/fng/ fortnite general - game is saved

FNG revival edition, game is saved.

- PvE receiving big updates
- block party is coming back

- Battle Royal runs smoother than pubg
- Is better than pubg in every way
- Is free to play

- Download from epic games
- Every game on steam is a failure and you know it

-Sarah is a cute

Have a bump. I like it so far

>survive the storm event ends in 10/2
>horde bash starts in 10/17
What are we supposed to do in between?

farm vindershekels goy

Uninstalled after one match because I didnt like it
But I hope it'll kill pubg


Welcome back, friends.
PvP mode, generic grindan.
>Inb4 Horde Bash somehow sucks more than Survive the (lol, 4 hours real time) Storm
>But you gotta do it cause Halloween Power BASE Black Cat Penny

It literally can't be. It's Block Party.

Installing the game atm cause both PvP and PvE looked fun. What am I in for?

I won a solo game of BR and had the umbrella, but when I went to groups I didn't have the umbrella. I WANT MY DAMN UMBRELLA.

Slightly shallower PUBG.
A miserable, shitty grind just to be able to do shit at your power level once you clear the first area coupled with the most cancerous monetization in a game of this type.

>Black Cat Penny
Will probably be part of the Halloween thing on the 31st, not that. At least they are making some potentially decent changes soonish.
>Direct purchase of some things with Event Currency (will probably be tuned towards a massive fucking grind, however)
>Improvements on transformations and getting decent mods on a weapon



i'm rollin in survivor xp

If I buy the cheapest early access package can I upgrade to the more expensive ones later if I so desire?

I fell in love with this game the moment it was announced, many years ago. I'm loving the chance to play it for free, downloading it now. Is it worth the hype? Are the devs as good as everyone is saying, are they listening to the players, being effective?

Yes. You also save a penny doing that.
There's a secret hidden final tier after the top one you can only buy by upgrading.

Oh for fuck's sake, me. Stop being stupid.

Thank you very much for your help


>stop afking

I just installed it for the PvP mode.

Please tell me there's a way to customize or change your character

I don't want to play as a black woman

not yet, but they will most likely add this in a later release.

>Come up 6 feet behind someone
>they're standing still
>Use 10 bullets or so
>they sway around the target

please explain

You get a new character every play. And at present, no. You get 1 of 8(?) characters chosen at random.

top aids

the side quest rewards get pretty good in canny, this is like the 6th 50K survivor XP mission I've got

God, BluGlo Siphons are so unsatisfying.
>Need to corral your party to it and ask them to help
>Build it up
>Then defend against three fat waves of shit washing against it
>And pray to god the Outlander isn't so stupid as to pull the kill switch partway through

Weapon accuracy is bound to rarity, that's why bullets don't hit where you aim.
It's dumb, yes. Like 100% mediocre.

guns have recoil, you can't just fire fast as fuck and expect bullets to hit either

No shit sherlock

anyone wanna squad up?

add me on discord: Spacenoid#2924

>Are the devs good

They were basically flat-out ignoring absolutely everyone all the way up until early launch, gut the golden goose before realizing it was such, then started scrambling to put the goose in triage and on life support so it'd keep crapping out money. The goose is in physical therapy now and learning how to walk again, but it's got a long struggle ahead of it.

They -seem- to be making genuine efforts to unfuck their bullshit, but only time will tell if it's an actual shift toward the better, or if they're just faking in order to try and milk those last few shekels out of people before the game goes f2p abandonware.

How do I use traps?

T I think. I dunno if it's different for pvp mode

>Find out this game went free to play today
Fuck yeah!

>Just the BR mode


>100 players
This is bullshit

The gameplays had only 10 players

Games would be insanely slow with only 10 players on that large of a map, wouldn't they?

Is there no chat in this game?

How does this PUBG killer run on an 8 year old toaster?

You can play with HD4000, so if you own a second gen i3-i5 or Phenom II x4 or better AMD CPU with a discrete GPU you can play this.

why can't i choose my waifu?

Forced diversity, obviously.

What settings do I want for Fortnite. I hope this game doesn't have it so that lower settings are optimal for tryharding

Who’s on PS4 and wants to play battle royale

I don't know how the PvE aspect is, I guess it sucks since no one wanted to play it, but the BR is leagues better and more fun than PUBG just because the game is smooth as fuck, runs perfectly, the netcode registers hits perfectly etc.
I hope it goes well.

The PvE mode is only a quarter finished. There are 4 zones, only the first 2 have quests, writing and VA work, and only the first zone has its artwork complete and implemented. The progression system is riddled with microtransactions, time gates and good old RNG. Virtually every single match has at least one player AFK or ignoring the objectives in order to leech because there is apparently no punishment for doing so.

There's a reason this general was already dead and gone just 2 months after the game "launched".

Convince me to download this

I hate PUBG but multiplayer buildan games like Ace of Spades are pretty fun

Settings actual only function is eye candy, I mean besides looking distance, everything else doesn't makes anything easier or harder to see.

I always wanted to try PUBG but I was nearly sure I would get bored after few hours, and after playing like 3 hours of Fortnite I don't think I will play this daily but once in a while.

I dodged a $30 bullet.

Is there any god damned way to lower scoped sens? it's fucking killing me.

How's the battle royale play on PS4? I have PC as well but I want to get comfy and play.

Been playing battle royale on PC for hours.
>My best is #8.
>Fite me.

The aiming on PS4 is actually quite good for a console shooter

You can keep good situational awareness coupled with sound and third person, it’s forgiving for your mistakes
Don’t expect any 180 snapshots though, if you get flanked you’re probably fucked
Add Honkotron if you want someone to plat with

Is Fortnite a meme-game?

got #3 on my first game
I sat in some of the houses and purposely left the loot visible and when people would come check it out they'd get a shotgun to the face.
died in the most shitty way though. Some dude was literally right behind me somehow, and I didn't hear him at all.
Fun game.

100%. I cringe every time my character gets knocked down and says "that feel when no life..."

the humor is Borderlands tier so yeah.

>Just got home a little bit ago
>No shitposting about the latest Weapon Llama
Man, it's just not the same.

It's pretty much /fnbrg/ right now, my man

>he uses consoles

extended usb cords are where it's at

>Like 10 threads on /v/
>General basically dead

So they're just viral marketing as many threads as they can or what

busy playing the game to actually shitpost

I would love to play this game, but I have an issue preventing me from doing so.

The game screen freezes while the game 'runs in the background'.I can hear my mouse hovering over options and clicking but I cannot do anything about this screen unless I alt-tab out and in. And then it changes to the current screen but remains frozen.

I would like to play this game because it should run better on my computer than PUBG but this is really annoying.

More like one or two people advertised it, then the usual autismos decided to run it into the ground as a new meme.

>super llama earlier

Any news of adding rewards for winning, or being able to customize your guy?

On a scale of 1 to Minecraft, how much autism can I unleash with building when I start playing? I'm liking what I see, and I want to build the ultimate tism fort to shoot in and defend from other spergs.


please stop with the cis-hetero-normative language

is this better than pubg?

Yeah I'm pretty sure they said adding customization options was pretty high on their list of shit to do

IMO, no. I'd say equal overall with Fortnite winning out simply because it runs and looks (in my opinion on the looks) much better.

>other spergs
That means you'd be playing the PVP mode. Wherein stuff you build is more like paper than anything else and breaks with ease. Don't bother. Even in PvE, your bases can be big, but basic. Stack a bunch of shit where you don't want enemies, then stack a bunch of traps where you do want them.

gameplay is the tightest out of arma mod, dayz, pubg

is anyone else having fun with this gaem?

So you get to be merry poppins if you get first place.


i'm actually surprised with how much funi'm having

>merry poppins

Have we truly fallen so far from God's grace

I'm new to it, just been playing the pvp. It's fun but there seems to be zero progression. I consistently get into the last 10 survivors but there's no real reward or anything.
I'm also not familiar with how battle royal style games are usually but 100 players feels like too many.

not really

That's just part of the genre.

Cosmetic customization/rewards for placing high were put aside in favor of getting a mostly functional game out. At the moment you get a random model on each round, and the only reward is replacing your glider with an umbrella if you win a round (does not carry over from solo to squad or vice versa)

BR games are usually 100man.

Anyone on PS4 wanna squad up?

I now understand the high you get from battle royale.

haven't played those other ones but nice for a free game if true.

So, which do you do more /fng/: Go for the gunz first, set up a fort and wait it out, go innawoods, or something else?

Won my first game with my squad of friends on third try. Came down to me and my other teammate against two fags behind a truck. Rushed them after they killed my friend and gunned them down with my epic assault rifle as they were healing. Feelgoodman

>set up a fort and wait it out,

how can you do this if the death cloud forces you out?

>Both healing at the same time

What dummies

surprisingly so

>get extremely lucky with my initial spawn, im right in the center of the circle
>nobody is around here
>loot like 5 houses and a bunch of chest
>i have a shitload of grenades
>circle gets smaller
>start lobbing grenades randomly, people panic and start shooting eachother
>keep doing this
>last stand between me and 2 other guys
>one idiot starts building a memebase
>throw a gernade right into that shit
>he starts trying to shoot me and gets sniped by the other guy
>last dude
>we're shooting and I have 13 hp
>he starts reloading
>my fucking face when I still have ammo

what a game

>you'll never be on a party bus bangin' to hard electro with your friends before you skydive into a murder arena

>no loading screen from the spawn island to the airborne murder bus

i always want to linger in the bus because it seems so comfy

ayy fng's back

Enjoy it while you can

>forting up when the Eye will more than likely not be on your fort
Loot, then climb a mountain and snipe-camp for 2 minutes if I got a Sniper and some rounds. Otherwise, start running until I can get some good shit. Perception is key, nothing else will suffice.

Can someone who isn't a blatant shill and has played PUBG for a reasonable amount of time give me an honest opinion of this game?

>murder arena
But nobody dies.

I think this model is lucky.
I got like three grenade kills too.

best thing since sliced bread

just won playing as this guy