Welcome to the Sonic The Hedgehog General. Here we talk all about everything Sonic! Share art and music, discuss new developments, ROM hacks, speedrunning, comics, and more!
/sthg/ #963 - Embodiment of Chaos Edition.
>Sonic News
Welcome to the Sonic The Hedgehog General. Here we talk all about everything Sonic! Share art and music, discuss new developments, ROM hacks, speedrunning, comics, and more!
/sthg/ #963 - Embodiment of Chaos Edition.
>Sonic News
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Sonic Advance Successor please.
First for Silver a cute!
A cute!!
Ok you all need to learn to stop fucking up the OPs
I like our general
Well I like you
So what's this i'm hearing about Sonic Team proclaiming it's too hard to recreate Classic Sonic physics in their engine? I know it's complete bullshit, but I just want context for where this came from.
Comes from a family of sheep that have inherited power over dreams, hence the 'counting sheep' method of going to sleep. Can put people to sleep on touch, or fire a projectile made up of stars and moons that dazes anyone it hits, the target then becoming sluggish for quite a while. Haven't gone super in-depth with the backstory yet, but that's the gist of her character.
As someone who goes to multiple generals on Veeky Forums, the /sthg/ is one of the best generals on the board.
At least you guys actively talk about things pertaining to your game/franchise.
bro what
Is anyone having issues playing the Forces Speed Battle game, at the moment?
Is anyone even playing it?
Bump a best! BEST!!
But it's a charming tradition...
why does your character need to have superpowers exactly
Same and agreed
It really isn't that bad here. Everyone seems to actually enjoy the general topic and at times people have some pretty good discussions.
What are you gonna do for the rest of the day, anons?
I'm gonna try and finish my Lolita pic
I got it via an apk and it needs to update which I can't do as it's not available on the play store, so can't help you.
>during the reveal panel, Sega boasted about how HE2 could handle way more dynamic backgrounds and environments than the previous games
>Forces stages have less going on in the backgrounds than Colors
Only thing I heard about that are some posts on reddit saying that it's hard to recreate Classic physics in the Havok engine. In that case that begs the question of why even bother putting Classic in the games, but that's ST logic.
user pls. Those powers are not over the top enough to be Deviantart.
>Amy in high heels
Best ship coming through.
halloween is soon, anons! are you excited?
here's tails in a halloween costume because i couldn't find much art of that.
Because it's her job, she makes house-calls to help people with insomnia and nightmares. It stems from a family tradition sort of thing, but she just uses it to make a living. I'm still tweaking things about her, so the powers are entirely up in the air right now, if she has any at all.
b-but death egg robots
>halloween is soon, anons! are you excited?
No. I hate halloween.
Well, its a lot more than what I came up with for Pulse. I like your ideas, though
but why, user? cute costumes and free candy is great, what's to hate?
>A lot of Sonic plots could have been adapted to work as a MLP movie, even Sonic Colors.
Now just watch the background in the inevitable Eggman base level be filled with background shit.
Oh yeah, I fucking love Halloween.
Didn't IGN go through a different route in their video of the stage?
W-what did he mean by this? Are we now part of some inanely elaborate cicada clue?
We don't really celebrate Halloween in my country but I can't wait because it means we'll be just one week away from Forces.
Why are his eyes blue?
>free candy
Not anymore
He's right you know.
What are some new types of Zones/Plots you'd like to see in future Sonic games?
Personally I'd like to see a where Sonic gets sucked into the internet and he has to run through parodies of different websites. I can picture him jumping through YouTube Videos, Facebook walls, and eventually coming here for the final boss with the final boss being Deviantart
I would also like to see a plot l in a future game where he's shrunk down and has to interact with the world like in Pikimin or something
>Two boosters downhill because Classic Sonic stopped running fast DOWNHILL
Fuck me, I don't want to sound like a massive Classic Slut but can't we just let Taxman and Stealth make the classic Sonic games because how can a team be doing game creation for this long and not understand how fucking physics work.
For any of Mania's faults, you can at least say Sonic controls like fucking Sonic. I personally love Mania, but Forces looks like some really half-arsed shit.
>Sparky finally got a thread
I worry about that poor bastard, but I worry more about the people around him after last thread.
I refer you to this.
>I would also like to see a plot l in a future game where he's shrunk down and has to interact with the world like in Pikimin or something
please no
They know how physics work. They don't care to implement them.
No, no no no, I just made a mistake.
I highlighted and copied the post number from the last OP, but when I pasted it in the text box thing, it came out as that code thing. I was confused, but thought "hey, maybe when I post it, it'll come out as intended". But nope. I messed up. My bad.
As expected for a thread made by me...
giving is just as good as getting, user!
glad you guys are excited, anyhow! i love seeing new fanart from artists of the cast in cute outfits. pic related of course!
That’s his son, Manic
you mean the free candy I will buy/pass out wearing a wolf mask while playing creepy music from hidden speakers? No seriously, the best part is when even teenagers are scared to approach you or your house.
But it could be fun. Imagine if there's a level where he accidentally gets eaten by Eggman
kek cute
Sega should just ditch the fucking hedgehog engines already. I don't want to play Unleashed 5 fucking times.
You're wrong.
Pontac and Graff would be hailed by the bronies because they are more competent than the current writers.
No sarcasm the MLP film's plot makes every single Sonic plot seem intelligent except maybe Labyrinth.
That's fucking beautiful.
Also, immensely tragic.
But why not though. I don't get it.
trying to get better at drawing sonic characters. struggling a bit with archie breezie and attaching bodies to heads
I have to go to class, but you and are making me want to draw
No you.
that's the spirit, user!
Holy shit did the movie blow that badly?
Elaborate, isn't the movie not even out yet?
Easier for Sonic Team to make, easier for kids to play.
It's also possible that their in-house engine can't handle it.
I had a nap for three hours instead of being productive after work, so going to find something to do.
I might try and draw something, but everytime I pick up my drawing pad I draw like shit, and pencil work is fair enough but I can't apply the same skill over.
Hasn't even come out yet.
Gonna continuing trying to learn how to draw Sanic characters.
Well if that reddit post is to be believed, they can't properly recreate Classic physics in Forces, along with the Modern gameplay.
And I suppose that begs the question: "Why put Classic Sonic in a game then?" There's two possible explanations:
1) Sonic Team wanted to try him out again after Generations, & despite not being able to give a 1:1 recreation, they want to take some notes from Mania on how to handle him (which Morio Kishimoto did say, in that they're looking at Mania to help think about how Classic looks & feels).
2) SEGA wanted Sonic Team to put Classic in a new game after Gens & ST are looking at Mania to figure out how to get it to work as well as possible in their engine.
Pick which ever one sounds more likely.
Don't worry, fucking up the OP is sort of a tradition around here, isn't it?
Meant to say: properly recreate Classic physics in Havok, while having the Modern gameplay.
Oh shit no I'm not I have a flat inspection tomorrow from the Landlord and the place is a fucking mess, why the fuck did I take a three hour nap.
Fucking responsibilities and shit.
A bunch of romhackers put the effort in to create their own damn game engine and to apply physics even better than the classic games and a whole goddamn team wouldn't do it after 4 years. Fucking Sega.
Today I doodled a Silver who looks a bit lewd towards the viewer. I'm sure lewd Silvers are illegal in 47 states.
>shrunk down
I remember I thought of a clothing manufacturer zone quite some threads back. I forget the name I gave it, but it would have a bunch of yarn balls that you'd have to bounce into sewing machine/bots to create platforms and paths.
and Honey reference I guess, but I don't care about her too much
Most people generally see it as "Sonic Team put Classic Sonic in Forces because people really wanted him in Generations, so clearly he'll help sales here." All they did was take the Drop Dash. They barely changed him if at all for the better from Generations, and his level design is far worse now.
I'm waiting for a comparison between Casino Night Zone on Generations 3DS and Casino Forest just to show how fucking lackluster the graphics and physics are to a DIMPS port on a handheld.
How to make Sonic levels larger:
>make Sonic small
It's certainly explanation 2 with the added reason of being filler, because Forces is likely going to be quite short.
Post pics of female Sonic character group shots!
I feel like I should explain myself better, since we're in a new thread.
I don't constantly pester my friend. He doesn't come to my house anymore, and I barely talk to him on Facebook. But what's important is that we do talk. We're still friends on Facebook and when I send him a message about whatever, he'll respond, and we can hold a decent conversation for a while before he inevitably gets bored because he's an uncaring apathetic psychopath. Sometimes, he'll help me out with my own projects, and sometimes I'll help him out. Things are ""okay"". I wish things could be better, I wish I didn't mess everything up, but at least I'm still friends with him.
We met in like 2006. That year... If I can go back in time and change everything starting from that year... it'll cause a butterfly effect. That butterfly effect will cause a massive ripple across the timestream, causing everything to be changed just a little bit, but enough.
What massive change will happen? Why, it's obvious of course.
SONIC THE HEDGEHOG (2006) will be fully 100% completed and released after development is finished. It will be the best Sonic game ever, at the time. Everyone will love it. EVERYONE.
Then, a few years later, in 2008, we'll get the third Adventure game, SA3, in the form of Sonic World Adventure. Some time later, Silver the Hedgehog. There would be no Secret Rings or Black Knight, because that's tied to '06's development.
Colors would probably never happen, but the confusion behind the SilverBlazeNega SpaceTimeDimensionFuture stuff would be completely sorted out in Silver's game, featuring both he and Blaze as playable characters, with Eggman Nega as the main villain. Nega's plot will be to recreate the corrupt Solaris.
Where would the franchise be today?
I'm going to enjoy Classic Sonic in Forces
this has never been a problem
shut the fuck up sparky
I know what you mean! It takes practice though, I think you just have to draw it badly over and over and over and then hey you start getting the knack of it.
If you need any help or anything I'd be happy to offer it through a redline or something if you're interested.
Go for it when you come back from class, user!
Oh I remember you from another thread, you were doing hands right? Did quickposes ever come in handy for you?
You can do it. Your OC a cute, sheep are my weakness.
Show me this illegal shit right now
I mean, Casino Night classic in the 3ds version was lifted straight from Sonic 2
Jesus fucking christ SHUT THE FUCK UP SPARKY.
>Man why the level don't look like mania
>Why looks like generations?
About fucking time people can see classic levels were garbage but people like it because there was nothing more.
Can we just sum up your relation with that person as relatively unhealthy, ignore everything you said past the butterfly effect shit, and move on?
I'll see about drawing something in a few minutes. have to find my scanner
Then they should've spent less time remaking their fucking graphics engine and work on an actual gameplay engine to make it work.
Forces has already confirmed 10 Modern stages. Seems like a decent length, especially if there's a Buddy stage in all those stages.
The graphics in Casino Forest were good.
But yeah, in all honesty, I do wish that after Forces, they stop putting Classic in the Modern games. I'm likely gonna enjoy his levels enough, but it's pointless to put him in these games, when they can spend more time & more resources on improving the Boost gameplay, especially if it's impossible to recreate his physics in the Havok engine, if that reddit post isn't bullshit. If they're worried about length, just fucking make other characters playable with gameplay similar to Modern Sonic's.
Sparker, what did you even do?
To your friend that is?
You were best friends, and now he doesn't want to ever speak to you.
I understand if he just grew up and got sick of someone still this attached to their childhood, but you make it sound like you did something awful.
To put it into Sonic terms, since the Shadow equivalent is called Tempest SHADOW.
Imagine if in Sonic Adventure 2 the plot was Shadow threatening to blow up the world, and you only found out that he was working for Eggman at the very end. Why would Shadow be working for Eggman? Because Eggman promises to remove a scar that caused a bunch of people to not want to be Shadow's friend.
Eggman gets ahold of the Eclipse Cannon and has to be taught by Shadow how to use it. He blows up the moon and Venus because he treats it as a toy and not a weapon of destruction. Eggman is distracted by Sonic and Tails which causes him to accidentally unless the Eclipse Cannon on the ark causing it to self-destruct. Shadow decides to save Sonic and Tails and they in turn forgive Shadow for all of the horrible things he has done because "boo-hoo he didn't have any friends." Shadow reveals at the end that he is only trying to act edgy and his real name is Fizzlepop.
This is actually better than the MLP film's climax but I hope you get the point.
Yes, but my point is that DIMPS was able to more accurately recreate Classic Sonic in terms of gameplay and physics in a 3D graphical space, than Sonic Team can be assed to pull off themselves. This is something to note because Sonic Team forced Dimps to use the Rush engine for Sonic 4, and we all know how that went.
Fucking DIMPS, the anti-christ of Sonic game devs in many people's eyes, understand Classic physics more than Sonic Team does. Even if their level design goes straight to shit in Gens 3DS once they got past the first levels.
Thank you, she would probably appreciate it.
They pretty much built it up from scratch, but still, I can't blame them for going with the Hedgehog Engine 2. Generations was the best received Sonic game in ages, & in 2013, a lot of people wanted more games like it.
Can Sonic fans not just enjoy anything?
There are only 42 days left until Sonic Forces is out. Yes that's right, there are only forty-two (as in the sum of the first six positive even numbers) days left to go until Sonic Forces is released in the US.
Oh no fucking way.