Overwatch General - /owg/

I want to touch D.Va's Micro Missile.
>Season 6 changed a bunch of stuff that you might want to know about

>New Dev video


>What does Valkyrie's "abilities are enhanced" mean?
- full, directional flight
- resurrect cooldown resets on ult activation (like Genji's dash)
- resurrect cooldown is shortened to 10s for the duration of the ult (normally 30s)
- target allies for guardian angel and healing / damage boost from further away
- the healing / damage boost beam will chain to any allies who are near your beam target (10m range)
- pistol has unlimited ammo
- no delay between taking damage and self-healing starting

youtube.com/watch?v=3XU1TockPjE [
youtube.com/watch?v=mcPDd16_9dI [
>Talk shit, get banned

>What did the devs say they're working on?
- SR calculation changes
- Map voting / rotation someday
- See-through objective markers
- Solo-only queues / search preferences? Nope.

>some heroes’ skins were reverting to their default skins in-game
>this was Blizzard’s temporary fix for a voiceline bug associated with the skins
>the bug has been patched, so this shouldn’t happen anymore

>Latest cinematic

>Latest comic

>Latest PC patch notes
PTR: playoverwatch.com/en-us/blog/20972920
Live: playoverwatch.com/en-us/game/patch-notes/pc

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Hero tips, tricks and basics

>Source / Quake mouse sensitivity converter

>Personal stats / leaderboards

Other urls found in this thread:


im fapping to Envyus right now.

Shit OP
Shit thread
Dying game

Here comes British cunt with a helmet on

Thread is off to a rollicking good start

post good cosplays

Here comes T.Racer~

why is she so perfect?

I want widowmaker to shrink me down and sit on me!

why is she so perfect?

Reminder: Pharah is for breeding.

s-sauce... please

>solo queue is painful as fuck
>have two friends that I queue with
>one is genji main
>other flexes (usually support) but gets tilted after like 1 game
enjoying this game is a struggle

I love Mei and want a black man to smack her chubby face with his fat cock in front of me!

>2 stack picks Hanzo & Widow

what should i name my mccree-only smurf?

Good boy.


>duo queue on team in comp
>both genji mains
just fuck me up

Banned for four more days, any other games that are fun?


>tfw no Bloo cheeks resting on my face

how is she so delicious...

I want to breed Sombra

>free weekend
>a million smurfs appear

Why? What's the point? Kill yourself


What do Widow's farts smell like?

They don't call it delicious brown for nothing.

I've yet to find a widow main who wasn't some cancerous nigger, every time they died from being outsniped from as far away from the rest of the team as possible, they screeched like chimps saying they should be covered.
people prefer saying "toxic" but stop using that word to describe people who are cunts, just call them what they are and be done with it, "toxic" just sounds childish.

to filter shitters like you

If the noobs can't get good then they'll get wrecked, as it should be and as it has been before carebears like you ruined online games. Deal with it.

omg are you me

the animation in that webm is better than the current in game emotes

Reinhardt is cute!

I made a quick McCree doodle

Why you peekin', bro?

Keep at it, user

0/10 no clock in the background set at exactly 12:00pm.



What does Sombra's butt smell like?

I might be, why?

Toxic but sweet fragrance.

Widow main here.
I'm sorry on behalf of my brothers. I try my best to never stray too far from the team. I understand the risks of playing such a character. I promise you won't regret having me on your team.


I might be, why?

I don't think they would have that kind of tech in that year.

Shit, obviously.

I want Widow to pump her toxic gas down my throat!

Like mexican food

Reminder that Ameile's venom mines are actually filled with her _____

>Went from 3700 back up to 4k playing mostly Roadhog today
Hog is back, baby!



>enemy 2-stack runs Winston+Zen

squirt juice

>You are nano boosted
>but so is the enemy!
>Post yfw

>tfw no faheera to betray my race with


>have Widow and Pharmercy on Hollywood
>enemy swaps to Widow after we take first point
>shits on our Widow who swaps
>destroys Pharah
>Mercy keeps rezzing Pharah who is quickly taken out again by Widow
>Widow keeps taunting Pharah in chat
>Pharah keeps trying to duel in close range but loses every time except for once, Mercy rezzed Widow, and Widow kills Pharah
>Pharah solo cults Widow who just jumps off the building from high ground and kills Pharah
>we get held
>they roll us on attack

I love Angela!

I want to make her happy and help her achieve her goals in life!


a representation of what usually happens

She just is, user.

Do you protect your healer?

>play on xbox
>playing for a few weeks try competitive, win only 3/10 placement, get around 1750 SR
>get to 2480 SR fast, really wanna hit plat before I travel abroad to study
>match over but still in group
>turn off console to go eat
>turns out you get a leave and an automatic loss if you're still queued for a game
>no way to opt out
>tfw internet has garbage connection, fails on me, can't carry and most teammates are babies who lose every single engagement even after I clean up two dps, a healer and a turret solo for them when my latency isn't shit.
>Lose 200 SR all in all

Wat do?

Of course.

I hate Angela!

I want to make her depressed and help her reach suicide point!

>wtf, why we don't have mercy?!

I genuinely want to rip mercy players apart, then beat them into a bloody pulp

I want to worship Mercy's thighs!

> me ooga team booga

git gud. If you can't carry out of gold you probably belong there

Of course, even as a support myself I keep them covered.


I want sauce of that! Please.

What if we made these omnic scum human instead?

Yes, but I'd really wish the Mercys would stop pocketing me.



What if we make him female instead?

whitewashed too?

Just calibrated at 3300, is this a good rank for this season? Last time i played back in season 3 i peaked at 3500, so...


>he plays on a smurf account

Only losers are playing on smurf accounts

Reminder that if noobs can't get good vs. a smurf they deserve to lose.

>"can someone pick mercy"
>other guy says "shut up"
>3 guys triggered start throwing and pick hanzo widow bastion "ok lets lose this then"
>they start talking about nazis and bananas and we lose

Remove russians

>talking about bananas
winston was on your team?

the whole point of smurfing is to play against people much worse than you.

It's really easy to run a train on some golds, with literally any hero, when you play at a Masters+ level on your main.

healers have abilities to fend for themselves or escape/stall until they get an ally to help them

>Genji is meta in espergs
I can't tell if this is worse than Junkrat meta or not


Soldier buff when?

Why do you think he needs a buff?

Because he can't aim.

Best non-boop voice line to spam as Sombra?

He was indirectly buffed with the DM nerf, and then Mercy losing Huge Rez also helps Tactical Visor since multi-kills are more valuable.

he's already kinda buff

>there are people that play on smurfs when the mmr will adjust to their level
I don't get it

who is this semen demon?