There's literally nothing wrong with Ela edition
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>Official News & Known Issues
Patch Y2S3.1 deployed on all platforms on Tuesday, September 19th.
Operation Blood Orchid (Hong Kong) is out now.
Poland map has been canceled. GROM operators are being released together with HK and SK operators.
Read the thread:
/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General
First for reddit
1st for ded gaem, ded general, ded company
first for fuck ela
3rd for Koreagun
Hello /r6g/, who is your waifu?
Now kiss
There's not much to talk about other than speculation
is there a point to playing ranked
does anyone play ranked
i want to be IQ's foot towel!
the charms, I just get bronze and never touch it again, for the meems
People actually take the game seriously instead of shitters leaving every round, children screeching into mics and TKing etc. I played this game for two years before touching ranked thinking ranked was an unfun shitfest but it's the opposite
Well, nearly 2
nth for poison dad
>some kid won't shut the fuck up
>keeps talking without end for the entire goddamn game
>not muting kids immediately
vintage combat bundle when
Was his name THOT_ERADICTOR?
vietnam ops when? i want to kill those gooks while having blackbeards elite equipped
>Be a footfag
>Have to get lumped into the same category as this faggot
End me right now will ya?
even if he didn't exist you're still human trash, you filth
Are you new? he's here every thread, I'm usually here before him though
I see you
So this is what an elite operator's arm looks like...
Post one of your retard moments
for mine:
>playing doc
>ddude gets downed on the floor above
>destructable ceiling between us
>i know, i'll make a hole under him and shoot him with mystim pistol through the floor :^)
>shoot a hole through the ceiling under him
>exactly what you expect to happen happens
They have to make Valk unique somehow.
I just want squish her arms around
>playing doc
> Bandit asks to be healed
> press middle mouse except I actually scroll
>I shoot Bandit in the head at point blank with my revolver
>walking around the map
>go upstairs
>clearly see a welcome mat
>do nothing and walk into it
I dont know what was going through my head
>Playing as rook
>Bank, room next to the bathrooms on the first floor
>Guy outside building
>Jump out window to kill him
>Realize the window is high up, and enemies by the front door.
>run my slow ass all the way over to the garage, outrunning 3 speed ops and dodging bullets to get back into the building.
Any thought about a new shield operator?
blitz best boi
>plant the launcher in the floor above objective
>plant a breach charge in a hatch next to it
>do a explosive entry, launching both at the same time
>kill 2 teammates who were busy planting the defuser and one enemy
We still won that round
>Playing as Bandit on house
>Hear a claymore be placed
>See the laser
>acknowledge it in my head that there's a claymore
>Break down the door and peek someone then run into the claymore
I still want my wall buster
>playing Sledge
>Thermite needs to breach garage
>Thatcher got peeked
>I got to roll a cheeky grenade through the vent
>it hits the lower rim, rolls back at me
>panic grab it
>turn right as to my left there's a wall
>explodes in Thermite's face
I want Blitz to massage my back with his shield
so when are they fixing all the fucked hair on ash and blackbeard and pulse and everyone else
can you post fem ops feets pls since this gen is so shit
When are they fixing wall parts staying afloat in antigrav on heavier walls?
>front of shield has three shotgun blasts that can make a man sized hole in a wall or a person out to 4M
>3 charges, must be reloaded between
Seeing how pro players hate shields, I doubt we'll be seeing one any time soon.
Proper report system in Siege when?
What went wrong, /r6g/ ?
I'm surprised we haven't got an operator who just uses a shield as a choice like Fuze has one. Ying would be a candidate for one but her ability would make her just another Blitz in terms of function. If the Polish had red-dot sights on the pistols then maybe the next Polish attacker will have a shield option.
I doubt we'll see the SK ops with shields since they're S.Korean Army SF. I quite like how the Police CTUs get shield options only, it reflects their Urban "specialty" compared to the Military CTUs that train for more Warfare orientated Ops.
She is a demoman (demowoman?), not a boxer.
guns are heavy though, it would make sense to have more than enough muscle to lug one around with you for hours upon hours, she actually has arms skinnier than a 16 year old girls
Ubisoft introduced ISIS operators. Special ability is beheading downed operators.
she is probably really toned under that shirt, being fit doesn't mean you suddenly become this meat monster you know
Building muscles does make you bigger, yes
Yeah but you have to consider that she has to have bones too, her arms are really fucking skinny is all I mean, it's hard to imagine them being strong
she's also a woman that is 170cm tall
>tachanka has less than 1% pickrate
>no buff
>blitz's pickrate is a bit higher
>he's about to get a cool buff
Tachanka buff when?
Tachanka would have to be a tiny hit box 3 speed with double the RPM and mag size to be picked
haha dude reddit
That's the price you pay for turning a characther into a walking meme
They could at least give him an ACOG and a slightly larger MG shield
uh no
His windshield should be undestructable. He already has to worry about being flanked, twitched, grenaded, etc.
How the fuck would you even fix him? As a stationary operator he's either going to obliterate everything he sees or be a sitting duck
>muh reddit do i fit in guyz
Yeah that worked so well for BB
BB was mobile, tachanka is a sitting duck
Spetsnaz is the most militarized CTU in the game yet they still have a shield though.
It's almost like we have wall reinforcements and a thousand defensive gadgets
holy shit this is amazing
>Pulse blows himself up
Was this the point or am I missing something?
We also have ways to take those wall reinforcements and defensive gadgets down, what's you're point?
we're posting fuckups
my thoughts in that moment
>they are coming from under me, i could use my nitro cell to get a cheeky kill
>oh boy, ying is there and i have a nitro cell!
>went too far and slipped, but no worry, i still have that nitro!
>better detonate it so i can kill that ying
i don't know why i didn't just shoot
Any Tach who isn't asleep could run off by the time any of that's a threat
>Someone at the ubisoft offices truly believed a stationary guy with a turret was a good idea in a game
>Had to give him a shield
>It's big and destroyable so people take it out while out of tachanka's sight
>by the time he tries to get out of it his head is blown off
Yeah I saw the quoted post after, my bad
Now his turret is useless, therefore he's worse than Kapkan, who at least can block door entries from certain angles or kill the blind.
Chank's bullet shield is useless anyway, any particular bullet fired at it has a chance to go straight through before the shield even breaks thanks to Ubi's total incompetence.
>someone pick tachanka
>doesn't deploy their turret at all
I mean if you wanted to play a spetznaz operator you could've just picked kapkan
can't shield glitch with kapkan because he doesn't have one. Plus it's great completely blocking access in one of plane's flat corridors
The turret can be used to block doorways
why doesn't casual have working MMR
why am I being matched as a level 9 against people who are level 140 who know every single map and every scrub tactic
so you get put in a match in less than 10 seconds? I prefer that over it being hoverwash and taking 2 minutes to find something
They need to make Tachanka's LMG his primary and mountable with a bipod on waist high cover (including the deployable shield) or while prone with stats that reflect the other LMG's in the game.
Also maybe give him a PP2000 as a secondary.
>being able to mount tachanka's gun in a window to spawnpeak
Welcome to hell and it's name is tachanka I love it
>join casual game
>some dude starts asking "are you real?" to someone else on my team
>apparently one of my teammates is some youtuber Ive never heard of named HazBroTube
>Not even sure if hes real or not but okay whatever
>spend the entire game with this guy fucking cumming over this youtube guy
>pretty sure I heard this guy say he wasnt even recording at the end of the game
Just dropping in to salute "Daplys".
It was fun kicking your ass.
I played against nukem dukem and his squad for my last placement match in ranked (this season). Kinda sucked ass bc i'm just a goldie, so was my friend. Got wrecked.
no spergs on my team
You are as good at the game as those level 140 players. Or, they are as bad as you are.
>look him up
>sperg who does silly voices
I'm not though, we lose 7/10 games
>level 243
>people expect me to play well
>they don't know i just played a bunch of terrorist hunt with friends
>level 168
>play casual with my friends all the time
>play shitty operators like blitz, tachanka, kapkan and castle alot
>we go for teamkills for a laugh when we're about to win
>have potato aim
>type banter everytime we win even if our KD is below 1
I love siege
>not teamkilling youtubers on sight
Usually those guys are on ranked so I'm safe from them, but if I happen to find someone like matimio or thomi I'll headshot them on sight. And I don't have to worry about being kicked I only play when atleast a friend's online so I got backup
Whats the issue here?
First rule of Fuze club: A kill is a kill
Right after ranked mode comes out of beta
all in a day's work
its not an ace if you dont kill your team too
>get doc
>want to help people up quickly
>never get to because everyone dies instantly
thanks ubi
>After turret is put down, tachanka (maybe teammates too but might not be great with rando's) can pick it up and drop it without having to fold and unfold.
That's how I'd buff him.
As you get better at the game you'll find that both you and your teammates will learn how to position better, so that all of you will start winning extended engagements, or take a couple of shots crossing rooms to get to better angles but coming out on top, rather than standing out in the open and dying to people they had no awareness of.
At this point, doc is much stronger, since he can heal a good player up to take more risks.