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last thread:


i dont get it

Why did you make my wife Kanye?


Why are the flames the GC of choice for bots? i just wanted to be on the same GC where my house is...

I like to use Dark Arts before /petting someone.


>tfw no qt maid gf to listen to kanye with


Most of the time bots are THM I believe

The dress doesn't fit you, you need to wear something else my love

bots are BLM, blm starts in uldah, uldah is flames.

last word, idiot??

Chocobos are cute.

Glasses are for nerds you ugly whore

new player here, is it important in this game to have multiple classes leveled? I read that, as a healer, I need to level whatever to get the instant casting thing, but I didn't need to because I already had it
is that old info and I don't need to bother?

old info don't bother leveling other jobs unless you want to play them

Old info, you can get by just levelling one job now.

well then thanks

what are ya gonna do? Shoot me?

What materia do healers use?

did you make your character ugly intentionally?

thanks, just end it all

this is your inventory now.

the return of the epic ultrash naka memes!!

>all those fireworks
just fucking kill me

Looks about right.
It always kinda bothered me that you don't get enough slots to actually fill up all your pages.

You are an old dried out ebin and have no power, you'd be better turning that gun around and ending your own miserable life that's as worn out as that flappy ripped open worn hole that you call a Dookiecutter.

Stupid question. If you change grand companies, does your progress in the initial one go away if you changed back to it later?

Heh, see ya loser.

Stays the same.

No you keep any ranks you get in the first one.
Like I'm the highest rank in 2 GCs now.

It's saved or so I hear, but there's some kinda cooldown before you can change again.

keep onigara & map
vendor everything else

how can people be so incompetent?

i wish neo ebins werent allowed to post

Thanks guys

Should have joined glorious Double Snake faction instead, DUMB lizard.
Mount by Christmas

how'd you get a pic of my inventory

94% of the recent generals are neo ebins.

I win.

Det/crit maybe some piety if you keep running out of MP

exactly, imagine how great the thread would be without them

checkmate, dumbass

Okey now it all makes sense holy fug
I-I see, what about this then, user?
It isn't ugly...
But then i would get matched with lewd catboys like you!
Surely you mean 2018's christmas

t. neo nu ebin deluxe ultra remix zero

alright guys, you can stop being cringe now

Your hole is too big

We can never hope to top the cringe of this screenshot so you may be right.

Direct hit and crit or det


but that's all I know how to be

cute lizard, are you on chaos?

At which episode are you? Did The Gundam Heistâ„¢ already happen?

As much as the Adders are lame, that's still a really nice coat.

Direct hit? why?

Au Ra can look very good but the people who play them are either incapable of making good characters or believing their monstrosities are good. Why?

>tfw migraine aura
>can't see shit
>keep playing

I hope Alice has a heart attack and dies.

Would fug all of them

no I'm not on chaos i'm on coeurl

Some day I will make you cringe so hard you'll break your spine.

>t. naka or naka orbiter

although im not sure which one is more pathetic

grown man curse
try me fucko

What the fuck is an ebin

you have a really cute cat

Do not bully please

Something fags like try to dick wave over.

that's actually really mean, did they pee in yur cereal or something

your cute! I want to befriend this cutie


Adders aren't lame

i like mine because she is goofy

are you on coeurl?

Am I a monstrosity?

God yes.

no you're really cute

Overweight wastes of space who spend their government disability income entirely on porn commissions and still have the audacity to beg people for money should be culled.

Not really, but your lipstick doesn't really fit. Try something a little darker.

A popular poster with a trip or avatars their character in the thread often. Majority of posters either love them or hate them.

snowflake syndrome some want to be a Midlander plus, some of them go full out. the main problem is a lot of people here can't into color coordination or they can't into fashion or both. Resulting in ugly glamours.

Is there any way to server transfer to balmung anymore?

Buy someone's account

Not in the foreseeable future.

The Midlander wannabes are usually fine or at worst inoffensive but the majority of Au Ra players are some combination of heterochromea, bad highlights, bad limbals, unfitting hair, bad lipstick, bad facepaint (usually blush) and a slut glamour.

thank you strange r

I'm about to be grinding out POTD and want a good slutglam. Throw ideas at me, xivg!


what are you guys opinions on miqo'tes without cat eyes?

>Chyringe Chyringe

no thanks

Moonc@s are the best.

The top? It looks so boring. I can get behind the legs, though.

Literally throw random shit together
How would that work?


>without cat eyes?
All miqo'te have cat eyes you fucking banana.

Not if you RP as one and have fanart without them.

Rate my retainer.

only you will see it/10


Slit eyes are only on domesticated cats, the big jungle/savanah cats have round eyes. Watch a fucking documentary.