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Roach Math Edition

Next update on Sept 27

Fate collab

Next expansion is Starforged Legends
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>What events are up?

Nerf announcements

Leader poll results
Daria & Dragoon confirmed for SFL

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Deckbuilder and card database

Useful Links: pastebin.com/SZNKYEMi


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I wish cat blood was still viable


Good luck dealing 26 damage in 4 turn.

Reminder that Eris is forever seventeen.


Fill this out for me won't you?

its stuck in 100% .

dragoons evo animation is so low energy

i like runecraft

It's neutral shit of course it viable. Just 123Alice and have Cat in the deck somewhere so you can feel like he contributed.

welp, time to start over

>was 1k away this morning
games been literally un fucking playable since friday evening and i don't know why, suddenly all of the decks i've been winning all my games with for the past 2 weeks dont work anymore

How shit is your internet?

Yeah, that runecraft should have kill dragon before he get sybil. It's bad play.

How would you fix unranked?

No gold or legos allowed

Give 5 gold every few wins. Something like Hearthstone where they give you 10 gold every 3 wins for and cap it.


Who /halfwaythere/ here?

You're not the only one. I've been countermatched almost every single match for the last week now. And not like "oh it's neutralshit with perfect curve again" countermatched, I'm talking about some random fucking decks with some weird tech choices that happen to counter me perfectly, no matter what I play. I barely saw any neutral decks, in fact. Thankfully I don't need to climb anywhere so I just power through my dailies and quit. Got like 4 chests that whole time because I just can't win enough to get more.

remove it and everything else except ranked
then change the ranking system to penis size and networth

now i m getting connection timed out

post deck list

Just restart your router/modem like holy shit user.

Make a list of banned cards that prevent you from queuing up if they're in your deck

im pretty sure he has a fried hdd

>asking for neutral lion list
Are you serious?

I would build a system that detects netdecks and force netdeckers to play against each other

>Her manga ended 6 years ago
>Nothing has filled the void yet

well guess im not hitting master until all this neutral cancer gets nerfed

see you faggots in a week

kill yourself

Neutral hasn't been nerfed for months despite being the root of the problem, what makes you think they'll nerf it this time?



if they don't i'll simply quit like i did when totg released

>me remove me get carried by rng removal hurr durr
Time to craft d-shift

Change dailies to not require wins. That is the reason why unranked is just ranked with more aggro.

didnt work

its not me ist the servers


give me a deck list or tell me where to find one

Try contacting the support, I have the same problem and they didn't do shit. Maybe if more people report the issue they'll look into it.


Ilya in 4 days.


How is it possible Haven is four for four on getting the best leader? Is it possible we're the low key pet class?

>quit playing ranked for the past two months since the meta after WD came in has been absolute fucking cancer
>decide to say fuck it and start doing it again for the past two days because I want whitecat sleeves and I want the arisa sleeves from the event
>literally all chests have just given rupees

Did the patches they've done to the chest system completely fucking break it for anyone who didn't already have the sleeves/emblem?
Seems that people who did it early got the sleeves/emblem relatively prioritized on their drops and I'm sitting here with fucking nothing.

>ask something neutral
>ask something control
>here you have all the links you need also dont forget to wear a skirt
at least try to be a little more subtle

Because all they've been doing is going around the problem and avoiding it instead of addressing it at it's core, Alice.
Neutral deck needs 2 things to work, Alice and class specific neutral support. Decks that don't have good neutral support are just not played, like neutral dragon or neutral shadow.
They follow a pattern here, let one neutral deck get out of hand and nerf it.
Neutral blood good out of control, nerf it's neutral support. Then it was Rune's turn and Falise. Next it probably Haven and Lion, then they'll move to CoCK or B&B or whatever is left. Now what will happen if they nerf Alice? Nobody will even bother with neutral anymore.
tl;dr nerf Alice.

god i hope there's only a few more days of this fucking shit

wow people hate the current cancer that's crazy

>neutral blood is cancer
lol nerf baphomet
>neutral rune is cancer
lol nerf falise
>neutral haven is cancer
lol nerf lion

How can they be so fucking clueless.

how do i contact support

When your archetype is dying because of a single deck you tend to become nice to other people.

Here, scroll down a bit and choose your platform.

I still hate Dragon and Dshit more than any neutral deck post neutral blood desu.

>falling for the control meme
Yes please. Keep playing control.
This guy is just a retard, control blood is actually good, no joke

whoa you beat him with neutral and storm damage that's some skill

>control blood is actually good
Yeah I'm not falling for THAT one again.

Control decks aren't a meme, they actually counter Neutral, he just got unlucky. It's free points to play Control right now, especially Control Blood.

they aren't clueless, they literally planned an entire expansion to make alice as op as possible. they know exactly what they've done and are willfully choose to ignore it

Don't forget to craft your sneks next expansion, user.

Has DShift's winrate ever been this high?
I assume it's because there is apparently a lot of Nep, at least according to Shadowlog as well.

neutral rune is so good, i dont get why people bother with haven
a shame i run a shitty version with only 1 saha/luci/israfil, plus i rarely have space to use muta or maybe end up discarding it because grimoire

>Seraph vs Dshift mirror
>Dshift does mostly nothing probably kept his hand full of removal expecting neutral haven
>I also do nothing having drawn combo
>8 turns of milling cards later drop seraph and win
Now this is the high IQ control vs control gameplay I expect from card games

Almost never works, but it's the only way for you to have a chance at beating them.

Dshift can still win against neutral with a good starting hand since it's tempo and not aggro. If you get kaleidoscoped a few times early game it's kinda hard to kill them in time unless you have storm or burn damage.since they just keep spamming removals.
Control decks are free meals obviously.

>Browser crashed just when I was typing the last thoughts
>Here, just do it all again :^)
Yeah nah.
Sword and rune will be strong

Left or right?


Should've asked for an image featuring rank too, but I guess that can be faked.

Easiest left I've ever seen.

Right if you want to win.
Left if you want to meme.

Left will win you all the games where the opponet didn't draft baha or didn't draw him after you slap poly on the board. Poly is ridicolous in T2.

Probably should've asked for rank just for reference. Completely forgot.

Guess I'll add that in. Responses can be edited so anyone who's already filled out can decide whether or not they care enough to come back to share it.

in take two, poly is not a meme, it's one of the best card.

>rate 108 card
good luck sweety

I'm getting mixed messages here. I know that Poly Roar is kind of a meme and a turn 9 do nothing without ramp but it's a solid win condition. At the same time Ouroboros is fucking annoying.

Should have been Kotomine. Give Ilya to shadow or something.
This is a Heaven's Feel collab and we aren't getting Kotomine, are you fucking kidding me. I would have actually paid money for that.

bronze cards and silver cards only mode

>Khaiza every fucking match: the mode
>Shadowniggers and ungabloods literally T0
Not so sure about that

Forest - Archer
Sword - Saber
Rune - Rin
Dragon - Ilya
Shadow - Sakura
Blood - Rider
Haven - Kotomine

Ouro and Isra do things when you drop them. Poly does not.
A lot t2 games come down to the first few turns and the evolution swings. Yeah you will get a 5/5 storm next turn, but if you can't clear their board or you haven't drained a lot of their hand, they will just flood the board and kill you within 2 turns. So if you ever make it to turn 7+, you want things that impact the board immediately.


>not wanting to see based cook master and carrot meme every match

no matter what you do something is just gonna naturally dominate, might as well have an interesting new meta to work with when you get tired of the ikuzos, neps, ungas and real magic.

Dragon getting Illya makes no sense.
They should've given Dragon Gil.



Poor Alisa got literally countermatched.
She probably got rekt by Dshitters trying some other deck before that, so she switched to roach in an attempt to beat them.
Fuck this game.

They have to put Illya somewhere because of her popularity. I understand that. Here's what I don't get, from taking a look at the Japanese polls Kotomine is about as popular as Lancer, who actually got in as leader despite being completely irrelevant to plot of Heaven's Feel.
Was cygames seriously unable to come up with an arrangement that included both Illya and Kotomine as leaders?

There's no one at all that fits well into Dragon thematically, but mechanically a ramp deck with huge bodies and a lot of sustain options fits her abilities nicely, so it'd just be a compromise to make sure all the relevant characters are in.

>Was cygames seriously unable to come up with an arrangement that included both Illya and Kotomine as leaders?
Can you come up with one?

Where would Ilya go though?

Rune has Rin "pleases old man for money" Tohsaka, other crafts dont fit her


>d-shit fag is losing
Seriously? Just can't stand the fact that your faggot deck doesn't win all the time?

Bahamut didn't fit in the screenshot
I got raped by double bnb + roach combo right before this game so i don't feel guilty

Nothing in Fate fits Dragon at all.

>kaleidoscope his unica two times in a row


>ungasword is losing
Seriously? Just can't stand the fact that your faggot deck doesn't win all the time?

>Artoria Pendragon

they better release a card voiced by nakata, fucking cykgames

>Yurius' ability activates before Last Words
FUCK. I didn't know that and lost because of that playing Nep.

I posted this on the wrong thread. Embarrassing.