79 iq edition
>which server is /rog/ playing?
5x/5x/5x/3x Episode 0.9 pre-trans with updates coming
Guild: Moebros
PM Routver or ask any Moebro for invite, we idle east of Prontera tool dealer.
Classic spawns, check wiki.originsro.org
79 iq edition
>which server is /rog/ playing?
5x/5x/5x/3x Episode 0.9 pre-trans with updates coming
Guild: Moebros
PM Routver or ask any Moebro for invite, we idle east of Prontera tool dealer.
Classic spawns, check wiki.originsro.org
Just let it die, nobody plays leika anymore.
i think about that when i remake these threads
but then we keep getting new players on origins, so it's kinda worth
rout you playin today senpai?
this shit is shit and dead
Mangum Bump!
>origins is as stale as it gets
>leika keeps getting better
oh shit they actually updated?
time to redownlaod
Superior japanese design
alright well i'm around but no one was on so just drop a msg when you're on
[Cat Image]
[Sad cat pic]
That has been a thing since forever. I remember years ago, some tardo posted 1-2year old pics of lelkek of him alone doing saiyan things. It was as someone was being nostalgic of when he was alone in keknebbal, saddest shit ever.
He goes by the name of Psor Poplavsky
who are you
How do we fix /rog/?
Go back in time and erase renewal
fuck off nobbashill
leika may be dead but at least it's a good server, meanwhile nobody with IQ above 80 will touch your shitheap unless you pay them
Remove clique and start playing nobba
>jejnibble babby fighting over which saiyan is the strongest
>overpowered +15 end game gear and rares
>m-muh saiyan
every time lmao
funny thing is that the leika's caption is some bullshit from their beta or early 2015 phase before most changes took place, I could barely pull a 200k arrow storm with white wing set, elven bow+endow and unlimit on 0 def dummies
>endow vs target dummies
what did he mean by this?
Hey /rog/, maybe this will make this poor thread live a little longer.
>Started playing RO when I was like 7 or something
>Had no fucking ideia what a RPG was and my character was a mage that went all the way up to fucking scholar killing low level creatures hitting them with his scepter
>It took ages but I was having fun you know?
Now, as I got older I tried playing things like WOW and TERA and I discovered something: I dislike MMOs. But the only one I would like to give an actual try is this one for nostalgia's sake. So I have 2 questions:
>What's the best class and build for a lone player?
>What is this renewal shit and why people talk so ill about it? I figure it was a shitty update and I want to know if it happened before or after I stopped playing
>Does /rog/ gets more traffic during updates? I remember browsing Veeky Forums's catalog not so long ago and seeing longer lived threads
Oh shit, those are 3 questions. Sorry, the third one came later
classic/pre-re --> str/vit/dex knight, agi/dex hunter
renewal --> ranger (by far the cheapest starting solo char)
renewal changed a ton of shit, read rms threads like this forum.ratemyserver.net
people hate it because it caters to WoW babbies that want to see big numbers. the #1 issue is that there is almost no challenge for most classes to solo every mvp an instance.
Renewal is an updated that completely changed most of the mechanics in the game and introduced a new level for the classes. People dislike it because it turned everyone into supersaiyan bulldozers that can solo everything in PvM, (see >> ), streamlined the classes to the point where everyone could AoE, everyone had some form of CC, etc. And you just do quests instead of grinding, basically it WoW-ized the game. On the other hand the renewal players like it because it actually delivers new content and the aforementioned streamlining actually balanced the classes better and you have a much wider arrange of useful skills, also you don't feel like a useless piece of shit until you aquire endgame gear + support.
Basically the update cleaved the community in two very opinionated halves, with only few people who play/enjoy both.
No, the updates happen on gook and jap officials and we barely hear about them, they might reach iRO 5 gazillion years later and people here mostly play on private servers anyway because officials are trash. The lifeforce of /rog/ is dependent on whether a few autists are currently wanting to play RO, they'll keep the threads alive through shitposting and attract randoms, when a server dies down and people disperse /rog/ usually starts dying again. It's frequently died for periods of months and maybe even a year. I don't even remember why it revived this time around.
how about this
hocus party this weekend
Sounds fun. What do we need to prepare.
Thanks. Around what year this renewal started?
R in this pic
we already have over a thousand yellow gems and into the abyss, we're game
Mid 2010? Yeah, It was after I stopped playing. Thanks a bunch
I dont feel like playing lately, what do.
wait for 2080 update :^)
but yeah after almost 3 months for me, it's getting pretty stale without any update even in sight
who dis
Sad days, bro. I just log, do something alone and quiet, don't get anything good, then delog.
Who do you think I am.
tfw too busy playing a shitty phone game to update your server
without a fun new dungeon in sight, it's just real hard to keep plowing the same shit
That's what I told yo mumma
Why don't you faggots play this instead of playing on shitty outdated server or shitty jejnibble servers?
How do I level a pure forger
Looks like shit
Leech experience
you leech it to 99 with a slave firebolt 10 sage
YOU look like shit.
*at migaos btw
Welp. that's hard work
even vanilla jejnubbal is multiple leagues above this trash
a drama queen
Shouldn't main alchemist on a server without homunculus, friend
that's too far
People who play renewal prefer WoW to RO, that's a fact. I remember one of those kekbabbs in some rog thread bragging how amazing battlegrounds is in keknebbal and that's where the enjoyment of keknebbal is, which was always a bootleg gook copy of WoW.
WoW pvp was superior to every iteration of RO
What's the best solo MVP class, pre-renewal, but also post update that made boss VIT 30 so AD isn't the way to go
>30 vit
nice meme
Ok. It's literally been since 08-09 since I've played. What MVPs can champs take down relatively easy? I'm on a newish server and I'm having issues farming gear (Morpheus' set for example). Players really don't have shops set up, and killing Detale is a bitch.
How is this a meme? It objectively makes Creators worse.
because only a few mvps got their vit reduced so much and because ad is still pretty powerful even like that
VIT30 only made chems spend more bombs. You can still rekt non-ghost MvPs with bragi + ad spam.
Try camping atroces since selling ulle's cap early on will help you to get better gears. Set up bragi and service on your spawn point and warpsura him to ded.
fuck trees seriously
can't even see mvp
>yfw no qt choco dancer gf
fuck off niggerlover
There's grf's that remove trees
>I want to remove the game from the game
Well the game is shit, so yeah.
>I remember one of those kekbabbs in some rog thread bragging how amazing battlegrounds is in keknebbal and that's where the enjoyment of keknebbal is
The funniest part was that he was bragging about some dead 10 man BG in Nobba and more importantly he actually believed BG was some renewal-only thing. He literally didn't even know the BG type on Nobba is custom pserver creation that was made for pre-renewal servers more than half a decade ago and has historically always been the main attraction for midrates and upwards (A certain server famously hit 100v100 BGs).
does psor post here still?
Not since forever. Only terpispoor shill his server here sometimes.
ok manuel
RIP Psor, I knew him well
Wake up
IMO, if you're gonna play a low rate, just play on an official server.
It's morning for most people in the guild
i feel bad for our staya/kiwi guildies but their timezone is literally fucked for euro + americas players