/tf2g/ - Team Fortress 2 General

Old (OP)

>list of good comm. servers

>Tips and guides

Here's a tip for you impatient shitters: Quit asking and begging for the update to drop while ripping your hair out. It'll get here when it wants to get here. Wait it out, you dumb fuck

Blog: tf2.com
Wiki: wiki.tf
Class guides: pastebin.com/u/TheOperator
FAQ: pastebin.com/6t7WNtgn
Mods: pastebin.com/bzzUK5tz
Steam status: steamstat.us steamgaug.es
Preview Loadout: whatsnext.loadout.tf | steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/158547475
HUDs: huds.tf
Game Traffic: steamcharts.com/app/440#1y

Sites: scrap.tf | tf2outpost.com | backpack.tf | bazaar.tf
BP check: backpack.tf
Prices: backpack.tf | trade.tf
Scrapbanking: scrap.tf | scrapbank.me
Skins: p337.info/tfview/


Lmao. Comp

Basics: playcomp.tf
Comp Wiki: comp.tf
Lobbies: tf2center.com/lobbies
Scripting: pastebin.com/1VmngMfJ | pastebin.com/H3WfKLaB
TF2 streams: teamfortress.tv
UGC (Global): ugcleague.com
ESEA (NA/EU): play.esea.net
ETF2L (EU): etf2l.org
AusFortress (AUS): ozfortress.com
AsiaFortress (Asia): asiafortress.com
FBTF (Brazil AHUE): teamfortress.com.br/forum/


For real, though. This should be replaced with a perma invite to the Discord server instead


Other urls found in this thread:


Reminder that based Memepander is playing today. Match starts in roughly 3 hours(3 PM EST). You can view the match details here: teamfortress.tv/43722/etf2l-s28-w2-lowpander-vs-top5rocket

epic job

this is a memorial thread for tf2g 2012-2015

I just copy/pasted my botch job. It's fine, it's not that much bigger of a botch

>let a moron half of Veeky Forums has filtered start the OP
>wonder why the thread is dead

I think it was an unfinished piece by moody. Then he heck'd off and didn't bother to finish, I guess

If you're not sure on what an item does, read up on the stats, test it out against bots if you're really unsure, then start playing on pubs with meme loadouts. It's the only way to learn.

Encouraging him to stay in the bad game mode safespace bubble will only make him worse in the long run, though. You should encourage our little fraglet to get out there and play in the big boy game modes, 5CP is straightforward as all heck and it doesn't get much less complicated than KOTh either.

I think it's more that there's so many people who have played TF2 for so long your average F2P can't really compare to them and that's why the publet skill disparity is so large.

okay so is there anything that i must absolutely know before jumping in the game?

Not particularly, click the enemy gamer to make them die.

>Encouraging someone new to the game to play engineer
>Encouraging someone to play the class that literally has an aimbot gun to play the game for him
Stop this. Stop this right now. Soldier, scout, and demo are the only classes worth learning how to play because the skillset from those classes transfers over to the others relatively easily.

Not really. It's a real straightforward game, to be honest. It looks simple at first glance, but there's a lot of depth there as well.

y'all need to chill the fuck out and let the newb do his own thing

He asked for advice, I'm giving it while also calling out the advice that I think is bad.

your moms bad advice mckiddo

>cant transfer unusual weapon effects to better skins

why are these playbacks alwasy so out of sync?

They're from STV demos. They don't compensate for lag. They'd be more in sync if it were recorded from the player and not the server perspective.

hey 4u, did you like my cheets? gg

Oh ok. Would be nice if the demos could be adjusted back somehow.

>ambassador is spinbotting across the map
>still less annoying than the four spies sapping my sentry at once

go top5rocket, you might be frenchies but i love you ;*

>Rooting for frenchies over the based meme dream team

>because the skillset from those classes transfers over to the others relatively easily.
While it's true, for a new player it's about roles and the survivability of the class. I'll stand with my suggestion.
Playing Scout for a newbie would be unfun because he's too fragile and requires faking movement, positions and dodges. As a Demoman you won't have this issue yet your role will be much more important also aiming with arced pattern projectiles aren't the easiest job in the game for a starter.
While Engineer have an aimbot, it doesn't make his job any easier as he require lotta time and space to recover. Still regardless of what whoever may say I still think it's better than simply telling him to play Pyro.

Watch "sigsegv" and "sketchek" 's informational videos at Youtube, you'll have clear ideas about projectiles and how other mechanics work.
If you're interested in Engineer then it's "Uncle Dane". For comp level stuff and accuracy techniques (observe carefully) I suggest watching "b4nny".
There are a few must have weapons in the game for certain classes that are staple for them.
Medic: Ubersaw and Crusader's Crossbow (xbow requires accuracy)
Heavy: Sandwich (keeps your medic alive)
Soldier: Escape Plan (for rolling for crucial health kit locations)
To a smaller degree:
Spy: Ambassador (stock Revolver can random crit anyway, I find Enforcer better 2bh)
Engi: Rescue Ranger and Wrangler (RR lacks damage, Wrangler tunnel visions)

>Telling people to avoid playing X class because you think it's too hard for them
Can you even get more condescending? What kind of advice is that to give anyone. "Don't try doing this thing because I think it's too hard for you." Better to let him try out scout if he's interested in the class and attempt to learn the mechanics than dissuade him from the very start.

go jai

i guess having a larger health pool would help me more to learn the game as i won't be running from spawn just to die everytime

anyone here played paladins or overturd?? if so can you tell me how much of the skill/knowledge would transfer over to tf2?

you know, im still glad that viva somehow manages to keep his character unchanged even after all these years
its kind of impressive if you think about it

>how much of the skill/knowledge would transfer over to tf2?
not much but SLIGHT aim and SLIGHT movement, overwatch screen shake too fucking much when shooting and movement is like ice skate damn

not very much

visa versa however, will help you a lot

What's that thing being held by Biba? I honestly can't tell if it's a cartoon bomb or a bag

>visa versa

If you think that way, you should give a try to Demoman, and ofc Scout too. Other user has a point, those 3 classes are the backbone of every team. I worried about learning curve but everything will be alright, as long as you don't bang your head to a wall. Try different classes and approaches to see which one fits you.

Bought Overbotch but never played. I heard people complained about their decayed skills after playing it and returning back to TF2. Instead of manually flying around and wall pogoing

We've all seen what a year of Overwatch did to Muma. Hafficool was still pretty good despite having moved on to Overwatch, though.

>Large health pool will help
Don't fall for this trap. Heavy has the most health in the game, and yet I can't recommend him for new players, because while he's so easy to play it's practically braindead, he also has a very low skill ceiling.

>I heard people complained about their decayed skills after playing it and returning back to TF2.

It's not similar enough for that desu

>Heavy has the most health in the game, and yet I can't recommend him for new players, because while he's so easy to play it's practically braindead, he also has a very low skill ceiling

I thought you were going to say you can't recommend him because he requires good positioning and map knowledge and is focused by the enemy team thus making it a frustrating experience if you don't think about what you're doing and where you should be/approach and know how the various classes will respond to you showing up, but I gave you too much credit.

lmao map knowledge and positioning are essential to every class, don't give your braindead low skill class that much credit.

Unless you play Demoman or Soldier, then you can just fire in any direction and kill an enemy.

How is the flying guillotine

Heavy is slow as fuck, failing to position causes him to get punished by a damage burst unlike other classes. He gets throughly punished for a small mistake, it's not like it ain't essential. If a Heavy peeks at a Sniper sight at revved-up speed, he'll most likely a catch a bullet shot from a small gap with his teeth. If a Scout do that he'll at least have a small frame of time to retreat once he noticed the Sniper at a vast open area.

Kinda bad if you're not using it with the sandman, okay otherwise as you're giving up your secondary utility/pistol slot for a meme mid-long range pick tool that will maybe work 1/10th of the time if you're good.

You must be playing against some trash snipers, man. Heavy isn't the only class that gets fucked for having so little awareness as to peek a sniper sightline.

Uncle Dane and ArraySeven have really good tips on engineer and medic respectively



Start with Soldier or Demoman, please for the love of fuck do not play spy or sniper until you have a batter understanding of teh flow of gameplay and good understanding of how hitscan works in tf2, don't build your shit on last as engineer, pyro has m2, use it to tell annoying people to fuck off/EXTINGUISH YOUR GOD DAMN MEDICS,.

Aside from that, I hope you enjoy

>Recommending people watch memetubers who only play pubs to learn how to play the game


>Being this upset that soldier takes more skill than heavy

Pubs make up nearly 100% of the entire game, user. There's no reason not to start there.

>not having many options equates to being difficult
how to spot a brainlet

It's not the fact that they're pubs, even, to be honest. It's that they wrote up fucking 30+ minute videos to explain basic concepts that could be gleaned from actually playing the game or could be written into a tutorial that can be read in 5 minutes. Watching video tutorials to learn stuff just seems so gross and such a waste of time.

That's fair. I haven't checked what's in those videos that were posted, but I am aware that often times such videos are far too long especially on subjects that won't even make sense to a beginner. I don't know of any written quick tutorials for beginners, though. I think when I started out I did the in-game tutorial, then read pretty much all the "tips" and "strategy" pages on the Wikia.

Newbie user, if you're reading this, play the in-game tutorial.

Post your dream loadouts

t. vibri

Engineer's Blueprints - Viaduct: 15 minutes, but it explains how to engineer gud in hl/prolander on viaduct/product
healing redeploying buildings - 6 minutes, explains the magic behind how healing your machines which is still a mystery to most players
level 2 or level 3 sentry - 7 minutes explains the strategic difference between a level 2 and 3 sentry and the advantages of both in a clear and well organized manner
Move that gear up - 12 minutes, gives an overview of what you should be paying attention to as an engineer

how to not die as medic - 5 minutes, self explanatory title
advanced medic tiops - 7 minutes, gives you info about the hidden mechanics heal order so you're more prepared for 6s/hl/prolander


See, though, almost all of that isn't going to apply to someone who is brand-new to the game. I don't think that it's /bad/ information, just that maybe it's not a good starting point.

I thought Vibri was his first name
What does the T stand for?

how not to die as medic and engineering 101 were made for new players, user.


That's why I said "almost all of that".


t. brainlet

And almost none of it's worth watching because it's an actual video tutorial on basic shit that can be explained better via text and images. Dunno why anyone would put up with listening to someone with the most basic white boy accent ever explain simple shit.

t. brainlet

Because this explains it in a manner that is more understandable to some than a wall of text on the wiki. I'm dyslexic, I can frag, but I can't read walls of text. The wiki is also broken 60% of the time, so good luck finding the information you're looking for without 503 errors

>Using TF2 wiki
>Because you are actually retarded, everyone else must be retarded too

>dyslexia is mental retardation

and here I thought you fucks couldn't get any stupider, thanks for lowering my already shitty expectations even further.

and where else are you supposed to find raw numbers for the items and mechanics in tf2? The god damn sentry manual?

>I share an imageboard with LITERAL brainlets who refuse to read good so they can frag gooder and have ausnigger internet

>The god damn sentry manual?

This is assuming the wiki is in flawless condition.

You know just as well as I do that this is complete bullshit and that the wiki servers have gone to shit recently. I live on the west coast, I have fiber, I still get 503 errors four days out of seven.

It's true. The TF2 Wikia is literally the site I have the most problems viewing of all.

what do u think of my image?

paladins player here.
spy is skye with a non-shit stealth and no bomb ult, don't play it.

engi is barik, but has 1 big sentry which will EVAPORATE you if you get in the line of sight.
They have an unlock which makes tiny disposable sentries but they still pack a punch.

sniper is kinessa, don't play until you are GOOD

demoman is bk without grumpy, but the weapons are more aim based instead of sticking to the enemy, placing down stickytraps to blow up later or keep a point clear is an effective tactic unlike paladins where the bombs radius is way too small.

scout is evie with pip's weightless, high damage up close, squishy but high damage up close

medic is literally seris except with invulnerability

The TF2 wiki is nowhere near the be-all end-all of TF2 related content or guides.

I agree. Let's see your alternatives suggestions.

this, but turn those names around yuo poser. We were here ten years ago, damn it


I would turn around the names if i were trying to teach a tf2 player to play paladins
I have 3000+ hours in tf2, i would know how long the game has been running.

I may suck at english to a degree, but i think that's the correct syntax in this situation

I think the way you worded it for this context is perfectly fine, user.

newfag here where is the option to have those yellow damage popups? mine is red and smaller
also how the fuck am i suppose to play this game this is hard

>good at trading or playing the video game
>wanting a girl who's better than you at anything but homemaking
About as unrealistic as the vampire ones.

You need a custom hud. If you're having trouble getting a hang of the basics, I recommend the in-game training mode vs. bots. I'll also recommend you play one of the KOTH training maps and avoid the A/D ones.

u rather have bf?
homo lol

>tfw no vampire gf

Check the advanced options, then pick soldier and click the ground near your enemy's feet

average nullcore customer


This sounds really insecure to me, nigga

do i download it from workshop?
where the fuck those rockets coming from? they look so weird. like through your characters chest or something

Reminder that this starts in like 45 minutes. top5rocket literally just posted their new roster as well, rip all French team.

Yeah, they kind of are coming from the middle of your screen.

average cheatfag


Fallout Nukes, Eh when?

>53 day(s) since last ban
I still remember it like it was yesterday :^)

i cant even rocket jump wtf

hi dckm!

Point the rocket launcher at your fit, hit crouch, fire.

>tfw forgot to save the JUST cat

user, please post it for posterity

sorry for bothering you guys this but where can i find the objectively best guide for a beginner? i think just playing the game won't cut it

does anyone want some oolong tea with honey and lemon?

you owe me a frag

Youtube, I gave you a good set of tutorial videos to use. You could probably get one of us salty fucks to queue with you. I take it from your posting you're in EU West?


EU east
I thought the things you posted were mostly about engi or medic.


that's spy, I can tell from his posture and the hand
