/dg/ - Destiny General
Hawthorne a besto
FWC or death
you aren't really considering voting your rights away and allowing an unknown monarch to rule you, are you?
and do you think you can outrun the darkness when so many others, including the traveler have failed?
the only reasonable choice is to stand and fight
3rd for pc version, 30 days left. tick tock console cuck
trials 2 of 4
>is anyone on xbox...
No. Shut the fuck up and stop shitting up our general, go make your own for your dead console.
I know exactly how you feel
>girl from work literally invites me to go to the fair with her and says "I have no one to go with :(" and gave me her number
>I'm barely interested in her at all because I like her friend but I accept because pussy is pussy.
>On the weekend I text her asking if she is still down
>No reply
>Next day at work she acts weird and says she never got a text
>Another coworker shows me she has a boyfriend
Is it all just a game to them?
I know exactly how you feel
>girl from work literally invites me to go to the fair with her and says "I have no one to go with :(" and gave me her number
>I'm barely interested in her at all because I like her friend but I accept because pussy is pussy.
>On the weekday I text her asking if she is still down
>No reply
>Next day at work she acts weird and says she never got a text
>Another coworker shows me she has a girlfriend
Is it all just a game to them?
I literally wanna breed her and make lots of holy zombie children with her
Shut the fuck up, commie scum
For a month
You spelt shit wrong.
Failsafe is also shit.
Tess is shit.
Sloane is shit.
Ikora is shit.
Petra and her abs are shit.
Only half decent waifus are either missing or dead.
This is not up for agument, this is fact. Anyhing other than this is wrong.
I feel you m8. I miss Efrideet already.
this is why i stick to girls (male)
>Cayde-6: You know I was thinkin, why's Ikora never willing to give up the pussy anymore? You know women are real kikes guardian; never trust em'
what the hell bungie?
no but really, cry somewhere else
I'll join
Psn hitman555z
I cant sleep anyone up for casual trials
>Oh Zavala sempai noticed me? I g-guess the city isn't that bad....
It's like they tired to make a character conflict out of nothing.
What's the fastest way to level a character from 1 to 20? Do fireteam tokens speed it up?
>you will never be able to save her
it still hurts to this day bros
Heroic public events, and yes, bigly.
cool, thanks m8
Do two adventures on each plant while doing the story and public events/lost sectors
I'm sorry man there is no essay way
wrong image
I'm at 274 and making my way through all the quests and shit I ignored. Still feels slow going, though. I'm just about finished with Sturm's quest on accident, just need to do the fireteam bit.
How do you start Rat King and Mida?
Anyone have this emblem? It supposedly drops from Sloan's packages but I've dropped over 100 levels and nothing.
>Rat king
Quest on planet titan (DO NOT kill the captain)
Quest called Enhance on EDZ
What's your PSN? I'll help you with rat king because you need a fireteam for it
Emblems are a massive crapshoot
They're rare drops and getting the one you want is even more of a crapshoot
Fucking finally. Anyone have any shaders they want to see it in?
Other than Raid or Trials shaders because i'm waiting for my new mic to arrive before jumping into those.
I don't think I'll be on for the rest of the weekend, but I'll certainly be asking here whenever I do it.
>(DO NOT kill the captain)
tfw i legit didn't know this, thought you always got rat king and i guess i killed the hive just because
Why is pc being delayed so much? I know I'm just being inpatient but fuck
One month to go, PS4 just doesn't feel right after playing the beta on pc
>No holliday
>No eris
if you want to be the best nigga ever,preview it with every shader in your inventory and take a screencap, compile a big image of all the screencaps showing which shader was used for each
Metro shift with Orpheus Rig if you have it
She looks a lot better without the stupid headscarf that they blatantly put in for a diversity plug
yeah sure, islamic ideals will survive into the post apocalypse thousands of years in the future. Good work bungie. jesus h christ.
But she's in the game.
Oh, yes.
Can I see it with Monochromatic please?
And maybe Midnight's Talons, but that one's an eververse rare, so no big if you don't have it
btw, is it restorative, mobile or heavy?
>that Lock
s p i f f y
Post your weaponfu
i know it;st just armor reskins but damn that hunter looks good
doing pubevents on xbox with a token if anybody wants to join.
Looks much better with its Ornament on it.
And its great but holy fuck does it loose value against anything other than Fallen
Imagine if each faction had their own fucking unique armor set for once
That is far too much effort, but maybe I'll do it anyway when I got some time to kill and feel like being autistic.
Maroon Moon, if you'd be so kind.
>tfw no Failsafe gf
>Implying your puny 2 arms can fully satisfy her
Destiny 2 in itself is proof that they don't want to spend any fucking effort on doing literally anything new.
Will get Talon next
Survivalist, so recovery. A rare stat for Hunters.
Helm perks are Armor / Recovery
Arms are Mobility / Armor
Chest is Armor / Recovery
Boots are Mobility / Armor
You coulda checked this all yourself by just previewing the armor with Asher, but whatever its not hard for me to type.
>Not the Queen
>Not Eris
Holiday is fine I guess, hence why she isn't in the shit list, but she isn't top
Only acceptable waifu in the game right now though.
>Only acceptable waifu in the game right now though.
But she got Titan'd
Midnight Talons.
Got it out of the first exotic engram I got.
>slow-firing handcannon with massive recoil and short range takes 4 headshots to kill
>high fire-rate scout rifle with almost zero kick and very little dropoff takes 5 headshots to kill
I want my HC meta back
Soon we'll have it in all its former glory.
Baby, please come back.
scout rifles made hand canons useless
>not liking Sloane
shit taste, honestly
I know attack level doesn't matter in crucible but I feel like it matters
Tarnished copper please.
Will Savathun be a good waifu?
>I know attack level doesn't matter
I don't think it's any more religious for her than the hunter cloaks, it can get pretty cold in europe, so a hood would definitely be nice to have when perched up at night
she a a tranny tho
But she doesn't need saving?
No, that was just Oryx. Savathun was a girl from start to end.
That was Oryx. Savathun, as far as I am aware has remained female
This cloak is so open, it's great. You can actually see the full helmet models.
Like this fucking hole through the neck of Foetracer. There's a few of them, actually. I don't know if it's poorly made or if it's supposed to look like open flaps lying over the neck.
Everybody has one now
Because she is already full of thick Hive cum and loves it?
What the fuck are you talking about?
>Nameless Midnight and MIDA are the best scout rifles
>Know this
>Use sentencer IV anyway
The idea of still using an M14 to make my enemies dead in the magic future is just too good for me.
I know. I'm disappointing.
Oh yes. It's everything I hoped. Can't wait to complete the titan set.
Man, seeing the old Weapon Upgrade blueprints compared to the ones we have now makes them look so fucking cluttered.
Yeah I'm starting to see that. Supposedly you can get emblems from Cayde's packages but I've only ever gotten blue weapons ever since launch. Bad luck I guess.
>Thirsty for a mexican grandma
I really wish the stow reload was faster. It's a nice gun otherwise.
I hate how much slower reloading is compared to D1.
I got it on my third package on warlock, never got it on titan or hunter. Its definitely iffy on drop rates.
Is Trials up?
Not there on Crucible or in my Milestones.
300 Titan alt character. Is it to do with it being my alt?
don't trust her. those 9 dots aren't for show.
9 dots.
the nine.
this meme is never going to die.
I think I'm done waiting
I've been wanting to do the raid for 2 weeks now with people I know. they said they had nothing going on today and we agreed we would be doing it
instead two of them are hanging out playing dead by daylight all day instead
I'm not wasting time anymore. I wont try to put a raid together here myself, but the next time I see a fresh raid getting together I'm hopping on.
I'm going to look like a shitter too because Ive never done it
i got it from cayad's stash.
Done. Never again have to go back to crucible.
>Hunters get the location of chests and rep collectables for free on nightstalker
If you aren't farming on your hunter and popping the tokens on your main you are doing it wrong.
What about your milestone on reset? Can't just pass up a powerful engram
That' actually wrong. Hunters just show a chest on your radar. If you have a ghost shell that tracks collectables it actually shows the location on your hud. If you ADS with a sniper you can see the exact location of every chest in the area. Also after you pick up 3 chests, you're locked out for 5 minutes on getting tokens from a chest, so efficiency means jack shit.
There's a hole through Foetracer's neck. Easier to see in motion than a picture. You can sort of see it with other hoods, but the weird plastic trim on Gensym means you can just look straight through it.