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Come on post something



What you guys been up to

I've been playing through Bioshock remastered on that new survivor difficulty they added. It's not as bad as you think it would be. It's been alot of fun finding new ways to kill Big Daddies since they have more health than ever before. All the other enemies seem to be fine, but I know leadhaed splicers towards the end will be bullet sponges and annoying.

>tfw you'll never see Liz perform at The Seahorse


>tfw Liz's records were burned and destroyed


> Liz perform at The Seahorse
She would never perform at such place.



But Rapture Liz is lewd.









Yeah, just like in hard mode of the not remastered, freaking leadhead and nitro splicers are just bullet-sponges at end game.


No, Liz is pure.

>tfw you've been to where Liz was before there was Liz

