it Heroic
Literally wasting everyone's time.
Here's the real question and the only one that matters: can they be monetized?
Buff Titan
Why can't you buy ammo
because, dipshit, having to constantly go into your inventory to replenish your ammo wasn't fun or good design at all, so the genius minds of bungie decided that you should just sit around and pick your nose when you run dry, or maybe be forced to suicide just so you can respawn with ammo
y tho, titan is the only class worth playing
>retards shoot the blight instead of using the buff
>second the first one goes i just bail
>get a message from 2 randoms later calling me a dick for leaving them
>actually try to explain the mechanics so maybe, just maybe, the knowledge will disseminate outward
>neither believe me why would a game be that complicated how can you shoot it while the mobs are shooting you
>Got my 1080Ti
>Getting this game for "free"
Guess I have to play it now
Oh what was that? Sorry, I can't hear you over using my super over and over again.
Having an entirely separate PVP items set might sell more shaders and give people a reason to buy bright engrams for ornaments for all weapons I guess. One of the ideas is that you'd hold L2+R2 on the character screen and swap to you your PVP only set, and PVP exclusive versions of every weapon and armor would be available to players for use in the Competitive playlist. Quickplay would still be whatever players are using normally.
Titans have Pulses they don't need it.
It's a shitty rocket launcher, what are you crying about.
1/6 for raid
You must:
-Be light level 370
-Never miss a headshot
-Have Rat king, cold heart, and Merciless
-Be able to solo Raid blindfolded in under 10 mins
-Send in a application, resume, and letter saying why you deserve to go on the raid
>could have just had the various synths attached to the d-pad and the emote menu be the down button with a circle menu for emotes
>one tap synth no fucking around AND a better emote system
i can do 270 with 12% precision and no exotics
Strange how warlocks also have the only thing good about titans :^)
lmao. its strongest class.
muh guardian.
I pulled up nVidia's website since that sounded pretty dope, I want to get this on PC and probably need a card upgrade anyway. Their site says the promotion ended, so I hope you didn't just buy a card for that.
That's what you say until one faggot wipes your entire team because of it's gay ass hit detection and abilities
I can do all that with a broken thumb but I play on xbox.
Anyone in the mood to take a shitter through one trials win?
That'd foster a balance divide between PvP and PvE weapons, armor, and skills.
Too complicated into the trashbin.
>playing pvp
Probably never. It never never said it would be a thing, they've never even brought it up, I doubt it will ever even be considered. See bungie refuses to host any account information client-side. And having an emote wheel is a lot of inventory spaces they would need to add server-side per account.
>Last thread lasted 9 hours
Fucking ded. How does a AAA game have a ded general? MINIMAL CONTENT
>Delete one of my 3 Titans to make a Warlock
>Try out this Devour nonsense I heard so much about
How the fuck did this get through balancing?
faction rally on tuesday
You're really advertising yourself well here bud
I know you and you aren't a shitter, don't be so self demeaning
It's not cute
>he's not doing the 400 prestige version
Because for most of that time a large percent of the player base was asleep.
Anyone have a fresh alt and want to go through the campaign with me so it will go faster? Just made a hunter and am on "A New Frontier". it's one of the first missions.
Anyone have the planetary armour set pic?
Eh, I'm average at best, but I don't do all that well in PVP since I play instinctively so I frequently make random fuckups that could easily be avoided if I actually bothered to think. Its easier to just say I'm a shitter so that people don't expect too much from me. If people think I'm a shitter and we do well, then everyone is pleasantly surprised and we move along. If people think I'm good and we do poorly, then I have to deal with people being stressed over things turning out worse than expected.
Still, one way or another, I'd like to get that one trials win done and over with.
>spoonfeed me
Gotchu senpai.
In pve for babbys like you, it can one-shot important targets
Hard to spoonfeed with an empty spoon.
Someone should add the vanguard/crucible/ikora sets too, maybe even the factions when they come out. I'd do it but only have two characters.
Idk man, you shouldn't advertise yourself as a shitter and that you only want to win one game. It's not even worth the trouble of inviting for one game.
I'm telling you this because I like you and I don't want you to think you're a shitter and be unable to find groups.
>it can one-shot important targets
EDZ Hunter, Titan Titan, Nessus Warlock
Eververse Hunter, EDZ Titan, Io Warlock
Titan Hunter, Nessus Titan, EDZ Warlock
Who here uses swords in crucible?
>Be me and get stuck fighting a pre made team as a solo que player
>At one point get brutally team shit because rally barricade don't do shit
>They message me saying how stupid I was for dying to a 4v1
>Annoyed but whatever, next game and s it them again
>Payback time
>Equip good old crown splitter
>Sneak around waiting for heavy ammo
>It's time guardian
>Wait for them to form mida multi formation
>They go to gangbang lone team mate
>Catch them off guard because everyone forgets crouching takes you off radar and manage to team wipe them in glorious sword combat
>Happens again
>Get called a power weapon cunt because sword block is funny against other power weapons
Crown Splitter a best
I gochu senpai.
>he thinks the raid is endgame
Sorry I should have mentioned I'm on the console not created for insolent muscular dystrophic mongols
>got like 10 purple kinetic mods today
I thought these were supposed to be rare or something
I'd say a good 20-25% of my event exotics have been from last minute taps. But it's more from loading in late.
Quickfang on hunters is stupidly good. 1 hit kill, fast swing time and having it out makes you faster.
I've wiped out a team holding a point more than once with it.
You seem distressed about something user.
He shows in patrol areas in D2 you failed abortion. Not social areas. You're a fucking dumb piece of shit. Try thinking for once in your pathetic life.
Any PS4 raids goin' around?
Anyone doing the Nightfall again? Got my Warlock at 288 now too.
Well color me blind then, friend. I can't spot what the endgame is unless it's grinding the same limited public events over and over for the same EXTREMELY small loot table.
Which of the xur items is worth getting.
Any tips for ll 300 arms dealer?
Is there anywhere in the mission to get infinite time?
>he actually got so assblasted that he brought his response into the next thread.
That's adorable. But if you actually read my post instead of going on your mealtdown you'd notice I said in destiny 1 he never showed up in lighthouse either. As in he never showed up in spaces locked behind endgame content. Leviathan would have been a PVE-equivalent of the lighthouse so Xur would naturally not show up there. Please calm down, its embarrassing to watch you shitflinging.
yeah man i could go for one. leveling an at atm. let me know when you get a 3rd
Just get whatever you dont have. It' not like shards are hard to come by
Everything you don't have. Or just Coil and Foetracker
sent linkedin account, tax info and proof of residence
it's only really really good solo
Seconding this
Why would you make 3 Titans?
What's the point?
>needing to cheat to complete a strike
come on man......
2/6 for Leviathan?
>job: refugee
>tax info: gibs
Apply for Alpha Team raids instead.
Tips: git gud
Is there anywhere for infinte time: yes
You bringing up destiny 1 is irrelevant. You said the Leviathan would be a public space, meaning it's not a social area, so it's not equivalent to the lighthouse because it would not be a place where you simply collect loot from a chest. There would have to be adventures, lost sectors, public events, flashpoints, etc. Therefore, xur would show up. Locking what is the equivalent to the EDZ, Titan, Io, or Nessus behind end game content is absolutely moronic. Again, try thinking. I know it can be difficult for you but I insist you attempt it.
TO level really fast derp. That's how most of us got 305 in the first week.
Titan New Monarchy armor is the best of all of them.
Prove me wrong, Pro-tip: You can't.
Raid and Nightfall loot. Also, don't care for Hunters and played Warlock last game.
Is Prestige Nightfall doable this week?
>Is there anywhere in the mission to get infinite time?
No, Maximum amount of time you can have is 7 minutes, and there's a limited amount of time you can refil time before the time cap gets shorter.
Its not a debate, I gave you the info, sooner or later you'll accept it. Didn't read lol.
Im up for it. Not run it yet but am 290. Know strats.