Fighting Games General /fgg/
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I hope you have a good time playing/watching/discussing fighting games today /fgg/!!!
made a new usf4 vid if anyone gives a bother
user, why are you not playing Menat?
ay yo hol up
lemme get dis straight
the problem with chun's outfit is that it's based on traditional chinese sleepwear, but she has an apron and crocs. so they want the costume to be more accurate, and capcom should have made her barefoot and in panties, right?
Fighting games will die in your lifetime
When will GG's pudding autist be playable?
>dead games
Sorry mate, we only care about SFV and MVCI here
She's not as cool as Abigail
wish i was rashid bros...
Apparently a lot of Chinese wear Crocs in lieu of slippers around the house so that also "makes sense" also there are some apron-like skirts as well
it's a shame cammy is such a braindead and unfun character
this isn't even the fucking BB general.
Carol is so cute she's trying so hard to sound like a threat
Gamora's voice is actually perfect
is 7k with 1 bar good damage?
She is fun, just too fast
Okay Akuma
She sounds like a dyke though
>vacation chun
sfv girls are something else lads........
Add pic related
do people actually care about capeshit enough to know who carol is or are they just repeating that name because some streamer says it
>finally hit
>retardedly easy confirm
>round over
as unga and braindead as necalli
gundam versus ps4 preload just started
She has been forced for a long time. Passive knowing is a thing.
whats the issue
>poke until confirm
that ain't no unga
do you build kits and all that stuff too or just play the games?
it makes sense that the people interested in a marvel game are people interested in capeshit
her "zoning" sucks go1 is playing her like a rushdown character more and more
10 bucks says you can't confirm a cr mk and you play some braindead shit like birdie
10 costumes wtf Capcom
it wouldn't be if it wasn't as it is with cammy
Nobody respects her enough to call her captain marvel
Nothing wrong with good footsies
isn't every sfv character rushdown?
light em up
>Infinite has the potential to be SonicFox's game as well
How do we stop him bros? He's the king of kusoge and infinite isnt kusoge so why is he already fucking people like ChrisG up???
We're getting a bridget announcement at arc revo, right?
anime players btfo
Is Menat good for a beginner
Menat Rashid is a legit 8-2 matchup it's worse than Dhalsim Zangief imo.
>infinite isnt kusoge
Help me out with this choice guys. I don't know whether to get Gundam Versus or MvCI. Which should I get? And no I can't get both I'm not fucking rich. I know GVs probably won't last that long online so now would be the best time to get it but also if I wait to get Marvel I'll miss out and be way behind.
It will be the Pope.
>valle actually trying to play ryu in mvci
Is that whole account satire? If not he's trying way too hard.
They already did once before
Why are some characters in Infinite absolute garbage tier while others have absolutely everything? Was Capcom making a statement about the world we live in with this?
i just play a lot of videogames.
i do have the all the tools for model kits but its hard to sit down and make time for it. all i've done recently were some megaman models and i still have a protoman in box to do.
Marvel is the animest
She looks like a good alternative. I'd be ok with her getting in.
get sfv
The statement is "Play Ultron"
I already have SFV.
Marvel is super fun
FT10 Fantasy Strike right now.
How is Sim Menat matchup?
Nah he's just a super tryhard. He's one of those guys who probably never got hugged by his dad and thinks being an asshole about literally everything makes you cool.
Then get Marvel
Yes I know it's super fun but Gundam is also super fun which is why I'm having a crisis.
I'm guessing being a macho man is his shtick. If not he's just as pathetic as the people he complains about,
Oh shit
post chuns sleep costume with input code goddamnit!!
Is Mummy sim cultural appropriation?
I just want to play as Monster Hunter
Chris already BTFO marvel
ume crush counter
Literally a police woman against a god. And the chinese girl wins. It is a statement against the patriarchy obviously.
>le touhou anime girl no one plays these games but I heard the coolest nerds post these xD
literally why do people get into this shit
Is Menat bad for a beginner
You have to beat Sonicfox at his own game.
And that game is Skullgirls.
more people play touhou than jive
this touhou is so adorable. do they have an anime show
Who gives a shit about Infinite anymore? Chris already laid out how shit it is
His Sonicfox induced fit is over until next tournament when he gets beaten by Ultron/Gamora/Reality in pools and commits sudoku.
whats his win record
Morrigan's alt will be nurse morrigan. I'm from the future and have seen it already.
>you dont have to confirm off mediums with birdie
This honestly looks good.
what's it say?
can I buy gladiator hulk separately?
Can't go wrong with the classics!
could someone translate this moon language?
43 - 9
I don't like how plastic the costumes look? They make the character loo like action figures.
Anyone else feel like SFV's netcode is better after the patch?
I can't tell if I like the Bison Halloween costume. Do I?
are you gay furry
It's a bit too extreme for my tastes, but it's not a bad costume by any means.
Isn't that the fucking point?