NendoRoll Edition
Thread No. 195
Discuss anything Mega Man related. Art, OCs, Music, Fan Games, the comics, cartoons, etc. Discussion about Mega Man-esque games, Mighty No. 9, Azure Striker Gunvolt, Red Ash and Inafune is also welcome.
>Previous Thread
>list of all games
>List of fan games
>Rom Hacks
>Comic, Manga, other printed media
>Music Playlists and Albums
A TON of Mega Man remix albums (and some Gunvolt CDs)
>Cartoons and Anime
>Our booru!
/mmg/ mega man general
Maybe one day.
Predictions for TGS?
Friendly reminder that all MM characters are male, no exceptions.
Dashed hopes
You can't dash hopes if you don't have any.
Overdrive Ostrich is CUTE and you can't convince me otherwise.
What an odd character to call cute.
He has flying PTSD in the X manga.
people have already said this but nendroid roll is a cute, in a non sexual way
>in a non sexual way
That's a weird way to say "in a sexual way. "
Roll is not for lewd.
Tell that to my dick.
days without kiddy diddlers
I hope konpeto draws her.
faggots dick, Roll is not for lewd
I hope fupoo draws her
He probably will.
Why was this pun never posted before?
becaouse you touch urself at night lmao
>dashed hopes
>tha ending
now I can join you guys on never ending waiting
>final boss uses the techniques of all the other bosses
>sigma just made a bunch of clones as the guards of the palace
>tight as fuck gameplay
>every character is useful
>nice puzzles
>inafune didn't produced
>every character got their turn
>dialogue is not full of homoerotic fanfic
>it floped thanks to franchise fatigue and two fucks up in a roll
for fucks sake capcom
Don't forget all the sweet cheat codes the PS2 version has that allow you to get the goodies you'd need to buy all the upgrades for.
>literally only 2 stages
So you're a rail shooter fan? Nice.
>>dialogue is not full of homoerotic fanfic
it's bad on its own right
the mavericks worked in earlier X titles (and the zero series) because they say bullshit, taunt you, and die in short notice
here you have a fucking panda trying to lecture you on rocket warfare
or Gigabolt "Sigma Dindu Nuthin" Man o War
it is shounen jump from early 2000s bad. whch I'm fine with.
not the garbage from x5 for exemple.
>this sweet Devil May Cry-like NG+
oh boy
>sigma blade
>Black Zero
>this beautiful ultimate Armor
after dinner I'm having some fun with this game
yeah X5's pretty bad as well, up to X4 they had the right idea.
but these guys aren't particularly DEEP nor meant to be either. just have them yap some quick crap before we explode them in a million bits, not struggle with x about the doability of utopia or whatever the hell
Well, the new-gen reploids are all Sigma's children...
that's part of what makes X8's plot balls to the wall retarded really
"they seem to BE sigma"
so basically they're killing off sigma for good (without even saying why is he supposedly dead for good even thought zero says it in his ending like lumine clarified the reason why which he didn't) to replace him with... an ARMY of sigmas.
yeah no. that's about as 'smart' as someone deciding what he x-men franchise needs moving forward is an entire race of shapeshifters that all are supposed to be the same person.
Well, Lumine had Sigma's DNA, but that doesn't mean he fought like Sigma.
I suppose it is an out for if they want to use Sigma again, but they're also free to use unique villains.
Starforce 3 issues
Noise should have never been made it ruins the game because its complete bullshit.
Heartless ex machina
Bosses not causing chaos in real world like SF2 but cyber core bullshit
Jack and Tia are written poorly
Joker is an asspull
Sirius should have been the main villain not King.
King's motive is shit hurr durr rule the world.
Ace not dying when he spammed Acid Ace.
The dimmed out cards in custom screen ruining folder flexibility.
The wizards no really I hated all but Acid
Laplace shouldnt exist he contradicts Solo.
Tia being moralfagged despite the fact she wanted to bomb a kids school for the lulz.
The entire you can hack a meteor horseshit plot point
Geo cant just fucking fly into space(he levitates in the outer astro waves for fuck sake) he needs a rocket something that moves way way way slower than him.
Hurr Geo cant get back to earth ITS A FUCKING PLANET YOU CANT MISS IT IF YOU ARENT EVEN NEAR THE MOON'S ORBIT. Im so fucking sick of this crap after every final boss battle
Kelvin ex machina
Kelvin living after the Meteor G crap
Le happy ending for Geo having his dad back instead of Kelvin dying to protect Earth.
The entire Luna squad irks me.
Taurus acting OOC and becoming fatass's wizard.
Please kill Pedia
>Laplace shouldnt exist, he contradicts Solo.
Isn't Laplace something made by the Mu people
Like, Solo just see him as a weapon anyway, so it contradicts shit.
Damn, that logo looks polished as fuck. And something I noticed that's weird about pic related? It's not even in the official complete works. It's too new. It has a similar art style to the new Roll. Did they put in legacy collection 2's files by mistake?
it's still completely schizophrenic like X5 and X6 having a bunch of alternate endings because they have no idea where they're going
you don't need to have a bunch of guys that are being sold as "they can also BE sigma" to be able to use sigma again, he always kept coming back many times with no explanation even so you don't need an 'out'
so I don't see any reason to push that angle so hard unless they're trying to establish some sort of pointless equivalence that "but it's still sigma, even if it looks nothing like him!" (and the whole WE CAN GO MAVERICK AT WILL is even more pointless since that's one of the things that defines a reploid, that they can make awful decisions for themselves. if they're tooting that as some sort of breakthrough then all reploids would need to be programmed lackeys the level of the robot masters and that just flies in the face of the entire series setup)
whenever someone mentions Noise I only think of the enemies from twewy
twewy 2 fucking when
Solo is meant to be alone so no Laplace.
He is, Laplace is just an axe.
Real talk though, form changes for mega man would be great for merchandising.
Nintendo has Kirby plushies for his copy powers.
I believe the official explanation (or at least the one people say) regarding Sigma being permanently dead is "He died in space, but unlike last time he died in space, he died on the moon and not in a technological space station or whatever".
The "Going Maverick thing is weird too. I think the whole "willingly go maverick" thing is meant to be "willingly following Sigma's ideals". Whilst reploids had free will, little to none of them agree with Sigma. Since the new-gens were basically given the reploid equivalent of Mein Kampf...
Capcom will never go for it, because that would make sense.
Kirby + Mega Man when?
>Joker is an asspull
When Nomorea stops shitting out KH games and ruining FFVII
it is not that they can be sigma. it is that they have the same mind set of sigma post infection. they are their own self not sigma just with a mindset where the world needs to be ruled by reploids and reploids alone. and while Some of them can turn into Sigma they are don't even compare in terms of strength
Also since I just finished X8. it clearly seems to have at least a single century or more to have passed since the start of the series. you can't build a space elevator AND rebuild earth after the colony drop with at least hundreds of years.
X and Zero even act more mature.
The new generation thanks to using DNA from a a bunch of old models got the rebelious personality of the sigma virus. they pretty much evolved to take their own actions like Zero and X unlike the old generation ones who are bound by rules. same shit happened to Gate on X6 once he got infected by the Zero virus.
Lumine thought that Zero and X could not be as agrresive as the newer generation for being old types
"as long as I'm alive I'll beat the fuck out of you"
I like Zero's comeback the most.
>Struggle? I'm just tired of running into you and Sigma every time I turn around.
"Having the same mindset as Sigma" seems to just fall on the same loophole as "they're Sigma! Only not!", which is still pretty mindnumbing. Just give us new blood. Don't keep pussyfooting at the opportunity.
>they pretty much evolved to take their own actions like Zero and X unlike the old generation ones who are bound by rules.
No, the robots that are bound by rules are the old ones like the robot masters. Gate simply went insane when he was infected like most people who get exposed to the virus. The big deal was someone with his knowledge going insane, not that he went insane in the first place. That's basically flying smack dab into the face of the entire setup of the X series.
Capcom doesn't know what they're doing with the plot anyhow, if this convoluted mess of what nonsense the NGs keep talking about wasn't a clear enough sign. Official word already contradicted when does X7 take place by saying Command Mission happens "a few years after it", and then that it's "100 years after X7 at the same time as Zero series". So while these signs may indicate it happens 'decades after X6' they can just as easily just up and say it's still recent enough to X6.
If they can't sort out something as simple as when "does a game take place" let alone "where were they even trying to go with the plot" because the only thing I can get from it is "we're fresh out of ideas".
But then again it's a game first, and very few Megaman games survive this level of scrutinity. But plotwise I can't say X8 holds at all.
>X and Zero even act more mature
>after hundreds of years
Really puts the "late" in "late bloomers"
I like X's answer to Vile, but Zero was the best at shit talking in that game.
both of them are sick of vile and sigma at this point.
no. the investigators only got altered after gate got infected by the virus and went insane. before that he didn't do shit besides saying "i'll make you pay" god knows how many years ago.
And no. someone having the same mind set doesn't mean that they are the same people. just help each other to reach a common objective.
Also the since reploids live for hundreds of year as it is stated multiple times. you pretty much reach a conclusion that each generation of X series have at least decades apart from each other. If inafune didn't decide to write bullshit homoerotic fanfiction with multipkle ending everything would make far more sense
Where did he blame X specifically there? This is Albert-Ashe dialogue tier.
It was part of what he's saying in the second screenshot. The full line is:
>Your dedication to what you refer to as "justice" is what first got me thinking... I realized the imperfection of this world, and decided I must change it.
>before that he didn't do shit besides saying "i'll make you pay" god knows how many years ago.
Yeah, because deep down Gate was a GOOD GUY. You see this trait when he's at the crash site of the colony in the beginning of the game and he's distraught at the destruction and just how many people died because of it. He wanted to push boundaries of technology, not be an asshole for hell of it.
Which many of his creations WERE, no virus needed, and then were sabotaged by the researchers because they were classified as dangerous. Reploids are as autonomous as human beings and they can make shitty decisions, that's pretty much what sets them apart from the Classic series robots.
Why is all the arranged MMX music, lounge music?
It was just this particular album.
Okay, thanks. It's been a while since I played.
Somebody hasn't heard of Breis
Tony Stark and Dr. Light.
Two warmongers fighting for peace
And yet responsible for so much horror
It makes so much sense!
Except Light is still seen as a natural genius in his time whereas every new Mahvel character is noted to be "even smarter than Tony Stark," specifically.
>Mahvel gets hold of Megaman
>new little brown girl character who's smarter than Light, Wily and Cossack, and naturally Kalinka's BFF
Don't give Bendis ideas.
>she also becomes the main character after stealing some equipment from the preschool she attends and builds herself a suit that makes her more powerful than Ultimate Armor X
>he's not hyped for the inevitable advent of Giga Woman
>no human-loving Reploid that eventually turns Maverick named Hugh Manatee
Opportunity missed, Capcom
Oh, the huge manatee!
>Implying X9's mavericks won't all be wordplay
>or Linkin Park references
>X4 intro
>X isn't shown interacting with any of the characters except when he stands next to the main character at the end
>Zero gets like twice as much screentime
Also did Unbeatable Love really play in the JP verion? The song for the US version sounds way more fitting.
That's not doggo. Fuck Alia.
Yes, I am actually playing Rockman X4 on my PSVita right now! Unbeatable Love is really the OP music and the Mavericks have a lot of pre-fight spoken dialogue too.
The title screen music is slightly different too.
Why no one talk about Starforce?
So Sonic is doing promotional work with Hooters.
Mega Man needs to step up his game and do promo work with Playboy. That's the obvious answer!
Same, on Vita TV. I'm gonna try to beat Colonel with X since last time it didn't go too well. I like Unbeatable but it just doesn't sound very MegaMan-y to me. Pre fight dialogue isn't really a turn off for me, it's when they have to get in a last word after you already killed them that annoys me, like in the Z games.
>Not some famous gay magazine
Now, now user.
It's like you don't want the help of 80% of the fucking cast.
Chip 'n Dale would be more fitting.
What would you like to talk about?
I like Unbeatable Love, if only because it's Iris' VA singing and I guess it makes sense in the context of her character. Like a sort of foreshading to whats about to happen to her and Zero.
I'm trying to beat Sigma with Zero, I've never been able to do it, not even on PS2, fuck him. Any tips?
Also, does Black Zero in this game give you any buff like X5 onwards or just is an easter egg?
My brother on Vita homebrew and piracy.
On PS1, I meant, fucking hell.
I like Star Force. I love Geo's progression as a character and I like how Bud grows from mindless drone/muscle to a bro-tier dude towards Geo.
Zack is a little shit, though.
>My brother
Maybe a distant cousin, I rebought all the games like the sheep man I am.
No buffs on Black, only a color change. As for Sigma, you should probably stick to normal attacks since special moves will just get in the way.
I like UL too, just not as a MMX song. Maybe if it were a character song like some animes do, that would make more sense.
Is Taurus residue in SF2 or was it actually him? I can't remember. I'm still miffed that Bud never got to do as much with him since he always had trouble with the transformation. It was like they preemptively nerfed his character before he could become too cool.
>I rebought all the games like the sheep man I am.
Fair enough.
I do it because I'm not american, coming across Vita games is literally looking for a needle in a haystack here, and PSN doesn't take my country's money. So piracy it is.
I thin UL is meant to be Iris' character song but they really can't fit it anywhere but in the Opening movie. It'd be an odd... fit for her boss fight.
If there's one Japanese opening I really dislike, is X5's japanese opening. I don't know why, but Mosquito-Milk just gets on my nerves, I preffer the english opening.
I like X6's OP a lot, the only non-terrible thing about that gane is the music. X8's is solid too. I don't hate X7's, I just feel the same way about that one as I do X4's and CM's. Like, maybe they'd be a better fit for classic MM instead of X.
I FINALLY DID IT. Woah ,the ugly big Sigma head's mouth is weak against Slash Beast's technique, who knew?
X6's music is great, X7's is... Alright, but yeah, it's a weird fit. As for X8, I love Janne Da Arc, I loved their song "Feel the wind" for the CM for Rockman.EXE 2.
Well, that music song sure is... happy considering Zero's moarning.
I like the singer's voice tho.
Nice. I find X4 Sigma to be one of his most difficult final forms.
JdA was one of my favorite bands before I overplayed all of their music. Acid Black Cherry may have gotten their singer, but to me they're nowhere near as good.
>Acid Black Cherry may have gotten their singer, but to me they're nowhere near as good.
Oh hey, I said the same thing the last thread. Or close to it. ABC might have yasu, but... it's just not the same. I still like JdA but I never overplayed it so maybe that's why they still hold in my mind... I am very biased torwards feel the wind though. I love the song, and the lyrics once I read it on the translations' site (now down, but wayback machine werks)
Well, with X4 done... Maybe I should try X3, I also never finished that one. Or move to X5.
Or finish X4 with X.