/svg/ - Shadowverse General

Pantsu Edition

Next update on Sept 27

Fate collab

Next expansion is Starforged Legends
Official page:

Reveal chart:

>What events are up?

Nerf announcements

Leader poll results

Official Website:

Deckbuilder and card database

Useful Links: pastebin.com/SZNKYEMi


Other urls found in this thread:


1st for elf.

i hate dragon niggers so fucking much

didn't see all the cards yet
is this true that they didn't print any counter to dshift but printer counter to Aegis?



>neutral haven

this is nice general

I hate this game but I keep playing it.

>hating dragonbros besthonestcraft

Every aggo card that's printed is a counter to dshit.

I can either make Aggro Unga Sword or I can make Neutral Rune, which one do I make /svg/

The one that is getting nerfed at the end of the month and giving you your investment back: Neutral Xcraft

I'm still downloading. Post best girl lewds, /svg/.

Luna on channeru NEVER EVER


But the cards Im missing on both are two more copies of albert and wizardess, respectively

How come Luna isn't in SV Channel?

They got Kikuko Inoue on the channel as a guest?

is there a reason why she isn't on there? what about urias?

Wizard is needed for burn rune anyway, which is better than unga sword with albert.

Her seiyuu is a top idol and she's too busy sucking the producers' dick.

Albert is one of the safest crafts in the game. The expansion is in 4 days so you shouldn't craft anything.

She's to the right of meido in the OP


One-two! One-two!



Both Oz and Albert are pretty safe crafts. Neutral rune is better.

who's her seiyuu again

So now that we know that the new leaders from the leader poll get a card with alternate art, in the case of Cerberus (who already has an alternate card art from the premade) does it mean that Cerberus will be the first card with 3 versions?

Imagine having 3 different Cerberus in your deck

If she comes before Albert.

They gonna nerf Khawy next expansion right?


>first card with 3 versions

Oh yea right Albert exists too, definitely going to be interesting

No bully
Ogura Yui

I feel like buying cerberus and albert premades so I can do just this.

Imagine having all 3 animated too

>paying KMR's rent

You can use orbs on the alt leader card so the only hard part would be getting the alt leader card in the first place.

Dude's already living on a mountain of money right now


>anything but sword


Is this list any good?

Alright anons, I want to be the chemo. Any Cblood lists that doesn't require Abyss?

Post more KMR memes

Just play a Grinder list if you don't have it.

>want to be the chemo
>Abyss, 11 damage stealth unga card
Uh, user...


>everything that hits face is unga
Truly, Seraph is the only fair deck in this game

arent they basic meaning you cant use it on them?

Thank you.

>LB and Aegis is strong
hello b0

>Any Cblood lists that doesn't require Abyss?
obviously, they're all borderline unplayable though


They explicitly said that you can't get animated versions from packs and that you have to animate them with Globes.


>lb wasn't strong as fuck pre-nerf

Anyone have a burn rune list I can steal?

He's probably a newfag who got here less than a week ago

Both of you are wrong. You can get either normal or animated ver from pulling the new packs AND you can also animate the normal version using a premium orb.

there was a jcg list going around that was tempo/control using marys and airjammers.

but i asked for source you stupid nigger, how am i wrong?

they do well against unga and okay agaisnt neutrals. Depending on how good you are at drawing Odin it can work agaisnt nep, D-shift is autolose, Dragon is doable if you run something like satan for finisher, Aegis is really hard matchup. also Beauty and the beast fucks your face. Its perfectly playable, rose from halfway of AA1 to AA2 with nothing but Cblood.

Well it is a bad 8-drop whose ONLY function is to unga. It's like playing Forte and pretending you're the chemo.

At least Genesis Dragon trades well so you can credit it with versatility.

I was talking about the first post being wrong. Try some reading comprehension sometime before you throw a shitfit you autist.

Copy from last thread.

I will screenshot all the predictions in this thread and after a month I will post it again.

I'll do this from now until Pacific Sunday. Reply to this post or post a screenshot of your rank with your prediction and I will include you in the collage.


Eachtar is 7pp brick town

Congratulations, you aren't the first or second post, which means I wasn't talking about you and I linked your post cause you asked for source and I posted the source. Reading comprehension sure is hard for niggers.

Making predictions right now is retarded because we have no idea what the nerfs will be.

Ok here I go: Cassiopeia will save Forestcraft

I think that, more than Zodiac Demon being her Nephytis, Alice needs a new neutral wincon card to play around.
That, or they need to go back and buff the apocalypse deck. It feels so awful when you finally manage to get your meme combo off, only to die to Albert/Forte/Genesis/etc.

What the hell does "chemo" mean?

why rowen is such a piece of shit?
every time i see him in game i want to punch his stupid fucking face

any deck/class that i play

curing cancer


>hurrr the deck I don't like is cancer
>b-but my class will cure it

Elephant King is shit. Just Silverbolt lmao

>not buying the whole pack
>not having every non-sfv leader in the game

Oh, now it makes sense.

>fail at doing basic math

wow nothing i could do!

a treatment where you try to kill cancer faster than you kill your body
really gives you pause that people apply the term to themselves

>600 crystals
You can only buy one leader with that small amount. Buy best girl.

>being f2p
Yep, but I buy jims only for this time.

3 more months of alice

>cheat resources to ignore the board and storm face
wow so honest

>have to click/tap every button 100 times untill it reacts
why nips are so shit at programming
why is this still not fixed
fucking yellow shitters

>Play DShift
>Opponent surrenders right after mulligan
Nerf this.

Buy lancer and you will never regret it.

No nerfs from the announcement for 27th update and I doubt there will be another update at 29th. Do you think they will update the game 2 times in such a short interval?

Next expansion in nutshell

Alice is going to be tier 0 nothing changes
They will shut the game down after seeing that alice is the real problem. they cant nerf the poster girl so that is gonna be their only valid choice

Why are you even talking about? Maybe your mouse or finger is broken.

>rose from halfway of AA1 to AA2 with nothing but Cblood.
not an accomplishment

Nobody wants to put up with your solitaire garbage while farming chests
It's not like anyone cares about score right now

Reinstall the game.

interface in SV is unresponsive as fuck
even just scrolling through collection is lagging and loading cards for now fucking reason
i don't know how they programmed it, but it's fucking dogshit
