Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Teach me some Morrigan tricks in MvCi.
just waiting for the unist us release...
& people say CoC looks like, looks better than better, than MvCi.
Punk truly is DA GOD. He will end up as the best Western fighting game player of all time. SCREENSHOT THIS.
Is he the Tokido of America?
I screenshotted, senpai. I'll show this post to my grandkids when Punk is as famous as Babe Ruth or Muhammad Ali.
lmao doug is literally just gandhi with combos
My point is that it's impossible to aa dp on reaction every time. The only player you really see doing that is sk samurai. And you can easily bait aa dps in jive since every god damn character in that game has unga jump ins that hit full screen
This artstyle would have been an improvement over what we got. It's got that ugly Clayfighter charm. What we got was literally Food Fight,
He will be irrelevant in s3 of SFV and in few month of MvCI
Screencap this
He'll die young like Hendrix. We will always wonder what he could have become.
Play Ruby!!!
Is there somewhere I can look to see move properties of characters in MvCI? Like what hits low and what's an overhead etc?
holy fuck doug just got dumped 0-5
wish i was good enough to beat doug
Yeah it's called training mode.
It shows you that shit now.
more catgirl OPs pls
i win doug. will you keep up your end of the bargain?
by whom
rematch in a2 for double or nothing
Why won't these niggas use their stone storms?
CEOtaku schedule where
if see me in a2
>No walking
The same reason why that Jedah dude tried to combo with UWT instead of maximum spider.
Because they suck,.
what did you play for
>gets btfo
>won't buy the guy the steam guy they bet on
Is this the power of discord?
Is Menat?
it's one of "those" threads oh boy
no play coco and yang
steam game
Bo Rai Cho looking ass.
based fgg user blowing discord anime avatar faggot the fuck out
doug 'i aint got no money' funney yancy
>most of the cast has full screen projectiles, teleports, air dashes, the fastest normals, completely safe chains that can be canceled into safe specials, giant normals
>theres still characters with none of that
What's even the point of bringing someone like Haggar back? He wasn't able to compete before, and he still cant. His dinky new projectile cant fight back the wall against him. Most characters could get bigger damage off their standard throws than he could with a command grab. Same with Ryu. He has a laser now, but it takes too long to charge. Most characters could dash across the whole screen to punish it probably.
a steam game
i wanted mvci or tekken 7...
doug pulling a cash debtroid
he's so pathetic if he doesn't pay up lol
motherfucking practice then. record different jump timings , jump ins, and distances and find your dps optimal sweet spot and spacing. its fucking never been easier to get better and learn fighting games but faggots like you still find the need to complain or blame the games theyre playing instead of doing their homework.
Nemesis is pretty legit, mainly because his damage is UNGA as balls.
Leave Flash out of this please, he is quite alright.
Does Jedah have a blue alt color?
>He wasn't able to compete before
Don't know about KBR? And ComboFiend beat FChamp at the launch party with Haggar. Too early to dismiss a character like that.
What did he mean by this?
>Not Ultron vs. Dante: Infinite DRONE
Jedah is like the only character where I still use the default color.
any capcom fans here?
man why don't you nerds stream your salty /fgg/ sets
this place would be much better
>get btfo and welches
>s-stop bullying me
Why do i always miss these dumps? FUCK
Pathetic desu
yeah i really enjoyed playing mega man back in the day
It was for a steam game and he didn't even post which game, faglord. If he's gonna samefag shitpost, then eat shit. See me in a game I actually play or shut up
No, but why would you?
Can I get a quick rundown on persona arena?
Hey, fgg/ I have, autodysomophobia. I think this might get in the way of me going to tournaments.
Because they dodge non-stop.
i am a capcom fan sometimes
It was fun
you can just spectate if it's on fightcade
man Im shit at opening up people in marvel.
>doug is a welcher
What a piece of shit
>All models pulled from it look like ass because they lack that crucial feature.
>but no that model doesn't display the shading I'm talking about.
>The ripped models look worse than in-game
goobers dont even know what their own game looks like....
>Lose bet and don't pay for no reason
nice man
you agreed to the game, got btfo and now won't pay up, the only faglord here is you
MvCI looks like shit, but I feel as if I've already crossed the line into "I must consume everything" territory over a decade ago. Is it worth a buy or should I just check-in to rehab?
lol lose the trip and try to save face while you still can lmaoooooo
Hey faggots, does Absolver belong in this thread?
>This artstyle would have been an improvement over what we got. It's got that ugly Clayfighter charm.
What the fuck are you-
>What we got was literally Food Fight
Never mind, it's you.
Is Hulk's forward HP a good overhead for tag unblockables?
I can't remember if it has armour or not.
you are so fucking pathetic lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Decent-to-great fighting game with unique mechanics bogged down by balance issues and a console release that got abandoned before the arcade update.
Ultimax would still be played if arcsys cared enough to just patch it.
MvCI is the best kusoge on the market. Play Thor.
>he didn't even post which game
So you can look like Melan Blue obviously
Is that the guy who got his Haggar shoved away my Mag-freakin-neto to a time out?
can I have fun playing tekken if I've only ever played 2D games like street fighter?
it's fun as fuck and the game looks good in motion. if youre big on marvel definitely cop, if not wait for a sale maybe.