Warframia edition
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Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules: discord.gg
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com
DPS calculator and build planner No.2: warframe-builder.com
Top guns: lunv.io
Frames and Modding: pastebin.com
CURRENT UPDATE: Chains of Harrow (Update 21.7.0)
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>a fucking mountain
Reminder : Modders who live in their basements have made bigger worlds with shit to do FOR FREE
Wanna join Warbros again.
IGN is SunBird, coming back to WF after a few years long hiatus. will reply to this post with some drawfagging instead of a poem or story.
>451 missions quit
But why?
>getting this map for free
>first time this kind of project being used on their evolution engine
>next maps will be bigger
>this is testing the waters
Reminder, there are better ways to feel superior than to be an idiot on Veeky Forums
Its going to come out next year, so why talk about it now?
>DE Apologist
Let Me Guess. This post is a Forum-Shitter? LOL
>quit rate bigger than 10%
No, I don't often find my mind stuck on any particular place because I'm not a feeble sheep
>left to right
Adding on to this user:
>getting this map for free in a free to play game
>have mentioned wanting to do future projects
I mean, fuck. Shit on the god damn update to how the Tater Children play all you want, but you're literally saying "fuck you" to genuinely new content for a game you like.
In the early days of warframe the fastest and easiest way to farm credits was to kill vor, collect the blueprint he dropped, and then quit the mission,
then sell it. (they patched it later on where you didn't get the blueprint if you aborted). I can't remember how many times I did that but it's the vast majority of those quitouts.
Thinking of selling these to make room:
>Dark Split-Sword
>Dual Toxocyst
Am I making a mistake?
>Why would any care?
If you get screwed by heykiddo you're permascrewed, illiterate autist, if you have multiple contingencies you will still have a chance to not get totally fucked over think batman
>You're the one who said to make him like us. A certain degree of trust will be needed if we are going to be able to use his god powers.
Heykiddo is like a child, you merely need to show him your trust, you would possibly need to learn to mask your mind and shit, which could probably be learned from some group of colonists with some orokin tech, maybe the ostrons know a bit about that shit.
>Or we can just not give a shit. You don't need Neither of them to gain power over the system. Why not become your own faction? Why not gain your own followers from your deeds and actions? Why give all that up to be a fuckboy?
Alright you fucking autist, now you're starting to trigger me. I mentioned again and again that we would fucking control the faction. How is being in control being a fuckboy? Maybe with your sliver of a fucking brain you'd put two and two together and get fucking 3.25 or if you're DE 3x3 and get 5.0625
>I can use transference on them. I rather take control of my own personal Maw raid Corpus and Grinner camps for Loot than waste my powers on infiltrating them, when I can just go on their ship and slaughter everyone onboard.
My autist, Ravenous Golden Maws are extremely hard to procure, and not only are they squishier than warframes due to no void powers, they are only practical in outdoor spaces like the landscape maps, grineer settlement and earth tilesets and corpus ice planet or snow planet tilesets. They are literally useless on ships or inside buildings, their whole shtick is the element of surprise and it being able to travel underground quickly. Of course it could also be used for reconnaissance on land tiles as well. Did I mention that Ravenous Golden Maws are FUCKING EXTINCT?
Here's a video I uploaded back then of a vor run.
Seriously, fuck whatever update they made it where a failed mission means you lose EVERYTHING.
If it wasn't for shit like that I imagine I wouldn't lose all my shit on disconnections, too.
>b-but guys its free so it should be free from all criticism , what? Of course its not just new Grind its new content for you to enjoy! Thank you DE so much for making this game I can't wait for the Chroma "rework" and the more daily jobs with appropriate rewards just like the sorties! Don't forget to buy Plat 10o!
>have 11 weapons/frames to acquire
if i get them all before poe should i just off myself?
'Ey, don't put words in my mouth, man. Though, I guess I coulda worded it better. I mean, fuck, we all know that there'll always be more grinding.
All I'm saying is let it come out, and theeeen flame it for the faults that it actually has! Not the ones we're assuming from shit amounts of info pre-release.
Never bought a single Plat pack, unless you count a friend gifting me some for my birthday.
>no one said it should be free from criticism
>literally being this much of a mentally distanced tartlet
dude, you're a moron... please kys
>not collecting eevery weapon in game
just jew out some plat
slots are cheap
i dont see a problem with losing loot when aborting and failing but it real bullshit losing affinity
To be fair, we did sorta. But only on the front of the map's size.
Get rid of phage only.
>tfw no cute ember mommy to castrate me
why live?
Had some quality time alone with the man himself
Yeah, fine, you can ditch the bonus but fuck I spent my last 20 minutes of affinity booster in an excavation mission and lost a fuck load of good shit I was farming but at least let me keep my 10 affinity levels on every single item I was taking in.
53k DPS of insane grakata dakka, let me taste your tears.
>3.4 reload on a literal bullet hose
Huh. The more you know.
Is Drakgoon viable into the late-game? I like my flak cannon.
Suanof oun Toosk gruneer ahr ahgre. Doront gke tke kley base ieen tke sentuyente kregse ieen sektor Beh-Ehught tomorror.
so criticize it for something legitimate, like only having one world boss- something without picking bogus reasons, like it doesn't take a rocket scientist to use your fucking brain
>'dur hurr first time they ever did open world map smol, daugh it not skyrim durrrrrrrrr'
what a drooling fucking retard
>less than 5 seconds of firing
>followed by 3.4 seconds of reloading
>only 53k burst DPS with a Riven
>doesn't get critical headshots with each headshot
A single world boss is a legitimate complaint, yeah. Not arguing with that.
Just saying that when we're used to almost nothing but corridors, a smaller open world isn't a bad starting place.
If it's almost completely void of content outside of the quests and the singular world boss, I'll be bitching too. I'm just gonna wait until it's actually out and hope it turns out well.
This is Nova, one of the best frames in the game.
Say something nice about her.
Your some prime cannot do enough damage to compete with my prisma grakata, sorry lol.
her deluxe is utter shit.
You can run from your past!
>best anything
shes not even a good slut
That color scheme is almost half decent.
Neither of use know anything about him except that he's clearly the void. The fact is, Tenno were screwed from the start the second they were changed by the void. We are literally without the void. (Though we will need a quest or more info on him before filling in blanks with "muh headcanon")
I would sooner side with Syndicates (or just stay true neutral) than get involved with space kikes warmongers or retarded corpse.
>Heykiddo is like a child, you merely need to show him your trust
We don't know anything about him. Not interested in your made-up shit.
>we would fucking control the faction.
The Corpus and Grineer should be wiped out and completely destroyed. The Tenno are viewed as gods and can garner followers and fortify their own faction already if they wanted too without the Lotus. Why would a Tenno who can wipe out literal armies give a shit about infiltrating the ranks of garbage?
>Golden Maws
My fuckboy, you can't keep making up shit for your own headcanon. Not even DE has their shit together when it comes to their own lore. If I recall the Maw was well received and anything popular doesn't stay "dead". And I said nothing about using them on ships fuckboy, keep getting triggered.
That's less than 2.13 seconds of firing with a 3.4 second reload
his sustained DPS is literally less than half of burst DPS
she isn't ember, so she doesn't have a dick, so she sucks
Some have walked these desolate worlds while you have slept. Some like me. I remember what you did. I remember the day.
The Tenno appeared at the Terminus, gleaming and victorious. Our cold and gold Emperors, breathless, bathed you in savior's silk. Then came the sound. Across all our worlds, all at once, the ceremonial Naga drums. A royal salute to the honored Tenno. Ten solemn beats to declare the suffering was over. I watched from a distance, with the rest of the low Guardians. With each beat terror began to crush my throat. The Tenno were not stoic and silent. They were waiting. They were poised. I tried to call out but only a strangled whisper escaped.
When the ninth beat rang a torrent of blood filled the stadium, loosed by Tenno blades. The drums, the Empire, fell silent forever.
Now I hunt, dividing your numbers. Watching from that dark place, cataloging your sins, I am the ghost of retribution. You may forget but you are not innocent.
Agreedm her deluxe is trash, good shit you can spend some sheckels and get the superior Visage skin or maybe the Graxx since is simple and nice.
Ooo! Nice one. I'll be taking that!
aren't you supossed to milk ember's cock this weekend? stop posting and get back
>20k sustained DPS
can't be late
>t. MR10
The faggot club is 2 blocks down buddy
Did Nova draw this herself? Come on, no one believes that pancake chest has tits.
I bought her a shiny new syandana today, I'm always milking that waiframe dick
>not using the warframe one
Soma Prime can get 56k burst DPS without a Riven, while also maintaining a higher sustained DPS than your build.
>Confusing leatherman with gym boss
>newfag not knowing what is for
*pats your little nublet head*
I do believe you meant or
learn your boards and lurk more newfag
Name, stranger? A paltry 13p and it's yours.
ere yah go.
saw it in thread the previous day, googled "Faven Vauban Graxx", clicked the image and linked it. Sorry that your autism precludes people from linking files from google images, you literal mong.
>had to report for mandatory sensitivity training after someone looking over my shoulder saw me describe wukong as chinkframe
>went in and they apologized once they saw i had a chink last name
>plebbit spacing
>*pats your little nublet head*
>Using ERP writting style in /wfg/
Despite your incapability to type in English I must concede that what you just wrote is a lot more true than the "Headcanon" shit I've been writing.
Don't toss Dark S-S, considering it's 10 Mutagen and 5? Nitain. Really, no reason to ever sell Dojo weapons.
>actually believing in the reddit spacing
Don't be a sucker
Make a webm of how fast the magazine runs out.
literally how new can this general be
Speaking of which I recently obtained Soma prime and I fell in love with it, what is literally the best (excluding rivens since they're random) DPS build for Soma p?
my firs smeeta and it looks fucking fabulous
I'll believe it if you can provide a build for it.
Make sure to pet it a lot.
And despite your incapability to not be a fuckboy, At least you you put more effort into your headcanon lore than DE who literally doesn't give a fuck. Really looking forward to how they fuck up umbra.
something like this; Argon Scope or Bladed rounds depending on what you're doing. Shred would obviously be Primed Shred if you've logged in for >600 days
Don't use Shred and it easily gets that high, using Primed Shred brings it down to 40-something thousand burst DPS. Soma Prime pretty much always has over 30k sustained DPS unless you're using a retarded build.
>go back to reddirt
>thinks reddirt spacing is real
>has no idea what he's talking about
oh, sweetheart, oh no, no no no no. No no no no, no no no. *pets your frustrated little nublet head*
>There are people RIGHT now who are looking forward to the small "Plains of Shit to do" update.
>but muh "open-world"
>but muh fashion tater
>but muh RNG mining
>but muh fishing
>but muh comfy
>but muh focus
>but muh feminine codpiece frame
>but muh daily caps
Very SAD!
>not using shred on a rifle.
This post should be deleted immediately.
Newbro here
I want that prime point blank, but I don't have any good tradable items
How do i Into relic farm?
>do defense
>get relic as reward
>do one of the gazillion void fissure alerts
>this drooling retard
>he doesnt want to casually wander around mining shit and ocassionaly shooting greneer
its like you have no concept of comfy
>At least you you put more effort into your headcanon lore than DE who literally doesn't give a fuck.
Thanks, user, I try to make my "headcanon" lore the most logical continuation to whatever autism that DE concocts. Unfortunately DE doesn't give a shit about what makes sense.
Obligatory "Stupid Frogposter"
What's the best way to flip plat? I only have 56 and Nekros is in the oven so that's 20 down.
I want to scan all the tusk grineer
fuck outta here defector skoom
Y'know, whether it's shit or not, it is more comfy farming fuel. I have some podcasts to catch up on.
>If they don't agree with me they're reddirt or forum shitter
>couldn't possibly be me
Wouldn't changing Shred to Vile Acceleration and Bladed Rounds to Heavy Caliber nearly double the DPS?
Obvioisly it wastes fuckton of ammo but it should have higher DPS, right?
Also, why corrosive damage? I don't really know much about types of damage, is it really so good?
Here's the build just by itself.
I can't seem to get your claimed numbers with my riven. I can knock it up to 48.5k burst with primed cryo but I don't really see myself doing that.
You're alright user.
>My only wish is that DE will actually do something with the world, with actual timelines and in-depth syndicates systems with actual morality. Shit like what World of Warcraft does at least.
>Mfw we can never truly be individuals because DE wants us to remain fuckboys.
Do you really want all those changes? I'm all for the game to die but not like this.
Primed Cryo Rounds + Vile Acceleration
Certainly there's the argument for switching Bladed to HC/Argon Scope, but shred is nice due to punchthrough for mobs/shields/etc.
Corrosive because armored targets exist.