Guild Wars 2 General - /gw2g/

>What is Guild Wars 2?
Guild Wars 2 is an active free-to-play MMORPG from ArenaNet, the sequel to Guild Wars 1, with events taking place 250 years after its timeline.

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It could, it would just take a considerable effort (and lots and lots of running away from fights)

I feel you. It's firing sound is so good and its firing animation is cool.
See you next weekend.

Maybe I should have prefixed it with the words ADULT FANS


>68k just one streamerd
No one can stop this train

too many

Then I honestly have no idea what you're talking about


What was the FIRST game with voice acting?

>It's simply unlikely you'll find a PS3 that was never updated
I found a seller that claim to sell modded PS3, how do I make sure of that?
You mean something like this?

>it will go down to zero eventually
>the servers will stay there and continue to function, completely empty

this is some creepy shit

kek, what's with that pic?

Blair Dame is probably one of ARIKA's most popular characters. She's crossed internal franchises.

Git gud pizzacucks


yu no what? I don't care.

i was gonna tell you to use yamagi then i remembered they got rid of the software renderer

why do you want it anyway

The battery powered brass lantern in Zork. Laser cannons and UFOs in space invaders. Spaceships in space wars. Ships and submarines in Periscope, Sea Wolf/Devil

At the beginning?

>It's been 12 hours and only 25 posters with less than 100 posts
You've died long time ago /blaz/. Why go on? It's getting sad to see you function like this.

>Going to a discord that bans you for asking for matches

The reality behind this picture is Titans have replaced humans as the apex species and have constructed gigantic, biological war machines that they climb into to pilot around conquering more of the galaxy.


Chibi was in the wrong, retard. But I think the two other assholes or someone in charge (if there's such a thing at these events) should have taken control over the situation before Caveman had to take out the trash himself.


The first menu option is "Tamagotchi Time." The second is "Real Time." I assume this has something to do with the game's internal clock. The setting possibly alternates how quickly your Tamagotchi grows up or advances its needs.

At least you don't get ulcers ironically

I played it on PS4 but I hear it's slightly better than Dh2 on pc


MGS2 had terrible localization. It was done by one woman who had no idea what the game was about. Kojimas fault because he got butthurt with the guy who done MGS1.

bait or not I'm still mad as hell.

What are Paul's best lows?

Can the guaranteed G4 please never come to Global.
It's such a liability once you have it.

Fuck, this is amazing. Always wanna play ES 1 & 2, always those ppl saying it's the best ones. Can't because it's really ugly. I start playing since Morrowind, and my opinion is the series become better & better.

Obviously the Limited Edition Legacy Collection version of Street Fighter II for the Super Nintendo is the superior version. Why, you should head on over to Ebay right now and buy a copy before they go up, just like I did!

#5 and 6 are the 2 main characters from "Forgotten Worlds".

So the % next to a skill is the chance it can proc and the "B" % is bonus chance your skill procs? So if I have a skill that has 50% chance + B of 10%, it now has 60% chance to activate?

Why so salty? Other than silly "not muh SSG" posts, Quake usually has positive treatment there.

asking again though, did anyone save the brunette version of Mariel's OC?

They had a window to cap off episode 2 and at least close of the HL2 timeline. And they fucked that up

Hopefully it'll go on sale during Black Friday. Thank you.

>Still no swordsman class

No, I mean the inputs were too weird, such games are too weird.

New game experience when?

If you let your opinion be altered by other people let alone destroyed, then you're the retard here.

This DG was recorded, right? Anyone got the link to it?

>Erje inside a rape capsule surrounded by big guys

>PCfags are STILL WAITING for this


>Using WotD gear
>WotSam Hideyori still one hits me
What the fuck is this game

Probably the fuckhuge amount of visual novels, mindless grinds and text box simulators.

Mai is pretty different from Celica.

I'm digging this chef's apron.

Most source port will let you use recordings straight from a SC55 so there's no reason to screw around with sound fonts.

The problem with ss1 is the color vomit headache inducing visuals and the controls

It hasnt aged well at all


>Lewd of my woomy and a few other choice /ink/ squids yeah
Which ones yours and which /ink/ woomies?

Yeah this synth is shit.

Reminder that Z is not for lewds

I really need to start watching the recipe their mvci videos were so much better


I think I downloaded the old ass version not the GOG version so something happened.

First half of chapter 1.

Format is School training>field study>Mission as ashen awakener aka cold steel 1-2 cast missions

whats wrong with your wife's face


Which champion is most likely to dominate Lulu???

But the things that contain the emulations aren't invincible either.

With Bobs mods there's no such thing as finished.

Magical girls
DLC swimsuit and towel costumes
Probably another day and the "Naked" models used for the characters will be modded in.

I don't like the facial tattoo, but pretty good nonetheless.

>No pointy chin = No jaw

Get the laser upgrade, I think it only spawns on the last phase though.

Yet Castlevania II can still be found for 5 bucks. Weird.

blame toyriama. he knew what the fuck he was doing when he made the character. the fact that even making a female character results in degenerate waifufagging is sad, but it's just how it was, is, and always will be.

I'm sorry

? It does, there's a brown and black one with streaks of gray

Kinda hard when these autists are the ones doing threads to keep their pathetic circlejerk alive

Fuck off with that shit already, BN and SF are completely different continuities, this is literally classic Mega Man with a Ben 10 coat of paint.

Mania is good, and Fire & Ice was better than expected.


>Get triggered by the word nigger
>On Veeky Forums
You are the cancer. You're feeding trolls at the very least, you dense fuck.

When you consider that maybe two people here actually play roguelikes, it isn't too surprising.

AFAIK loli-bait is now banned in nippon because olympics.

>he snipes for focus units that are available at 3 or 4 stars

Rubber covers to place over the joycon joysticks. They can wear down quickly without them

>PUBGfags shitpost about Twitch views
>Ebin what doing what PUBG always did
>PUBGfags get butthurt

>I need to camp for kills

Fuck off

No yang no buy.

This could have been the best fpbp of all time.

> I even forgot to turn on my shield
It wouldn't help. Even top tier double low freq would save you 20 HP at most.

Why a new poll though.
I mean I know what's wrong with the old one, but this one doesn't really solve it either.


stop posting this

Nobu a CUTE.

Adventure definitely isn't an RPG but it has lots of other remarkable groundbreaking features about it.

people play less than the time it took to download it

>playing any nu-capcom trash
lmao at ur life retard