Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #916
Patty-cake Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


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- switch all locale/system/region/date/time/everything settings to Japanese
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Main Site:
FAQ Image Guide:
Win10 FPS Issues? Use this:!IVA1HbwK!jZPRU9yFcCiKGGb5dokAog

/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game [Preferred]:
Manual Installation (For masochists, not recommended):

>Character Cards [Database]:

>Mods & More:
AA2 Pastebin:
Recommended Mods Guide:
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
How to use AAUnlimited:

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:!VupVQazC!SdTBtYVH5le9JKelP5GZIQ!Jkgw1RZI!9EoP02wyUe4huLnHZJ714g!H4hHRDIA!Y1ABTsC1zLh3f-WaLWDT_Q!2lhhHI6B!H4hHRDIA!Y1ABTsC1zLh3f-WaLWDT_Q!y84ByQ5C!H4hHRDIA!Y1ABTsC1zLh3f-WaLWDT_Q!f4IQCbzR

aa3 when

Reposting new male personality!VupVQazC!SdTBtYVH5le9JKelP5GZIQ

Come to think of it, maybe I should've held off until I made a decent card to showcase it or something like that. Ah well, hindsight and all that.

just a voice preview would be suff better a vid

Post headpats!



>that posing participation
how about making it a threadly quest?

Don't outplay your hand. Too much and you'll burn people out. The every-thread posers will do it without a quest.!Jkgw1RZI!9EoP02wyUe4huLnHZJ714g
You're looking for "Parthia"
Read the readme for details/install instructions/requirements/etc
If you have any questions that it does not answer, then ask away.

Thank you


We could do it every 2 or 3 quests would be good.


See, now this scene is one of those that would look even better as a 360 bullet-time gif.

I meant threads.


a what?

Didn't you see it last thread?

srisly aa3 when also bump

When you find it.

Don't tell nobody but it's going to be after this next game they are making. But it's not a school based one, it's going to be a work based one where you work on a Manga. There are going to be little mini games where you develop it throughout the stages like art, story, and production. You get points for doing a job well done. At the end of the 6 months you will get your finished product that's based on how well you did on those 3 points and can sell for money to get items for girls you work with or out on the street when you have a free period. You go on dates and all that good stuff on your off days.
It's like Manga maker simulator.

umm that's not aa3 at all??


It doesn't need to be restricted to work office ladies. The point of the fad is just bunch of JK trying to make vidya/eroge/manga (ero manga sensei, new game!...).

In addition, we should probably blame feminism for this new "cute girls doing cutely useful/OC things" propaganda.

What is a JK?

People often meme this

as AA3. The PC version is now on steam. So, why not make "AA3" actually happen?

Can somebody get a copy (just steam folder is fine, I presume it has no DRM other than steamworks)?

Why I'm asking - AA2 and BR seems to have a nice cross section of art style+school layout with AA2, almost as if Gust contracted same artist as Illusion. Especially the detailed, high poly 3d backgrounds would look quite nice in AA2 if those can be ripped & ported.

Japanese Korean?

joshi kosei (schoolgirl) you barbarians

Heh blue reflection was the name of the game? I thought it was the new meme about blue shadows.

I literally never heard of this thing before yesterday and this is the first time I've seen its name.

So here's a pickle - AA2Play works fine, but AA2Edit and utilities e.g. AAUnlimited give this:

AA2Edit.exe - Entry Point Not Found
The procedure entry point K32GetModuleInformation could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll.

I have the VC redist installed, etc. as per the instructions - any idea what is going wrong?

>Entry Point Not Found
>computer being a vergin

You should buy it and post the folder for us.

It's a current year game, but I've seen the console version screen before. I think the screen got spammed in preceding thread because english/windows version was released yesterday.


AAU doesn't run very well on XP / Vista / SP0 7. It's fixable, but very low priority as of now.

I don't plan on buying anything online ever, hence my e-begging.

AAU not workingn would be fine. However, the AA2Edit is more of a problem, and I do not know why it wouldn't work when the matching AA2Play (both from the pre-installed game) does.

It was 2 images from a jokester and it had never been posted before that.

please cards

hah, tough luck kiddo.

The short version is that something you use needs that import and your windows doesn't have it.

You may want to try the v0.5 beta if you get lucky, as it works somewhat differently compared to 0.4 (patches aa2edit/play exe and dosn't need aaface/aa2edit tweak/translationloader as that is all integrated in AAU now)..

i'd link the first one but i'm nowhere near my computer at least for another 4 maybe 5 hours
it also requires a mod that's on my mega as well just a heads up

Link of Miyabi [Senran] number 246 of the front bang has disappeared.
Please revive the link
Also, please give me a Re: Zero Rem card

I've run into a few problems and need to fix it because it's bothering me a lot. But I was actually considering holding off on releasing some cards because of the new AAU sliders I want to use on some of the newer girls. So basically if I release it now I probably won't update the body sliders It's tedious to update cards. And I really don't like doing it.
I'm still thinking about what I want to do about that. I don't know, it's quite a dilemma. Also beige hair accessories! Yay!

On a side note: I really, really hate cropping out this hair. It is very annoying with all the stringyness.

So that means she's going to have a big juicy ass and thunder thighs?

His volume is too low.

Well, somewhat I actually wanted to try making some longer leg proportions. I was trying it now with some of the bone matrix stuff but it's looking odd. Trying to find all the bones is difficult that I end up changing something that makes her legs look like a kangaroo or some ME salarian legs.

Haven't made a male in a long time. I should try out this personality as a male teacher.

Darn, thought that was the highest I could get without too much distortion, so gonna have to rerecord it to fix. Do you have a general estimate of about how low it is compared to the other voices? 70% of how it's supposed to be, 50%, 30?

>I was actually considering holding off on releasing some cards because of the new AAU sliders I want to use on some of the newer girls
I'm kind of in the same boat, actually. It's hard to justify releasing anything at this point, as even the new sliders aren't finished and there's little reason to use the old ones any more aside from compatibility purposes

AAU devs, make it happen!

>how low it is compared to the other voices
Quite low.
Comparing Artsy's maker sound file with, for example, AA1 Soft's and taking into account Artsy is shouting and Soft is almost mumbling.

Oh, the maker volume! So there was a sound file I forgot to convert, it was in a different place from the others after all. I'll fix that right away, thanks! How is it in-game?

>How is it in-game?
Pretty good actually. I thought since the maker voice had such low volume that the rest would also have.

Thank goodness; Uploaded a fix, and also as 3 .pp files now instead of all one .7z since it feels like a waste to keep downloading the same three files when only one was changed.


>Darn, thought that was the highest I could get without too much distortion,

Don't raise the volume naively, use

>Do you have a general estimate of about how low it is compared to the other voices? 70% of how it's supposed to be, 50%, 30?

IIRC the game is -10db average and 0db peak, so try compressing to that.


poor girl only has one name


>page 9

And while you're at it split them files from stereo to mono and delete the dupe track so they can take less space.

It's a magical girl game.

Which I was honestly surprised nobody's ever made before.

Would it be possible to add Shadow color selection to AAU? Currently you have to create a object/archive override for every mesh that should have a different color, which takes a lot of time. Both outline color and shadow color is decided by a hex value in submesh, so you could theoretically just reuse the code from the outline color selection, changing the values to edit shadow color instead. (unless outline color selection was achieved by some other means. i tried checking the sourcecode, but i still have no idea how it works) Image includes what hex values should be edited (thnx to user from a few threads back), and a comparison of with and without custom shadow colors.


For that first one.!H4hHRDIA!Y1ABTsC1zLh3f-WaLWDT_Q!y84ByQ5C
new link
And no, she's kill, but her hair is there. albeit poorly made

Should I get the NO DIM mod? I can't quite figure out what it does.

Like the name says, it makes it so it doesn't fade to black when gossiping with someone.
Some people like it, some people don't.

Without NoDim, whenever you and a character interact with one another (namely via one of their "Talk about..." lines), the screen will fade to black before said character gives their response and the game tells you how the interaction went. With NoDim, the character gives their response (with proper lip-synching/animations) and then fades to black AFTERWARDS with the results of the interaction, so that the only thing in the "fade to black" is the results of the interaction.

Someone! Please! Anyone! Make Yuzuki from Blue Reflection! I wanna fuck her cute little ass so badly I can't stand it!


Make her yourself, bro. You can do it.


she looks easy enough. have fun and good luck, user. i believe in you!

It's pretty nice.

what did he mean by this?

post cute girls you made over a tear ago

Headpats best pats.

You cry while making girls?


You don't?

It's possible but not reusing the tan or outline color overrides as the AAU hacks for those are pretty much specialized. I think it's possible to make a generic submesh HEX override that could cover both outlines and shadow colors. I say possible but nothing exists at the moment. If you feel confident I can point to where you can hack the functionality in.

Couldn't you also just make a third specialized one? You have the technology...!H4hHRDIA!Y1ABTsC1zLh3f-WaLWDT_Q!f4IQCbzR
She's up.

user... the short rude answer would go:
>Yeah, I could also make AA3 while I'm at it.

It isn't a matter of what can be done but who will do it. I already have a lot on my plate.

Of course. Are you telling me you don't wish you were every cutie you make?

Did you also make the previous 2? To the unfamiliar person this seems like a simple 'copy the code from the outline changer and change the hex values it changes.' Is that wrong?

>Did you also make the previous 2?
I didn't.
>Is that wrong?
Very much.

Well, why is that wrong?

Because it isn't a trivial copy & paste job to plug the equivalent functionality somewhere else. Such task involves hours of executable assembly analysis, plugging, watching and finally making a code injection in the proper place.

You know I can't read any of that...

>socks will never bear your children

>fully dressed in the bath

She's a modest girl.

what personality is this?

I'm pretty sure very personality says "Yes" at some point. The girl is Ditzy, as it goes.

arigatou user-san but why break her arm?

very cute doggie, ganbare!

cause she's flat