/dlg/ Duel Links General

Duel Links General #120

Almost time to turn your game on edition

Last Thread: Latest News
>The Duel Tower event has about 24 hours left. Hurry and finish those horrid missions.
>GX world will be going live in less than 24 hours. Trailer m.youtube.com/watch?v=ILbgG4-_RFc
>Bonz will be here in October but he may not actually be unlockable as we thought
>new full box out, too soon to tell if it changes the meta
>Dr Crowler will be available to unlock in late October

Useless (Duel) Links
>sites with good info on LDs, skills, deck lists, beginner guides, etc. (VERY OUTDATED)

>android emulators

A few tips for bad players
>Create and link a Konami ID to play on multiple devices and save your progress in case of a crash
>Turn your battery/power usage bar up to max in the settings menu for a smoother experience
>when sending Vagabonds, always choose the 1 card challenge because it's gives the most XP
>using the modded APK to farm will result in a ban eventually
>Decide on what deck you want to build before spending gems. If you're are really unsure about what to buy, Dawn of Destiny is a solid choice because it contains the components for Naturia and Phoenix decks which are both KoG tier. On top of that, it's a minibox so it's easy to clear.
>Level up Mai and Keith first to unlock Windstorm of Etaqua and Metalmorph

Other urls found in this thread:


Make Dezard great again

Posting meta of mid GX era duel links

Anyone have a decent Ishizu farming deck? In return, heres a Keith farming deck. Make sure to summon 2 Chao asap and everything else is simple

Haou Jaden fucking when???


hard dimes


i cant post a picture of every fucking cyber dragon
but just imagine someone using DNA surgery, summoning cyber dragon and shitting out a chimaeratech

I am ready. I have been using my rare tickets for ancient sanctuary. When they put in cloudians the game is going to turn upside down.

Kek just beat Gunsblazing. Would have saved the replay if I realized it were him beforehand, we were both running Duel Standby Red Eyes but I went first and set up so hard I neutralized all of his Spirits.

A reminder that Jaden is canonically stronger than both Yugi and Yusei.

>Ishizu farming deck
Just make the unhappy girl farming deck with Ready for Intercepting for her Gravekeeper's Assailants or if shes about to one shot you.

Season 4 Jaden when

Im sure it was boring but Id watch that replay.

tough mimes

So why doenst Avian and Clayman fuse? do they hate each other?

Strings confirmed!?

Are you memeing me, my lad?

>why doesn't a heavy chunk of dirt fuse with the bird guy
They just aren't compatible

>Smoke Balls
why is this so funny

yo guys, i feel like my game is getting slower everytime, even at max settings.
It even takes a few seconds to do some actions in auto mode.

Is it a bad thing for a phone to get hot regularly?

Yeah its not great that your phone is getting hot and you lose battery faster the hotter your phone is. See if turning down the brightness helps.

They do tho, in Elemental Hero Electrum

I fucking loved using Electrum.

I noticed this after last maintenance, especially in the deck editor screen

It's the Standard Duelists and Legendary Duelists. The AI was modified but perhaps not optimized. I noticed it too. They take longer for their turns.

Then you are gonna love using him on Duel Links since its data is in the files. It will be nearly impossible to summon in this format tho

Yu-Gi-Oh! Turtle Links(TM)

God I can't stand him. Seriously, literally jump to any point in his vids and you WILL hear any combo of these within a few secondsL
>My boy
>My lad
>Nice meme
>Sick meme
>That tilt
>Enemy Controlla, don't say I never told ya
>B E A T O D O W N

He's literally a living meme.

Just use him in last gamble or wait and see what Jaden has for skills.

Fuck. I mean Duel Turtles(TM).

Aroma Strategy - Destiny Hero Diamond Dude - Final Destiny combo

this is such a good summary of his content. just missing the part where he puts -aj at the end of everything.

The bigger problem is that the other people on youtube imitate him. Like holy shit if you know he does it maybe sprinkle it in a little as a duel links meme but dont just fucking say everything he says and say it all the time.

>mfw Joey is 16
>Mai is 24

Do you guys think they did it?

I mean it would be decent, but what spell card are worth hitting off diamond dude right now?

lol somebody's jealous

What's a good/easy to use deck to do the floor 30 boss missions?

Just use the modded apk retard

Jealous of what? His sub 500 viewer count? He's not even that big

Heh, thats a nice backrow you have...

Would a Fenghuang + Mausoleum work + Mystic Box Destiny Draw deck work?

Gandora with mausoleum and access denied can finish the first 2 missions in one duel.

Jealous you're not a living maymay XD like him? XD

Kazuki said they didn't

Heh...nothing personal...kid....

aww fuck

Given their personalities that kind of comes off as out of character, honestly

heh, thanks for wasting you divine wrath on my Acid Rain, now the real monsters can play. *evaporates behind you* Nothen personell Red Eyes.

Cayman is jealous of Avian because he fucked Burstinatrix

>implying I waste my time on Cuck Eyes

Heh, goodl luck, I just burned you for 600 damage, how can you ever recover from that?

I'm playing GX tagforce evolution for the first time, what monster should be my ace?

>implying I care

What's the theme song for your comebacks?


did someone say more retrained monsters?


Which harpy would you lady?

Rushed through the tower to complete it before the event ends. Didn't have time for the missions so I only got one round of the box, but whatever.

this one

Yes hello I'd like a "Jerry, The Beans Man" retrain please

God I want to hold hands with her

just do the boss missions, honestly the cards are not that greatanyways

You sure? That looks like it would hurt.


The one on the right.

>tfw we should've be getting GX in a few hours, but the monkeys at konami fucked it up and we have to wait




Excellent taste man. Ping pong the animation is so good and has such a killer ost.


I used of these two for my comeback song in ygopro.

How many fingers does it take to get that loose cunt thot Alexis off?

>Armed Dragon riding VWXYZ
That is both cool as shit and dumb as shit.

And for you Dark Magician Girl?

> 100 MB


He said they didn't have a relationship at the end of the series. Jou would've still been in high school then. Plus, they could've had a one night stand.

Has anyone else really taken a sec to realize how fucking greedy and petty it is that Konami literally charges us for fucking deck slots? It's the most asinine thing. What, they aren't getting enough money from overcharging on packs? They need to wring out an extra 99c per deck slot? Jesus fucking christ

Would a kind user please post a link to the moded Apk?

>He needs more than 3-4 decks per character.
A deck to grind with, a deck to auto with, and a deck to PvP with. You get the deck slots to do that by like Lv 15 or something, which is piss easy to get.

I mean, they give you 5 total for free. Do you really need more than that?

>People tell her to do a cute DMG cosplay
>She instead opts for the femdom monster cosplay
What did she mean by this?

Just break a deck you dummy. I break my phoenix deck all the time to make new ones. How hard is it to remake a 20 card deck.

DMG is so tight she'd cut off the circulation of your pinky finger.

sure, especially if you add Horus lv6

only 100mb?

lmao I was worried about phone space for this update but not anymore

Yeah, I have multiple decks for certain chars, and it's annoying to have to keep remaking them. I have at least 5 for kaiba alone, and that's not even counting auto duel or grinding.

It's 4 total.

It's not hard, it's just annoying. Certain chars are way more useful, and I have to offload their decks onto other chars simply because I only have 4 slots per char. It's restrictive for no reason other than greed.

Ehh, I don't wanna spend any gems on the new box, at least not yet. So, how many Fenghuangs? 3? I just gotta get DD and 2 more MB's. Ugh.

She made the right choice

She has an obvious cuckquean fetish and gets off on watching her two friends fuck her dates, she thinks of them as lesser creatures whose sole purpose is to breed of course.

Most of the content is already in the game files

>my little post a few threads ago about Alexis being a cuck is catching on despite getting no (you)
This is pleasing

I see you are a man of taste as well.

Kill yourself already so you'll stop making early threads.

lol dumb latefag


Punished Judai when?

youre turning me on

Would she pimp her friends out for some card packs?

Yes, she gives her friends only common cards to build decks out of too. And instead of using cards for antes, she uses their holes.