League of legends general /lolg/
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1st for mf
>rework fiora because supposedly she was cancer
>is even more cancer right now
laughing out loud
give her back riot its not fair
>tfw no ahri gf to cuddle me
nice game lolbabs
>does a woman's dance.
even in original man dance it as well
xth for Syndra
xth for breast metal waifu
Does anyone still use Kindred?
Will Riot ever fix her?
I want to nut inside Kled for so long he starts looking like a pregnant woman! :3
nothing meme about it. Literally none of these champions feel like more than robots, hence why nothing is above agree. I would be surprised if most of the results from this round are much different.
Lore is trash and the only thing we have to really go by are legacy champion quotes they haven't removed. espcially after the retcon bullshit.
I love cuddling her!
Riot games have chosen you to handle the dual VGU of the angel sisters kayle and morgana, the only guidance they give you is that both must be playable in the midlane
what do you do with the champs?
is this bug or supposed to happen
She was already fixed before they fucking ruined her
>get beat by earlyfags again
reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, blegh
sorry, that would be me.
I still play kindred in my absolute shit tier elo where her kit can still be relevant because no one knows how to take her marked camps or control a wave
also the mask makes it better, giver her it back.
>Try kassadin out
>He's pretty good
Only thing I don't understand is how you flash e or r. It sequences differently to how I input
Well, for starters, try to make them fun, because jesus christ I am convinced the reason people don't play them is not because they're not good, it's because they're boring as shit.
nerf after nerf after nerf really made her one of the shittiest jg in the game
too bad, she has a nice design but she's also pure trash
just for the LOVE OF GOD make Kayles E a toggle.
Ez is gay, and does a woman's dance.
Literally gets grouped with girls.
Look, the dude is gay. That's not a bad thing. He's a cutie for being a boy, but the man is gay.
I mean there's tons of great gay peple like Alan Turing, and Ian Mckellen.
Just get over it, all the star guardians like dick.
Except Soraka, she's an alien.
Just how melee works. Once the auto animation begins you are getting hit unless they cancel or you go stasis.
15 minutes
>Elementalist Lux will never sit on my lap
>Dark Lux will never edge me over and over again
>Fire Lux will never leglock me until I'm dry
idgaf th for the true Freljord Queen
Suck it Ashe faggots
But youre not syndra, i cuddle syndra!
>0 lp
Blitz' knock-up has a really silly delay before it actually takes effect. It's why Ez gets to blink away and THEN gets affected.
She's about to be deleted and replaced with a new champion that is stealing her name.
In True Riot Fashion. God bless Pendragon's Chinese cocksucking that ruins everything we love about this game.
>tfw no qt petite gf
>Calling Kindred a her
This just proves they are a failed concept. They need a rework
Why cant I see my soloq stats separate from flexq. I want to see my mains winrate without the 100 games of memeing
that's exactly what I said.
>Triggered Ezfag in 3, 2, 1...
>one of those people who thought old sion and poppy were worth keeping
no one gives a shit about the wolf
The only thing that sucks is your typing ability. Well, your taste too if you can't appreciate all three cold beauties. Pleb.
memes are dead son
>Supporting shitty writing and retconning and assraping original designs.
This is why LoL is stale, you are aware of that right?
This is why Dota2 is a higher quality more watched and more respected game than LoL.
>ap midlane sion
>not fun as fuck
>as-much-damage-as-possible-on-q poppy midlane
>not fun as fuck
>same copy-paste shit for the 985th time
mai waifu :3 so qt
the technology just isn't there
Did i miss anything interesting at Worlds?
I fell asleep halfway through the games.
Ez reminds me of this guy I went to high school with. Guy was effeminate and twinky as hell, and always always hang out with the girls. They always asked him if he was gay and he insisted he wasn't.
One day, they took his phone when he was called to a reunion with the principal and spied on his conversations and found out he had a boyfriend. Then they told everyone in class about it. I actually got pretty fucking pissed, poor guy didn't deserve it.
>tfw no sensual elementalist gf
AP sion was fun
i feel like we do this every thread...
Holy fuck. Do people not understand anatomy? Tails do not come from the lumbar vertibre. They come from the Coccyx.
Why the fuck do drawfags keep making this stupid and simple mistake.
It literally ruins their fucking artwork.
Learn how fuckng hips and tails work, jesus fucking christ.
AP Sion was cheesy and had low counterplay
AD sion is way better while still being powerful
Liss pretty garbage, desu.
>keeping old shitty kits will make the game interesting
>implying anyone gives a fuck about lore
The reason DotA 2 has a more watched comp scene is a) icefrog doesn't balance for shitters so there's actual pick diversity and b) it's not Koreans gutter stomping everyone every year
rune stream in 75 minutes lads
get ready
I mean to be fair it's not like their retarded audience notices/cares
>sej is great
>liss still irrelevant trash
Can men and women ever truly be friends without one of them being gay?
I'm not in every thread, but you started this meme
>more watched
>higher quality
The client has lots of bells and whitles but its bland af and just a massive advertisement
Hero pick is a massive advertisment
TI is a massive advertisment
half the character models in the game still havent been updated since alpha, because they make you pay to vote on which one they redo next every several months
the amount of dev hours put into dota vs lol should be pretty clear which one is trying to make a good product and which is a sinking ship cash grab
and somehow good product is losing players and sinking ship cash grab is doing better and better
I mean, you have two queens and then a random cult leader who's promised her body and soul to eldritch horrors. I guess if you like creepy used-goods religious chicks. Even Ashe is better than that.
can anything be as shit as urgot "rework"
time to find out with eve
>keeping uninteresting, unoriginal, and pathetically binary kits in the game apparently freshens gameplay up
Nostalgiafags should neck themselves. This is always pathetic.
Me on the bottom
So I could get Graves with a Pool skin for 600 RP
Is he worth getting after nerfs or is he a new nidalee?
lucky for me because I like Lux too
Ezreal is the new Graves
I love Camille
They also perserve the game.
Dota2 is practically the same game as Dota Allstars is, just with new graphics and a few new heroes.
The only really big serious change from allstars to dota2 is in 7.0 they introduced the talent trees which made dota2 even more diverse and strategic becahse it make every hero have a much wider range of role possibility.
But in the end Dota2 is still the same dota as it has always been.
Dota is still Dota.
But if you played LoL back in the day, the game is completely different, and plays almost entirely different. Old LoL was so much fun, so much more diverse despite having less champions and was so much more fun and interesting to watch.
The game is entirely different now, and plays completely differently.
That's the big difference between LoL and dota. is that dota has stayed the same game but has never gotten stale, LoL became popular, got stale, tried introducing new stuff that ruined old stuff, and made the game even more stale.
But you got back to dota, it's still dota. Fuck I miss old LoL.
I question myself everyday as to why i still play this game.
>implying anyone gives a fuck about lore
I wish you retards would stop believing this. Alot of people like lore. Not enough to leave the game over it, but still.
>which one is trying to make a good product and which is a sinking ship cash grab
Yeah, yhou're right.
LoL is a massive cash grab of poor developement.
Urgot is better than at least the last Ryze rework
He's fine, just not totally busted. If you snowball you will solo carry with him like WE did the other day
but ezreal is a twink and graves is a bear
Except old LoL was just shit-DotA.
nuLoL is nothing like DotA. If you miss old LoL play DotA.
its not even nostalgia fags
its just contrarian retards who wanna see special.
shit pisses me off
Get it and let everyone know you're looking at his chest all game
>dota is still the same
>isnt stale
>lol changes every season
>is stale
what kind of bizzaro world am I in?
>Making every hero the same generic kit based on the same 3 mechanics is original, and interesting
Sometimes I wonder if the average population of this game is below Downie level of intelligence, and this just makes it apparent that you people are.
Anytime LoL has a new mechanic, it gets removed and homogenized. Like everything that had waits or casting diferences got turned into generic ammo.
riot literally removes anything unique to make it all scrub level shit so they can sell skins to casual fags.
lulu is for bullying
>Lissandra's Frozen Cream
s-should i be concerned?
citation needed
If you mean old LoL as in S1 it was diverse because no one knew what the fuck they were doing. If you mean S2-3 or later you're just talking out of your ass.
At this point I'm convinced kindred exists only for the purpose of porn of her being drawn... and as a champion to pick if you want someone to dodge. I am okay with that.
>falling for riot "diversity enforcement" games' shit
If that champion felt more 50/50 lamb/wolf I would be okay with calling it "they" but holy fuck it's more like 90/10 so fuck you and fuck riot, I'm gonna call kindred "she".
Kindred was supposedly riot's attempt at a dual champion yet ivern with daisy feels much more like a dual champion than kindred probably ever will. In retrospect even riot's previous attempt at making a dual champion - quinn (which was literally named "Quinn and Valor" while still on PBE) - is better at being dual than kindred is. It's fucking pathetic.
>Dota2 is practically the same game as Dota Allstars is, just with new graphics and a few new heroes.
>heavily altered Map and Roshan spawnings
>Runes spots all around the map
>multiple hero reworks like Faceless Void or Techies
>dozens of new items
>IceFraud now introducing his OC heroes like Pangolin,Forest Fairy and Monkey King
>be me
>bot lane adc
>i'm vayne
>with a support braum
>we're against a thresh and varus lane
>thresh is making every single hook attempt at me that he can
>side step every single one
>7 minutes and 40 seconds in
>thresh throws a Q at me
>this is it, I think, what I've been waiting for
>he'll Q and Q to me, and try and E me out from under tower
>I'll flash behind him if needed and E him in to the tower
>we can kill him if braum can capitalize on it
>braum flashes in front of me
>doesn't throw E up
>doesn't try to W back
>nothing after that flash
>takes the hook
>a summoner has disconnected
>he flashed and dc'd
>nearly lose because he doesn't come back
>vayne late game, enemy bot was retarded, etc
not too bad, just a shame braum went down like that.
Ah, I see you dont have terrible taste.
Do you prefer Elementalist or another skin? For me only Elementalist really does it.
lads, can someone point me to the EUW Discord. eyoson only shows for NA.
They're planning on buffing him so it might be worth
>tfw literally can't stop losing unless I play ADC
>Don't want to play ADC
Do I just go back to normals until I learn how to play other lanes at the same level?
they're the same
>DOTA 2 is practically the same
have you just been ignoring the last 4 seasons or...?
>riot literally removes anything unique to make it all scrub level shit
see: Taliyah wall,Bard ult,Ryze Teleport,Kindred death defying,Talon Parkouring,Au Sol flying across the map,Kayn wall walking and Urgot execute
>tfw found a cutie submissive who loves to swallow
>she wouldn't watch worlds and only want to blow me during the games until she fell asleep
into the trash