>[10M Downloads Campaign] news.fate-go.jp/2017/1000man/ September 24th 18:00 JST - 1 free 4* of your choice - 30 Quartz 1st: HP Fou x10 2nd: 4* EXP x10 3rd: 3* ATK Fou x10 4th: Mana Prism x100 5th: 10M QP 6th: Golden Fruit x10 7th: Tickets x10 >Rate-up schedule 9/20-27, 10/1-4: Merlin 9/28,30,2,4:Artoria (Saber) 9/29,30,3,4: Artoria (Lancer)
>[Kyoto Manga Anime Fair 2017] news.fate-go.jp/2017/kyoumafu2017/ - 5* Okita: September 20-21, 24-25, 27 - 5* Hijkata: September 22-24, 26 - 4* Tamamo Cat & 4* Suzuka Gozen always on rate-up - 5* GUDAGUDA Poster Girl CE (Taunt & ATK Up +10% for 3 turns) - 4* Launch Order! CE (Quick +10%, Buster +10%) - 3* Fate GUDAGUDA Order CE (Quick, Arts, Buster, Star Generation, Star Weight, NP Gain, NP Damage, Debuff Rate, Debuff Resist +1%)
>News view.fate-go.jp/ >English FGO has its own general for now, search /fgoalter/ in the catalog >Monthly items: Dragon Fang, Unlucky Bone, Magical Spinal Fluid >Epic of Remnant 3 ~Stage of Corpses and Streaming Blood~ to be released mid-Oct
Remember to grab your 4* Servant from the gift box.
Noah Adams
Xavier Price
Daniel Kelly
Jaxson Howard
your candy
Tyler Moore
Camden Hughes
Kayden Barnes
Shit it's actually Orleans. Damn wtf?
Josiah Lopez
Don't tell me what to do.
Henry Rogers
Niggas can't read lmao
Brandon James
Guys, it's no longer funny. When's Nana?
Bentley Nelson
Rapist. Even though we all know that Casca enjoyed it.
Cameron Sanchez
7 minutes
James Martin
Jace Watson
?? astolfo np ?
Nathaniel Anderson
Normal Griffith: Saber Edgy Griffith: Avenger Both as of the ManWhore class who sold their bumhole to a literal fat, greasy old man.
Kevin Parker
Don't post that trash
Daniel Rivera
salamandine is better.
Jason Torres
Juan Jenkins
7 days
Carson Watson
Will Saber ever get Avalon back? I can't believe she doesn't have it yet.
Juan Mitchell
Dumb CarrotBRAP poster
Jonathan Cooper
The fae took it
They're using it to bully gilgamesh
Benjamin Long
It's literally in the myth that she lost it as one of her major failings. Just like how she lost Caliburn due to an error in chivalry, she lost Excalibur's sheath because she regarded the sword as the more valuable of the two. >but user tons of Servants get summoned with shit they lost I don't fucking know.
Joseph Morgan
When they announce a Morgan gacha.
Jace Johnson
No. Nobody gives a shit about vanilla artoria anymore, besides NA fags.
Xavier Thompson
Get your BRAAAPposting out of here, /tv/fag.
Andrew Cox
why are you posting this every thread? its not even related to fate fuck off.
Matthew Morris
Which Servants would you replace in Apocrypha to make it more interesting? Which two Rulers would you have used instead of Amakusa and Jeanne? Hard Mode: No David, St. George, or Kintoki
Anthony Richardson
What's the most useless mat
Levi Bennett
Index is more TM than Nu-TM shit like FGO newfag.
Jackson Morales
And yet Karna gets to keep both the armor and the spear. Even gets to alternate between the two. >I don't fucking know. You know it doesn't matter whether she lost it or not.
She has to get it eventually. Give a black version to Alter too. They need buffs bad.
Thomas Nguyen
why are you here then? to discuss seasonal garbage shit?
Gavin Perry
Alexander Watson
And Arjuna keeps Gandiva when he gave it away in his life, and Beowulf keeps his swords despite breaking them both, and Arturia keeps Excalibur despite her only dying when she gives away the sword. Arturia's the exception, not the rule. The reason she doesn't have Avalon is that it's too overpowered and if she had it from the beginning there'd be no conflict, and they invented a reason for it.
Blake Morris
Darnic summoning Rommel would have been interesting since they most likely met each other in WW2.
Landon Gomez
Arturia, Lion King, Archuria, MHX, MHXA, Morgan, Maid Alter on one team
Noah Jones
I wonder if Ars Paulina can be used like Avalon. I mean, there's nothing saying that it can't.
Blake Morris
>They need buffs bad. No they don't. They have reached perfect lore-ganeplay accuracy. Shit servant for a shit character.
Hudson Gutierrez
Have 2 Shirou Amakusa, one based on Makai Tensho the other one based on what we have now. Replace Astolfo with Rider Karna and have Lancer be Benkei
Tyler Sullivan
Make it an all female bikini beach fight with water guns. Rulers are Nero and Darth Vader.
Andrew Cook
Ruler Holmes. No Sieg. Switch Astolfo for Columbus.
Jaxson White
>The reason she doesn't have Avalon is that it's too overpowered and if she had it from the beginning there'd be no conflict, and they invented a reason for it. Yeah but didn't she finally fucking die in the end of F/SN. She should have Avalon in FGO now unless she is still alive and trying to change the past.
Caleb Reed
There's nothing wrong with the characters. What's bad is the plot and how it's written.
Michael Fisher
Same reason. Too overpowered. Give Arturia Avalon as a Heroic Spirit and she never loses, ever. The reason she doesn't have it is because she's never had it, and even in FGO they're not giving it to her because they don't have a lore reason for why she'd be beatable. It's got nothing to do with wanking Karna or anyone else you'd like to point out, it's just because in the original work it was too overpowered, and they don't want to change it for her appearance in GO when she's not a major character.
William Turner
Ko-gil or eury?
Dylan Flores
Lincoln Green
>8 hours of non-stop grinding >2 feathers
Christopher Hall
Angel Ramirez
Wait for Grand Saber Artoria Pendragon with Avalon and infinite mana
Justin Parker
Ko-Gil is cuter so him.
Asher Foster
Should I go with Liz or Nito for my 4-star?
Nito is top cute, but Liz lets me meme-team with Jeanne Alter by stacking charisma buffs on my female dragon servants.
Levi Carter
Halloween has feathers in the shop, stop tortuing yourself.
Michael Reyes
You're overthinking it. Just make it a skill upgrade or something. I mean Gae Bolg is supposed to nearly always kill but it never does. Same thing.
Carson Rodriguez
Do those things even drop?
Ayden Gutierrez
EYE for male enemies. Ko-Gil for cute voice.
Gabriel Nguyen
>Avalon is meant to protect from e erything >Rarely does >Low RNG party invul
Cameron Campbell
Is Ibaraki pure bros?
Samuel Foster
30% chance according to the list which is just absolute bullshit.
Connor Roberts
>looking at last thread supports How can you all be so weak?
Christopher Scott
Sebastian Butler
What class would Mr.Krabs be?
Henry Torres
I was thinking more of an Instinct upgrade that give 20 stars base and applies party invincible 1 turn. Also boosts NP damage for self.
Jackson Thompson
>Avalon is meant to protect from e erything >Rarely does
Always does actually
Samuel Watson
Hudson Flores
John Clark
>no 10/10/10 >no grailed servants Pathetic
Oliver Jenkins
¿Que rayos?
Jace Perry
That's a really cute racoon.
Adam Brown
What are they looking at?
Kevin Kelly
>grailing non Grand Servants Weak
Lucas Miller
Best boy has it
Mason Morris
What class would he be?
Hunter Richardson
lol get your trash out of here kid.
Bentley Kelly
The revolution was a mistake.
Hudson Robinson
matahari can solo everyone there.
Gavin Gonzalez
What's that from? Reverse image search gave nothing.
Kayden Miller
>Cuckther >the man who needs permission to use his own sword
Jace Hall
Just chop off the bitch's head. Get it over with.
Justin Johnson
>Cu Alter Not even stronger than Lancer, and Lancer couldn't handle a non serious Lime >Kekthur Far weaker than Rama, not even a match >tranny Solar Wind level is weaker than Solar Flare level >lvl 50 Kerry Kek
Jose Walker
>Lancelot and Ozzy are 100% susceptible to her NP She can actually win a war with them in it.