/gwt/ - Gwent: The Witcher Card Game General

>Pro Ladder Rankings

>Thronebreaker Story Campaign Teaser
[YouTube] GWENT: Thronebreaker | STORY CAMPAIGN TEASER (embed)

>Official Gwent Competitions
[YouTube] GWENT: The Witcher Card Game | GWENT OPEN (embed)
[YouTube] GWENT: The Witcher Card Game | GWENT Masters (embed)

>Useful Links

>What Legendary/Epic Card Should I Pick?

>All Character Voice Lines

Just let it go, its ded

>no cdpr general
>gwt dead


>Have every single card in the game
>Rank 16

I think I'm done for the season

why dont we just make one giant cdpr general

>I have an idea
>what if we design a faction and give it 100000000 possible win conditions
>but hey, just to be fair its not like they can stuff them all in the de-
>haha just joking lets also give them the best thinning cards so they can be the only faction in the game to go for 40 cards in the deck and still draw it all reliably every game
>on top of that, lets not forget to give them graveyard mechanics to play these lovely cards twice, or thrice
>and best leaders, cause why not
>and best counters to weather/damage/removal etc

>3 threads bitching about Mill on reddit frontpage
Alright that confirms it. Mill nerfed next patch. Hoard those Avallach bois.

>CDPR no longer does full refunds
Oh shit

>Suddenly mill everywhere
>They lose every single game but they run out the timer every turn and they're inevitably playing on toasters so even playing a card takes 15 seconds
Awful hard to maintain a positive disposition when the game tries so hard to make me think otherwise. On the bright side, I'm still enjoying spellatael. Even after playing a bunch of games of it my opinion hasn't changed that it's a dramatically weaker deck than spy nilf but it's still more fun to play. In part because I got a moviecard farseer and it's pretty nice, nothing flashy but an elf with her tiddies hanging out waving her hands around in some smoke passes the time.

It really shouldn't get nerfed since it's not particularly good, the only pain in the ass part is your opponents always act like every turn is a brain burner when it really shouldn't be. I guess I should restate that, it's probably good against NR since they aren't very fun and interactive no matter how many battering rams they play, but even other decks with thinning should be able to fuck up one of the pieces. If you can't whack Uma, there's Assire. If not her, locking/removing the mashed potatoes cuts down on the points the deck has dramatically. If you can take out Uma that's the biggest piece you can fuck up, but mill is so delicate they can still shit the bed even if you take something else out.

You may as well play to rank 18 or whatever that keg rank is, fren. The batch of kegs at grandmaster is to much of a grind to bother with but the one at 17-18 is still in easymode sub/early 4k. Kegs lose their appeal a bit when you've got a full collection but the moviecards are still really nice!

>is to much
Son of a bitch. The to intelligent memes are overtaking me. Either that or entering a glassy-eyed trance after playing 3 hours of Gwent in 90 degree weather while drinking.

>Mill is cancer

This isnt even remotely surprising to me

how many thread died in the last few hours? this isn't the previous thread i've seen and judging by the "embeded" videos in the OP there has been at least another one

There hasn't been one in hours, I've checked

The CDPR general is also gone

What is dead may never die!

at what hour does gwentslam continue today?

i can't stand to watch "professional" gwent

What is it as miserable as everyone made it out to be with that ropecoach tourney

Buff Skellige pls or nerf everything to skellige level

>game makes a big deal about how shitty the workers quarters are during your tour of he vineyard
>you can't improve them

>What is it as miserable as everyone made it out to be with that ropecoach tourney
I'm not even sure what you're saying here, but I didn't watch any of the tournament either. I can't even be bothered to wistfully stare at Liabells and wish I was sucking the farts straight out of her ass any more. I enjoy Gwent as a game but as a spectator game it's god-awful.

Give me a single reason to play this piece of shit game ever again until coinflip is addressed.
>go first
>enjoy having like 20% to win

dont got one for you senpai

most people are really just waiting for balance changes or new cards at this point

going 2nd is insta win

> I can't even be bothered to wistfully stare at Liabells and wish I was sucking the farts straight out of her ass any more

that has more to do with the fact she plays the same horrible deck every time. she's a top tier qt

i get the gwent but what happened to the Witcher general?!?

maybe its time to merge?

You're always welcome to the Shadowverse general. No Gwent talk allowed, though.

Better deed than weeb.

/wtc/ is pure waifufagging

fuck you CDPR
fuck you freddy
fuck you mill

it's not that i cant win or deck is overpowered,
you can read the deck from a mile, you can stop it even before it starts.

it is that i don't have that I DO NOT HAVE THAT MUCH TIME!

i can bear it one in a while,
it is even fun to listen the annoying taunts -i never met a mill player playing without taunts, does it come with the package i guess- and destroy your precious little elf, but man eight games in a row, that's insane, and i probably would go on if i hadn't stopped.

and it is always the same moves man,
what makes them think that much,

but oh yes, i know,
they are making it slow on purpose,
to force people to forfeit and get free points,
but there is the deal,
if you don't have any opponents,
you will not get any free points.

mill is a good mechanic,
it works well,
it works well if you game is called Magic: the Gathering and it is FUCKING balanced.

Flip is broken.
Mulligan is broken.
Draw(mill) is broken.

So CDPR, please stop nerfing cards by reddit threads, they will find a new card to complain about in less than a week,
but please fix these mechanics.

if you fix the mechanics, balance the game,
no one will complain about individual cards or decks,
but it is not going to happen,
it will never happen
and first gwent general, and then the game dies.

but here i said it,
so it is your problem now.

I feel like the importance of the flip is grossly overstated for Gwent.

is andzrej sapkowski going to write another witchers book?

i read all of the translated ones, they are fucking goat

Are they? Most people in this thread have said they're terrible.

most people haven't read them just say they did

Doubt it. The books are fine.
They are not incredible, but they are far, far from terrible.

for fantasy books they are top tier tho

like mistborn was a bestseller at a given time and the author writes like a 5 year old

andzrej is miles better

The translation of Season of Storms comes out next year doesn't it?

I wouldn't say top tier, but they are good, yes.
And they get better, imo.
At least the novels, she short stories are great. But after that, Blood of the elves is meh.
> No book about Bonhart and Ciri adventures
Feels bad, man.

have you read lady of the lake?
2019 march

The short stories are pretty damn good, rest are fine except for lady of the lake which sucked ass imo

yeah same, i would have much rather read more short stories than the saga desu

it is maybe because grossly effects the game,
but to fix it the have to completely change the game mechanics.

best and easiest solution i can come up with is,
>game start
>winner chooses to go first and draw a card or go second.

Damn. Guess I'll have to try to pace myself with the rest. Finished The Last Wish last night, really enjoyed it.

>have you read lady of the lake?
I've read them all.
>go first and draw
Then that's kind of the shame as going second. At the end of the day, you start with one more card than your opponent.
I assume they'll add
> If you win the coinflip, you automatically win all draws.
> If your opponent dry passes second round, you can dry pass and win
> If your have the same strength, you win
Is shit, but is better than nothing.

>swim vs freddy
where is the NR too strong ban stennis fags now?

>add customize card art option now
i want to change Shani art

yea actually win round to go first is silly too.
it should have to win all round go first or
win you go first rnd one, then opp goes first in rnd2 no matter what is the result, then yo go first on rnd

there are lots of options, current one is the worst.

my life felt so empty after i was done with the books
games don't really replace the experience but they give you chills after you read them

i assume you are not reading many books

i do, i just played the games first and got really lured into them
when i picked up the books it was really nice to expand that world i already knew

Spy and Spell'Tael are two legit the most annoying decks to play against.

Spell'Taels is the worst desu.

nah, I beat them pretty often with the succ

It is not that Spell'Tael would be an exceptionally strong deck but the process of playing against it is annoying when you basically just sacrifice units to his thunders and there are no units for you to hurt/debuff.


Why isn't there a single other person in this thread capable of making a decent OP? I don't understand. Are you all 80 IQ middle schoolers? Is it really that difficult to understand that you can't just copy and paste and old OP? Is the idea of proof-reading your post before hitting submit really that foreign of a concept?

What is wrong with you people? This isn't rhetorical question.

Nobody just gives a shit tbqh.

>killing the Guardian when you have Calveit, Cahir, and Joachim in your hand

Stop inviting these nobodies to tournaments.

more like drunkman lol

To be fair, that nobody beat the number one player on pro ladder to make it to this round.

>he still would have won if he didn't misclick

>tried for a long time to make soldiers work
>turns out the answer was spotters

the bald caster is fucking bad

why is he even there

> Hailstorm
> And Hailstorm again
> Preparation for opponent's Hailstorm
Hailstorm The Game The Movie
T-there's no one bald

Seems like it was a mistake from gameking to drypass round 1

tfw you have a deck you put together through trial and effort and its crushing through ranked :3. Only rank 14 yet so nothing to brag about but it truly is a great feel

>Memeleeman doesn't know how Harpies work

>Only rank 14
I saw people playing 35 cards deck in rank 14. Fuck, even in rank 16.
And I'm not talking about NR
I mean, congrats, user, but you could smash your dick on the keyboard for the first 50 games and still climb to that rank.

>rank 14
dude, it's literally nothing

You clearly don't if some mediocre fantasy leaves a gaping hole in your life.

Congratulations for actually playing the game unlike the filthy netdeckers.

I only play netdecks stay mad

I have no idea what half the cards do

Why cant he sit like a normal person?

you seriously need to stop being assblasted about the OP nobody cares about. that and capitalization

> rethaz in the LC chat

how long is the competition running so far today? missed everything up to this point

>xD nobody cares LMAO

Middle schoolers, got it.

>rethaz going full-on passive-aggressive beta mode in twitch chat
fucking kek, get this hothead outta there

This is the second semifinal.

> he capitalizes his post again on a taiwanese cardboard drawing imageboard to prove his superiority

Actually, I capitalize everything naturally without having to think about it. Everyone on Veeky Forums used to type properly up until a couple of years ago. You probably wouldn't know about that, though.

>Everyone on Veeky Forums used to type properly up until a couple of years ago. You probably wouldn't know about that, though.

most outrageous lie i've seen on the internet yet. 10/10

Got the best possible grades for all my uni theses. The OP on /gwt/ is not perfect? Couldn't care less.

I suggest you learn to prioritize things in life better, would improve your quality of life as well.

His gigantic dick gets on the way

Why is she wearing her shoes inside the house?

>blaming the mouse

>Everyone on Veeky Forums used to type properly up until a couple of years ago. You probably wouldn't know about that, though.

Ask me how I know you're a newfag

That's actually really annoying, if I were there I'd tell him to sit down. Especially when the bench does not look like it can support his fat ass.

>mcbald and mogwai casting
Just tell swim to cast

I suppose you probably would think this if you only post on /pol/, /b/, and other boards infested with teenagers. Been here for over 10 years now, but what would I know?

Her feet smell too bad.


been here for the same amount of time and i know for certain that claim is bullshit

> 2007 is an oldfag

dead game dead general

Witcher general is dead.

Gwent general is dead.

The two should be combined to create one less dead general.

>man in his mid 20's insists on typing like a 12 year old girl to appear cool on his favorite anime image board

You don't want TWG in here. Singleplayer generals are always cancer.

> man who prides himself on wasting ten years of his life on this imageboard thinks everyone is a native english speaker
> writing formally in the internet
luckily not many such cases,still sad!

>he's literally a /pol/ fag

Wew lad.

>only native English speakers type like adults

shaggy got shagged

it keeps happening

maybe they are trying to mirror the CDPR's update and hot fixes,
if you make a thread in reddit, they may 'fix' the OP too

>rethaz and petrify fighting over mulligan mechanics in gwent slam twitch chat
this is gold