Generic edition
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What's the best way to find manga as close to the surface as possible without having a volcano? Is it possible to detect magma without digging all the way down to the magma sea?
Visiting a comic shop is usually a good way to start.
I just noticed why my soldiers aren't picking up their boots, it's because they're already wearing shoes or 3 pairs of gloves in one hand. How do I make them not do that shit?
m -> e -> r
press r for EVERY position in every squad to switch from Over Clothing to Replace Clothing.
Guys investigating buildings last thread: are you writing this shit down on the wiki? Cause you should. Or collate it here and I'll do it. That's important ~science~.
>Making a well
>Someone dropped some gloves in there
>No one will pick them up or dump them
>i'm gonna have to dig a hole so I can get these goddamn worn troll clothes out of my future water supply.
there are magma tubes in the caverns sometimes. but that's the only way without a volcano
So, I'll be looking for hot rock pillars going through caverns?
>press r for EVERY position in every squad to switch from Over Clothing to Replace Clothing.
Or you could change the uniform to replace clothing, then press U -> M in the equipment menu to refresh the uniform on the squad.
>then press U -> M
shift+enter I mean, not M
No, they're the same as volcanoes, they just don't reach the surface.
I see, thank you.
>tfw you can't be sure that Rick didn't just make a reference to a meme from a fucking ffxi board
>tfw you realize all your time playing df, you've always taken granite for granite
>my friends say I play autistic games like DF too much
They're completely right, all my video game time is spent on DF and EVE, please send help
>complain about you playing autistic games
>use DF as an example over fucking EVE
wew lad
As another eve + df player, eve isn't that autistic. It's like DF in that the biggest challenge is the interface (until you get into APM-intensive stuff like solo or small gang PvP).
the interface isn't even difficult.
for 90% of people the difficulty is understanding how things work in the world and how to set up a stable fortress with all industries accounted for.
this seems really insurmountable at first but imo once it sort of clicks that you need certain things, and you get an idea of how to plan layouts neatly, it becomes very easy.
that and the graphics turns people off.
I've finally gotten the hang of maintaining forts and shit but I seem to be missing out on the story of the world. Where can I find this stuff?
Yeah but it's that first step of the graphics that gets most people (for eve and DF). In DF, it's really unintuitive to understand z-levels until you finally get it to click. Ramps, channels, and stairs are also weird.
In Eve, the overview is a huge clusterfuck infodump until you get the hang of it.
In both cases, there's a lot of necessary stuff that makes no sense before you can comprehend all of it. People hit that initial H-HE'S FAST! wall and just altf4. That's what I mean by "interface" getting in the way.
Legends mode
been playing DF for years now and have NEVER played on an Aquifer
the new player experience in EVE is shit and the game would have probably 10 times as many players if they did a decent job with it
legends mode if you want to sift through endless pages and pages of how Urist Uristson killed 444 elves
you can also go by engravings or stuff you hear in Adventure mode which is more fun imo
usually if I see something interesting mentioned I'll go check it out in legends mode to read more.
>mfw 2 forgotten beasts are doing my job for me and killing each other.
neat, thank you.
>Shores of Hazeron was the exact same, except with horrible graphics and a clusterfuck of an early gameplay
>tfw now it's even worse because Haxus got terminal brain retardation
Damn that seems like a pretty cool game on a concept level. Is it worth getting into or are the devs too shit?
>filename implying DF is ugly
bitch Dwarf Fortress is beautiful
>/dfg/ defense force
Get out of Shores of Hazeron general
No. Haxus the Mentally Retardant started charging ten dollars per fucking month for a game that is, essentially, something you play twice a month. He even seriously suggested putting it on Steam fucking Greenlight.
Now it's in a state worse than death, with at most 6 players at peak times for months. It's not even remotely worth it.
It was beautiful in its own way, no matter how many polygons you could count on the Duke Nukem 3D-tier sprites.
What a damn shame.
>that mirrored planet texture
>good game concepts that died in infancy
it really sucks huh
So do Goblin sieges come at random, or can I expect them to come in winter or whatever season like how caravans of humans and elves only ever show up in spring and summer?
>demigod barely even has enough trait points to accurately represent myself
feels good man
really toggles the cats
>high analytical ability
>superior intuition
I don't believe you for a second
It's a game from 2003. Haxus shut it down in 2014 or so because of (((hosting problems))), then brought it back a year and a half later for the jewbucks, this time charging out the ass. It used to have hundreds of players on at once. You can look yourself how popular it is now
In fact, now that I think about it, Hazeron is a lot like DF. Started off as a shitty open world adventure thing, got an entire 4x system added to it, got expanded with an entire dimension on the planets, got its mechanics completely redone (very badly, buggily and annoyingly so) every other update and would completely fucking die if anyone had to pay for it.
>implying four way symmetry on gas giants is what you should worry about
I wonder what it is that kept Hazeron from being famous enough to sustain itself off patreonbux like DF.
Lack of word of mouth. DF's got that. It's been around and had enough of those ridiculous little moments to make people talk about it.
Hazeron, on the other hard, is a space exploration first person civilization builder with ridiculous graphics and wildlife considerably more terrifying than anything Spore could ever come up with. It doesn't have chopping off limbs or marauding elephants or exploding bodies. It just has a complete lack of advertising.
DF is still a solid game even with bugs and I think the updates to Adventure mode have gone a long way in making it more accessible to people/appeal to different kinds of people who enjoy games like ADOM
I spend so long generating worlds but I've got a pretty nice one now
I really like that little evil island off the coast, its all swampland too which would make for a good spooky game
But imagine, for a moment, that DF is online only. It's all in a series of huge worlds, generated when one passes from one to the other. There are hundreds of players at any one time in any one world.
Then you have to pay $10 a month to even touch it.
Would you still play it?
I'd say that most people from this general still would. But not much outside that. It being an MMO would also mean that modding doesn't exist, and that's one of the greatest traits of DF - that you can add or change anything at all - and that's half the fanbase gone within a moment.
That's basically what happened to Hazeron.
How come floors can be thin but walls can't
This makes everything "look" squashed unless it's 3 stories tall and I hate it.
kicking myself now that I didn't let worldgen go on for longer
I have a dragon but he won't be full size
has anyone ever made an oceanic based fort?
not just one by the sea but one that takes full advantage of it
I really wish boats were a thing, I'd love to make a maritime civ and have seaborne trade/pirates
Regen it with the same seeds, then. Just change the end date first.
do you guys prefer mass dorms or individual rooms for every dwarf?
normally I make separate rooms for everyone, with progressively larger rooms for more important people
but I've seen other people who simply make massive dorms for all the dwarves, yet manage to not have any happiness hit because with a ton of beds and furnative they quickly reach "royal rooms" quality and if you assign every bed they don;t complain
my try this in my next fort to save space and make a more aesthetic layout instead of my normal ugly haphazard modular one
In current version it's impossible to make dwarves unhappy so I just stick with dorms since designating all the shit for individual rooms is a pain.
bite nerf when jfc
the problem I always have with long histories in trying to generate fully grown (or nearly full grown) Dragons is they tend to get speared by some lucky frogman and die
how do I make more efficient stockpiles?
I still make massive rock stockpiles, idk an easy alternative, besides quantum ones I guess
Feed stockpiles, with more stockpiles
so just make more?
that's what I do as-is
it takes up lots of space but its never like i'm lacking for space anyway
pretty much
>leave companion in a hamlet while I go raid a tower
>come back
>they aren't in the hamlet or castle
>everyone in the hamlet and the ones near it just say she's probably around there but they don't know where exactly
what gives, how can I find them again
I try and keep forts to a single z level, so when a stockpile feels heavy I can go up or down
>decided to questport back to her home site to see if she showed up there
>not there
>start walking around the hamlet
>she teleports right next to me
>there are 2 copies of her
adventure mode, everyone
>I try and keep forts to a single z level
>I try and keep forts to a single z level
Stop doing this, it's horribly inefficient.
Is there any way to dfhack the reading skill if I didn't start with it? I tried gmeditor but I still can't read even with it legendary.
that's what you get for being an illiterate fucktard
>gay animals
what's the point of this?
Not him but I tend to do the same, simply because there's nothing interesting to see on any given z-level if you don't. Efficiency is a just meme for newfags and doesn't matter in the slightest compared to aesthetics and fun.
Granted it's not like I put EVERYTHING on the same z-level - quarries and magma forges tend to end up just above the magma sea for the obvious reasons, but I try to keep most of the fort visible without having to touch the keyboard.
realism and triggering pollacks
fun fact: I once saw gay squirrels in my back yard
It's a psy op to make you hate gayness.
it triggers me more when I bring animals with me and they are ALL gay and won't breed
gay dwarves is fine, but gay animals is just annoying and tedious since animals in game have no relationships
It makes me weenie wiggle
dfhack that shit then
once I was lucky to have a breeding pair of dragons, and one of them was asexual
was so angry
EVE isn't all the difficult either. Really the autism you get out of it is what you put into it and what you want to get from the game. If you spend your time gossiping in corp chat then EVE is an espionage/highschool drama sim. If you just log in to get drunk and whelp fleets its literal BROOOOO tier retardation. If you join a c5 wormhole with a bunch of autistic foreigners then its obviously going to be some extremely autistic shit. Most people that play EVE run missions in their Raven making poorfag money and its like the same exact thing as people logging in to do daily heroics in WoW and never even getting to the point where they move past raidfinder because they lack the commitment to even join a long running group.
I multiboxed mining fleets and 80% of my time in my corp was spent avoiding logging in for fleet roams and getting cloaky camped by black-ops fleets. Oh and filling out mining contracts on the corp website and paying alt taxes and doing planetary interaction spreadsheets.
You can lead a fish to water but you can't keep him swimming. By that I mean revamping the new player experience isn't going to stop most EVE players from being sheep that aren't playing the game for themselves. They mission, or join and F1 alliance, and do really boring shit simply because they lack any sort of drive to make their own decisions. They just like "being around and absorbing the power struggles" they don't like actually doing anything of their own accord and you can't teach that with a tutorial. EVE just will never have a lot of players and that's fine, its crowded enough with alts as it is.
But if there was a better volume of players, more good ones would exist (even if they stayed the same percentage). Though one could argue that the people who quit due to the interface aren't going to become those fabled "good players."
>because they lack the commitment to even join a long running group.
Is that even a matter of "commitment" so much as a fear of social interactions?
Use gm-unit instead.
I'm referring to people that aren't willing to log in to raid 3 times a week and don't put in time to improve their gear during non-raid times. I'm not knocking the idea that people don't want to raid or anything, I'm just saying that there are a decent amount of people that simply don't put in the time to really "play the game". MMO's are a lot different when you're relevant enough to be actually known by people in your sphere of influence and you know the other people you play with. Being a line drone, or a solo player, is simply a lot easier for most people and its not really a social interaction thing. I'm making that claim because there are plenty of socially autistic spazzlords that are dealt with simply because you can't find anyone remotely competent to fill their place. You end up taking what you can get.
Dwarf Fortress isn't even a fun game. Prove me wrong.
Not even trolling I fucking love Dwarf Fortress.
The biggest problem as far as I've ever been concerned with MP games is just that because of the social phobia actually joining a group and then devoting my non-group playtime to improving my character for MP purposes also requires a complete shift of playstyle, in addition to adapting to the social aspect of the MP group.
Most people in MP (and the subset of MMOs) groups tend to be utter shitheads so yeah...
What does fun even mean? The modern ambiguous definition of fun seems to be some sort of low effort reward that's passively gained with minimal interaction. Play however is simply the act of committing yourself to participating in an activity that is absurd and doesn't make any sense outside of its own practice. You do it often to train skills and prepare yourself for situations that you might encounter some day, like a puppy roughhousing with other dogs. I don't what what activity dwarf fortress is substituting but the act of committing actual mental focus and skill to an activity that is ridiculous and has no survival based benefits is what makes the play fun.
>le leedit ambiguous societal standards meme
You ducking know what "fun" is you cheeky cunt.
Not him, but:
I do think people sometimes call things "fun" when they don't have any feeling at all about that thing. There's a difference between
>yeah it was pretty fun i guess
That worked, thanks.
Nah I'm more talking about like, if someone asks you if a games fun and you enjoy playing it, but it's also not something you might call fun. It's just a weird word that's subjective and therefore it doesn't have a lot of meaning when you're trying to objectively qualify qualities of a game. Enjoyably autistic is unironically the best words I can think of to describe it. I wouldn't describe world of tanks, guilty gear, or EVE as fun either but I love all of those too.
I dunno, I'd describe Eve as genuinely fun. I'd go so far as to say it is the most fun I have had in a video game, even most ever.
Reason is, I'm attatched to what I'm flying. I had to put in hours to get the ISK to buy the hull and mods from someone. So when it's just me flying solo against a full enemy fleet and I'm trying to pick people off without dying, it's a rush unlike anything else. It's like a real life-or-death scenario, because I feel that something is on the line.
The same can happen in DF but I'm a savescumming faggot so I kill it for myself.
Yeah but like 98% of the time you might be talking to someone while flying around you're doing literally nothing like scanning, farming isk, or looking for fights, or station spinning.
>s-stop enjoying things!
Yeah. That 2% is worth as h*ck tho.
Go to a casino or something ffs.
Casinos cost more and are more addicting.
I'd rather have an actual interactive memory than give money to Indians.