Final Fantasy General DCXLXII - /ffg/

>General Info on Final Fantasy
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>FF Lost Stranger


XV manga released in Japan
Episode Ignis to be released in December; Trailer: [Open]
Brotherhood episodes:
Final Fantasy XV Multiplayer Out 10/31 [Open]
A New Empire - Alexis Ren in "Join the Adventure": [Open]
New XV Universe trailer: [Open]

PS4 release date scheduled for Jan 30 2018, Pre-Orders available now.
Latest Trailer: [Open]

>King's Knight
Available now, check your app store for details.

>Final Fantasy Record Keeper
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FAQ Pastebin:

>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
How to JP:
Friend Codes:

>MOBIUS Final Fantasy
FAQ Pastebin:

>Other game information


FFT is the second best FF

I hope hacker chain brings BE down for a few more days

Someone ask the hacker to spill the rainbow rates, I don't have discord

It's 1%. Are you a newfag? It isn't some great mystery.

>tfw you pulled on the OST banner

>It's 1%
What if it isn't?


I wish Ara was my big sis. Ara-oneesan!

Did you guys like Final Fantasy III? It was pretty fun.

A2 sux. She only does ONE thing. ONE thing

He doesn't seem like he's looked at the code much.

He said the lapis injection thing is a zero-day exploit and that it's very unlikely Gumi will figure it out.

God... he could just ruin the economy any moment.

Then our millions of pulls apparently have breached a four sigma error rate and we (as a planet) have hit a 1/15000 bullseye.
I'd literally bet my life on a four sigma error rate so I find this unlikely.

>we'll never get a side quest that explores Ara ara's background story and how she became a Mercenary with her own personal army

I hope he does. I hope he forces roll backs every week

Have an angry Ara!

He seems mad about how much they spend on advertising and how little they spend on dev.

He said he's a player, and FF7 is his favorite FF.

I remember getting stuck or bored like halfway through the 3DS version.

Isn't it more on Alim to develop it?

maybe he means GL exclusives or something

The NES version, yes, very.

The one for trisomic children on the DS, no.

Have mercy, Ara!

>He said he's a player, and FF7 is his favorite FF.

That exlpains a lot.

>they'd rather make a game about Ardyn instead

I swear Tabata is a fucking retard nip.


Confirmed: Hackerman does not know the rates. The gacha remains a void of information.

Is hackerman really here? What's his name?

He's in the reddit discord as "haxac".

If you use multiple devices to play FFBE,
check all for lapis.

If your account had > 0 lapis, you got +5000.
If your account had 0 lapis, you got 0.

I got +5000 on my iPhone and my android tablet.


Threadly reminder that Vayne Solidor did everything wrong.

> 3 anniversary free 33 pull is 12:00 JST 25/09
>you can pull it again for 50 mythril

And what did he do right?


He didn't kill his brother I guess

Keep feeding us the info he says please. I don't have discord

he's quiet now, last thing he said was that he'dexpect a rollback if her gave us more than 5k

FFBE in general gets really good global exclusives though. I wish RK had as much attention paid to the GL version.

he also said that he should've used the exploit to sell black market lapis instead of revealing everything in one grand futile gesture

He's stopped talking. He had a few jokes about Kupipi, said it's unlikely Gumi will actually pay him, and that while he can give Lapis freely as it's an exploit they clearly don't know about, he didn't wanna ruin it because he actually plays the game.

And how do they know it was the real hacker, any pictures? It could be yams trolling.

Sounds like a nice enough guy.

>he should've used the exploit to sell black market lapis
Poor Emanon, he never had the chance

It was def real. The docs he released were confidential and hosted minutes before he posted em.

So he's nothing but a useless faggot then.

>he didn't wanna ruin it because he actually plays the game.
Yeah because ONE FUCKING % 5* rate and gumi's unending jewery doesn't ruin it enough

Kinda makes me feel like he's an employee.

If he ruins the game, he's out of a job.

The fact that he cared so much about advertising budgets vs dev budgets also makes me think he might be a dev/coder at Gumi or something.

Speak for yourself please.

Would this apply to the amazon version of the game, too? The last apple product I bought was an ipod touch years ago.

He did leave that possibility open.

He should have increased the rainbow rate to 5%

Oh I'm sorry, are you trying to tell me a game that offers you a 5* unit ticket for 200 dollars isn't jew as fuck, granted, this isn't on gumi alone but more on the devs

These threads are full of gumi drones, ignore them. The lapis rates and 5* rates are complete shit

one ticket for 200 bucks? Jeez that makes FGO look generous.

The guarantee 5* ticket is just a bonus for spending 200 bucks over time.

>one ticket for 200 bucks? Jeez that makes FGO look generous.
Ex-fucking-scuse me, F/GO's 5* ticket requires you to roll THE EXACT SAME 5* LITERALLY FIFTEEN FUCKING TIMES. You have no idea what you are talking about.

don't remember how it really calculates with the EX system, suffice to say it's not fucking cheap, I know some people get mad when that game is mentioned but, seriously the pick ticket in GBF costs about 23 dollars, and you get to choose pretty much whoever you want

Any device/store you had that had "non-purchased" Lapis on it got +5000 lapis.

Not only that, if you want to get another 5* ticket you have to loop back around the entire list...meaning the first ticket is 200$ and every ticket after that is 500$ always.

I wish hackerman would just destroy this company

Wait so with Omega Weapon Nightmare I should run all DPS?

>Any device/store you had that had "non-purchased" Lapis on it got +5000 lapis.

i didn't get +5000 lapis on my amazon device...

>Not only that, if you want to get another 5* ticket you have to loop back around the entire list...meaning the first ticket is 200$ and every ticket after that is 500$ always.
$300. It resets at 300 EX points, so 100 more to reset, then takes 200 again to reach the 5* ticket again.

4 dps 1 healer i think. that fucker does a lot of unmigratable damage.

You realize that's way more generous than any of the other popular gacha games, right?

FGO gives you jack and shit. Same with RK. The power levels of rare shit in FGO and RK are lower, but if you want to whale for something you actually want it's far worse in those games than in FFBE.

Oh, my bad. I only glanced at it and thought it was 300 to loop back. Still 300$ is horseshit for a single ticket.
That's practically the price of a video game console for a chance (CHANCE) at a decent 5* that you need.
You could still be Lightning'd on your 300$ 5* ticket.

I'm not 100% on this since I don't play it, but at least Mobius has the decency to never give you dupes on supremes/job cards. So if you pull an ultra rare card it will ALWAYS be a new card you didn't have and not a dupe job/supreme. Instead of duping you 3 Lightnings/Queens.

You know you'll likely get at least one rainbow from the hundreds of dollars worth of lapis you buy by itself

It's not like dupes are bad in FFBE. Two Onion Knights means you can chain yourself, and therefore summon a bard or Ayaka or a finisher. Getting three Fryevias means you can have one dual-wield her TMR. Things like that.

Get fucked kiddo. I got it on my amazon device.

Fuck you Gumi employee. I hope these hacks are the first signs of your whole shitty company collapsing.

Not really. Lapis is expensive as fuck.

>Still 300$ is horseshit for a single ticket.

You're looking at it from a crazy uber whale's perspective. As if you're spending money solely for the purpose of getting that 5* ticket.

There are many things to buy like lapis or weekly bundles that may include tickets. You're basically buying a shitload of rolls. Just think of the 5* ticket as a bonus. Don't think of the 5* ticket as something you are buying. Back then, we didn't even have this bonus system.

Considering if your target is the ticket, you'll be buying them in sets of $100, that means 18k lapis per. That means you get 54k per 5* ticket. Setting aside earning 1k on your own time (not a ridiculous demand), that means, per 1 ticket, you'll get 11 10+1 rolls. By binomial distribution, that means per $300, you have an 81.1% chance of getting a 5* along with each guaranteed 5* ticket.

You buy rolls, but those rolls don't guarantee 5*, the tickets do. You could buy ONE 5k roll (whatever the price is for 5,000 lapis) and get two 5* units just from that pull. On the other hand you could buy 300$ worth of pulls and get zero 5* in all those pulls. Ultimately the goal is to get the ticket to guarantee your Lightning

Threadly reminder that Vayne Solidor did nothing wrong.

No, he did nothing wrong, and you still haven't stated any examples that disprove this.

People speculating that since Orlandeau is getting a rate-up this week, he might also be getting enhancements this week.


You wish, bro.

>Orlandeau is getting a rate-up this week
huh? he's back on banner? why

according to the docs released by the hacker, the banner on 9/28 is "ORLANDEAU RATE-UP"

give us tidus enhancements first

Because that's all the work you need to make tons of money, I wish I was joking but hexac's files prove that

The FFXI event had shit returns and they are a business in the end. Probably Orlando+Zidane banner to lure the desperate, then Ayaka to make them whale.

So it's going to either be his enhancements (not likely) a "player's choice" banner (not likely since there was no vote) or just a random "malboro killers"-like banner where they toss random units in. So basically yeah, it's another malboro killers

Bloody Moon Killers banner


>hexac's files

where ?

>huh? he's back on banner? why

because Gumi has no content for us so they throw in some bullshit developer's banner or player's choice banner.

I'm actually starting to believe we have actual Gumi shills here

I hate FFT realm MP

nothing but idiot Ramzas

I wish I was paid by Gumi to talk about BE, my favorite mobile game.

>Orlandeau banner in the age of A2 and OK
trap banner

this was pretty obvious since day1, that or it's just a really dedicated shitposter

Altema STILL has him as literally #2 after enhanced OK. Compatibility with himself, DV, Agrias, and Sephiroth makes him the slickest dude in the business.

>that or it's just a really dedicated shitposter
Have you not seen some of the dedicated shitposters we have here? this shouldn't surprise you

Oh I saw, I saw, the reddit copy paste from the time of the hack proves that, it's still sad to see this much fucking idiocy here, defending a garbage company and their shitty practices

I think chaining was a mistake. So much shit is determined by being able to chain well.


enhanced tidus seems way better
and JP had tidus enhancements before orlandeau

>behind JP by nearly a year
>no content
Why is this allowed?

I done did it

>rate up
>dumb retards spend all their wagecuck cash
How do they get away with it?

Mobages are predatory, more at 11.