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Last thread all other wowg guilds are gay
WoW Token Price:
Blood of Sargeras to gold:
Last thread all other wowg guilds are gay
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First for boobs
fuck demon hunters
second for warriors
i encourage more posts like this one
I just made 20k just farming old dungeons for 40 mins, wtf you guys were right!
>barely survive a mob at 100
>it get's easy as fuck at 101
nice scaling
thats shit tho, what dungeon were u farming?
>try to set focus mid pvp combat
>que for something
Just use ElvUI noob
BFD on a NON-RP high pop realm
Mind you not all has sold, and I half assedly farmed these, I think that If I really got into it I could get some more, but I don't know how far the demand goes, the "price value" or whatever appraiser said were around the 50k+ but ofc not all has sold
If goblins get new models in the next expansion, they better not change the ridiculous boobs or waistline, its all I play a gobbo for.
>I-I'm not prepared
What boobs? post ss
Does anyone know if there will be a new way to model swap in the future?
this is a good post
The leggo system is such complete and utter shit, I can't believe the devs haven't revamped it completely.
I mean, first we had bugs for MONTHS which reversed the bad luck protection, so people either got leggos super quickly and got showered in them or they couldn't fucking get any. Then they said they fixed it, but oops, they didn't. Never mind how for the first few months, Norgannon, Sephuz and Prydaz were complete unusable garbage, nothing more than stat sticks.
And even without all that, who decided that leggos should have such wildly varying levels of effectiveness based on their passives? Oh, yes, I understand that not having them be all as good means it feels nice when you finally get the good one. But you know what DOESN'T feel nice? Spending months and months and months being completely subpar because there are only 3-4 leggos which allow your spec to be competitive and you can't fucking get them for the life of you. I mean, on my shadow priest, I've gotten EVERY SINGLE SHIT LEGGO before getting any good ones. And they weren't even good, just "not total shit".
Hell, let's take my Fury warrior. Some leggos massively increase rage generation. One or two give you some massive damage increases. The rest? "Heroic Leap has two more charges" or "You heal 1% of your maximum health when you use 10 rage", which would both be great for PVP IF LEGGOS FUCKING WORKED IN PVP, WHICH THEY DON'T.
The aim of the leggo system was to allow further customization of your character/playstyle through gear choice. Instead, Blizz has made some leggos so strong that they are mandatory. They will nerf classes because they're too strong when they get said leggos, and then people who don't have them are shit out of luck.
Fire whoever came up with this shit.
How often are you lads getting legendaries? Just got to 110 and within 24 hours of /played at 110 I got one
they like showing them off.
how much did you pay for that chest piece?
This. Exactly.
Legs need to be baseline and chosen by the player.
how the fuck did you make 20k from a level 20 dungeon?
I'm the panda, sorry.
>he doesn't know
Piece of shit dogshit cancerous shitstick of an AI in this fucking SHIT game that will chase you to the other side of the world AND NOT FUCK OFF
Pezado ruined Wojak for me.
Wrong general
is there an addon to look up stuff that actually sells on the AH of my server? or do i need to have like an alt just sit the AH or some shit?
i need a fucking list of crap that people actually pay good money for
There is no way user, please do not add supply to the market
fuck you
you stop adding supply to the market if you're worried about the health of the market so bad
how do I regain fun
>is there an addon to look up stuff that actually sells on the AH of my server?
It shows (if enabled) in tooltips
Region Sale Rate
Regopm Avg Daily Sold
nobody has fun playing this game they just feel ok and then are compelled to play because of the sunk-time fallacy
By grinding to see those AP numbers rise, of course
>tfw you realize they created that system as a shitty way to force people to play more by forcing them to farm leggos
roll a warrior
for real: set yourself some goals that you want to achieve in game and make a plan to achieve said goals
Argent Dawn EU Alliance
Read Blizzard's response to the controversy surrounding more RNG from the Netherlight Crucible if you want to get even angrier:
>We’ve also seen a bit of discussion around players desiring the ability to respec the Traits that are locked on the second and third tiers of relics. We feel that the ability to respect Traits would lead to players picking traits based on perfect optimization for any given situation, which could lead to players leaving a raid to change to AoE-centric traits for the next fight during raid progression. While we feel that’s a nuisance in itself, this would also make the system feel like a watered-down version of talent rows, and would undermine the choice that is made when selecting your Relic Traits.
So they basically admit that if you removed the RNG, the feature would be revealed to be complete trash.
And the philosophy behind legendary items is basically 100% the same.
I already have a warrior though
I implore you not to join this 9gag, redditor and erper guild.
I saw them advertising in trade while I was getting boned by a 9inch futa in SW
>E-everyone is like me, r-right? I-I'm not really the only l-lame one here, right?
made this for him last thread but got no (you)s
Except the Netherlight Crucible traits are minor buffs, whereas you HAVE to get the right leggos or else you're shit.
fake news
lads i have a problem
the first macro works but the second doesnt, why?
/cast [@focus,exists,nodead,pvptalent: 4/1] Viper Sting; [@focus,exists,nodead,pvptalent: 4/2] Scorpid Sting; [@focus,exists,nodead,pvptalent: 4/3] Spider Sting;
/cast [@focus,exists,nodead,pvptalent: 3/1] Curse of Tongues; [@focus,exists,nodead,pvptalent: 3/2] Curse of Weakness; [@focus,exists,nodead,pvptalent: 3/3] Curse of Fragility;
Sure, but the philosophy remains the same. Basically they added a shit feature that would just be more talent picking if it had no RNG and you could simply pick whatever leggo you wanted.
it literally scales to your level, retard
>AK didn't go up yet
if you're having so much fun why are you posting here and not playing your fun game
I know but heirlooms at 100 are too low for Legion content
Quite impressive I must say
>have to remove world shrinker to fit through the door on krasus landing
whoever said being tauren was the greatest ever fucking LIED
tomorrow for eu
I'm talking about the real game on NA.
What's the best server for RP/ERP?
15 mins for SSC reset, gonna get shadowmantle helm while at job, what ya'll up to?
Its been what, 10 years, and you still dont have that helm? Jesus christ man
>Running to SSC to get mage T5 boots from Lurker 10 minutes before reset
>DH ganks me in the water tunnel
EU or NA?
HAHAHAHA get rekt
Now we need a version with green eyes.
Moon guard is the most active
ah.. too bad there's not more roleplayers on more servers I guess! Moon Guard can get so crazy, lol
but Wyrmrest seems pretty dead for Alliance.
me on the right
>calendar says it ends now
>enter and It says it ends in 1 hr
why must I suffer so much?
t. remove macedonian
Because you play the DINDUNUFFIN race and pick a metacancer class im guessing
>projecting this hard
you must be a belf dk player lmao
never forget
>every person who doesnt share my taste is a belf dk
Nice attitude you got going there, actually no Shaman Orc here
finally lads
after 902 ilvls and 105% mastery im able to enjoy affliction warlock and dot all the lights
Is there no Living Empyrium mining skill, or does it just ape off Felslate since those basilisks proc Felslate Basilisks somehow?
how come I'm the dindu, and if this was 7.0 or 7.1 you would be exactly what you called me, yet according to you, you probably aren't, you have the same attitude
Are all Worgen furries?
I just really like how armor looks on humans, but I don't want to play "Generic Human Warrior" in an MMO.
Plus Werewolves are fucking cool
it's funny how nobody ever accused taurens of degeneracy just pandas and worgens cause they're available to alliance
really makes you think
Worgen are a shit race with garbage models and animations. It's a race made by shitters for shitters.
>Are all Worgen furries?
Idk man, do you play worgen? Are you a furry? If not then.. no
Worgen warrior is pretty cool
>model update never
/our guy/ ASMONGOLD just started streaming
Give me 1 (ONE!) good reason why you're not watching him RIGHT NOW
might be because the people who play this game are fucking retards and you should never EVER let anyone tell what race to play
>watching asmongold
>1500 viewers
>hes trying to entertain them
>hey g-guys wanna see me solo this dungeon? pretty cool right
fucking based
>cursed wolfman race
>shapeshifter class
>unarmed fighter class
>no way to actually play a werewolf
>not watching /our actual guy/ pshero instead
that's totally wowg
Stop farming basilisks.
>1500 viewers
He usually has around 5 or 6k
I'm in a similar position. I really like Running Wild, wish it was a thing for Tauren, too. But I don't like the image of worgen, also their spell animations are whimsy and every melee they can be I already have at 110 and I cant afford xfer+factionchange
it spikes
it menaces with spikes
Trolls are literally the niggers of WoW
In every aspect
>now what you gotta do after you kill this boss is die, you just pull all of this trash and die so you can teleport back to the instance start, here I am going to die, just gotta die real quick to get back to start.. oh wait, I actually killed those groups as a prot war, heh, cool right? I just wanted to show you guys that...
He's cute! CUTE!
if trolls are niggers then what are orcs?
LITERALLY dindu nuffin
>muh honor
>muh shamanistic culture
>*proceed to kill each other in a fel fueled bloood orgy*
Memes aside Trolls are actually the Egyptians of WoW
>was the most advanced civilization at one point
>got fucked hard
>now nobody really cares about them anymore
Memes aside, the Draenei are the Romans of WoW.