/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #2156

>Recent News
Baalfest has ended. No consequences. 300 crystal compensation.
Coop: 8 Stages reduced to 4 for Normal and Hard. No changes for Extra
Trophy Unlock changes
Adjustments to drop rates for some coop quests
Adjustments to the difficulty for some coop quests
Weapon stones required for your first class weapon reduced
The price of mage and warrior creeds in the pendant shop adjusted

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Schedule for September:
8/31 - 9/8 - Lonesome Dragoness
9/9 - 9/14 - Touken Ranbu Collab Part 1
9/14 - 9/21 - Touken Ranbu Collab Part 2
9/22 - 9/29 - Guild War (Wind Favored)
9/30 - ??? - New Scenario Event

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Pastebin

Previous Thread:

First for my wife!

Dumb hair

This is a goodboy thread. No bullying allowed.

I fucked your wife last night

Sochie is for yuel only!

It's not cheating if everyone is doing it

Sochie is cute and so is her hair.

tfw only got to farm 1 hour of baal before it got nerfed

Does sochie smell good?

You didn't because she was with me.

And Yuel is mine so that makes Sochie mine by proxy.

you got more axes than i got in 6hours 13 guns tho

Host normal baha!

does te have increased drop rate? Or is it only baal?

She is okto's fuck toy, fucking cuck

Reminder KMR never said rates were intended, some random CSR from Cygames responding to a ticket said it.

>tfw didn't do GW nor baalfest

feels good, played some other games instead.


that's what I did
then I realised that doing 20 baals gave me 2 guns and I saw the error in my ways

Dumb cowsfag

Okto doesn't even know she exist.
She gave up on him and now is danchossexual.

Shut the fuck up.

Is a second bahamut weapon a decent replacement for Ex? I only have 1 Ex for Dark (Qilin), so looking at using 2 Bahamooties.

/gbfg/, how do I mvp Baha HL? If I were to build only 1 GW 5* to try and farm gold bricks for others who would it be?

>can't get someon e to like you so you settle for dancho as a consolation prize
Naru is shit

Uno and quatre

6 magna 1olden cortana 1ex 1baha for dark
7 magna if no cortana

How many crystals do I need for 1 spark? How do I get that many crystals? Impossible.


I was actually planning to make both but I don't have enough bars. I'll at best be able to make one of them 5*

Post ID and we'll see if you're cute.

what a faggot



Or what?


Honestly the droprate was probably intended but then they realized it was too high
Why else would Odin and Lich have such shit rates?

it's dead forever

Let me get new berries first

Tell me some Djeetasexual male character.

>try to be cool and go hard at it
>forget that when she overdrives she does plain set percentage damage
>wipe my entire front row
>somehow still not in 6th even missing 3/4 of my team
whoever is in 6th is leeching like a mofo

Why are virafags so weak and stupid?

the mainwheel T2 probably share the same droprate table, while odin and lich have their own ones, so the fuckup affected only mainwheel elements

300 sparks is 90k crystals
but the good part is that you just need anything that adds up to 300. This includes the combination of tickets, 10+1 tickets, etc.

It's actually easy when you're a newfag. Not so much after you spend your sacred load. I painfully wish I hadn't.

honestly speaking I'd rather not and get the 2nd dama crystal
also isn't xeno coc soon

If Vice is 2 to 6 now does that man everyone in 6mans gets an extra chest?

So who should I bet for?

It's not even finals yet and this is probably the best GW ever

Ty based Baal for making the general fun during GW.

since nothing has started, no one

WES will win day 3. Screencap this

Insider here
there is going to be an apology magfest after GW
free 10draw every day
150crystals + 10pots every day

So who didn't get to Tier A?

What about for the good boys who didn't abuse Baal?


So, Cygames already read player's mail, granted those TIME and EFFORT player's wish, nerfed the droprate, but those player still demand compensation and rollbacks for being a good boy?

>homofest ended merely a few days ago
Yeah, right.

I know it's bullshit but I still want to believe

Insider here.
there is going to be an apology gangbang after GW
free 10 homos every day
150 cumshots + 10 protein shakes every day

Then what was this?

KMR here
lmfao get fucked you gw cucks
enjoy spending months farming your grids and getting nothing for doing so

So I finally did that Sierokarte upgrade for the Revenant Weapons. Now I'm gonna do the 6 part upgrade. This is a nightmare.

I've worked in customer-facing support before. They don't know shit. When they do know shit, they will lie if it makes the company's image look better. All of which is to say, ask two reps the same question you may get different answers, and it is never proof of anything.
I worked for a bank. For any given "big ask", one guy might go ahead and do it for you, and another might say "I'm sorry, but that's impossible".

A mistake. KMR isn't writing the customer support emails. Some literal nobody entry level CS rep wrote that, and shockingly enough bottom level employees don't always have all the answers

This is probably the only online game I've played where you don't get punished for abusing exploits and get to keep what you got from exploiting. I can't believe this is considered one of the best mobages out there yet they took 2 whole days to hotfix a bug that allowed people to grind entire grids in a day instead of multiple months.

I can understand why all those Titan players are so mad. They literally spent thousands of BP and hundreds of hours to finish their grid while they get to see others complete theirs in a day for a few hundred BP.

KMR should really apologize to pre-bug Titan players.

Yae, if you farmed T2Fest you'll have more than enough SSRs to make up the difference

Wait until you want to 5 star one of those characters

In Diablo 3 they let literally everyone use a maphack.

mfw my DAO HL is 2 spartans, 3 elysians, and a lucha

this is going to be interesting without heals

I know how that looks but just starting on the path makes me sad.


They did apologize, they gave them 300 crystals.

Or it was the correct answer at the time and then they decided that we cant have nice things

They also gave the bad boys Crystals.

Poor guy.

I've seen some people who aren't HL saying they've gotten guild war characters. It baffles me how. I guess they did absolutely nothing but material farming. As someone who has just started seriously getting into the grind (about a month and a half since I started playing), I can recommend you wait until magnafest to do the mats, and then spam the mat gathering missions then. They're just way too expensive outside of magnafest when you look at stuff like 950x whorls, 950x orbs, etc.


They should give 5000 berries to players who have done hundreds of Baal runs before the bug.


It's far more likely to be PR. It's like how in WoW whenever people had technical problems, they would say: "Delete your WTF folder". Or how tech support mostly consists of: "Try turning your computer off, then on."
Sure, they COULD be telling the truth, but 99% of the time they're just bullshitting to get you to go away.

I got salsa at like rank 80 and all it took was around 10hours of magfest grinding

Well fuck me. Magna fest already passed and I dunno when the next one is.

>Massive game breaking bug gets introduced

HRT method
>fix it quickly
>give out a generous compensation

KMR method
>only fix it when the bug starts getting more popular
>don't apologize and tries to pretend it never happened.
>300 gems or 2 half pots

Yeah, I guess I just prioritized magnas a bit much. I've got a full MLB grid, but am only now starting to dig into the GW upgrade process.

but KMR is our god and savior

The strange thing is that they fixed this shit on a weekend.

its probably a single line of code

There's a very good chance (like 80-90%) there will be one in October.

>Thank you

Are you >implying Japanese companies don't have plenty of people working on the weekend?

So why did KMR rollback the 1-shot bug when Ely got introduced but left this alone?

Is people getting 1-2 gold bricks a lot more serious than people completing entire primal grids in a couple of days?


I want to join a /gbfg/ crew, but I cant farm more than 30m in GW. I'm rank 133. What crew do you recommend me?

I'm implying that Cygames have been lazy fucks a lot of times.

It should literally just be changing the value of like 1 or two variables. They could have fucking done it whenever with ease.

>gold bricks = can uncap wallet weapons, meaning you don't have to gacha for multiple wallet weapons
>a single element grid = still have to gacha for primals

>support admits its a bug
>even more people abuse it

>abuse it
>don't get any form of punishment

>People got to farm Titan grids and get 300 crystals.

so how angry are the people in that crew where the lead said to not farm baal

So angry to the point we're disbanding.

Anons... what if they did this on purpose?
>"accidentally" fuck with droprate
>cause massive spike in player engagement and memes
>all you're actually giving away is F2P drops that are 100% free anyway
>the wallet items, which are all Cygames cares about, aren't affected