CUDDLY edition!
CUDDLY edition!
Other urls found in this thread:
Would you a yordle?
>tfw too scared to queue because I might get mean teammates
>tfw im the mean teammate
Poppy >> Tristana >>>>>>>>>>> Lulu
you know how to fix that?
be the mean teammate
then get insulted even more!
I wonder if Tristana likes creampies
Delivering "shaco as the joker"
Hope you like it.
>Champ has Sailor Moon taunt line and animation
>give said champ sailor moon skin
>later remove sailor moon line
>but keep the taunt animation
Someone explain this shit to me
Lulu deserves to get hit at terminal velocity by a basketball goal
Damn that looks good
We have enough furries in the game.
Like the fist of an angry god.
I wanna cuddle Jinx
kek, that's great
Ok Darius
Reposting from last thread, bump limit
Anyone have an image of tristanas auto attack range by level? Cant seem to find anything online besides a really outdated version without new champs.
Also fuck the lulu fag.
Air resistance being rather significant, the terminal velocity is not dangerous at all!
xth for Syndra
small indian dev
Holy shit user thats great.
>Quinn doesnt need anything
>Literally so underplayed in NA they have to go off Korea stats
>that horrendous playrate
>only see's meaningful play when Lulthality is abusable
Well done!
Literally right there on the wiki mate.
can you do this but with Braum?
xth for breast metal waifu
I meant something like this but updated.
I'll just make myself if it doesn't exist yet. Thank you anyway.
what a slut
Viktor has a crush on Cass!
Remember to rub your yordle's ears.
Wich one is gonna be the best Eve skin after rework in your opinion?
>try to play Shyvana jungle
>enemy locks in lee every time and kills my entire team during laning phase
>Can't farm because fed lee is invading my ass and my lanes are constantly crying
literally don't know what to do
>Still no girl female who use martial arts
for me
considering that the only thing shyvana has is damage and how fast she farms Im surprised you're not the one invading/killing lee sin when invades you.
Don't be scared to 1v1 people on Shyvana.
She has nothing but damage so in a 1v1 position she's very, very strong.
Tell them to ward and STFU.
Also shyvanna shouldn't be having trouble clearing faster than lee and by extension dueling him 1v1.
>Champs slated for VGU stated to not get new skins until this
>good chunk of the community was asking for this fantastic skin for ages
>concept and execution so good it could've been the real Singed just fine back then
How does it feel to be this uninformed and make part of your post so foolish?
PART of it, because a Samurai skin for Irelia and/or one where she's wearing an Oriental-inspired straw hat/rice hat/ichimegasa/sandogasa would be neat, with suitable adjustments for Irelia's style and weaponry, of course.
>tfw you are in a game
>feel something on your leg
>its a spider
image related
Yorick got reworked and still has an awful playrate. Doesn't change the fact that Quinn's kit is fine, and her ult, the one thing they'd have to change to a combat oriented ult to really have her play rate improve is unique enough to warrant remaining in the game. The main problem for her right now isn't lethality, which is decent, but that it's tanks fucking everywhere which means she fucks up the team comp worse than normal going top.
I'm in need of a new mage to kill players with, is Lissandra really an effective killer or is she more of a 'fuck you and slow down for my ADC' kind of champ?
Masquerade or Classic
Shadow looks ugly as hell now compared to the current splash
None, Base skin will be best because it has less clothes.
Be nice to your new friend
odds play league
evens do something productive
More like
>try to play jungle
>enemy locks in *insert champion they have mastery 7 on* every time and kills my entire team during laning phase
>Can't farm because fed *above champion* is invading my ass and my lanes are constantly crying
And that's my experience every time I try to jungle. Its so goddamn stressful, how does anyone main this shit?
good thing spiders are completely harmless outside of shitholes like australia
and theyre cute anyways
IMO Shyvana is actually a Lee counterpick outside of top elos and it's backed up by stats.
>this deluded
Come on lad
Emperor, why?
I'm sure you can find more. Whether you can find it as sweet as that, or at least not highly degenerate, I don't know.
ArcSys Champions when?
>Character is explicitly a homunculus
>as in, born by some Hextech involving yordle flesh and horse cum
>barely dressed
>Carries around a massively oversized weapon
>Has mana
>heals when spending mana, but loses health when Auto attacking
>295 base MS. Buys magical boots with 30 MS but cannot get %movespeed from items; otherwise her boots are the same as some existing ones (i.e., 30 MS versions of Ninja Tabi, MT, and Zerkers/Sorcerers, but not Mobis or Swiftness)
>Auto attack is a massive sweep that does a fuckload of damage (like 110% AD) in a semi-circle
>has a cast time
>Q slams the weapon onto the ground, dealing AA damage in a full circle (like Riven's 3rd Q without the leap) around her while slowing.
>>Can be cast during auto animations, making it deal its damage in a straight line instead (So like a reverse Yasuo Q?); enemies in very near range (~125 units, the empowered auto has like 450 range) are stunned for 0.2 seconds)
>W is a self-stun that heals a 0.75 / 1.25 / 1.75 / 2.25 / 2.75% missing health and increases max health by 1% of missing health at the time of cast
>E is a short dash that damages+roots any champions she passes through, while also taking reduced damage from those targets
>Ultimate creates a giant door at a certain range
>if she manages to auto the door, the last champion she damaged within 600 / 900 / 1200 range takes a huge % max health true damage. Relatively short cooldown for an Ultimate but still long. (80 / 65 / 50 or something)
>Immune to slows during her ultimate
>leveling up her ult to rank 2 removes the mana cost on W; rank 3 doubles the healing power.
god yes you don't know the unholy things I'd do if poppy were real
Kill it.
She's more utility if anything so dont expect to burst people down as if you were playing Syndra.
Lissandra works well in solo Q vs all the edgy assassin kids you'll see. Just ult them in the middle of their combo and laugh in their face.
>best Eve skin
We have to wait and see what her true forms look like in each one. That could really be the deciding factor. As of now, every single one is even better than her base and the models probably will be too.
Tango > Classic > Shadow > Masq > Playing some other champion > Pickpocket Twitch > playing Splatoon or Purse Owner instead >Safecracker
I'm not saying it's a bad match-up, I just don't know what to do when my laners won't ward. I just want to farm in peace and gank when people overextend or when I have red buff/ult but people give Lee 3 kills and then complain when I can't gank for them
If all lanes feed just mute them and wait for FF.
Such is the life of the jungler.
I have been seeing assassin characters about chucklefucking everywhere lately, guess that's a good enough of a reason to pick her up
How do I Ekko mid?
She charmed and raped him. There's a reason why people don't waifu the slut.
>Siren themed Evelynn
Masquerade = Tango > Shadow > Safememe
>Nami with feet
Thank you for cute artwork. Actually, this really could become a skin if it wouldn't be such a poor-selling joke.
*blocks your path*
>people don't waifu
There's nothing more annoying than a zed mid with a Talon top
Why would you cut out her best friend in the picture?
Is Q on cooldown?
Y: Why?
N: Use Q
Do you have enough mana to use Q and still E or W if something goes wrong?
Y: Use Q
N: recall, buy biscuits
Is your jungler nearby?
W, Q behind them and reposition so the return hits the other champ, ping your jungler and blow them up, then Q again and run back to your tower
Rush Seekers or Wisp first depending on matchups, then the other one, then complete Echo/Lichbane and/or Zhonyas and then Void Staff.
She charmed them.
You're trying way too hard.
>That Shadow Eve splash
I am going to fucking kill myself. I rerolled that skin shard a year ago.
pls don't hate on the talon top, its his best lane due to melee matchups and the longer lane. I also take him top specifically to help team comps avoid full ad from a melee midlaner.
It is the cancer zed player you should hate
>Super Galaxy Skins
>Aurelion Sol doesn't have one
inb4 you show off that you don't understand what "Martial art" means
The ancient recolor skins are always the ones that improve the most.
>4 dodges in a row
>followed by being autofilled and then my favorite support getting banned and my 2nd favorite getting picked by the other team
why do we suffer?
>no super galaxy Jinx
>no neon strike Jinx
Imma just keep dreaming then
Underwater chroma
At least I have Dorito Knight Mordekaiser.
this is false
Hyena is 10X better than Tundra and Firefang whereas Feral Warwick was actually downgraded
>ally top Talon gets 8 kills in lane
>think he's going to stomp the game
>proceeds to suicide 13 times "trying to kill the adc"
>lose because it's a 4vs5
>base eve looks better than any of her skins
how lame
Reminds me of Space Dandy.
Holy shit user that looks awesome.
Are you the same guy that did the sion eat shit image? Damn you're good. Are you taking more requests?
>All of them for shit except for Gnar and Annie
>Annie doesn't even make sense for the line.
Can WW lane
>blue skin tones
>actual hair anywhere
Nothing wrong with more sea-themed skins, especially where appropriate. Heck, Cassiopeia has a Siren skin.
I do wonder if Evelynn will have her voice be part of her seducing charm in the Tango skin, or if that'll be mainly down to the dancing (if it'll even have unique animations)?
>did the sion eat shit image
post it
i wanna see
You mean this one? yeah it was me.
And I'm afraid that's all for today, gotta do some chores. But I'll be back tmorrow for more, if nothing bad happens.
>twitch rework keeps most of his kit intact while giving him new visuals that work well with his theme
>warwick rework keeps most of his kit intact while giving him new visuals and slight upgrades to his kit that adds counter play and more reward
>nasus rework keeps all of his kit intact while giving him new visuals and overall buffs to his kit
>yi rework same as above
>annie rework same as above
>nothing is wrong here
>meanwhile poppy gets her theme shit on turning her into a retarded ditzy blonde 13 year old that doesnt think for herself makes self referential humor and removes the one fun aspect of her kit while simultaneously turning her into a tank
>galio turns into a walking turret and keeps nothing from his original kit and was instantly nerfed to 40% win rate
>urgot gets the grotesque nature of his theme removed and turns into bane with spider legs, none of his kit is retained and completely alienates the old playerbase while giving other players OOH SHINY NEW CHARACTER to fuck with for a week before dropping entirely on top of horrendously low damage and uninspiring new moves that are the polar opposite of the old urgot and are literally just shitty darius
why are the characters that i enjoy the most always shit on for reworks? dont even get me started on morde
If TF uses a gold card during sex, does that make it daterape?
to be fair his base pretty much covers all the star line skins
>star guardian
>super galaxy
>dark star
I'd like to see pool party sol though or maybe battlecast