So long, sweet Summer succubus
Patch notes:
Evelynn, Agony's Embrace:
New PBE content:
So long, sweet Summer succubus
Patch notes:
Evelynn, Agony's Embrace:
New PBE content:
>higher quality thread op
>isn't used because 2 seconds late
lmao nice general lolbabs
This thread is better can we use it instead?
buy every rune, get free blue essence next season
>have only been in /fhg/ previously
>was basically disowned for lewdposting
>first time in /lolg/
>see tons of lewdness
Ah, home.
It begins...
>have to buy something to beforehand
How fast can Eve turn Ahri into her personal bitch?
>new yi skin
>no goggles
who greenlighted this piece of shit
>malphite buffs
Reminder that Ahri is forever a skank.
>no ass
Whom seduces the other first?
Void staff is for lewd uses only
welcome home
>Shadow has Sivir colo-scheme
>Masquerade is babbys first stockings
>Tango is SJW latina
Where were you when Catwoman Safecracker won best skin?
A reminder that Eve is just projecting hard on Ahri.
Mobility boots and dead mans plate fast
Now that the dust has settled is the Eve rework any good?
xth for Syndra
>100g more expensive
holy shit why does riot hate tanks so much
I bet somebody at riot got fucked by a tank player so he decided to gut the whole class instead of getting gud enough to pick mao and malphite lmao
She looks like she really wants to be Vayne
Here are some quick facts about Akali
She's dumb as a rock!
She's a stupid hothead that won't listen to reason!
Nobody likes her!
She's canonically the only girl destined to take yordle cock!
>Magic Penetration
Truly the perfect item for Eve.
Its the best rework to date.
Eve is the one champ i like vanilla the best
Want to buy syndra cause shes one of 2 viable mages and it does not look like morellos and ludens are getting nerfed anytime soon.
But kayn looks REALLY fun.
Help me out here
How gay is it if i want Eve to teach me all the fun ways to break my waifu? Is it even gayer if i want Eve to join in the breaking?
>Nerf tank items
>Nerf support items
>Lethality is left as is unchecked
The whole reason we had the tank/adc meta was to stop people abusing lethality
everyone is gonna get a Hexdrinker with the new runes. Play something else.
>Eve penetrates
Wait a minute...
>Nobody likes her!
Wrong, wrong and wrong.
It's available right now for 60% off in My Shop
The fact that Eve, slutty slut slut of the century, called Ahri a skank proves that Ahri must have taken atleast a hundred times more dicks. Ahrifags btfo.
God damn id magically penetrate if you understand my drift
I want to play Tank Eve.
Xth for leagues uncontested biggest and best bust!
Pretty sure Eve is hella more experienced than Ahri so she can hold out longer and can make others orgasm faster so Eve wins.
>Tango is SJW latina
She looks to good and white to be a SJW latina
Not sure which thread is going to be the main one, but here's the source for that "Jhin could/will become a demon in future lore" deal and all:
>"The question of demonhood is and interesting philosophical question. Currently Jhin is a man-- a very driven and magically gifted one-- but only a man. In a land touched by so much magic... what would happen if he was killed."
Sounds like heavy foreshadowing to me, and sounds like perfectly valid reason for Kusho to spare his life.
Also if you've actually been paying attention to the small hints and implications in Zed, Shen and Jhins lore, it's looking very likely that Zed and Jhin could become powerful demons (even if they don't want to.) Jhin has the aforementioned Rioter hints and Zed has the whole deal with Kayn inevitably being tasked to overthrow him so that he can become the Order's new master. And maybe Shen will have to transcend into a spirit of sorts to take both of them out?
GAS all futafags, deluded and desperate for their sex-centered mutants. Eve is ALL about what she can get from you, not what she can give you. She just baits you into thinking you're getting lucky.
Eve does it for fun, Ahri does it to survive
>She's canonically the only girl destined to take yordle cock!
t. Jinxfag
Your waifu a yordlefucker. At least she finally found her family though, too bad she's so crazy she forget the gender of her sibling Kayn.
>can't queue as a role in blind pick
is it possible in other modes
What's the Kayn standard jungle route?
I refuse to believe that this actress hasn't done hentai
Isn't this game like pg-13 or some shit?
Raptors red wolves blue tends to be what I do
Its funny because int is a bunch of whites shitposting as nonwhites
Two Yordlefuckers
>wants to play an Eve that can take a pounding
Oh user.
>not using the Jhin edit
He's a pretty jealous person.
Still too early to say without her lore and before we get a chance to actually play her, but
>Still has perma stealth
>Still has hate spike
>Still sexy
>Still plays similar to old Eve in general
>Has a good voice and base model
>Kit looks relatively good and balanced
Only real shame so far is the skins aren't as amazing as some of the other VGUs like Galio or Warwick
Fuck no let riot be them old selves.
>He is killed by Shen and/or Zed
>He comes back as a demon
>1820 rp skin
Reminder that Riot hastely fixed her face after some severe reddit outrage, so that nothing could taint the rework release.
/int/ can't be white because I post there every day
raptors, red, wolves, blue, gromp, gank/scuttle
take E 2nd for sustain in the jungle
You underestimate what a good actor can do in the right mindset or really how good most people can sound when they're feeling confident about these matters.
Which champion would most likely DOMINATE Lulu???
A reminder that Eve is a disgusting Baron and Dragonfucker. Is she still tight or she very stretched out?
and Riven does it for food, she's still a slut who has probably taken so many cocks it's like roast beef down there.
Even Eve is disgusted!
literally what the fuck was their problem
>one opinion comes from a porn comic
>one opinion comes from a forced interpretation
If I didn't know any better I'd say that /lolg/ likes to make shit up for the sake of shitposting.
new lore stories, comics and dialogue refer to
>sex and sex scenes
>sex jokes and sexual innuendo
>rape and gangbangs
>the gutting of a little girl
>child soldiers
>sadistic, brutal murders
And you just noticed this with Eve's lines?
>implying Riot gives a fuck as long as their Chinese overloards don't throw an autistic cultural shitfit over it
Why does Orianna get so little fanart compared to other female champs? She's really cute.
Kayn is unironically the only thing still keeping me in this game after Kindred has been completely dumpstered and Evelyn is getting reworked. Not hating on Eve rework though, it's just that Eve taught me how to play assassins, as in mentality-wise.
I have it, I didn't find him though.
There's nothing cute about a robot.
>finally changed the Kayle typo to Kayn
Took you long enough.
>implying that she didn't get them off with her tendrils before decapitating them
She didn't use her body for them otherwise, obviously. I'm sure she could become a BIG GIRL if she wanted to.
>forced interpretation
Keep crying delusional Jinxcuck. Can't wait 'till Burch fucks your waifu over even more. It's canon whether you like it or not.
the reason we went from league of lethality (better known as ADC IN 2K17 LUL) to league of censers was because warlord's/zeal items/ie got buffed and brought hypercarries back with FREE censer sustain.
literally the whole meta revolves around adc whether they're weak or strong. when they're weak people are carrying from everywhere else but bot (and you get shit like ashe/varus and jhin before he got nerfed), and when they're strong it's 4 protect 1 (hide your assassins they aren't going to do shit).
lethality is a meme that gets made irrelevant with chain vest and tabi. (but it's a fun meme if you snowball before they get them.)
>>implying Riot gives a fuck as long as their Chinese overloards don't throw an autistic cultural shitfit over it
All the sex innuendos and sadistic villians are okay, unless alittle bit of blood or a skeleton shows up
>new lore stories, comics and dialogue refer to
>rapes and gangbangs
Wait wat
Why do Lulufags act like she is any bit pure or innocent? She is pretty fucked up in the head. Either she had no idea what she is doing to people when she polymorphs them and is that fucked up in the head by the fae or she knows exactly what she is doing and enjoys turning people into little critters before bringing harm to them.
>a machine in the snow
Nothing can go wrong there.
Is there more to this picture?
>thought Kayn was gonna be an edgelord
>it's just beavis and butthead the champion
your image is creeping me out
You've corrected your erroneous ways. May you be blessed with the skin shard at least.
>Dat pic
Oni race needs to be purge.
New Eve is SHIT
>no stealth till 6
>passive now heals to help shitters with her clear
>q isnt a spammable hatespike but a skillshot for bonus damage and a 3hit hatespike
>w is delayed cc that reveals you to your marked target
>attacking early gives a slow, waiting 2 seconds gives a 2(?) second charm It feels shorter than 2 seconds
>e is a %max damage attack, and only a dash when done while your passive is active
>r is an untargetable execute + escape
Gone are the days of incredible early pressure thanks to stealth
Gone are the days of wearing out your Q key
gone are the days of running teams down by reseting w
Gone are the days engaging onto out of position squishes with a slow and surviving thanks to the shield
You will be missed Eve. This new champ may take your name, but never take your style or your place in my heart.
I can't believe they actually listened to waifufags, but she still looks cross-eyed. The SJW working for them must have had a fit.
Pure love!
She lacks emapthy, she's a shizo
She can't understand why the things she does are bad she just thinks its funny
who cares
everyone will be like "omg best rework since ww please rework morde like this" 2 weeks from now.
>talking this deep out of your ass
Nigga are you serious?
>making fun of Asian heroes for being small
Too much woman for you, chump?
>incredible early pressure
>that one game I feared her out of lane every time she stepped in my bush
I go 80%
Red with help from bot / top > raptors > wolves > blue > gromp > scuttle or gank immediately, depends
If not, then raptors > red > wolves > blue > gromp > gank or scuttle, depending.
But most of the times I'll attempt to invade, force shit to happen because I need to build towards that transformation ASAP. Get your transformation ASAP, ideally before minute 15. That's what I strive for.
>yfw he gets the Gangplank treatment and his default skin because the exclusive "free" skin for Vets, while anyone who plays him after his new VU has to pay 975 or 1350rp for it.
Call me a good little goy, but I'm totally okay with this. It's a neat idea.
>imagine all the places this can go
>its so big
>cry for me baby
this. fucking. rework.
>her kit reveal trailer completely dodges the fact that she has a fucking targetable charm
nice try but I know this bitch will be OP. permabanned from day 1 for me.
this is a meme that big nosed westerners don't get... there's no chinese cultural taboo against blood and skeleton. it's all self-censorship for who knows what reason (read: they want to avoid potential problems getting past red tape). chinese games and movies have blood and skeleton all the time.
This needs to happen more.
>Current demacian king dies
>Galio and Poppy get Gangplanked and their new base skin is more like their old personality.