/dg/ - Destiny General
2nd for 5 minutes since first reply in a brand new thread wow the threds ded already
>Making threads early
this ain't no reddit pal
it's saturday morning i can actually play now instead of shitpost
>it's another dupe exotic
Are we in agreement that Golden Trace is the nigger shader but Midnight Talons is acceptable?
What classes would they be
golden trace puts a shit texture on everything, if it was matte black it would be GOAT
hunter and hunter
L is the most obvious Warlock of all time
Guess what you are, hmmmmmmm
>only 2 story missions
>barren, ugly nothingness
>no exotic
Why does anyone like Io again?
Trace is the one that puts that shit texture on right, and talons has the glossy black and gold? If so, then yeah, trace is the nigger
spaceman armor
>preview shader from inventory
>it goes on everything including your exotic weapon
>but you can't use it on the exotic weapon
Trace is the carbon fibre one, yeah. Talon is gold and silver, in reality.
The good space armor is on titan though.
The io armor is ""aesthetic"".
any niggers in chat?
i really like the titan titan set and warlockk io set. titan hunter set makes them look fat
>no exotic
What are you talking about? You get one from Asher.
Where do Last Hope and Antiope-D come from?
I googled it but the wiki is useless and the only youtube videos are "OMG you have to try this GLITCHED OP GUN you won't believe what happens next :O"
And I fucking refuse to click that
Unique quest, retard. Earth has MIDA, Titan has Rat King, Nessus has Sturm and Io has fucking nothing.
both are random drops
Both come from Gunsmith
i-it has the man-o-w-war...
because it has the pyramidion
Don't post lies user. There's no exotic quest on Io.
>turn in my Titan rep shit
>randomly get Sweet Business along with my purple
I didn't even know you could get exotics from turning in tokens
What's the best site to stat people so I don't play with .5/sub 1.0 shitters?
>go reread the Books of Sorrow
>think about d2 lore
man this shit better get good with the first dlc
Are there people who unironically use the legacy movement controls?
how do you get the raid milestone again? the one that gives the powerful engram? because I just noticed mine disappeared is it because I had to complete the raid during the first week?
That image makes me so mad.
Ree is also new waifu
Is the game suddenly laggy for anyone else? I just entered a match of control where I got doz'd and was in an empty lobby, only to find myself gangbanged by three people at B on Endless Vale.
has anyone gotten armor out of the clan raid/trials engrams?
>patrol on titan
>ghost says "that's a good haul for the alt-right! go us!"
How the fuck did this slip through?
Halo was a fluke.
Bungie is incompetent.
Yes we've known this for 3 years now
>THIS much denial
>all those posts saying no dedicated servers will be perfectly fine
>Striker Titan with a bad connection becomes the entire Justice League rolled into one character
I'm at least glad the first D2 /dg/ thread called out the lack of dedis in the title.
No Halo was made by the old Bungie. Destiny has been made by nu-Bungie that has been infected by the Activision parasite.
They're an empty shell of their former selves.
what the fuck? I just got in a competitive match where all 3 of my teammates just fucking suicide every single time
Just repeat suicide with them bro it's all part of the #competitive #ranked #balanced experience
What does that tell you about how "fun" the PvP is?
>tfw Bungo will implement punishments for suiciders rather than fix PvP and make it fun again
>still no solo queue or improved matchmaking
>still no mod buffs
>still no max impact SR buff
>still no removal or lightening of chest lockout
>dupe solution still not implemented
>30 days till PC
At least its not Y1 lagging Bladedancer
Are all guns rolls static now? No chances for different effects?
>having a dream about getting teamfired by MIDA clans
btw, looking for trials, magessbb on ps4
Post your factions and characters
>new monarchy Hunter
>dead orbit Titan
>future war cult Warlock(If I finish leveling a warlock before its over)
>Bladedancers were always people with Bleach or Naruto names and spanish clan tags
Where have they gone now that they can't weeb out anymore?
>mother fucking strike titan from france or bumfuck yuganda judging by his connection trades slams with me
>both of us should have died
>instead he gets his roaming super for the entire duration of the game permanently, can't die, and teleports
>at one point a brave sentinel tries his luck and all that did was glitch a shield into his codpiece for 2 minutes
>game ends and my slam finally kills him 5 minutes and 37 seconds later
Warlock - NM
Titan - DO
Hunter - FWC
>what is quickfang
Yes, all rolls are static, so for example if you've seen one Better Devils you've seen them all
Yep. Isn't it grand?
who here /absoluteshitter/ in crucible? I don't know if I'm just having a bad day or not but jesus fuck I'm getting sub 1.0 k/d today
How many Titans got converted to dead orbit just because of that armor?quickfang and invis dodge is pure shinobi weeb goodness. I play Naruto music and just camp heavy in crucible now.
Halo was a game
Destiny is a product
I hate how the meta crucible kiddies needed muh perfect balance and whined till they got this.
They're only going to drop it whenever CoD / Overwatch 2 or what the fuck ever comes out. Finding perfect rolls on D1 was one of the things that kept me playing
>When you find out that the best counter against sword users is fucking jumping
>be avalon teal titan guy
>have sweet business
>sometimes use actium rig for maximum dakka
>actium goes fine with avalon teal
>sweet business is a red and white stain on the blue and white perfection
at least I keep my annual skate normal colors to mach
No idea. I've always run those three a certain way. Makes more sense for my Hunter to be DO than FWC, but I don't care enough to assign make-believe roles because of some headcanon
I dunno, at least the FWC Titan has a unique armor set rather than just a recolor. I'm actually predicting that they will get more representation just for that. It's not like you can't reshade them if you don't like FWC colors, right?
Not me. That's the Titan Wildwood set, ie from EDZ. It doesnt have that netting the EDZ one has on the leg and shoulder, but it also doesnt sport the guady DO symbol on the head or chest, ie the best parts of the set
>tfw clan 5
>tfw we're going to beat the raid today
>tfw 4 still hasn't
Yeah I kinda don't like it, playing for a god roll was one of the better reasons to keep playing like you said, now its just "oh i got the same thing".
feels good being an xbowner so I don't have to deal with pleb problems
Even with the Firefly bug Destiny 1 didn't crash as often for me as Destiny 2 does.
I pick my factions based on lore and not loot
>Future War Cult - Warlock
>New Monarchy - Titan
>Dead Orbit - Hunter
>laggers with Synthoceps
Might as well start filming for that Superman sequel right here
lmao faggot
>playing over and over again to get slightly different stats on the same weapon kept me playing
How old were you when you were diagnosed with autism?
Nice anecdotal evidence.
Why not turn every single weapon perk into a mod and then allow us to put perks on guns however we want? Make the gunsmith actually useful for once.
There had to have been a better way. Rolls on guns was legitimately fucking awful and a horrible attempt at artificial longevity. It was just anther carrot on a stick over the same content.
I'm noticing people waxing poetic about D1 PvP too, saying shit like "it was perfect," what gives? It was almost universally panned and every thread about it was talking about how it needed reworked entirely. Is this what they mean when they say "as soon as a sequel comes out the first game will be perfect?"
What a fucking retard
>all hunters titans and warlocks think the same
>I'm a lore expert guize trust me xD
God you're dumb.
You don't usually participate in debates do you? Stop parroting things you read on Veeky Forums.
>outlaw reactive reload old fashioned
Bungie is trying to avoid this.
>My game crashes more
And mine doesn't.
It's like people forgot about bullshit like shot package matadors, final round efrideets, thorn and getting hawkmeme'd
Dude what that was literally just "an anecdote"
It didnt need a complete overhaul, it needed balancing.
Need 2 more for the level 300 arms dealer.
Pls respond
I completely remember all that stuff and I'm aware that on objective terms Destiny 2 is a much better experience
But I could say the same for MW3 in comparison to MW2. The latter was absolutely retarded and the former was technically more balanced, but if you honestly had more fun with MW3 than MW2 you are very much in the minority
t. shitty Titans who want to run away from Earth like pussies
Nice statement, as opposed to your falsely diagnosed anecdotal evidence.
Bungie has a blank slate with D2 PvP. They should have finished it before it came out but they are selling Destiny as a service so they needed something to improve. So crucible is gonna be boring and bland until bungie starts bringing out more content, balance patches, game modes and ditches this fucking playlist shit. Eventually we might have an interesting crucible but if you expect it now you're gonna disappoint yourself.
No it needed an overhaul. PvP was broken from the ground up.
They best way bungo could fix pvp without breaking rolls would be to have standard loadouts of weapons. This would let the crucible be easily balanced out by bungie, while keeping pve safe from bullshit changes like removing weapon rolls.
You could even disable the loadouts for trials or Iron banner, as a way to keep the old system.
Are Synthoceps actually good? They sure are ugly as fuck.
I liked all the dumb shit. It was fun.
Eh, MW2 was still balanced in that if everything is OP, nothing is OP. Just about everything, bar the F2000 (which was still great) was viable. So much fun, though. MW3 was sterile as fuck.
pic related
Why do the planetary maps sometimes show the PE timer and sometimes not?
Literally those inflatable arms from the Musclebob Buffpants Spongeob episode
>Sloane says she was on the Dreadnaught
Fucking what?