I love Lissandra!
League of legends general /lolg/
>Have to wait until 7.20
IMPREGNATE the Vastayan!
My 3rd promos
Wish me luck
When will the global client get Eve?
xth for Syndra
I don't even know which thread is the right one anymore
>Shaco against Lee
it's over bud. Maybe on your 4th attempt.
You can write a letter to yourself back during your first couple weeks of playing LoL. What advice do you give to git gud faster than you did?
Stop chasing, getting objectives wins more games than getting kills.
Stop fucking posting anytime holy shit.
Instead I give leaks on every major release/update that happens in the next few years. Then I become the Leakbro.
>from weabooland
>weaboo style
>severe overcompensation
literally asian
Be more aggressive. Don't bother talking to people in your pre-30 games. Quit drinking.
>Stick someone with plat3 skill into a g1 match and they will win 90% of the time
uhhhhh????? p3 and g1 are basically just one long-ish winstreak away from each other.
every game a g1 player queues for will very likely have a mix of players from mid gold to mid plat.
and the reason the highest you can place on a fresh account is g1 is that you can only gain a certain max amount of mmr in one game. so if you start from a certain spot (on a fresh account), then after 10 games you can only end a certain distance away from that starting point.
duplicate filter here
>eve rework
>SG elise
a s s n t i d d i e s
abuse zed
then abuse hec
then maokai
I think that takes us to today
Don't play Garen or Yi or other stereotypical newb champs.
Don't take advice from people in your games or take their insults seriously, they're newbs too and 80% of them will fail to surpass bronze/silver no matter how much they play.
Farm. Farm. Farm more. You can hit Plat just by constantly being an item ahead of your opponent and letting the match play out itself.
Watch pro streamers and pay attention to what they do and why. Scarra's a faggot but an invaluable resource for learning.
if you are trying to climb (not necessarily "git gud"), janna will be freelo for 5 years straight with no end in sight
if you are trying to "git gud", you probably have to play a bunch of champs multiple times to learn what they do.
Don't play support. You'll end up hating yourself, hating your teammates, hating your friends, and being hardstuck at gold with the mechanics/csing of a bronze. If your group of friends contains literally no one who's okay with filling support once in a while then don't play with them at all and watch the whole group fall apart.
Stay in the gold rank you got rather than playing support and shitting yourself until you reached Bronze 1.
Create an alt account and practice ranked games there instead.
Oh, and play mid and ADC rather than support as your initial starting role.
does anyone want to duo with me? im in my silver4 promos and my duo is gone,
i play sej jungle and build tank support for the ADC or whoever strong,
my IGN is pic related
im sick of trying to find a Duo
How do I play/build Swain? I really like his lore and personality
t. noob
>If your group of friends contains literally no one who's okay with filling support once in a while then don't play with them at all and watch the whole group fall apart.
so i'm not the only one who's done this huh
>the splash looks great
>the in game models are absolute dogshit
>they don't even have the same fucking skin tone
Riot why
I want to make a romance explosion in Lulu
No Miss Fortune, Elise, Leblanc, Syndra, etc?
It's okay user. Ahri can wrap her lips around my dick if that's what you want.
>"listen here u little shit don't play this fucking game it's trash and not worth the time/effort"
Why are people calling Eve a milf? Outside of hurr immortal demon shit she looks like a normal woman in her 20's, maybe 30's. Please keep champions I like away from you shitty fetish please.
Noxians aren't asian ya dumb cunt
Except maybe Draven
>wins with shaco
>forces other champs instead
why do you do this to yourself
>4 whores who are evil and black hearted
>mommy champs
>tfw the skins are so shit that only the base model is good
Welp, Riot prevented me from jewing out to them a little bit more, at least.
What if she doesn't to?
Ironically her best skin is the one that looks more like the old her (safe cracker)
can i watch pplleeasseeeee???
>from weabooland
Kayn is from Noxus
>>weaboo style
He was a child soldier that trained under a ninja. What did you expect?
>>severe overcompensation
At least you got one right.
>literally asian
Think more Neo from Matrix.
Next champ to get a rework?
I vote for Akali
i havent played shaco in a very long time, i feel like hes poop atm and i find more comfort in being a tank
Riven looks a little half-asian as well, tbqh
no you can listen though.
So what is /lolg/ thoughts on the aesthetics and mechanics of Eve's rework?
Stop posting
How strong exactly is Poppy? She looks tiny, but has been seen splitting monsters in half with her hammer.
>fucking Evelynn
>not evil and black hearted
I want to cum inside her until I die
Watch me treat you right with the love and respect you deserve.
Then I will have to use force to make her succumb to my needs
She's the same as before except totally different. It's OK.
The bigger they are the harder they _______
I love Camille
the person who made this doesnt know anything about cupsizes
real cringe material
I don't want to be treated with love and respect! I want to be used and abused by Ahri! I want her to spend my money, sleep with other men, and treat me like a piece of shit!!
>finally get s on vlad
>with 0/1/5 kda
>and sub 100cs
>dont get s with 9/3/4 295cs
fucking explain this
A lot of Evelynn mains are crying because muh AD Evelynn and muh jungle pressure pre-6 but I liked it. Really hated how her kit felt so clunky with that retarded Q spam.
xth for breast metal waifu
what went wrong
You took tele instead of exhaust.
Why the fuck has this been a thing lately anyway?
Not that user, but you would think it's overcompensation huh? He's just that full of himself though apparently. Especially considering Riot implied Zed's teachings helped him deal with the child soldier shit and allow him to "define himself" or something so it sounds like he kind of put it behind him. Well, aside from the whole still hating Noxus thing. Just that it's not the thing that defines or controls him, that would be his own ego.
>Neo from Matrix
I'm surprised tumblr didn't cry about that yet. I remember people were mad that Yas sounded white as fuck, you'd think people would be salty Kayn is basically white but reps for asialand Ionia now.
You played Lulu
What's the point of Ahri anymore?
>Eve is literal semen demon
>Xayah is younger and cuter animal ear animugirl
>Lux is better schoolgirl
>Rek'sai has cuter and fluffier tail
>Sona is mommier
>MF is raunchier
I wouldn't be surprised if they'll give her the Poppy treatment in the next season.
>Viktor didn't finish his Hexcore first nor did he buy armor against a Zed
Fuckin hell man
Also you're only a support. You can't carry
>the walking cringe meme that is our retarded delusional sonaposter
The best part of NuEve is that she actually has some very damn good basestats.
I guess that was the tradeoff for losing her early game permastealth
>Forgetting the birb
>crit mf rush
>teleport lulu
what wood division is this?
Might just be the artstyle. Draven is the only Noxian I can think looks asian half the time.
>people actually play crit mf
>not rushing crit
Sure he was dumb for buying an essence reaver but getting an IE early isn't bad.
Eve is gonna be broken Top Lane, you heard it here first.
Looks like no exhaust against high damage dealers instantly killing your backline
>dat urgot build
I think someone forgot to tell that guy about the rework
The girl that everyone thinks is a slut but is actually a virgin because no boy wants her due to her soul-stealy cooties.
gettin an ie is fucking awful
even if youre fed as fuck youre going to want lethality
you get crit as a 3rd MAYBE second item if youre really fed
Unranked Solo Draft. I don't own enough champs to play ranked yet.
Yes, but very few people do. Most women don't even know how they actually work. But you can just ignore the letter sizes and imagine it is a big to small tier list and it is still useful for our purposes.
Sona would probably be in the M - N range but we have no way to actually measure their underbust.
Ahri is going to be as boring and generic as possible to appeal to general audiences in the future because she's so popular. Ahrifags destroyed their waifu by liking her too much. Pottery.
How do I build support Sion? Relic shield line obviously and knights vow at some point but what else? Also skill order?
>ywn watch someone take ahri's virginity
I'll add you I'm NA, currently silver2 mostly play mid and supp. literally only want gold, will duo with you till we both get it
Birbs dont have mammaries
So why did they gate eve's stealth until lvl6, and why did they remove her mana regen passive?
Kayn is noxian? I though he was a ninja
Oh well, someone has to be the tutorial waifu. Might as well be Ahri.
But chickens have huge breasts anyway.
i enjoy your sona memes but just fix the list mate, or do like you said and make it big to small
Manaregen passives are most of the time garbage
Pretty sure they changed her kit in a way that she doesn't have mana problems in the jungle anymore (mostly with the way hatespike works now)
Stealth change I also like, it makes it so that Eve can be viable without being one dimensional
>abuse stealth for first 2 gansk, if you succeed win if you don't you lose
Now she can have some more early game power without being busted
I guess I can understand being stuck in gold for a long time but how do people manage to be stuck in bronze or silver for like 3-4 years straight with no end in sight
I mean some people just don't played ranked, but there's no excuse for bronze
how scripted are lolisports lads?
On one hand Id 100% believe it for economic purposes but on the other hand some of the shit that happens is awful from an economic standpoint
>I guess I can understand being stuck in , but literally how can anybody be stuck in lmao like how bad can you be
70% of the playerbase is bronze/silver. I guarantee you a high percentage play plenty of ranked. They just don't manage to get better, and I'm trying to understand the reasons why.
bro why the fuck DID YOU BLOCK ME
Stealth is pretty fucking bullshit the assassin update did nothing to fix it
At least you wont get dicked on by an evelynn you can't ward against now