>/bbg/ Fight Club: Pthumeru - n6rc9jh8 Loran - jjpkdcgd Isz - 9v8qndas (every Saturday 6pm EST, general rules:imgur.com/1RjNbF4)
>/bbg/ Spelunking Club Password = /bbg/ Create a new S/FRC chalice dungeon and beckon anons to join OR Use the Short Root Chalice with the password /bbg/ to be summoned or invade (every Friday 6pm EST, anything goes)
>Resources Pastebin - Planners, Calculators, Spreadsheets, Stats Info, Where to go next in BB, Guide Scans & Wikis pastebin.com/aNR8TXUr
>Chalice Pastebin - General Info, Glyphs for Gems, Best Gems Setups, Multiplayer & Speedrunning pastebin.com/489M5NBv
>bullying Mensis nerds This doesn't seem right. Then again they've all been slow walking edgelords so maybe they have it coming
Joshua Sanders
Those are terrible shirts.
Luke Reyes
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Bloodborne. The story is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical lovecraft most of the ideas will go over a typical player's head. There's also Micolash's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from his literature; Definitive Proof Its Pronounced Kosm, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these ideas, to realise that they're not just ideas- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Bloodborne truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in the Yharnamite's existential catchphrase "I’ll mess up your brain," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Miyazaki’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
Adrian Rodriguez
>played through this game 3 times >Eileen just died on me for the first time
I-I'm getting too old to be the hoonter of hoonters ;__;
Christian Rodriguez
Is there a hunter that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Younger Madara? Let alone defeat him. Im not talking about Bolt Paper Untricked Hunter Axe Whistle Madara. Im not talking about Fire Paper Tricked Hunter Axe Madara either. Hell, im not even talking about Arcane Tricked Hunter Axe Whistle Madara with Beast Pellet and NPC Hunter Infinite Ammo (with BMA on every shot and base damage equivalent fo 50Bloodtinge), equipped with his Whistle, a Blacksky Eye, control of the Augur of Ebrietas and Call Beyond with Maria's blood transfused in him so he's sustained by the dream and can perform blood incineration while being an expert in Rallying and Quickening.
Lincoln Cook
>Arcane Tricked Hunter Axe >with Beast Pellet That doesn't work.
Blake Hernandez
Methinks it was supposed to be Empty Phantasm Shell
Camden James
It would work for him you fucking faggot
Anthony Clark
No, it wouldn't.
Jacob Morales
>implying Younger Madara cares about game ''''''mechanics''''''
I once saw him kill three Yharnam shadows with a blunderbuss, a fucking blunderbuss
Hudson Rodriguez
lol that birb is gay
Eli Ramirez
God I hope that's Jessica Clements' shower
Carter Collins
Rom is still just as obnoxious as I remember.
Matthew Morgan
Captain Salazar?
Austin Murphy
Fashion tips please my guys in game, not irl
Bentley Thomas
>that feel when beast form does not inherit hair colour
Blake Richardson
Colton Cox
wear your favorite set pieces
Luke Cruz
Foreign set it is then
Isaac Parker
Are you me?
Easton Adams
Hi me
Anthony Hall
I'm gonna stop for now, Sapper. Thanks for the company.
Nolan Wood
Thanks to you for the runs, see you around
Dominic Wood
lmao how the fuck is transformation recoil even real just embrace the beast plague and control it
Luke Nelson
Archibald is Tesla
Darkbeasts are an engineered superweapon against the Kin
The Embrace Rune is the key to controlling beasthood
Jack Fisher
Foreign chest piece goes with everything desu. Foreign chest with Hunter's arms/leg/head is 10/10 fashion and available 2 minutes into the game.
Cooper Powell
Crumpled yharnam hat
Thomas Harris
Jeremiah Jones
Why the fuck is flat arc secondary so rare in isz fuck
Mason Scott
There was one point where I farmed it with a friend a few hours a day for over a week Not one flat arcane secondary abyssal
Owen Rivera
I have seen 2 OoS already and not 1 with flat arc it's infuriating. It's like I'm in Loran
Chase Russell
>bl31 invading in the woods >not getting anything Am I doing something wrong or is it just dead hours?
Luke Wright
Dead Hours
It's Monday dude. Most of the players are at school or work
Wyatt Morales
I deleted this character after I got this gem months ago, and just today have I decided to make a new BLT build
Ian Rivera
You have far better options than the very generic looking Hunter's gloves and legs. Definitely not 10/10
Liam Wood
Gonna post some gems that made me want to explode when I got them
Kayden Cook
Boys why does the op say that converted weapons should be lost? I mean i'd put two cold abyssals from the elder anyway, so is there a reason why one of them should come from isz instead of two ihyll ones?
Anthony Ross
Ouch I'm sorry
Fuckkkkkk that one hurts
Dylan Long
Jeremiah Perry
Now for some good/weird gems I've found
Jeremiah Martinez
Sebastian Perez
Very nice
Brayden Watson
Daniel Brooks
Alexander Moore
Nathan Baker
Second last one
Owen Hill
And done, those are some of the cooler ones I have
Mason Lee
Carter Butler
That one is quite interesting
Thomas Hernandez
Elemental secondaries are out of effect in Ihyll
James Howard
Very fast lotte running at very high speed
Jason Long
Great, the thread starts off by some retard spamming useless gems
Aiden White
No one else seemed to mind, I already stopped though, sorry my friend
Jackson Roberts
Ignore him.
Angel Morris
>posting content relevant to the game is bad Let me guess, waifu posting is okay though?
Lucas Jackson
>inb4 shitposter-kun and that person are the same
Juan Robinson
They are, see used pic
Adrian Green
I don't think shitposter-kun plays the game
Jacob James
Perhaps someone would be interested in sinister spelunk? I kinda had an urge to do that since someone mentioned last thread that they have different enemy pools so there are higher chances of encountering weird stuff.
Ryder Hall
He did but now doesnt
Carter Brooks
No he didn't. Trust me.
Nathan White
VERY angery hunter rheeing at incredible hihg volume
Jason Walker
Cooper Stewart
Wasn't he that hacker Anel a few months ago?
Leo Lopez
Nah, it was debunked
Jeremiah Martinez
Subarashii. Glyph: 7dwuxax2 Pass: dawn If anyone else wants to join the sinister loran spelunk, feel free to do so.
Kevin Jackson
Spamming useless gems/images is fine with you guys? So you wouldn't mind me using this thread for my Bloodborne-rock collection then?
Joshua Collins
He shitposts about game mechanics too, so he probably played the game at least once, probably a dsg fag that started to shitpost here since he was ignored there
Mason Bailey
oh man after watching lore videos for bloodborne after my first play through I love this game even more.
I love japanese game devs. holy fuck this whole world. god damn
Oliver Davis
He shitposts on /dsg/ when he isn't here so
Easton Young
L1 had neither pre-area nor pre-boss side rooms, main level was also short as fuck with only a couple of bell maidens and doggos, so far pretty disappointing. Boss was hotdog.
Brandon Carter
If you paint up some rocks in a bloodborne style I'd love to see them
Eli Carter
Matthew Moore
It also let's you have 2 invaders in your world
Lucas Howard
Powerful NPC hunters wtf? Need to run one offline
Samuel Johnson
who here /sweatyclothes/?
Jack Foster
I shower at least once a day thanks
Camden Barnes
Yharnamite hat and nothing else here
Bentley Gutierrez
I think he's the enb poster
Hudson Wilson
Yeah, was posting to see if anyone could verify
Anthony Perez
L2 also didn't have any side areas. Main area was also fucking short. It had those oil crawling zombies which aren't particularly rare, kin coldblood 11 and the double L3 had Lost Beast Claws in main dungeon treasure area that connects to the pre-boss door, kin blood 12, bunch of coldblood flowers and this ancient pthumerian arc that defies the very laws of physics with its non-euclidean existance, truly a nightmarish sight. No invaders or L4, sadly. Sorry I wasted your time, Hibiki, that was not particularly exciting.
Leo Rivera
It's cool, I had some fun.
Xavier Jenkins
Lol nice
Jayden Gutierrez
Who do you think are the best bbgers to spelunk with
Dominic Moore
Please dont.
Bentley Peterson
Rom is the easiest boss in the game, in my humble opinion. Kite his stupid spider friends away and sprint when he telegraphs his meteors, get in afterwards and do your damage and play keep-away. It's piss-easy.
Connor Powell
Tbqh the shit poster. I don't think I've ever seen him die while farming with me.
Hudson Taylor
A wolve in UCW just dropped this blue Medecine that the choir uses. What does this mean? Did the beasts fuck up the choir? Or did they kill the researchers after those that could fight the beasts abandoned the UCW?
Dominic Edwards
What movie is this?
Adrian Bennett
Momma I think Same director as the new It movie
Logan Wright
Never said he was hard, just annoying to fight.
Logan Gray
How'd you know he is the shitposter, unless this post itself is not an elaborate shitpost?
Jason Wright
I have yet to see It 2017, though I hear nothing but good things
Cameron Evans
One of the best films I've seen this year Top 10 in this current decade when it comes to horror imo
Austin Brown
I'll agree with you on that. It is an obnoxious boss battle, and you'd think they'd come up with a better design for a boss that's also such a central figure in the story
Carson Flores
Albatross, Clarence, Lotte, Yuria, Eggnog, Natalya, Eden, and Hibiki come to mind
Christian Sullivan
imagine the succ
Jeremiah Morales
I may have to go, then. I love good horror movies. Not as much as bad horror movies, mind you, but I do still love 'em
Luis James
Those wolves are choir members that turned into those wolves Blue eyes are sign of high insight