Monster Hunter General - /mhg/

Having a cold one with the boys

>Monster Hunter: World
-MH:World is coming out for PS4 and Xbox One Jan 26, 2018, and eventually PC.
↳TGS Trailer 9/19:
↳Demo Gameplay 8/22:

>More News
-Monster Hunter Stories is out now!
-Monster Hunter XX Nintendo Switch Ver. is out now, region free.
↳MHXX Update 1.2.0 w/ Eng Patch v4:
↳3DS to Switch Save Data App:

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.
Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.
Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243
XX, ターグット: Gathering フィールド採集 (page 1, middle right)
Gen, Objective: Gathering
4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHWorld, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, MonHun, /mhg/

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Someone give me the rundown on transfering XX save data to the Switch
I can't be assed to do it all again

>extremely jittery and unpolished animations
>healing while running, positioning less important
>almost no blood (literally dust and pebbles instead) but damage numbers that tell you everything and ruin the whole kinesthetic element of the game ("learning by doing" and helping each other)
>weapons barely dull and sharpening is casualized
>"epic" cinematic monster fights that deal more damage than you and cinematic environmental traps everywhere
>odds are people online will always lure the monsters to those traps and vanilla Monster Hunter combat will be almost impossible
>no more iconic turn (some people say it's more challenging this way, but it's actually easier because monsters telegraph their next attack while still turning around now)
>westernized and more anime shit at the same time
>moving while shooting like in a modern cover shooter
>machine gun like shots
>voice acting telling where to go and what to do
>flies telling where to go and what to do
>even more anime moves and mobility (weapons have been given special dodge moves, flying through air with Insect Glave, grappling hook etc.)
>can even dodge out of a Great Sword charge
>casualized weapons mechanics in general (Heavy and Light Bowguns have infinite special ammo, Hunting Horn songs are stored to be played anytime, notes needed for songs on screen at all times)
>even easier mounting and you can literally fly

Just want you to know that the 2 previous threads are both tied for the worst general, I've seen in a while, all because you take the bait of the "jittery" autist.

Stop shitposting

accel axe looks fun as hell

I wish people would ignore him but I guess that it's too much to ask of some people.

>all because you take the bait of the "jittery" autist
He has a point unless they actually fix it. It's my only issue with the game, but it's a really fucking big issue.


>any number of points activates an effect, not just at the 10/15/20 thresholds (probably because of all the casuals online without any active armor skills but one or two points in 20 different skills)
>no negative skills
>free traps, (flash)bugs etc. everywhere and farcaster that can be used anytime as long as you're not near the monster
>changing equipment mid-hunt and even refilling potions and any other item without any(!) consequences
>monsters do little to no damage
>prompts on screens show you combos, sharpness state of your weapon and even when to capture a monster (again, experience is less important in this game)
>weapons have a greater range
>even more annoying vertical environments that a) are the the biggest reason the animations look so terrible, b) no one asked for (except casuals so they can have their stupid jump attacks) and b) add absolutely nothing to the core combat and just handicap you when you use weapons that require a lot of precision (Hammer)
>despite walking while drinking, monsters are slower than ever before (compare Diablos or Barroth with Tri Barroth or Tri Diablos)
>open world/walking simulator meme
>paid DLC and probably holding back fan favorites like Zinogre, Deviljho and Rajang for the paid G Rank (and it probably won't be a physical copy so you can't even sell the original and save money)

Most current MHW fail list in hope Capcom polishes the game. Anything to add/remove?

Because people are retarded. The autist who whined about the "archaic" nature of MH for several threads still got a ton of retards replying to him even after everyone already said not to reply to him. Some people just don't learn.

Just watch as someone replies to that same copypasta again.

What's up there?

I honestly, HONESTLY don't know where the mods are. This is about as blatant a flamewar bait as they come, but for some reason nothing is being done.

>Anything to add/remove?

Remove the blood from your veins via razor blade cuts induced on your wrists.

What title is this Elder Dragon in the picture from?

I just wanted to take a moment to apologize for shit posting, farming you's is addictive. I have thoroughly enjoyed hunting with all of you across multiple generations and I am sincerely looking forward to hunting with you again in World. May you all be blessed with rare drops, smelly eggs, and a demo with high rank Nergigante.

just do your part, report the jitterfag and filter him

The top of the anthill, hopefully? That'd be dope as fuck

these all sound like good things to me.


The verticality in these maps is just insane. I wish we got a demo soon so we can see more clearly just how some of this verticality will impact hunts.

I think it's only for the forested area. The desert and the swamp area have open skies.

>criticism is evil, everyone knows that!

Daily reminder Peterson would be on the side of the jittery autist.

I think it was that Xenoblade game that dragged on and on in the last Nintendo Direct

>5 second long potion chug and heal-over time

casuals will defend their instant-heal 2 second sip/flex that isnt interrupted by incoming damage

This thread doesn't have mods. Only time anything gets deleted here is when someone starts posting a lot of blatant porn.

Is MH XX a good starting point for the series?

Stop shitposting

hell no


Baby fatalis a cute

>black Fatalis

Shut the fuck up. You're not even grandpa

What do you recommend then?

>dragged on and on
>literally only four minutes
>versus 40 minutes of fucking shit games no one asked for

Yes, I remember that day. It was when I lost any hope I had left in Nintendo fans.


Verticality is fine.
Only TAutists complain about it.


>4 minutes
It went on for nearly 10

>The statue World comes with is a measly 4 inches tall

You can play p3rd on the psp emulator.

P3rd if you don't have a 3DS. 4U if you have a 3DS.

Verticality is fine for TAutists now too since you can walk down ledges without jumping, heads don't clip into the ground anymore, and hammer wants to snipe with charges now instead of golfswings anyway

When to drink potion and when not probably caused the most deaths in MH, right after walls.

I don't even know what could kill you in MHW unless you are completely retarded. Every weapon lets you dodge out of animations now, it's open world and there are free traps everywhere.

Did anyone watch the flag ship video? I remember how much trouble I had with my first Gore Magala. Gigante looks fucking piss easy.

>slams his own head in the ground every three seconds, giving you 10 seconds to attack him
>drink potion while moving away


>Hi i read about what monster hunter is once but never played the series and this is what my opinion of worlds is : the post

these are literally all improvements and things that will keep this game alive longer than 1 year (obviously the monster speed and damage is due to this being a demo, as stated several times by devs and players)

it's ok to embrace changes that mean something you like isnt going to be dead inside 2 years. Worlds could have been MH XXX and literally dead in the water on announce day

Dragon's Dogma.

shhh! Best girl is sleeping!

they're not going to rework monster speed/AI just for a demo retard, and Diablos didn't have reduced damage at all

>these are literally all improvements
No, they aren't, no matter how many times you repeat it. And MH didn't need casualization in the past to be one of the most successful franchises ever.

Some people like a challenge and finding out things by themselves, even after 1000 hours.

Thanks for the info.
Is MH XX shit or something?

>ears broken


Well look at you campcom. Gettin all fancy with your $5 latin.


It's just not something that's a good intro to MH. It introduces a lot of new mechanics that will likely never be in any other MH game ever.


X and XX have some significant gameplay changes that aren't really in line with the rest of the series. It would be better to learn from a more standard game.

And those people doesn't matter at all.

Go ahead, tell me what monster could beat Diablos in a fight and how. Realistically speaking.

Keep in mind Diablos doesn't give a shit about elements, poison alone is not enough to kill him, he is one if not the fastest monster in the game despite his weight, his whole body is hard as steel and his head doesn't even care about impact damage at all.

It would wreck every monster in the game, realistically speaking. Even things like Alatreon.

Capcom fucked up putting Diablos in one league with trash like Barioth or Rathafag.

Diablos is the ultimate killing machine of the MH universe and I'd even say the one monster most people died to over the last 10 years.

Also the players in the demo had defense identical to unupgraded Anjanath armor, a full tier lower
In the actual game players are going to have 110-130 defense when fighting Diablos, and it'll do no fucking damage at all
It's just Gen all over again

It might be something similar tot he winding path in the ancient forest

You follow a cat through a labyrinth and find a new place to build a camp as well as some other goodies.

It has a lot of new/different game mechanics that are highly likely to never be in newer games, not really a good way to start paying MH imo.

Something about this texture work seems off to me, can't put my finger on it but it kind of looks like they just added "noise" to it without really thinking things through

Yes, we matter. We keep the games alive and hype it so much the casuals even realize this game exists.

And even the biggest casual will criticize the game one day when it keeps getting easier and more braindead.

Artificial difficulty is the only reason all those casuals in the world like Souls shit.

Rathalos just has to fly up in the air and fart fireballs at it till it dies

Tsujimoto personally explained how the demo monsters were heavily tuned down for the demo to be accessible. it's not something that is hard, it's editing numbers on a spreadsheet.

diablos wasnt the quest goal, the barroth that died inside 3 minutes somewhere else while the guy on screen carted to diablos 8 times was.

haha yeah i remember when i put more than zero hours into the full release of MHW and was able to form an opinion on it's difficulty or gameplay

Please don't tell me Garuga is in World. Capcom can't be this stupid. They just can't be. This is one of the most boring shit monsters there is. Stop rehashing that horrible PS2 trash.

How can they bring back shit like Garuga and casualized Barroth but not Nargacuga, Zinogre, Deviljho, Lagiacrus, Agnaktor, Uragaan etc.?

No you don't.
This game will sell a lot, the opinion of an autist like you doesn't matter.
Also who cares about keeping the game alive, only retards play multiplayer with random people.

>finally multiplayer footage of HH
>corner horner
feels bad, man.

*distant muffled triggered gawk gawk garuga noise*

Apparently Rathalos can't do this and needs a break all the time, otherwise he would just do this to kill hunters instead of getting killed over and over again.

And Diablos could just chill underground until Rathalos is exhausted and can land.

The ultimate killing machine.

>play multiplayer with random people

Who tf does that in non-mmo games anyway?

>akantor bites it's head off
>ukanlos slices it with its chin
>rajang punches its head to the 9th dimension
>gogmazios squashes it like a bug
>dalamadur eats it
>garuga. Tricks it and makes it charge off a cliff
>deviljho bites its neck and rips its head off like the t-rex did with the triceratop
>seregios just flies all the time and bleeds it to death with it's scales
>konchu just rams in it and kills it

Any word on MHW PS4 Pro™ hitting western lands?

I'm planning on getting a ps4 next month or so, could as well wait for mh version.

Gunlance will be good and fixed right?

I want one pree bad too. Nothing from any western CMs or capcom though.

Socks did say how Worlds was focused for the west, so I would be surprised if we didn't get it.

Plesioth can lure him in the water and drown him.

I've played Monster Hunter on and off since FU and I like Worlds.

Diablos is a dumbass who charges into walls and gets stuck
Garuga could beat him

>Even things like Alatreon.
>Alatreon the great master of elements

yes, and the explosive stake-driver thing is probably the coolest addition to any weapon for MHW

If it is as casual and unpolished as it looks like, you can be assured they will get a backlash, especially in Japan.

People who really don't matter are you braindead shills. You aren't loyal and would just jump on the next best game whenever some shit company like Blizzard or Nintendo puts out their Monster Hunter clone since you don't care about gameplay. You don't even know what gameplay is. You just need some grinding, Pokémon elements and colorful pictures.

>and I'd even say the one monster most people died to over the last 10 years.
Not an argument for your own "realistic" monster VS monster scenario. It's only a viable G-class """"""""""wall"""""""" because of its speed and screech-spams.

This, after playing worlds for myself, I am hype as hell

Hot damn this post is like a dictionary of MH buzzwords. It's only missing "anime".

No one can form one coherent argument as to way Diablos isn't the ultimate killing machine of MH and would ruin every other monster easily.

I already told you, Plesioth lures him in the water and drowns him.

I played World too and it was amazing. I already pre-ordered the special edition for Sony Playstation 4.

I play since MHF on psp you retard.
Also in Japan MHW+PS4Pro bundle went sold out in half an hour and just look at hoe many people at the TGS wanted to play World's demo.


looks unpolished as opposed to the extremely polished beautiful MH games such as ..?

haHAA shills am I right?
Who in their right mind would like this jittery unpolished casualized westernized garbage, right bro?

And Diablos STILL did extremely low damage despite not being tuned down at all.

Did anyone actually read this? It's some good points and mostly reasonable. What's bad about such complaints? The most drastic thing that could happen is Capcom gets wind of it and we'll get an even better game.


Anyone got a GL vs Diablos video from the demo? I wanna find out GL MVs

>Low Rank diabolos did lowish damage to a player using fully upgraded end of low rank armor
>in 2017

My experience fighting Azure Rath tells me that he can, in fact, stay in the sky forever.

Is it possible to filter a post number so that the post and anyone quoting it gets filtered?

There is a lot of monsters faster than Diablos, a lot who can fuck it up by distance and Ice monster arent that rare.
Just give up, man.

That's what I don't get about complaining about complaints myself. Why would you silence it? Or even "shitposters"? This way of thinking actually leads the entirety of /v/ and the concept of console warrior faggorty ad absurdum.

really activates my almonds