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last thread:

Love me

Are catboy weenies allowed...


Absolutely not. Stop that.

do it

Once again let's settle this now
Post your character and the last time you had sexual intercourse with a woman, that has a vagina, that you didn't have to pay money for
Salty memes and butthurt need not apply

Not 1st for stop rudeposting

Why do you care and why would anyone do this lmao

I hate it

Anything posted would end up getting shitted on. So no thanks

Any tips on how to take really good pictures?

I'm a 23 year old (biological) female handholdless virgin. Beat THAT

yeah that lalafell and female elezen are pretty bad



almost 30
never kissed or held hands with a girl before

Yeah stop making stupid face in them.

and highlanders

I wanna touch catboy weenies...

Please exclude everyone in that screenshot except the roegadyn and post several dozen more.

Are a cute.

Rude. This is not a stupid face, it's cute!

is june 15th bad?

Reminder: You need therapy if you white knight someone you've never met in real life. You also need help if you go out of your way to attack people you've only read about in a thread.

Welp. All thats left now is slutposting

step 1: don't make an ugly character

you failed step 1

I had a bowl of nails for breakfast. Without any milk.

If you need to slutpost to get attention you have serious problem
If you respond to slutposters by becoming a thirstmaster or a white knight you also need mental help and to go outside

Why are you guys so mean ;-; I think she's cute..

>this post

well you have shit taste

It's ugly quicksand fodder dude

can I touch ur weiner


Lots of experimenting in gpose with emotes.

There are 2 for each gathering class. Get all first 4

You know, user, you don't have to photoshop eyebrow mustaches on EVERY picture

Both of you turn around and bend over, that'd make a great picture.

Hmph. Meanies. I don't care what you think, how about that?
Thank you, I'll try that. I need to level up more and get new outfits too, I think.
Maybe later!~

It's okay, don't listen to those trolls, not every character has to look like a generic catgirl
What's your favorite anime


>watching some degenerate sub saharan cave troll attempt to play your main class

>when they don't hardcast ver5s with a timer
buddy, you have like 4 things to keep track of. At least manage this much.

I can hear the shallow mouth breathing from this post as he digs in his crusty stained not so Whitie tighties. As he fiddles around with his uncut member, it reeks of a strong aged cheese as its been fermenting in a smelly mix of ball sweat and smegma as it wafts around the room hoping the poster fulfills his nasty desires. He eargly awaits his finger now scratching his hemroid encrusted star under his chair stained with shit residue and cumflakes. Waiting to see ps3 model characters post bent over to help him escape his fat worthless life. His mom weeping as shes cooking tendies for her fat Lil monsters next meal downstairs thinking where did she go wrong with raising her son after her boyfriend vanished when her baby bundle of joy arrived. Every day she thinks about just smothering your face with a pillow and going to jail to be free because how she's living right now is worse than jail to her. She watched her beautiful child grow up into a fat lump who can't help her and would probably die if she were to dissapear. But you block all these thoughts with typing "post butt" and jerk your sadness away. All over your cum stained floor and keyboard.

>tank uses a timer
>they still fuck it up somehow most of the time
Hard to bother with unless you know the tank.

pasta or?

bros.......... /wowg/......

>tank pulls one group at a time
>stops using abilities as he clicks every enemy to mark them

is just as bad
if not worse because it's a more popular game

stop posting here

This shit always makes me laugh.

I always read it as Wao Gee

post butt?

>pop into pool of tribute for roulette
>other AST claimed diurnal so go noct for shield support and card machine
>DPS is subpar but I'm cramming arrows and balances down their throats like no tomorrow
>other healer couldn't find his way out of a paper bag let alone his heal buttons
>tanks couldn't decide on who was MT

A lot of people ended up leaving but we got a replacement tank and one of the DPS requeue'd as SCH(thank you and I love you) but hoooooly shit that was a nightmare and a half.

>uses defensive cds when

>tfw thinking about making a macro that says "BRRAAAPP" so I can run by people doing it

Considered tos violation?

Thanks for the (You)s

Anyone know what's considered BiS for tanks at the moment?

They usually ignore most violations as long as it stays off the radar, but if you did that often it would probably annoy enough people to report and warrant the attention classified as spam.
But you could probably get away with it, who the hell cares.

Stop reading my diary

Why are all bards retarded?
South Park even noticed this and made Jimmy a bard

Why didn't they just get the DRK writer to write all the fucking job quests

Can't all be the superior ranged DPS job.

Agreed. I just finished leveling DRK and man did I flip my shit when Fray came back at the level 70 DRK quest.

Can't help it. Only a retard wants to sing songs whilst everyone around them is dying. Comes with the territory.

>story quest kabuto helmet literally makes your head smaller

I'd love MCH if they just scrapped turrets.

you look like a mouse, it's cute

General opinion I've seen is to stack Tenacity for DRK and WAR and Det for PLD

I like the turrets. I enjoy Hypercharge and Overload

Wtf is up with the crazy undercutting on the markets in this game?

is bard an american baby job?

Do girls play as tanks..?

Why? Rook Overdrive is really satisfying if it DHCs.


That's just how it is on MMO markets

That and the new housing market is coming up soon so people are trying to grind out that last bit of cash as quickly as possible.

Excuse you, cats hate mice!

But I don't understand. Like people would practically make the prices of shit worthless. Don't these people want money?

post pits

Stop playing on Balmung

So it's a real head-case that takes you to the shrink?

I bet you have the thin little rat tail too!
also this

SB turned me into a tank main gal.

Too many selling or 1 person flooding vs few buyers

yeah but youre a faggot so why do you care

I hate turrets because I just don't like ground targeting gimmicks, keeping it alive or reactivating it, and I often forget about it entirely in some dungeon pulls. I tried bard and while it didnt have to deal with them it has way too much to micromanage.

Please don't... I'm not prepared...

People are just really fucking stupid man. It's not like a real world business with actual stakes.
There are fucking vendor-sold furniture pieces up on the marketboard for less than the actual vendor price.

Stuffed Edda is pretty cute.

Is that hard to get?

There is no winning

I'm guessing it only comes from silver bags, so if you do 101+ a lot probably not, just a matter of rng.

where the HECK is that from

>argument about refugees in game

Oh boy

625k on my server. Fug

I like strong girls...

>thinking of making party chat macros tied into doing the support role actions in song
How retarded is this?

Ala Mhigo is free, it's time to send them home, desu

there a plenty of girls(male) here for you

I have no idea what server I'm on

I'm guessing this is the truth. There really is no other excuse to sell shit at like 10gil when you can get more from the vendor

They've been here for 20 years. Some of them, for the entire lives. It would be inhumane to do such a thing. We're a better Ul'dah with them.