Previous thread FAQ:
>Where do I look up tanks?
>How do I find people to platoon with?
Ask in the Veeky Forums channel
>Want to do clan stuff?
Previous thread FAQ:
>Where do I look up tanks?
>How do I find people to platoon with?
Ask in the Veeky Forums channel
>Want to do clan stuff?
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Daily reminder to focus T67s, E25s and Skorpions whenever you have a chance.
Oh, okay. My IS3 is still not elited though, i lack the gun but if i save some more free xp i can unlock it. I'm also saving credits to buy t20 and go for patton.
Well sure, as long as i have tanks that we can plat with.
>Implying you'll ever light any of them to shoot them
E-25 driver reporting in.
Camo Net, vents, food, rammer, camo skills, you ain't seeing shit nigga
it's all good. don't forget to mention you're waifu in your application
what if i have a girlfiend though?
What is the nicest MM tier sub-T9 in this?
In WoWs for instance T7 is generally rarely bottom tier and mostly mid or top, is there an equivalent in this?
everything's shit
we'll try to be tolerant
Tanks and 3D women are mutually exclusive.
tier 9 is the only good MM because +2 is cancer and tier 10 has too many bullshit tanks but with tier 9 the most you will ever have to encounter is 5 of them while you get to shit on tier 7's constantly
>don't forget to mention you are waifu in your application
I don't even understand how people make the your you're mistake backwards
their just retarded
>being this new
>he doesn't want to be a waifu
what a fag
??? what
no you
>being this new
best SPG line to play since the rework?
i need to do the SPG missions for the stug
this response was already posted, come up with something original
burgers are the most comfortable and require the least thought because of the wide gun arcs
You don't need spgs to finish stug now. Repeat last missions until secondary objectives are met and you're done. It's way easier to get it now this way than next patch. Yes, you'll still have to play spgs after but it won't be as pressuring if you unlocked the stug.
Go away newfag.
>i need to do the SPG missions for the stug
you can do that in any arty that has stun
CGC is the best t10 arty but the burger line is overall the best line
post cute tanks
i just noticed this guy's name on my skycancer
it must be a sign that i need to get the T92 and max out his skills
why do people use these skins
newfags gonna new
how do i get this good at farming (you)s
Buy premium.
It'll be worth it in the 3 years it takes to do that.
makeing fun of weebs seems to do pretty well for me
talk shit while posting smug loli
>playing on Xbox
>move crew from PTA to Leopard 1
>crew 75% trained so no skills/perks active
>6th sense still works
Just bought a Type 59, what am in for?
You missed the hype.
Regret and an underpowered tank with economy that is mediocre at best due to how much gold you have to sling.
no is you
do we tell him?
Seems pretty good so far. I don't even have Sixth Sense for the crew yet.
Tell me what?
Crew skills work independently of your crew's skill. Thank me later.
i think he wanted to say that crew skills are not tied to the crew %
if you get 100% in a skill it'll always work
Fuck, too many beers. I've meant that as long as you have certain crew perks it doesn't matter that your crew isn't 100%. They will work anyways.
Really? Because I've never seen 6th sense work before when it is greyed out on a
are you sure your sixth sense was at 100%?
Yep. 5 skill crew, with 6th Sense being the first perk I trained the crew with. I had just transferred the crew to the Leopard 1, so overall crew training was at 75%.
Yeah really. You probably didn't have your 6th sence maxed out. Hell, you can run BiA and compensate when you're moving your crews.
>You probably didn't have your 6th sence maxed out
But I did:
You haven't been paying attention then. Perks ALWAYS work. Only skills like firefighting, repairs, camouflage, and other skills affecting proficiency are diminished by your crew training level.
>wait for Chieftain
>get my Conqueror ruined instead
Dunno then. From what i know when you have your perks maxed they will work no matter how your crew's trained.
Huh, play a game for 3.5 years and I'm still learning basic shit. Thanks user.
>get best t8 heavy to compensate
E-50M drivers are still jealous of you.
>PCfags are STILL WAITING for this
>get best T8 I don't give a fuck about
wow dude
>not playing op tier 8
>whining about dpm/handling/other changes when you get your armor buffed
I dunno what gun depression is and i won't use it!
Looks like console will be getting the Tier VIII VK 100.01 P, Tier IX Mauschen, and the Tier X Pz.Kpfw VII in patch 4.1.
>Best T8
nigger what
Look at the buffs this shitter gets. Good luck outtrading it.
Where did you see that? I'm not ready for tier 8 to be ruined yet and thank god I already finished my Maus grind
Eh, if they use the 32pdr then you can out-trade, sure.
But if someone mounts the 20pdr and deals with the 40 lower alpha, then you're fucked, sure.
It's about time the thing got buffs, since the centurion turret model went HD the thing has been struggling.
Are fucking kidding me? My buddy is currently grinding XP for the VK 45 B and I told him to wait for the new german heavies. Oh boy. He gon be mad.
i bet those tier 10's you get matched against in 90% of your games will be really impressed by the new caern
i still doubt the caern like get into the game like it is on the test server
>Where did you see that?
Stickied post on the WoT Console subreddit.
Saying that, looking at it and running the numbers, the Caern-AX has a base reload of 6.041 with the 20pdr Type B, with a rammer that'll get down to 5.4-ish, so only really looking at 2500DPM, which, while high for a heavy, considering it has a medium-tank tier gun, is ok at best.
>going to reddit
I'll check it out though.
As reddit goes, it's an okay subreddit. I just check it every so often because it's a good source of news for the console game.
Or you can just visit the official forums you silly goose.
>visiting the forums
I'd rather the lesser of two cancers, thank you.
>actining like you have to cancer yourself anyways
If you admit to being a redditor, you can't call the forums anymore cancerous than you already are. You could have just linked the forum page like the one guy did on reddit, but you decided to go and be a faggot forcing me to go on reddit to find it myself.
I didn't force you to do anything. You asked me where I saw the news about the German tanks and I told you.
> going on a website that believe fat shaming should be a crime
Yeah you should probably not post here anymore
does this look right? i thought you could only track someone from the sprockets.
You can someone anywhere if you do enough damage to the tracks. It's just easier at the sprockets.
I visit one subreddit about tanks and don't even have a reddit account. You're the one telling me about things I wasn't aware of about the site.
>You asked me where I saw the news about the German tanks and I told you.
You shouldn't have. You could have provided the link that was in the reddit post. Go the extra mile for your fellow anons. Not everyone likes going to reddit
>this is how the swed prem td on console is going to look like
And I thought the Knight was bad.
>You shouldn't have
So we shouldn't answer questions honestly now? I didn't even click on the forums link in the post anyway.
>teams sitting in spawn
>countdown timer ends
>swede immediately spotted
>Just bought a Type 59
It's okay I'll forgive your transgressions.
I don't get it.
So, what's the verdict on those tanks anyway from the PC players? I hear the VK 100.01 P is ridiculously OP.
Emergency bump!
a meh medium with pref
How do I stop buying premium tanks lads? You guys warned me when I bought my first one that it was a downward spiral but I didn't listen.
> implying we could play the game without people buying prems
Anybody on PS4 wanna platoon?
> tfw you finally buy the ax
> tfw it's exactly what you thought it would be
> tfw you see a Wg player in a Maus
> tfw you get 2000 assistance for keeping him permatracked
Feels good man this tank is like having sex with Lisa Ann
>this tank is like having sex with Lisa Ann
What's that like?
> implying I'm implying I know
Hey man I just own her fleshlight
>Feels good man this tank is like having sex with Lisa Ann
So it's like fucking a used up hag with balloon tits and more makeup caked on than a circus clown? I'm on the Centurion I and I'm hoping the AX more like tasting some 10/10 pussy for the first time or banging a hot 20 year old.
The fury is on sale, should I buy it?
fill this /wotg/,
worst lines to grind :
British Heavies
French TDs
British TDs (183)
>all lights and spg are already implied
only if you really want a premium sherman, it's the worst of all tier 6 variants