/elyg/ - Elysium General

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Alliance guild:

Horde guild:

/who "guild name", and whisper a higher level character to get an invite.

>Vanilla WoW database

>Addons pack (some out of date like KLH Threat Meter)

>Leveling Guide (specs unreliable for some classes use at own risk, play what you want or ask in the thread for more info):

>New to Elysium? Go here pleb:

>Download the client without torrent (direct download):

>Raid/char/item drop info:

>WoD models (Drop the MPQ in your data folder, and don't post screenshots and get banned retard):

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First for

second for druid loot

Can I get a quick rundown on this cat

I want to pet_ that cat

5th for not having exalted with AV yet

6th for laughing at plebs who arent AV exalted yet

Reminder that chuchu got invited instead of dads to bwl hahahahaha

White cat, aka "Franklin", aka Specimen #198D:
>Claims to be from Singapore but has never been there
>Unironically voted for Bernie Sanders
>Says he doesn't use facebook but mysteriously always "likes" any posts by your niece or her slutty friends
>First and only Mario game was Super Mario Run
>Does not main a druid, strangely
>Had green eyes before ingesting the spice Melange on the planet Arrakis
>Is a ragdoll mix but lists himself as pure-bred on his eharmony page
>Overdue on rabies shots, doesn't give a fuck
>Received pics from Puddi after a BRD run, promptly set him to ignore
>Favorite band: Sisters of Mercy
>Favorite sitcom: My Two Dads
>Favorite redditor: Rhox
>Has lowest rated original content on Literotica under the taboo/incest fetish section

I can tell Luthien wrote this

americans who didn't vote for bernie should honestly die


>barely engage in wpvp
>team up with another guy to clear the area from reds
I understand you now gankers of redridge, stranglethorn and hillsbrad.

Potato-chan. Russian meme. Likely dead ;_;

What if I took the ultimate redpill and didn't vote at all because it doesn't matter

guys im depressed what do i do?

play wow as we all do

>doing redridge escort
>got a full group
>almost at the end
>undead mage with epic mount and full tier set comes swooping in and murders all of us with one move

heh, nothing personel kid

>doing barrens escort quest
>got a full group
>almost at rachet
>level 30 warrior kills my escort
welcome to wow

why do people raid when they could do this instead?

So they can do it better, duh

I can slightly see the logic in this therefore I slightly respect it.

I miss them lads...

>Had green eyes before ingesting the spice Melange on the planet Arrakis

I miss script craft. How long ago was that?

Nice list of literal whos


madty want attention too!!


hey im eu never played vanilla before, what class faction should i play if i just want to raid and collect sets to wear.
i've got no experince, charisma or talent
so a class thats easy to level but people want would be nice.




nightelf FEMALE warrior

undead rogue

druid. has travel form, healing and many more things.
otherwise, pick easy mode with hunter

>tfw nobody notices or even says hi when you log in

new phone who dis?


>MoH still wiping on MC

can someone give me pupper pals discord pls respond

from guild info

>running along main road in stv
>nigger 60 mage comes in for gank, sap just before coc (thanks lag)
>ice blocks
>blind sap again

little kike try again

>fem nelf warrior
I completely agree with this aesthetic


hmm, weird, i remember selling quest items in vanilla.

gibe sauce


Come watch us wipe on MC!

did based indi actually annex the Horde vg guild?

absolutely based.

Newfag here, had some dumb rogue questions.
Is deadly poison/instant poison ever worth using while leveling, or should I just use highest level of wound on both hands (assuming high enough level to use all 3)?
In sub-60 world pvp, when do you use slice and dice? I heard somewhere that the ideal opening is cheap shot -> 2x combo builder -> kidney -> spam until evis, or cheap shot -> combo builder -> gouge -> kidney with full energy -> spam until evis. Should there be a SnD somewhere in there?
I've seen some leveling builds with riposte and some without riposte (taking improved sprint, improved evasion, and 3/3 aggression instead, I think). Would you guys suggest one over the other, or are they both pretty much similar in leveling speed?

In order. Yes, no, no no, yes.

>we can one-shot anything even without world buffs
lmao cucks

>struggles to get 10 viewers literally spamming Veeky Forums with your stream
>meanwhile rhox sitting at a comfy 200+ viewers


literally who

indi cucks ww@


Hey, thanks man.
>deadly/instant worth using
That actually surprises me, but I guess I'll use my best judgement.
>no snd
Not worth the combo points, huh
>similar leveling speed
Guess I'll just go with the riposte version for another button.

>squido the orbiter immediately pugs with him
>not even raiding with his own guild

This will get me raid spots and cool set gear?

>not orbiting your guilds inevitable raid lead and MT


>have to spend 50 gold to raid
>and another 50 gold if I want to pvp afterwards

Why do people pretend that they enjoy not having dual spec?


The work of one man, all alone he managed to do this.

Elysium has got your back there little baby. :v)


I'm not going to lie. I kind of want yesimret to suck my dick, no homo.

Oh I didn't know they changed it to 25, I guess that's kinda nice? Dual spec would still be much better.

on kronos is 10g i think

Is this realm still alive
any chance of new realms coming up?
Havent played vanilla private servers since feb of 2016 about

they should make it free. if there's a single good argument for respec costs in the game I've yet to hear it.

Elysium has a chance to make a Blizz-better experience by introducing this change making PvP viable for every class and spec!

but that was because of autists blocking the spawn with their character models, absolutely nothing to do with yesimret

Why not go to the next flower then?

early next year if we are lucky

yes, but it's the most painful to level by far

unless youre a qt strong female nelf with a 2H weapon and this leveling spec:

Because sanctum are literally autists.

because we didn't have timer and ony buff + DM were ticking

That doesnt answer my question retard.

Wow, trannies 0 - 451556784 Yesimret

none of your songflower alts could find a single one?

so it's all sanctum's fault?

because we wanted to raid and don't need songflower if it's going to be a pain in the ass

they'd just follow us

What are you going to do next week? Sanctum raid the same time as MoH, they'll be there again.

Idk when I raid in my guild it takes us 5mins to get a flower.

get cucked by a literal shitter guild that recruits from trade chat.

>Idk when I raid in my guild it takes us 5mins to get a flower.

because you don't have it blocked by autists
what's so hard to grasp

aren't they the guild who cucked into disbanding?

Sanctum is the server #1
they got nef first kill so until AQ40 comes out that won't change

So Sanctum was keen on just following you to take your flowers, what a retarded story lmao.
Why not take it earlier then?
Oh right because the Bull of Felwood cucked you out of an entire Zone with a squad of like 5 people.

Idk sanctum had 8 people dispelling them today, they still managed to get SF on 38 out of 40 people, my guild have people trying to dispell us every week and we still manage to get SF on 95% of our raiders.

The difference is that MoH just whines instead of working out a plan.

so do I put the 2 points in heroic strike and then go full fury?

the "top guilds" of this server are incredbly fucking autistic

you have (do they even count? probably not) which speaks for itself
you have which sperged out so hard about losing nef kill that it imploded, and has all the resident autistic pvpers
and which constantly acts like immature manchildren

why are all the tryhard guilds filled with absolute shitters that get cucked by literal pug guilds?

this is even worse than Grizzly.

Somebody said ?


and we still didn't wipe in BWL
so why are you even dispelling?

also fucking lmaoing at like 5 lvl18 priests getting btfo by a non guild mage blizzarding the orb
even the 60 shaman jumped to his death KEK

that guy is a noob, here is the real standard leveling spec:


t. sanctum shitter

somebody said ?