tomorrow's 2x bonus will be your least favorite adversary mode
Cooper Watson
Do you lose progress on your MC business product if you switch sessions or what? I've noticed sometimes it seems like they bump back a tick both in generated product and supply when I swap over to another session but not sure how much progress is actually being lost
Jackson Russell
It may be lost because you swapped sessions between cloud saves. This is the same phenomenon that also lets you save a shipment by quickly nuking the game process before you lose a sale to a hydra or oppressor.
Logan White
I tried alt+f4ing when someone sticky'd my weapon shipment into dust and I still lost it...
Christopher Barnes
I have reason to believe that alt+f4 makes a cloud save, you'll need to do something stronger. Terminate the process via task manager. I also have reason to believe a cloud save happens at the moment you lose a shipment. But I'm never had to go that deep in saving a shipment, usually it's an aircraft attempting to strafe me and I happen to be near an alleyway with buildings tall enough to protect me while I booted a solo public lobby by suspending the process.
Owen Wright
Just launched GTA Online for the first time in a while and my money is gone. Why this
Brayden Carter
Yeah, usually I have plenty of time to swap sessions as soon as I think a shipment is at serious risk, that time I just got a bit cocky and it was only like 240k at risk (just a very small bunker sale) so I wasn't taking it that seriously, just figured I'd try to pistol the guy before he blew me up. Still bummed me a bit when I realized I'd wasted it and only had like half a mile to go.
Austin Fisher
Just buy shark cards user
Daniel Williams
Are you sure you didn't spend it?
Alexander Allen
I didn't spend it. I had around 7 mil, which isn't a lot, I know, but now I only have 50k.
Eh, oh well. GTA Online is boring anyway.
Jackson Gray
Well how long were you gone? The mechanic/property maintenance costs add up over a year or two
Nolan Adams
5 or 6 months.
Dominic Gray
So Bombushka Run is going to continue as the 2x?
Kayden Cox
Why can't I make my avatar nude in GTAO? It's not like there isn't plenty of nudity in the game
Josiah Fisher
Because a game needs good fashion and clothing customization before it can allow nudity. Compare to Saints Row 3, where you can select a bit of clothing and then it's color, instead of the clothing and color simultaniously.
Anthony Baker
Because then every third player would be a topless chick.
That being said, I do wish you could wear an open jacket without the swimsuit bra underneath. No actual nudity, just the like, absolute cleavage I guess.
That and it just looks stupid having your character wear their fucking bathing suit in the shower, they look like such a fucking loser.
Samuel King
>they look like such a fucking loser. Considering that the player pretends to be their character, r* made this with intentions
Jackson Myers
>Saints Row 3 Absolutely abhorrent taste
Aaron Edwards
I like it, but it's not my favorite game in the world. It's just an example. Hell, I could say Tony Hawk Underground, because that game has better fashion than fucking GTAV.
Leo Cook
>playing adversary modes enough to form opinions on them
Christian Baker
>Liking Saints Row 3 for its fashion >When it has one of the worst options for fashion in the whole series lmaoing @ u
Lucas Sanders
Never played any of the others. If you wanna buy it for me, go ahead.
Adrian Myers
>SR3 >worst fashion in the whole series Well, there you go, SR3 with its fashion sense is still better than V
Andrew Martin
Sent :)
Alexander Ortiz
>ride bicycle >fall off because pulled a wheelie too far back >leave an exorbitant amount of blood instead of a more realistic injury
James Jenkins
Sorry about that, boys. I was napping, so the thread died. I'm awake now, so I can carry and keep the thread from dying
So how about that Grand Theft Auto V? Would anyone like to help out with a Coke sale?
Dominic Watson
>That being said, I do wish you could wear an open jacket without the swimsuit bra underneath. No actual nudity, just the like, absolute cleavage I guess. You can do that. Some of the premade outfits let you glitch a braless jacket outfit. I believe Heist Business > The Consultant is one of them. Wear the outfit from the front desk, then change into a jacket afterwards.
I'm sad we'll never get a GTA with SR2's clothing options, SR3/4's meshes, and GTAV single-player's polish with the windblown clothing and little details that were too taxing for dedgen GTAO.
Aiden Lewis
On the topic of clothes, are there any open shirts for a male GTAO character like a few of Michael's are?
Hudson Harris
When did C* allow us to modify clothes? Just recently noticed that I can choose whether I want my jacket open or closed, and the hood tucked or out in the open.
Kevin Evans
Alt+F4 will literally force the game to save above all other priorities, right then and right there. If you ever get CLOUD SAVING FAILED, unironically Alt+F4 and then cancel out of closing the game. Unless Rockstar's servers or your internet are genuinely down it WILL save.
Levi Martinez
Quick, post vehicular autism
Dylan Adams
>hop on to try out the new Adversary mode since it's double $$ rewards until tomorrow >it's fucking garbage
Who the fuck was in charge of that mode? It's so bland and pointless compared to something like DawnRaid.
Robert Campbell
Or painting something with crew colors or something. Shoes, hoodies, yada yada yada. That'd be sick as heck
Logan Butler
Added in Gunrunning. A nice change for once.
Luke Rogers
Except the only hoodie change was having the choice of having the hoodie over your head or not
Samuel Lewis
Brayden Brooks
It could be worse. It could be Team Fortress 2. Over a year without a major update. Let's be thankful for Gunrunning, at least
Grayson Morris
wait, that shit adds up even when we're /not/ playing?
you've gotta be fucking kidding me
Julian Williams
Are we be able to keep Stockades
Anthony Hill
Parker Johnson
Anyone doing money drops?
Noah Brown
Anyone's prediction on the new drip?
Evan Gonzalez
If that screenshot tells the truth, and my assumptions are correct, it WILL be either the Mogul, the Cyclone, or the NX-25. Which, by the way, are $2.4M - $3.1M, $1.9M, and $1.0M - $1.3M, respectively.
Nathaniel Cox
Can I get the discord? Not the heist one.
Charles Rivera
Does Self radio still fuck with FPS/ give you stuttering?
Starting to get bored of the default radio stations
Leo Nguyen
Jaxson Jackson
Put a Shortcut in the Self Radio directory instead of copy-pasting all your music to the game's directory.
Elijah Barnes
pretty sure it's but i could be wrong
Julian Gonzalez
after 1 week of doing research shit, I've completed 32 of them. So much money down the drain and I finally got the explosive rounds and thermal scope back to back. Still no Oppressor missiles to be had. Going to call it a night. Hoping to be done/only have some shit camos left by the end of this week.
As annoying as it could be, it's the first time in over a year that I'm playing the game with a goal in mind. Don't know what I'll do when I finish.
Jackson Davis
Kill shitters with your new snipper.
Easton Butler
>tfw no option to put custom "plates" or designations on aircraft
Dominic Ortiz
>no crew emblem on personalized aircraft
Angel Gomez
thats what all this work has been for.
Camden King
>no option to spawn in or refill snacks on personal aircraft
Easton Gray
My god that sounds amazing, but kind of unlikely. I could see spawning in the MOC because the Phantom is a sleeper cab, and the trailer can have that living quarters. I suppose there could be luxury planes you can wake up in, and then dismiss the pilot for yourself.
Why does this fucking game like to freeze and stutter so much?
Benjamin Perry
Double RP/$?
Brandon Gutierrez
>not playing them only one time and then immediately forming your opinion based on that
Bentley Foster
Are you performing a lot of Disk I/O while trying to play? Do you have enough RAM? What about VRAM? It's not a particularly demanding game at reasonable settings but stuttering generally implies not being able to access some form of memory when it's needed, either because the disk is busy when it's asking to stream assets or because something that should be in RAM for fast access got pushed onto the disk's swap space (sometimes both.)
Also goes without saying that pretty much all forms of multi-GPU are more or less shit.
Nathan Bailey
>Zancudo Hangar A2 on sale is this one worth getting or is rockstar trying to trick me
Aiden Gonzalez
The big one? It's a fucking trap don't. All the hangars are the same, except A2 doesn't have any nearby PV spawns and the tank patrols drive right in fucking front of the door. AFAIK neither does the cheaper Zanc option. The midrange Zancudo hangar on the west edge of the base is the one you want, if you're staying at Zancudo. Your PV almost always spawns just inside the west gate.
t. Moved hangars twice on launch, burnt $4m to find out I like the cheapest one best.
Dylan Baker
>PV what. why wouldn't you leave with one of the helicopters in your hangar
Logan Smith
>8GB RAM >968MB out of 4GB VRAM >most demanding programs in terms of disk I/O at any given time are GTA 5 and social club processes >all settings are on minimum What am I doing wrong?
But of course there's fuck all to do with the bloody thing and baiting bad pilots into cratering gets boring after an afternoon. Air-drop equivalent of sightseer when?
Christopher Moore
>Park aircraft in hangar >Drive away like sane person
>Park aircraft in hangar >Take DIFFERENT aircraft outside base because your mechanic is a moron who can't park your car by your hangar >Land on beach, steal car to get away from aircraft enough to spawn PV >2 stars >Fucking hooknose car swindler >Get away from cops >Someone tries to take your abandoned plane and blows it up when they can't >Mors refuses to pick up 6 times in a row
Hangars needed pic related far more than bunkers did.
Unsure. The latest Win10 feature update (Creators?) apparently fucked over a lot of people's gaming performance universally. If you got suckered by the Windows 10 meme, start digging there.
Adam Hernandez
Where the fuck can I see the starting outfits I don't want to pay for just looking at clothes at change appearance
Cameron Campbell
I agree, there's no reason the hangers shouldn't have a temporary parking place like the bunkers, lord knows there's plenty of unused space. Rockstar's incompetence made me start using my mansex club again just to help alleviate the issue.
Nathaniel Richardson
is it better than the z1?
Jason Sanchez
>Liking the Howard
Luke Wood
You don't pay unless you actually change something, AFAIK you can look at outfits before paying. Just don't hit confirm appearance and cancel out and you'll be good.
Hudson Nguyen
No idea since the only Z1 I've flown was for a delivery sale.
Or you can just stop being a sperg and move on with your virtual life. Jaysis how long have you been going on about this shit now, two weeks?
Dylan Parker
don't get your incoherent rambling, I just get in the buzzer that's parked in the hanger or in the ceo buzzer that's parked outside and simply fly away.
Nathaniel Jackson
The warning screen after you choose to change appearance says otherwise though
Maybe I'll get around to making a youtube video about it and get mad dosh from people who has a similar problem. I think it's just silly that no one on the internet seems to have a gallery for it.
Cooper Collins
By all means user go for it but I would think the fact you can't find any info on it is a pretty big hint that you're the only one who gives a shit. Hell the time you've spent on researching the whole thing grossly outweighs the time it'd take yeh to have just run four headhunters and gotten it over with; principals be damned if it's something that's been buggin' you for this long.
Julian Ortiz
I had hangars at both Zancudo and LSIA, each one unlocks some extra PV spawns. All of the mechanic/PV request spawns at Zancudo are by the Western hangar, regardless of which you own. There are a ton around the cheapie LSIA hangar including 5 feet from the door, I haven't bothered to investigate the more expensive LSIA option yet but I assume it's the same. A parking space would be infinitely easier though. I don't have one yet, but does your PV stay in your bunker if you leave in an MOC? If so they LITERALLY already have the feature working, just swap out MOC for Plane.
It would also be nice to have a PV to cruise around with inside that TARDIS box.
Aaron Nelson
>The latest Win10 feature update (Creators?) apparently fucked over a lot of people's gaming performance universally. Well fuck, that explains a lot. Is there any solution short of downgrading to Anniversary/W8?
Juan Carter
Alright thanks
Chase King
Be sure to give us a link when you get it done, lad.
Caleb Brooks
>Using your PV buzzard (or any other) to leave and having some version of the above scenario play out easily half the time
>Registering as CEO and eating $8k in Bunker fees to use SecuroServ's Buzzard when all you wanted to do was be /comfy/ in your Duster for a bit
You're delusional if you think an abandoned aircraft isn't a huge shitter magnet; especially a weaponized one. I'm still not sure how the insurance costs break down, I still had to pay it when one of my friends shot my Ultralight with the homolauncher. To be completely fair, I shot at him with the front tickle gun first, though I don't think I even scored any hits.
There are lots of things that people report to work with mixed success. Turning off the XBox app (again,) turning off fullscreen optimization, and some other tricks with disabling certain system processes. Give it a Bing™ with Cortana™, there are way too many complaints and possible fixes to list here. The only surefire way to get rid of it is to downgrade, though. Either back to Anniv. and hope MS fixes their shit before you're forced to re-update, or hop off the Windows: Early Access meme train to 7, 8.1, or 10 Enterprise LTSB.
Liam Cruz
>like a tattoo's picture >it's coloured >no outline version
Julian Edwards
>All the tattoos except maybe a dozen since release are all oversaturated, unblended and look more like fairground bodypaint because of it
Brody Torres
>abandoned aircraft Is this even visible to anyone but you?
Dominic Thomas
>95% of it are large, unsightly skull tattoos >the rest are hipster shit
Evan Martin
actually 10/10 garage, I like.
The Warrener always reminded me more of a Peugeot 504 more though, I guess that's because of the 4 doors.
>2 door Warrener Custom at Benny's when?
Easton Smith
>can't put guns on the Howard, despite it having WW2 Zero decals available in customization
Why even fucking live.
Levi Ramirez
>I guess that's because of the 4 doors. Skylines did come in 4 door models, just the 2 door is more common. Aside from the inward curve of the bottom of the car, and stealing the fascia and tail lights from a different model year, the Warrener is a dead ringer for a 1969 Skyline GT-R PGC-10.
Jonathan Wright
What happened to my pic???
Matthew Rogers
>I'm still not sure how the insurance costs break down It's $1k every time, no matter what it was or who destroyed it.
Landon Ward
Good to know. Willing to bet they did it that way in the hopes that script kiddies on PC wouldn't be able to bill people absurd insurance dollars.
Camden Gutierrez
That's actually a decent idea. So naturally, R* won't do it.
Dylan Gray
pretty weird huh
Ayden Smith
huh neat, I actually didn't know the C10s came in 4 door. Too bad we can't get that silver looking right in the game.
Wyatt Martinez
>regular swift is on sale >can't be resprayed lmao
Chase Jenkins
Damn, you guys weren't kidding to stay under 175k for bunker sales. The two vehicle sale is 100x more time consuming than a 1 car sale. Even with two people.
>drive these unwieldy junks of shit across the mountains