/twg/ - Total War General

Von Carestein edition

Total War: WARHAMMER 2 - Lizardmen vs High Elves Multiplayer Battle

Total War: WARHAMMER 2 Beginner's Guide - How to Win the Campaign
Total War: WARHAMMER 2 Beginner's Guide - Setting Up for Battle
How the Combined Map works

Total War: WARHAMMER 2 - Lizardmen Battle Lets Play
Total War: WARHAMMER II – Lizardmen Campaign Let’s Play
Total War: WARHAMMER 2 - Welcome to the New World

Total War: WARHAMMER 2 – System Specs:

Dark Elves Battle Let's Play:
Dark Elf Campaign Let's Play

New World Map Full Reveal
New World Map:

Total War: WARHAMMER 2 – Skaven In-Engine Trailer:

Total War: WARHAMMER 2 – Dark Elves In-Engine Trailer

Total War Saga Announcement Blog

Roster Reveal:

>FAQs and General Info

Last thread: Screenshot sharing and campaign posting encouraged! Complaining without offering solutions is not!

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>they just don't get hit by unskilled ashigaru


Why not just have dawgbert there by himself, I don't care about some clueless PR hoors occasional interjections


/ourguy/ with the worst elf gameplay

makes the virgins in twitch chat happy.

First for D E A D G O B L I N S and also the death of decent mods because CA is dumb and doesn't know who to butter up with favors and bribes.

>death of decent mods

It's only temporary.

Is that russian police? Why is he ripping that dude's face of with that expression?

Great, another whore ruining the stream. Grace is fucking horrible

>so is everyone in chat, they can see grace
why is dogbert so charming and funny

>first joey
>now grace
really wish Dogbert would get to play and explain things solo desu


He cant keep the slags off of him hes such a chad

>skaven players


Equal opportunity hiring, CA had to hire one non-autist by law.

user, I sincerely hope so, I want nothing more then for somebody to take up where Daniu left off and continue to update the Pack File Manager. I just can't help being something of a pessimist about these things. We used to have a nice load order manager for the warscape games that got abandoned for example. Anyway, have a nice pic of an empire swordsman who's seen some shit for your time.

I really just want to hear dogbert having fun without some stupid woman

Joey inserts herself needlessly but at least she really likes the setting and is knowledgable about it, grace is literally just a diversity hire PR woman

based greenskin posters

Is it worth playing Vanilla Rome 2 before playing DEI or is the latter straight up better in every way?

Anyone got a screencap of Queeks campaign buffs?

british and country raised

>decent mods
Decent mods were the ones that had the least impact on the actual gameplay, but at the same time provided the highest QoL.
Case in point: Better Water, Building Progression Icons, Better Camera, Resized Lords.
Half of them got integrated into the game, the other half wont get aggected that much.

The ones who'll get fucked the most are the "muh overhauls" faggots wich deserve to suffer.


>TWW2 is way better optimized than TWW1


truly a dashing young prince of rustic allure

>"muh overhauls" faggots wich deserve to suffer


>tfw faction unlocking will suffer.


Quality Twitch chat

Where do magic overhauls, longer combat mods and things like faction overhauls fall into your prism of bullshit?
You may not like non cosmetic mods but other people do.

>not closing it

>complaining about twitch chat


> Where do magic overhauls, longer combat mods and things like faction overhauls
They fall into the trashbin.


Grace has the most unattractive voice and accent I've ever heard, is this what british (((women))) are like?

BTW Is there any mod for Warhammer that make it more like Pike and Shot with nerfed heroes, less big monsters and OP units?
Just mass fielded basic units with support Heroes?

>grace trying to take dogbert out of the game with some irrelevant twitch chat bullshit
when will it end

There's like 60 accents across the uk.

it's an opportunity to witness the types of individual that pervade /twg/.

and they are all disgusting


No. Now fuck off history cuck, this is a Warhammer general.

>2,125 people browsing /twg/

there's like 4 people here at most

>1 person is representative of what 30 million people sound like

Oh I'm laffin'

>>people who play with mods I don't approve of deserve to suffer.

Do me a favor and go back to calling me a stupid tripfag or otherwise bitching about my lack of anonymity on here. What you just posted is so petty, stupid and spiteful that it actually annoyed me on some small level.


>people are actually watching this stream

feels good being a high elf bro, got the best stream out of them all yesterday

enjoy your reddit memes and non-stop white knighting, skavenfags

t. Joey

Is there a mod that remove all fantasy stuff, and make only humans vs humans?

Shouldn´t expect much from the colonies


she's from Yorkshire, which is often considered fairly unattractive as accents go but a lot of people like Sean Beans accent so it's probably a marmite thing.

I just closed chat and am focusing on Dogbert as best I can.

Thanks user, it's activated and given norsca,steam won't remove it from my library like they do with pirating would they

Always vanilla first.

I hear you man, I know.

Because he's an asshole.

Said so in this You also got that optimization chart CA showed in a presentation way back



What are Queeks campaign bonuses?

No, it wouldn't work because I'm pretty certain the AI would still use all those units in the same way and get their shit killed instantly.

clanrat and stormvermin are 50% cheaper, he gets extra menace below summons and he has dwarf and greenskin bonuses

What did they mean by this?

>Trait gained
>Likes Dwarves
>Likes Greenskin
it's going to happen in Dogbert's first battle, I can feel it

>tfw no phoenix gf

Bow ya shits!

He already has the "hates dwarves and greenskin" trait

think dwarf gouger gives him even more anti dwarf bonus. Pretty harsh on Belegar and Skarsnik who obviously don't have a skaven bonus.

>legendary campaign difficulty
>very easy battle difficulty

It would be great if there was one.

>very hard

Dogbert is halal as fuck

>Grace desperately trying to make cringy puns
>based Dogbert doesn't even acknowledge her

like my penis

he's an atlantid with an anglo-saxon name.


>grace doesn't say a single word or mumbles to herself
so this is the power...of feminism...

Based better brother!

/pol/ please go

Grace really doesn't have much chemistry with dogbert. She just sits there looking and mumbles something every 30s. Not a fan of Joey either but she does the co-cast thing way better.

>Our tails are yours!
What did they mean by this?

Why don't they just allow LL access to all lores of magic and allow them to choose which spells they want? Can it be that hard to implement some kind of drop down menu within the skill screen?

>h-how DARE you insult m'lady

Yeah, even Joey is more entertaining

although I'd love to cum in Grace's hair

you should go to back to roodit where you came from

Go kill yourself, stop briging up /pol/ everytime you see something that tirggers you you fucking pussy


That already exists, it's just the amount of skillpoints it uses up without 3 points per level mods, leading to AI wizards being even more retarded

Because then you would have ridiculous combos like net + dwellers + bjuna that would make mages with all lores quite fucking op


Where to buy twwh2 for the pre-order Norsca bonus?

can't disagree with that

>That lizard animation

/pol/ please go


Most TWW2 maps seems to have decent lightning 2bh

On steam

capeshit tier animations. truly kino

Yeah the lighting's really improved.


tfw skaven are another one of those "every victory is a close victory" faction
they really should tailor the calculator to every faction


>you can just post "/pol/ please go and people get mad as hell

People should take it easy.