Star Guardian edition
>Star Guardian official opening theme:
>Star Guardian official ending theme:
Star Guardian edition
>Star Guardian official opening theme:
>Star Guardian official ending theme:
All Elementalist Lux forms are equally best
Tell me lolg why is soraka best start guardian?
what the fuck is up with Syndra's tits?
Fuck Syndra, Marry Soraka, Kill Ahri, Befriend MF
xth for Syndra
>not a worlds hype edition
apply yourself faggot
Kill all of them.
Best guy!
She showed some guts showing up here, time to rip em' out.
>More missions again
Fuck. I hate how well they target my autistic desire to fill quotas.
Is this the same deal as the arcade missions? Best deal is to just clear the free missions and fuck their "pass" cause the price is way too high?
>second shortest skirt
>extremeley tight magical starpussy
Soraka is the best Star Guardian.
Why is Syndra so small
Xth for leagues biggest and bestest breasts!
vg vs vg soon summoners
Who's staying up late to watch the Play-In matches and cheer on C9?
Jinx is cuddly and cute
ITT: We post what League champion we fap to most often and try to guess other people's rank based on what champion they fap to.
She's a healslut.
I don't fap to league champs
Jinx is ZIGGD
anons, im at a loss.
what champion should I fap to today? i genuinely don't know.
When are we going to get some Garen x Kat lore additions?
If this gets evens Nasus
If this gets odds Renekton
If 0 then you got lucky you fap to Jarvan
When a Camille game goes well, it feels so fuckin clean and pro
When it goes badly it feels like I'm waving wet noodles at my enemies
soraka my man
do people ever find images like this funny?
>enchanter supports are called useless since the beginning of League
>Riot finally gives them good items and actual scaling into lategame so they can actually carry games by themselves
Aredent meta best meta. I love to cuck assasinbabs.
Yordle stuff from theBoogie or theCon
Fuck MF, Marry Raka, Befriend Syndra, Kill Ahri
If you like Ahri, you are a NORMIE
The price isn't even the concern.
Have you seen the mission objectives? That shit makes nunu jungle look like fun to play against.
>watching esports
>getting "hype" over esports
It's a crime that inCase has made zero yordle girls
i want good things for ray and impact
What champions does Riot unironically regret having made and ignore most of the time
I am ugly.
*parkours over the wall*
tch, out of the way. I'm only here for your adc....
I disconnected from loading screen, my teammates remade and now I'm not allowed to earn any loot. I was previously honor 5, how long till i can earn loot again?
>when you lose in champion select but you were given your champion so there's nothing you really could have done differently
Nice game lolbabs
>defending a star guardian thread
incase has better priorities and projects
But /lolg/ hates Ahri
Marry Ahri, kill the rest
Yes, of course, Alfie should be definitely a focus, but just one image wouldn't hurt
yea, but i mean.. you can still get a gf somehow, are you a nice guy/funny/smart or do you have severe autism?
We don't hate Ahri, we hate Ahrifags.
The guy in the last thread said it works
Is Ahri a kitsune or a kumiho?
Is it THAT guy again?
Promised to post results. I didn't tilt, still lost. Thanks /lolg/ for keeping my head straight.
amusing? usually
Funny? rarely
I'm nice, I've been told. Definitely not autistic. Just gets you friend zoned in my age range though.
>No Ezreal
>still the best Janna skin
The recent post ironic humour is the sign of a dying genre. A new type of humour will replace it.
so you can talk to other people and not be a complete social retard? see, that's already a good thing
are you tall
What nasus pic did you use?
the thought of bullying quinn and telling her how she will never have as firm and beautiful breasts as valor
Why not both?
Read the Origin Blog.
Post main and song
5'9, not tall, but taller than some women. I've seen some real manlets. Must be terrible being the size of an Asian woman.
League or legends
If this posts ends in a 8 viktor
You accidentally posted the wrong picture there, friend
Any song?
I actually do want to know what happens next you fuck.
maybe in the future, commissions are closed and he hasn't drawn shortstack pieces in a while
Get the Orcs.
I didn't masturbate at all, I just listened to the honest advice and took a break before diving back into ranked. I'm pretty boring in my sexual preferences, as in female humans with nice legs.
Give me one reason why I shouldn't play healsluts till I get Plat when I genuinely enjoy this role and played it even before Ardent was meta.
Because healsluts will be nerf.
fuck you dude
you have no understanding of azir as a champion and i hope his rework puts him even further in the gutter than he already is even though liandry's is actually a GOOD build
You're abusing something while having no actual skill at the game. Plat and Diamond support mains would probably get shit on by a silver/gold mid
because fucking why
uhhh lolbabs?
Is it supposed to be related?
Very nice taste, lulufag
>beating up sona
not very nice >:(
Nerfs when?
City of Caterpillar and Boredoms are both in my top 10 holy shit
>is even though liandry's is actually a GOOD build
user I've been advocating that for the past few weeks. Total magic pen is the "new" thing on him now and Liandries is really really strong on him.
Why are you upset user?
I"m going to be lolg's resident Eveposter. No one else even bother
I want to smell and then lick eve's vag so bad
Any song? Or is Come on Eileen somehow related to Draven?
Good main, very cute.
>go jogging cause I'm tired of being a lazy skinnyfat POS
>Get to a really steep hill, feel like stopping and walking the rest of the way up
>Suddenly imagine if my waifu was watching and how she'd probably think I was pathetic
>Get a burst of energy and push myself all the way to the top even though I feel like throwing up
>Still feel happy because I imagine Ahri would have been proud of me
So this is the true power of waifuposting
>tfw nyctophobia
Any song
hahahahaha liandry's has been the best build on him for MULTIPLE PATCHES now and EVERY TIME I BROUGHT IT UP you would advertise that shitty fucking luden's build that does NOTHING DIFFERENT FROM BETTER BURST MAGES and NOW you fucking admit mpen is the better build MONTHS AFTERWARDS you've led countless azir players astray and now we all suffer as no one will enjoy this piece of shit champion with his rework FUCK YOU
I thought those were heart pupils for a sec and I got a big fat boner
I want to bully her so hard
What if you got missions once you reach mastery 7 you have to complete to gain further masteries?
Such as a pentakill with katarina or a double bubble with nami
Sounds like something very possible they'll do in future
>that tiny bit of her pantsu visible