League of Legends General - /lolg/


is it gay to want to be dominated by girls? give it to me straight


Hold still, Wolf!

xth for sona the cowtit queen

As long as the girls aren't futas. If you're into the full-on emasculation and masochism shit, you're a giant bitch, but there is nothing gay about it.

The patrician taste is assertive,
classy women who tease you lovingly before riding you dry

Best guy!
Making the most of the night!

xth for Syndra

is there any porn of her?

that uncomfortable GOT reference

i mean gentle femdom not that full on dominatrix shit where you get your nuts kicked

i like being submissive to cute popular girls

They call them Team oNe Esports since they can't win one fucking game LOL!

>Frostkurrin is still alive
Fucking cancerous nigger ugly lesbo

If you love her, and it's something she enjoys and you find enjoyment in her enjoyment, then no, that's a wonderful thing. This applies to any/most proclivities.

what is the point of a trap if not to worship my ass unlike a woman could

play league together i guess? but arent traps jsut as bad at it

>tfw no qt girl to duo ranked with

thats just being whipped

its common

She's cute

pick two

Who the hell is Markz? Does he even play the game?

i hope not

Neck yourself shitter

thats some nice plastic. where can i purchase such high quality materials?

she needs some white dick

xth for Miss Fortune, the cowtit goddess

When you just took a rough shit but you have to go again

that's just having no backbone and being unable to resist it even if you don't like it... i like it

>actual homo making fun of my common and really cool fetish
hush gay boy

You're a cool guy!

>gentle femdom

Then you sir have excellent taste

No, being whipped is letting the girl walk all over you like you're a doormat and not actually standing up for yourself.

I love Camille

When you have to keep looking at Frostkurrin without barfing.

He looks like he's in constant pain.

surprisingly this is a real woman. i know you've had limited interaction with them, so i can understand your confusion.

>muddying your genes with inbred aryan genes
top kek

does zirene have asperger's?

bro i dont care about your strange breeder fetish
you said "is it gay to..." and then ended with "give it to me straight"
Y-you too!

which one of you is the one holding a tablet of "mahou shoujo" sneaky in a grill sailor uniform?

Is there any shame in being bronze?

More like Barf


depends on why youre there desu

Yes, but have you had sexual intercourse before? Virgin bronze is the most shameful.

thanks for catching my funny joke it seems i underestimated your intellect...

kys fag lmao

>gentle femdom
>breeder fetish

if you have been playing for over 3 months, yes.

Not me, but i'm sitting near her. Should I try to talk to her?

I main the yordles but have a shit ton of fun while in bronze

No, I'm pure.

Dont make fun of Draven user, or else!

as long as youre having fun, who cares?

THIS. I wanted to be submissive to a small cute girl soooo much

Group A
>WE not looking good at all, only barely squeaked out a win against a wild card team
>Lyon surprising everyone, could easily make it out of groups
>Gambit looks like shit, they will never rekindle the old M5 with two washed up dinosaurs and a shit ADC

Group B
>C9 smashing, not even worth mentioning the other 2 they're comedy tier

Yeah, that's shameful. I am too. Hopefully that won't be true by the time I'm 23.

breeder is a """"derogatory"""" term homos pitifully try to apply to heterosexual people. It's about as ineffectual as a black person calling a white person a cracker or a whitey. It has no power and most people don't even feel insulted, since it just sounds funny, and the person using it is less powerful than you.


I'm going to take shot every time ________ for worlds 2017

post ending in 4 decides

tell her you'll make a better magical girl than sneaky. i know you're memeing, but isn't worlds in china or something?

>ywn be gently and lovingly dominated by Dark Lux

>Enemy Championship Zed starts off the match poorly, missing kills and getting killed by me and our jungler when he tried to roam.
>"You ain't doing too well, are ya, buddy?"
>No response
>10 minutes later
>I die to their garen and J4
>He says the same thing I said
>Shit talking continues throughout the rest of the 50 minute match
>I do pretty bad
>I laugh it off and admit I'm sucking but Zed won't stop
>We end up winning
>"Guess my shit playing was easier to carry than your shit playing"
>He goes off, just a stream of responses
>Bask in the salt

The only perk of not muting people is how delicious their rage can be when it doesn't go their way.

Reminder new Evelynn is literally a Semen Demon

Is that Arz?

Someone kills a minion.

a post ending in 5

>gays think propagating and ensuring the future of the human species is an insult


someone uses their ultimate

Sneaky looks cute.

>since it just sounds funny
well that's certainly true. i was more confused by what he said, especially since breeding/impregnation is an actual fetish some people have.

fuckin homos, man

oh lord

Wasn't here when the Darius comic released, but was there any discussion about Draven being Darius's half-brother, not his complete biological brother?

Because he looked extremely asian/Ionian in the childhood flashbacks.

kys boodrum
ur a loser who SUCKS at league
yeah same
breeders in my lolg jeez

Who /reddit9/ here?

Uh oh

>when you're so bad that you make Meme9 look like SKT
jesus, fuck BRs

this is fucking intense im gonna pass out middle of this game.

>ur a loser who SUCKS at league
Yes I am Gumi Cat

Anyone in bronze who isn't brand new to the game is; mentally handicapped, physically handicapped or a child

>Playing Mundo
>Team throws and and 4 die for free, enemy team moves onto Baron
>Walk over to pit, throw a single Cleaver
>ALL FIVE abandon Baron
>mfw they're heavy CC but low DPS
>mfw Merc Treads and maxed W
>mfw I lead all 5 of them into my now respawning team
>mfw enemy Viktor IMMEDIATELY starts bitching about Mundo being "OP"

I want to be your friend!

>Dark Lux will never use her powers to tie you down before sitting on your chest and giving you a gentle handjob with her delicate gloved hands


C9 about to lose. Rev up that camera Kaynfag.

I feel bad for them. Imagine trying to twist basic biology into an insult because you just have nothing else. Imagine having so much cognitive dissonance that you try to turn something beautiful and natural into an insult. Imagine being that mentally far gone off the deep end.

I don't hate them, I pity them. They're powerless and are grasping at whatever they can, and they're angry about it. Not unlike a child who realizes his limitations compared to his parents.

>have femdom fetish
>think it would be cool to have a dominant but gentle gf to pat my head and big spoon me
>we could also play league together
>thats every single gay relationship

wtf are gays superior

u SUCK at impersonations boodrum
im on NA!
Gumi Cat
i also shitpost here sometimes!

well they benched their mentally handicapped mid lets see if this br monkey is any better

>Gumi Cat
>i'm also shit
yes u are!

go lyon

>another Cho pick

Has Cho looked good in competitive a single time since his E buff?

It honestly feels like 99% of the time he's just standing in front and getting the shit beat out of him after none of his skillshots land. New Galio has a similar issue but his ult has so much utility he can get away with it. They both have that old tank Sion "does fucking nothing" feeling to them.

Is this the team with the masters mid?

>fervor shen

chos knockups are the reason WE beat lyon yesterday

>team one



3 minutes in......and the game's over



kys boodrum!
guroposter loser kys!!!!!!!!!!11

>that midlane fight
Alright, thats game.

>tfw can't keep smurf in bronze without a duo that goes AFK with me
but who cares if you're having fun

So are the Chinese actually watching and cheering?