school shooter edition
wonder what sniper is doing now..
janny shilled 162 then deleted the thread lol
i'm one of the pillars of this comm and i've never gone to 162 ever
i just dont see the point
>Afreeca Starleague 13h 15m
i'm mentally ill
i'm a nut
crazy in the coconut
omg 162 is SO GOOD!!!!!
*reads it*
woah... deep stuff....
*makes 20 shitty blog posts a minute*
whats starcraft? LOL
i think he probably just woke up/got back from school and decided he wasn't going to prune the thread again and just deleted
maybe his boss is putting a lot of pressure on him... every jany has signed a contract and provided a picture of their ID after all
*impersonated jan with his ID*
we didn't live through 9/11 to have our damn flags disrespected by our own!!
someone start the fire, post comments on sports websites talking about how we lived through 9/11
when did we switch topics to 9/11 and flags
I just post whatever I think about here, saw videos of people burning their football gear and thought it would be a good time to mention my victims of 9/11 thing that I am pushing
true i do that too
hmm on one hand i agree
on the other hand hes a phoner
quite the dilemma
I feel like people call me a phoneposter a lot but I always post about the phoneposter genocide...
dont care about 9/11 it was a false flag
thats why you should care about it...
well you see the kids, they listen to the rap music
and it gives them the brain damage, you see?