Nice discounts edition
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CURRENT UPDATE: Chains of Harrow (Update 21.7.0)
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First for $9
Git fukt goys
Secondteenth for $9 too. Maybe some people clicked buy after they updated the price.
>not putting this in the OP
>he was too slow
So what we can really take away from this, after he incompetency, is that PoE will drop with an 8.99 guy bundle.
Xth for Nezha Mains
send help
So what do I do with my 2nd Hydroid/Ballistica/Nami Skyla Primes?
this thread is now /consumer protection law general/
Sell, I sold my second Hydroid and kept the Ballistica and Nami because I dont had the weapons
were riven sucessful? if i get a riven for a shit primary like buzlok and run good numbers will i have a good weapon?
>mfw I don't even like spritsail armor that much
at this point I'm just sorry for the 4k plats they're going to take away
hope they make akballistica
forum link plox
dont use PAYPAL LEL
seems to be more common if you bought closer to the price revert, people that bought eaaaarly have little to fear
The 90 day boosters :(
I saw a build like this ages ago, how the fuck are you suppose to get health orbs in a real game without a nekros in your party?
can we put the riven sites on the OP? more people using them would only make them better
>screenwobble prime
Be sure to read
That's unlikely. What may have happened is that Steve dropped his bottle opener on the delete key when he had "WARFRAME_PLAINS_UPDATE.XML" open on his computer and it turned "89.99" into "899" before hastily hitting Ctrl+Z and only putting the period back. Save, mail to steam and we're back to drin-- I mean working on POE!
My bank only had the 9$ the fuck are they gonna do, demand the bank?
Probably just some people on the forums trying to scare people. Notice how none of them even bothered to show an image.
>steam has never had fucked up pricing before
I did, only lost €9
I used iDeal.
literally this.
How can people be so stupid to pay directly with CC.
I checked just in case and confirmed that I've been charged $9. I think the ones who bought closer to when they fixed the pricing issue are the ones who might have paid full price.
Missed the 'discount' but got a 75% off coupon so I guess today was still ok...
Anyways, anyone know where to kill Seekers? Want to do this quickly.
Show me ONCE where Steam fucked the price, and not the devs.
fuck I forgot about it better fucking farm credits, or will they do a rollback?
It doesnt matter. They literally legally cant charge you more after the fact. Best they'd do is issue a refund and then tell DE to do whatever ominous shit they want.
There's a good chance the software just ate shit (trust me, XML files are pieces of fucking filth) but then it would have fucked up for all 3 PAs unless the steam marketplace code is very, very shoddy.
I can't, that's the point that you don't quite seem to get. You're trying to assign blame but you have no evidence to support it, you literally thought developers can just change prices all willy nilly by logging into the steam store and changing a few numbers. You have no knowledge of it and even less proof.
Health orbs will drop if someone has less than full health, but you also need to be able to pick them up so a self damaging secondary is the best choice. I just swapped a mod on my Hikou P for concealed explosives.
>TFW you gave money to DE
Was not worth.
post most forma'd weapons
>They literally legally cant charge you more after the fact
This has actually happened all the time on Steam
>Ignis over Ignis Wraith
>M Cernos unmaxed
Endo your life
But they literally do you fucking retard. Do you even have a game?
Show me a single fucking source you liar
Remember lads. Keep quiet. Don't spend yet. Don't even make a post feigning ignorance. The winners know when to stay shut.
I already wasted all my plat on accessories, I regret nothing
Boltor was from Damage 1.0
ive been gone forever, when did ignis get a wraith?
>wanting to hack me
Nice try, pajeet.
silence is platinum
>the chinese triad chains people to their house and burns it down if they don't pay their debts.
>otherwise they are known for chopping off limbs with a meat cleaver as punishment
>DE might not be able to make their payments this month
>in b4 housefires.
>in b4 missing bodyparts.
Just got back playing. Is the new Frame any good?
>you don't lose stacks if you get hit with halo up
>broken scepter can easily give you health orbs
This is actually pretty good. I'd probably use energy conversion over AA though, even if it's a bit slower.
3 to go til I stop with the Seer.
What next?
inb4 15 poor lost tenno who don't even own a 6 forma torid
I'm already inside your mainframe kid
Look behind you
The potential is there but in practice he falls pretty short.
is the clan full? i used to be on it, now im not.
not complaining since it has been 415+ days i havent done shit.
V2. I like it much better. Might color it.
I love Harrow for survival and general fucking around
trade it for tradeable items and weapon slots, level up the frame so they can't do the easy refunds, and make sure you don't log out incase it requires logging in and out to adjust accounts
PM a current member, they can hook you up
Let's not release PoE on time and instead FUCK every steam user over when they try to cash in on an interns mistake.
nigga like i can remember anyone name but wia
is that you Forma?
I'm doing the same thing with my Ember
Killsaw is the current warlord
How do you guys crop, paint?
>implying they don't have logs
Snipping tool
>Devstream 99
>Steve doesn't have an arm
>Geoff is wearing a surgical eyepatch
>Fatfuck is just gone
>Rebecca can't rest her weight properly
Yes, that's a 97 Forma Seer. Soon to be 100. But I only level it casually while playing the game; no affinity grinds or sleeks.
Yeah, paint. How else?
yes, open 2 paint canvases, print screen, paste in one, crop out usable section, paste in other canvas, rinse and repeat
>broken scepter
Oh right this is a thing
Not sure I want to give up my venka prime though, they're pretty FA with a sugatra on them
>Twin Rogga
Just for fun or what?
Yes user it was a joke. Im sure a company knows who bought what item and at what time. They will do what they wanna do.
silentium est platiunum
I do everything in mspaint.
>Mfw this steam fiasco will DELAY PoE EVER FURTHER
correct answer
>PoE DElayed once again.
>We will now be putting a star on all players who were involved so that the community will know who was at fault for this delay.
Sancti Castanas
>tfw not quite committed to meme counts
Sheev is my only noteworthy melee at four forma.
How about I just drag my balls through some rusty carpenter's nails? Fuck, user.
So should I just sell a bunch of overpriced shit to cash in on the nerds who now have 4k expendable plat?
only thing to ever stop these things (for maybe one extra shot) has been physical enhancement sorties
>can't use simple MSPaint
lol okay, go play with your little castration tool
I got several people who said they would never play warframe because its f2p shit to buy the pack because I said they'd have enough plat to completely bypass the f2p shit like slots/colors for years, if not for the rest of the life of the product.
Let's see if DE makes potential customers quit forever by undoing the packs.
Don't forget to coerce randoms into equipping Energy Siphon.
Alright for the people who clicked the purchase on 8.99$ and got charged 140$. That is against Washington state law and you can sue for this. "(1) Whenever any commodity or service is sold, or is offered, exposed, or advertised for sale, by weight, measure, or count, the price shall not be misrepresented, nor shall the price be represented in any manner calculated or tending to mislead or deceive an actual or prospective purchaser." Although you might argue the did not intend to mislead you, the fact is you were promised this product for 9$ and they are charging you 140$. It's illegal and if they keep your 140$ you can get so much more back from them.
Well, that's a scary riven
Nah fuck that I want corrosive projection. I play Trinity often anyway so you'll all be fine.
>Twin Kohmak
o shit, didn't know that was in the game, another thing i can spend my €9 on.
Anyone lost their hydroid pa stuff so far?